Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Those worrying about the MDC split do so out of the blundering wildebeest mentality that landed us in this mess!

It is rutting seasons in the wildebeest MDC camp, sex is in the air and the bulls are reeking of their own urine saturated with pheromones. They have bellowing and snorting with malice, aggression and intend; they are itching for a fight.

 There is going to be a fight; horn will lock, tufts of fur will fly and blood will flow.

 At least with the wildebeest the fighting will culminate in the mating and a new generation conceived and the herd will settle down and move on. With MDC the fight is totally pointless for the problem of poor leadership which is always the underlining problem behind the split has never resulted in any of the new factions getting competent leaders.

So the party, united, had poor leaders and after it has splinted it will still have the same problem of poor leadership. The reason this is so is of course obvious; you cannot create the quality that was not there in the first place regardless what you do. 

The likes of Mangoma and Biti cannot accurse Tsvangirai of being incompetent when they have been part of the same team that has led the party from one blunder to the next. The two were MDC's chief negotiators in the GPA and of all people they should have understood the importance of the democratic reforms and seen to it that they were implemented. They did not and there is no evidence to show that Tsvangirai stop them!

 Indeed many people are not concerned about whether the split of the MDC will result is a better led MDC party or parties. It is the split itself that they are concerned about; the issue of poor leadership has not even registered. 

There are many people whose blood pressure shot up when the MDC split up in 2005 and has never come down to normal. Instead of the usual healthy 120/80 millimetres of mercury systolic pressure over diastolic pressure it shoot up to Usain Bolt’s at the end of the 100m sprint. It is ok for the blood pressure to go up after physical exercise but not after a mental exercise - stress.

 The trouble with BP is once you have the ailment there is no going back, you are on BP medication for life!

 The pending split in MDC-T will send the BP of those who found the 2005 split stressful back up to Olympic athlete levels again. And, no doubt, there will a new wave of politically stressed BP sufferers to join them.

 What I find interesting is none of these stressed and hyperventilating people will give you a convincing reason why the split of the MDC matters other than that it divides and weakens the opposition. In other words quality counts for nothing it is quantity that matters. MDC have the numbers on their side and in 2008 too but because they did not have the quality Mugabe was able to cheat them out of victory with ease each time. The tyrant will do the same again at the next election given the same mediocre opposition!

The MDC’s greatest weakness is that they act – they have no time for such niceties as think before you act, they act - like a herd of wildebeest. They will blunder from one disaster to the next without ever pausing to ask what went wrong.

MDC, the Movement for Democratic Change, is a movement alright but as for the last bit – democratic change – not even Tsvangirai much less the party’s grass root membership know what that means, even today, fifteen years since the party was formed.

When the GPA was signed in 2009 the GNU was tasked to implement a raft of democratic reforms and draft a new DEMOCRATIC constitution designed to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship and bring the democratic change, the party name espouse. The MDC had the majority in the GNU parliament and cabinet, had SADC and the whole international community's to support in ensuring the tyrant Mugabe accepted the reforms and had five years to make sure the reforms were implemented.

When Tsvangirai was sworn in as Prime Minister of the Republic of Zimbabwe in February 2009, you could see this was the proudest moment of his life. He was a man on a mission and he did hit the ground running. No sooner was the swearing ceremony over he had his head down the movement, the wildebeest herd two million strong, was on the move man straight into his first blunder.

Tsvangirai toured Europe and North America swearing Mugabe had change and the West should fund the country's economic recovery. Of course Mugabe had not changed; indeed the tyrant continued with his violent seizures of white owned farms just to underline he was running the show and it was business as usual - the Zanu PF corrupt and lawless way! That did nothing to force Tsvangirai to think again, he plough on heedlessly committing one blunder after another.  

MDC had five years to implement the reforms, not even one reform was implemented. Once again, instead of pausing to see why the party had made this blunder the herd put its collective head down straight into yet another blunder.

MDC accepted the rubbish Copac constitution. Tsvangirai even claim the document was “a child of the MDC” and assured the rest of the herd, three million strong judging from the result of the yes vote in the referendum that followed, that the new constitution would deliver free and fair elections.

