Wednesday, 8 May 2013

International Crisis Group calls for more reforms in Zimbabwe; risking its own credebility!

International Crisis Group (ICG), a Brussels-based political think-tank, says Zimbabwe is heading for another disputed election unless SADC push for GPA reforms, especially security sector reforms.

The ICG is right about the elections being disputed because they will certain not be free and fair, for a start. But as for SADC pushing through the reforms now at the last minute; that is simply not going to happen!

“Progress is possible, but only if fundamental contradictions between the parties’ interpretation of what is now required are resolved. Whereas the MDC formations have called for the full resolution of outstanding election roadmap issues even after adoption of a new constitution, Zanu PF says the new constitution should supersede the roadmap,” said the report, for example.

Of course approving the new constitution WAS the last milestone on the roadmap. Whatever reforms people ask for now will mean revising the constitution in one way or other and after all the nation has gone through writing this constitution; it is madness to think of amending it already before it has even been approved. Of course Mugabe and Zanu PF would not agree to amending it.

MDC should have never accepted a weak and feeble constitution in the first place; they did and campaigned for the populous to vote yes in the referendum to approve is and people did. Well both MDC and the people should have read the document carefully before approving it and now they have to live with the consequences.

Mugabe says “sun will set” end of June to GPA and GNU!

“This two or three-headed creature called the GPA is coming to an end, the clock is ticking. This is May and at the end of June, whether anyone likes it or not nguva inenge yakwana, the sun will set,” said Mugabe.

I am disappointed Zimbabwe is set for yet another election process that will not be free and fair, will be marred by violence in which hundreds of thousands will be beaten and raped and hundreds killed as happened in 2008 and will produce a government that will never have the political will and vision to address the country’s burning problems of mismanagement, corruption and political repression. Still, I have to agree with Mugabe that SADC’s GPA reform role in Zimbabwe must end with the assent of the new constitution.
PM Tsvangirai had all the opportunity to have the reforms implemented; he failed. Many people including SADC leaders warned Tsvangirai that he should get the reform implemented. There is no point dragging SADC into this or pretending getting the reform last was all part of the plan. Tsvangirai dropped the ball and ICG should not change the rules to suit their horse.


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Senator Gutu

Zimbabwe is facing a near certainty of another election process that is not going to be free and fair, where hundreds of thousands will be beaten and raped and hundreds killed as hap-pened in 2008. All because MDC, and Senator Gutu is a very senior member of the party, failed to push through the democratic reforms necessary to stop a repeat of 2008.

Instead of apologizing to the nation and thinking how the country can still be saved from this tragedy Gutu is wittering about "A New Zimbabwe is beckoning and this is our generational challenge to rise and shine."

If Zimbabweans are serious about ending the tragic suffering they are going through right now and have done all these years then the first thing they must do is accept the political real-ity that MDC is incompetent and that it will never bring the democratic changes the nation needs to progress. As CNN's Becky Anderson rightly said PM Tsvangirai and MDC are "toothless" to bring any change!

Senator Gutu talks a lot, he is just another MDC motor mouth, but none of it ever make sense!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Comrade Che

I do not know about Tsvangirai "giving these Gukurahundi securocrats enough rope to hang them-selves". There is no evidence of the regime hanging itself but there is plenty of evidence of the regime hanging innocent Zimbabweans.

Tsvangirai has just rubber stamped a new constitution retaining the Zanu PF dictatorship and all its dictatorial powers and this story and many others are the evidence of the regime flexing its dicta-torial muscles.

The people gave Tsvangirai and MDC the electoral mandate to end the dictatorship and bring meaningful democratic change. The GPA gave MDC the opportunity to make those changes. Tsvangirai and MDC; out of breath taking incompetence or, as CNN’s Becky Anderson so aptly put, because they are politically “toothless”; failed to bring about these changes.

Of course Zimbabweans are free to put as positive a spin on Tsvangirai and MDC’s incompe-tence as the chose. Calling MDC’s political blunderings, Tsvangirai’s strategy to give the dic-tatorship “enough rope to hang itself” is but one such positive spin. This will not change the facts on the ground that:
a) Tsvangirai and MDC are toothless politicians and they have made many costly blun-ders
b) The nation is paying dearly for MDC’s blunders
c) We are not fooling anyone else but ourselves by pretending Tsvangirai and MDC are anything else other than the incompetent and toothless politicians they are. It is folly to continue to follow an incompetent party led by incompetent leaders.
Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess because we, the people, have been very le-thargic when it comes to using our heads. We have always looked for the easy answers re-quiring the least effort on our part.

It took 15 years, at least, before many of us realized Mugabe was a murderous tyrant. There was all the evidence of Mugabe and Zanu PF’s autocratic disposition and by the mid-1980s their hands were red with blood but we refused to see it. It was easier to see them as libera-tion war heroes who can do no wrong.

Well, the nation is giving Tsvangirai and his MDC friends the same blind loyalty. We should know that there is always a heavy price to be paid for being lethargic and we are paying it! Zimbabwe’s political and economic mess is not going to end until we shake ourselves out of this lethargic static of mind!