Thursday, 24 April 2014

Abiding by the constitution and "not the document itself that is paramount" argues William Muchayi - how hopelessly wrong!

Let me say from the word go; this is one of the best articles I have read this year. Where have you been hiding William! Still, there are few areas that require fine tuning.

"However, on probing Madhuku on why he is of the opinion that a perfect constitution would have prevented Mugabe from rigging the poll as it is the will to abide by it and not the document itself that is paramount," you said.

 I do not know whether you think the Copac constitution was perfect; since you did not say. I will assume you are one of those who did not want to say it is perfect but settled for acceptable and hence joined the 95% who approved the document.

 The Copac constitution allowed the State President alone to appoint and fire the Police Commission, the Attorney General and a multitude of other key heads of key State Institutions without reference to parliament. The MDC had tried to get Chihuru and Tomana dismissed at the beginning of the GNU because of the partisan bias of these two but failed precisely because Mugabe alone had the power to do so. We write a new constitution giving Mugabe the same power again? How can that be acceptable?!

 You have acknowledged the important role Chihuru, Mudede, ZEC, Nikuv, etc. played in the rigging of last year’s elections. The only way to stop these people doing the same again is by implementing the all democratic reforms and that cannot be meaningfully accomplished without overhauling the weak and feeble new constitution. 

 Yes Mugabe has no regard for the rule of law but that is the more reason the nation should strive for a real good constitution and not a wishy-washy one. Indeed it is the constitution that is of paramount importance than the individual in State House because it is to the law that we must look to guarantee our rights and to deliver justice and not the man or woman be they judge or head of state.  

Excuse me but Mugabe did outmanoeuvre Tsvangirai, because of the latter's breath-taking incompetence. If you are still failing to see this, even with the benefit of hindsight, then one wonders whether you will ever see it.

You are right about Nikuv; Zimbabweans must not take their eyes off this scum of humanity. The Israeli government was warned by the West about Nikuv's treasonous activities but they ignored the warning.

Israel was one of the few countries that continued to do business with apartheid ruled SA right up to the end. The Israelis armed and helped in every way the regime stay in power; they did not care about the misery and suffering the regime was inflicting on long suffering black majority as long as they were paid the thirty pieces of silver! Now they are back in Africa again to cash-in on human misery!

Rigging elections is high treason and Nikuv have been coaching Mugabe on how to rig elections; undermining the whole nation’s drive for peaceful change and good governance for princely sums of money and the chance to continue looting, especially for Israel’s now thriving diamond industry.

By helping Mugabe the Israelis have made the tyrant their own from the day the plan to rig the election was hatched; they will be held accountable for all the tyrannical regime has done from the day!
It is a matter of national pride and survival that Nikuv should not be allowed to get away with coming into our own house and piss on our faces and to get away with it!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Tsvangirai and the break-away MDC group trade insults each accusing the other of working for Zanu PF.

The nation is facing its worst economic crisis; the economic nose-dive is truly alarming; and these idiots are busy insulting each other over trivial issues. It is little wonder they achieved fcuk all in all their five years in the GNU!

Mugabe's remark that the MDC rebels should be allowed to speak is to be expected from the tyrant for nothing pleases him more than to see his political opponents tire each other to piec-es. It is therefore naïve of Tsvangirai to take the remark as "proof" the rebels are Mugabe's agents.

Tsvangirai has been in the $4 million mansion for donkey years and had the Zhombe farm for a long time too so why are these confused idiots now telling us this is "proof" the MDC lead-er is in Mugabe's pocket particularly when they all gratefully received Mugabe's bribes throughout the GNU years!

Uku ndoko kunodzi kutungana kwambudzi! It is hard to see how anyone can still consider anyone from MDC as serious leadership material.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"To the disappointment of many however, the military elites used their power to stifle re-form," argued Mangongera. That is total nonsense! How did the military stifle democratic reforms?

Even if the military did indeed stifled reforms, when did Mangongera become aware of this? Last month? Many of Zimbabwe's civic society cheered and applauded the MDC throughout the life of the GNU and said nothing about the importance of getting the re-forms implemented. It is only now that they have woken up to that reality when it is too late!

It was MDC who were supported to implement the reforms. How many times did the SADC leaders tell Tsvangirai "to follow the GPA roadmap"?

It was not because the opposition was not “strong and united” that the nation missed up on the opportunity to end implement democratic reforms and change the system of government for good. It was because the opposition, including the bloated civic society, was breathtaking-ly incompetent.

MDC had majority in the last parliament and cabinet and still they achieved fcuk all. They failed to get even one reform implemented. Even to this day, Tsvangirai has said nothing that would make me believe he understands what these democratic reforms are about.
So what makes you think a united front of 20 000 like-minded leaders like Tsvangirai would be the answer to our problems? The likes of Tsvangirai, Ncube, Makoni and the rest have al-ready shown they do not have a clue as to what to do about the economy, the constitution or anything but are all as keen as mustard to get on the gravy train. They all want a $4 million mansion, ministerial car, etc.

We are in this mess because, as a nation, we have failed to think through our problem of poor leaders. Calling for unity has become the default setting, the no-thinking-required answer. When Zanu and Zapu came together after the madness of Gukurahundi; the nation cheered. All that unity did was to put the final piece on Mugabe’s de facto one-party dictatorship.
We want a multi-party democracy but first we want all the opposition united to form one su-per organ of misfits and deadwood so that if they should finally unseat Zanu PF the nation will have another ready-made de facto one party dictatorship.

It is quality leaders we are looking for; a united front of mediocre idiots all in MDC or Zanu PF or Mavambo regalia is nothing more than a flock of flamingos just bobbing their heads in unison.

None of the opposition have said what they stand for and already people like Mangongera are calling for them to be united. United round what? Obviously not round any ideas or ideals but round a leader regardless how mediocre he/she may turn out to be.

Pachinambo chonyatso sarudza vatungamiri; vana Mangongera vanongokuvirira zvose mavhu namarara.