It was Mugabe who “dictated the Copac constitution” as the Zanu PF MP on the drafting committee, Paul Mangwana, boasted. The weak and feeble constitution allowed Mugabe to keep total control of every state institution and thus was able to blatantly rig the elections. The rest is history. 

After the rigged election one thought that surely the MDC herd will finally stop and ask what happened to the promise of free and fair elections? Wrong, not this herd; it is on the move, it is a movement after all and that means it must keep moving. It is rutting season; the bulls are strutting drunk with testosterone, turfs of hair are flying and blood is flowing, the fighting is in full swing!

“Morgan is not learned and he never has a plan B, kungokiya kiya as he goes along...., “commented Mhukahuru in New Zimbabwean.

Plan B; what plan B, Mhukahuru? Tsvangirai has no plan A. Who has ever heard of a plan anything in kiya kiya, you just muddle along. He is a confused man without a plan, a plan would only add to his confusion. Besides, he has no time to waste on such niceties as think! He has never produced any plan and the herd has always agreed with the imaginary plan, everyone is happy!

There were beautiful pictures of MDC supporters outside Harvest House, a thousand strong sing and dance in support of the dear leader Morgan Tsvangirai after the rebels said they had suspended him the day before. Back in 2004 the then US Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Chris Dell said in a leaked cable that Tsvangirai was a “flawed and indecisive character”. God knows the MDC leader has proven the Ambassador right a thousand times since then. But looking into those faces in the photograph, a sea of red shirts and baseball caps and blank faces one thing was clear - Tsvangirai can blunder and prove Ambassador Dell right a million times and a million times again, the wildebeest herd in their red regalia and blank faces will never ever see it.

All those people wittering endless about uniting the opposition are no better than the wildebeest herd outside Harvest House. They are obsessed about quantity the blundering from pillar to post does not matter, what matters is to keep the herd together.

Surely it would be better to be the more savvy Zebra travelling as a small family group, sensible enough to turn back if they should find a flood river barring their way and not blunder in heedless of the danger like the wildebeest. It will take hundreds of thousands of died wildebeest before the herd finally realise it is better to wait a day or two for the flood to pass, it always does, before making the crossing.

I am a black Zimbabwean and I too took great offence when the white supremacists said blacks are incapable of self-government. Well 34 years of Mugabe's corrupt and tyrannical rule has left those white supremacists saying "I told you so!"

After giving our political support to a tyrant for decades you would think the nation had learnt the lesson. Sadly that was not so, for the last fifteen years we had switched our blind allegiance from a tyrant to a blundering and indecisive leader. 

Of course Zimbabwe is in this hell-on-earth because of our wildebeest mentality of acting without ever stopping to think through. Worse still, this nation is not going to get out of this hell-hole as long as we keeping blundering from pillar to post without ever learning from our past mistakes.  

By failing to implement the critically important democratic reforms because of their breath-taking incompetence; Morgan Tsvangirai, Tendai Biti and the rest of the MDC leaders have betrayed the nation's cause of ending the Mugabe dictatorship and bringing democratic change. They are therefore not to be trusted with the responsibility of leading this great nation ever again. Who cares if they now splinter into a thousand and one political factions?


Zimbabwe Light said...

Tsvangirai fire Biti and 500 MDC supporters demonstrate their support at Harvest House.

The thing about ignorance is one can shoot themselves in the foot and go on for years blissful unaware what has happened. When they do finally become aware of their problem, they will not remember ever holding a gun much less fire it. Ignorance numbs the brain better than any drug!

We are all in this mess because of Tsvangirai's incompetence but millions refuse to see it and want him to stay in power so he can increase their suffering! The man is a blundering idiot what else does he have to do to prove he is no good!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Moe Syzlack
"34 years of unadulterated incompetence" you say of Mugabe. I would have said 34 years of corruption and murder but will accept your incompetency too. Still, incompetent Mugabe managed to rig the 2013 elections and steal victory from under Tsvangirai's nose. What does that say of Tsvangirai's incompetence?
You are so preoccupied with Mugabe; you are failing to see that he is clearly a lot more cunning than Tsvangirai. It is the latter's breath-taking incompetence that allowed the tyrant to blatantly rig the last elections and thus stay in power. And unless Zimbabweans wake up to the crying need for quality leaders Zanu PF will almost certain cheat and stay in power in the next elections.
It is not just a simple matter of getting anyone to replace Mugabe it a lot more complex than that; he/she must be smarter than the cunning fox Mugabe. Staying with the kiya kiya Tsvangirai will not do; that is the issue here! For a Simpson character I thought you would understand that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Retire General

I would agree with you in what you say about Tsvangirai and his crew being idiots, they are. But will have to add Biti and his crew in that too in that they should have broken away from Tsvangirai a long time ago but certainly as soon as it was clear the reforms would not be implemented. That was the cut off point because the political damage of that failure was like nuclear fall out - all those caught in it are either killed or they are walking dead.

By implementing the reforms Tsvangirai would have stopped Mugabe's Nikuvious plot to rig the elections dead on the spot and change the course of Zimbabwe's history. By failing to carryout this important task so dismally, they failed to have not even one reform implemented, they have rightly earned themselves the reputation of being the most incompetent leaders in Zimbabwean history. Their name is mud and careers as politicians is finished well and truly finished!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Tsvangirai is a flawed and indecisive character; that is a fact and it is not his fault. The fault is with those who fail to see him for what he is and elect him to a responsible position.

Tsvangirai failed to implement the reforms and thus allowed Mugabe to rig the elections. The wildebeest herd, the MDC supporters with their red regalia and blank faces should be demanding from their leader what happened. What else does Tsvangirai have to do to prove to them that he is incompetent.

When you have an incompetent electorate the candidate who can promise them the moon has the edge and it is little wonder that Zimbabwean elections have attracted some of the most incompetent leaders one could imagine. So you think Joseph Chinotimba is a great leader? Well what can I say, I am impressed by your grasp of national issues! Impressive!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kyle James

But failed to implement even one democratic reform and yet still claim that you party is a movement for DEMOCRATIC CHANGE!

Since you MDC supporter are not going to hold your party leaders to account, someone has to do it. I intent to hold anyone who holds public office to account and I know this is something some people used to getting away with murder will not like. Well you had better get used to that because it is an integral party of a functioning and healthy democracy. Zimbabwe is going to be a healthy democracy, take that one as read!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Farai

After the breath-taking incompetence both Tsvangirai and Biti have shown during the GNU they are both damaged goods. Anyone who supports them only calls to question their own competence and grasp of national issues! There are some sins one can forgive; what they did is unforgivable! No one who is any one will want to have anything to do with any of the MDC leaders, No one!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Biti writes to the Speaker of Parliament to forestall a letter from Tsvangirai asking the Speaker to recall all the MPs on the Biti faction. Biti is so bitter he refers to the Tsvangirai faction as the “fascist faction” with no knowledge of the law. Yak!
This is going out to be a really messy divorce so messy that if there were children involved the grand parents will be strongly advised to take custody of the grandchildren now because the two parents are so keen on a lose - lose situation they would cut up each child in half out of spite!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ gate

Life is a game of snakes and ladders except instead it being a matter of luck how the dices fall we play an active role in deciding whether we are rewarded or punished. If we do the right thing we are rewarded and if we do the wrong thing we are punished; simple.

The good Lord gave us all a brain to figure out what is wrong and what is right we, as a people, have proven to be particularly lazy and are always seeking the easiest route even where our own past experience and that of others has shown that there is no easy way out.

If we want competent leaders then we, the electorate, have to pay attention and start to understand what these democratic changes we need to end the dictatorship are, for example. Police reforms must deliver a police force that will arrest those responsible for politically motivated violence regardless of the political party in power. One can explain why the present Copac constitution has failed to guarantee this and what changes are needed to ensure that it does. Ten minutes; job done!

Last year the people were just plane lazy to even listen why the Copac constitution was rubbish they voted to approve it on the strength of Tsvangirai’s promise that it would deliver free and fair election and would not hear anyone else’s view. Mugabe went on to rig the vote and now the nation is paying dearly for that folly.

Zimbabwe is not getting out of this hell-hole until the people learn that there is a heavy price to be paid for our laissez faire approach to life.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Coolage

Of course Mugabe was never going to agree to democratic reforms that meant dis-mantling his dictatorship brick by brick and leaving totally exposed to losing the elections and the dreaded regime change.

GPA was about implementing the democratic reforms agreed were necessary for free, fair and credible elections. Having signed that agreement it was no longer for Mugabe to dictate whether or not the reforms would be implemented. Tsvangirai and his MDC friends’ task was simply to draft the reforms and push them through parliament – MDC had the majority so that should have been plane sailing.

If Mugabe then refused to sign the proposed reforms into law so they could be im-plemented Tsvangirai had recourse to ask SADC to intervene as the guarantor of the GPA.

We cannot accuse Mugabe of refusing to implement the reforms when MDC never tabled one single reform nor can we accuse SADC of siding with Mugabe when Tsvangirai never once asked them to intervene to push Mugabe on anything.

What you are saying here is Tsvangirai did not table any reform because Mugabe would have rejected the reforms anyway. Well if MDC believed that then why oh why did they sign onto to the GPA?

No my friend Tsvangirai and MDC did not table any democratic reforms because;

1) once on the gravy train they forgot all about the reforms

2) They are breathtakingly incompetent not to see that without the reforms the tyrant would cut short their gravy train ride. And Mugabe did just that by blatantly rigging the elections!

People like you should stop offering feeble excuses for these treacherous and incompetent nincompoops who betrayed the nation and costed it the golden op-portunity for to end decades of corruption, tyrannical rule and despair. If you have nothing better to do; then go jump into the Zambezi River, I hope the crocodiles get you.

There are millions of Zimbabweans out there whose lives are a misery and hundreds of thousands lives that are being lost unnecessarily every day; and you think and care about is defending the indefensible!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Gerald Mutsa

If the people in Chinotimba's constituency are enjoying freedom and economic prosperity then good for them. His constituency must be an oasis in the middle of the desert of political oppression, corruption and economic despair. The rest of the country has seen basic services like health and education collapse and unemployment is a nauseating 80% plus and in comes this Jambanja ruffian and he transforms everything, the country is flowing with milk and honey!

Suppose, open your mind and just suppose, that the violent farm invasion was in fact the Genesis of Zimbabwe’s economic collapse and chronic food shortages of the last 15 years. Would you still say jambanja and those who spear headed it like Chinoz did the right thing? Well it was indeed the farm seizure that caused the economic melt-down.

Cde Chinoz is a brainless ruffian. Making him an MP and getting him an expensive suit has not changed anything; he is still a brainless ruffian and a clown wasting the nation’s time in parliament. The country is in a real big mess and clowns like him are not going to get us out of the mess. Now he is MP the nation has no choice but waste time listening to his nonsense.

I am showing you the way; I am asking you to open your eyes and mind and stop following sheepish tyrants like Mugabe, idiots like Tsvangirai, ruffians like Chinoz, etc. You are not a sheep; think! Think for yourself!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sadzanemuto

Tsvangirai's greatest failure was to get even one democratic reform implemented what has that to do with 2democratic predisposion" or whatever?

Tsvangarai was holding public office into which he was elected on the clear understanding and promise to bring democratic change; I am holding him to account.

I am going one step further and asking the people of Zimbabwe to open their eyes and mind and hold the nation's leaders to account.

In terms of public good, I am holding the mirror and I am pleased and proud with my contribution to the overriding national cause of how to get out of this hell-hole. As for you, it seems you are only interested in getting on the gravy train, or else, are just one of the wildebeest blundering along and does not even know which is in their own interest and good! In other words, I am saving you from your own stupidity!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mushambas

My dear friend let us get the record right the national economy has remained in the doldrums throughout the five years of the GNU so do not get carried away about Tsvangirai doing something to improve the quality of life in Zimbabwe.

The only thing of note that change was the ending of the country's hyper inflation but that happened be-cause of the scrapping of the Z$, Chinamasa did that in November 2008, and the scrapping of the price controls, Biti did that.

Whatever else Tsvangirai has done throughout the GNU years and improved the quality of life of Zimba-bweans, that I fail to see, I will belatedly salute him now for it. But that should not detract us from the fact that Tsvangirai failed to implement the democratic reforms which would have benefited this country throughout the GNU years and for generations to come.

By failing to implement the reforms he allowed Mugabe to rig the elections and we are still stuck here in this hell-hole.

There was nothing he was doing during the GNU that would explain why he did not implement the re-forms.

Implementing the reforms was the key to ending the Mugabe dictatorship and ushering in a dawn of free-dom, liberty, human rights and human dignity for all. Tsvangirai has that key in his hands and for five years failed to use it!

If you MDC supporters did not spend so much time with your heads buried in his backside you too would have seen the chance and told Tsvangirai to use the key and set the nation free!

You MDC supporters, in your red regalia and blank faces outside Harvest House, are singing praises to the idiot whose blunder will cost the nation billions of dollars in continued looting by Zanu PF and untold human misery and many, many lives as the nation battles for another chance to remove the tyrant. What you are really doing is confirm that Zimbabwe is not ready for democracy and good government; not as long as a significant segment of the electorate are still a blundering herd of wildebeest totally incapable of seeing reason!

"Tsvangirai is our witty fox." Only a mentally retarded person would say that! Sadly, looking at the Har-vest House photographs, it is clear Zimbabwe has many such individuals and, to make matters worse, the wildebeest herd have a vote!

Zimbabwe is not going to get out of this hell-hole as long as people like you continue to go around with the lens to your brain superglue shut snorting along like wildebeests!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kyle James

Look at history my friend, it has always been men and women of ideas who have refuse to be put in a straitjacket of the mob mentality, the stampeding wildebeest, who have changed, owned this world and have lived. The mob is nothing but extras on a world stage, they have never lived but merely existed. There to service others at a feast where they will have the left overs, if they are lucky!

My main message is simple THINK FOR YOURSELF, ignore everything else and focus on that and you will have learnt something very useful indeed!

Corruption is still rampant in Zimbabwe, Mugabe was able to blatantly rig the elections, etc. so let us agree that you have "sanitised" nothing really! You are clearly NOT thinking because you would say such nonsense. Close your eyes and try again!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Truly Zimbabwean

Tsvangirai had a golden opportunity to end Mugabe's tyrannical rule, all he had to do was to implement the democratic reforms agreed in the GPA and backed by SADC. He did not, that is a fact.

There some people out there who have clearly failed to get their heads round that reality mainly because them have never understood what the reforms were about and therefore think the failure was of no consequence. They think the country can still move on and end the Zanu PF dictatorship have a democratic government and every one will live happily ever after. Well they are wrong.

Zimbabwe is not going to get out of this political and economic mess without implementing the democratic reforms. The weak and feeble new constitution is guaranteed to deliver a weak and feeble government at best otherwise the tyrannical autocracy we have suffered un-der these last 34 years. And it is a naïve and gullible electorate that has elected a tyrant and now are following sheepishly a village idiot!

It is not every one who sees who comprehend and it is not every one who hears who under-stands. If you cannot see that Tsvangirai is incompetent after all the blunders he has made; you will never comprehend or understand anything!

Yes, you are just part of the herd of wildebeest singing and dance outside Harvest House ready for the next blunder their leader is going to lead them into.

Go and pay your $1 contribution, the party is broke, the donors are sick and tired of being fleeced by a village idiot who will never accomplish anything of note!

You can not deal with the truth and so you call it hatred. Tsvangirai is a village idiot, I said that because that is what he is - a village idiot who has foolishly wasted the nation's chance to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and tragic, tragic human suffering it brought. Of course I am very disappointed with the village idiot for doing this but I do not hate him. What is there to hate?

I do not hate you for your wildebeest blundering simpleton mentality; I feel sorry for you and the country for we all suffer the consequences of your stupidity. Your blind stupidity of failing to see Tsvangirai for who he is - a village idiot!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Popopo

You are spot-on on the democratic reforms; Tsvangirai failed to table any.

The only people surprised that the 2013 elections were NOT free, fair and credible are those who had failed to understand that the reforms were meant to end Mugabe's control of the Police, Media, Judiciary, ZEC, etc. Those who did were not surprised Mugabe blatantly rigged the elections.

Tsvangirai still does not have the foggiest idea about the reforms and, lucky for him, neither do the wildebeest herd outside Harvest House with their red regalia and blank faces. Human being are supposed to be to think but clearly not that lot; they were all waiting for the next blunder and Tsvangirai will not disappoint them. Ignorance is bliss!