Dr Maxwell Shumba,
Tsvangirai’s newly appointed Chief Strategist, tells Zimbabweans to unite
behind Tsvangirai or the nation is “not going anywhere”.
‘My message to every
democrat in Zimbabwe is let us unite, without unity, we are not going
anywhere," Dr Shumba tells us.
If Dr Shumba really
thinks the country is in this political mess because there was no unity then
here is another useless academic who is himself "not going anywhere".
Former USA Ambassador to
Zimbabwe 2004 to 2007 Chris Dell said in a leaked cable to his principles back
in Washington that Tsvangirai "was a weak and indecisive character!"
The last five years Tsvangirai has proven the Ambassador was right beyond all
doubt. He failed to get even one of the democratic reforms implemented and thus
allowed Mugabe to blatantly rig the elections, for example. What else does
Tsvangirai have to do to prove he is a blundering and incompetent leader?
Tsvangirai is not only a
blundering and incompetent leader but worse still he is totally incapable of
taking good advice. How many people advised him not to accept the one-sided GPA;
he still went ahead and signed it.
Throughout the five
years of the GNU SADC leaders reminded him again and again to implement the
democratic reforms and to "follow the GPA roadmap". He must have logs
in his ears because he never heeded their sound advice.
Last year some of us
shouted ourselves hose warning him the Copac constitution was too weak and
feeble to deliver free and fair elections and therefore should be rejected. He
insisted it was "a child of the MDC" and that it would bring free and
fair elections. He campaigned for a yes vote and the people listened to him and
approved the constitution by a whopping 95%.
Mugabe had total control
of the media, Police, Judiciary, ZEC, everything and used it to rig the vote.
The new constitution was indeed too weak and feeble to stop Mugabe rigging the
And Dr Maxwell Shumba an
academic and political analyst, appointed to be Tsvangirai's chief political
strategist is asking the nation to unite the same blundering and incompetent
Tsvangirai and even has the audacity to threaten the nation will "not go
anywhere" unless we united behind Tsvangirai.
Dr Shumba the nation
should have ended the Zanu PF dictatorship years ago if Tsvangirai had not been
so incompetent. For all your academic qualifications you are simply refusing to
see Tsvangirai for the indecisive and incompetent leader he is.
Zimbabwe is in a real
political and economic mess because the opposition to Mugabe’s tyrannical rule
was led by an incompetent leader; one Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. Unity had
nothing to do with it. It would be an act of folly for this nation to unite behind
a failed leader like Tsvangirai.
@ Djose
It is the sheer stupidity of simpleton like you that explain why Zimbabwe is in such a mess.
1) A none betting person giving such high odds means them must sure of winning.
2) There is not a penny in the ZimAsset begging bowl so the programme is not being implemented. Without the much needed financial kick start the Zimbabwe economy is doomed. The economy is already in a dangerous nose dive and idiots like you are still expecting the unfunded ZimAsset to work.
@ Cde Mzvinavh
Let us get something right before you get all too excited: Mugabe rigged the 2013 elections. Whilst I agree that Tsvangirai took his eyes off the ball of bringing democratic change by failing to implement the reforms still that is no excuse for rigging the elections.
As the USA Ambassador, Bruce Wharton said in Bulawayo the other Zimbabwe's economic recovery is dependent on the investors and donors to
the ZimAsset having "confidence" there will be rule of law in Zimbabwe. Giving the Mugabe regime blatantly committed treason by rigging the elections how can anyone trust the same regime to up hold less laws like
property rights laws.
So without any foreign aid, the ZimAsset begging bowl is empty; and no foreign investors, there are none; the Zimbabwe economy is doomed. It has already taken a serious nose-dive.
The ship is sinking! You can sing the stupid song of sanctions being the cause of the econom-ic melt-down but everyone knows it is the 34 years of mismanagement and corruption that have cause it.
Mugabe has been tinkering with the indigenisation policy, capping salaries of the corrupt managers, etc.; these are all important for the economic recovery but not enough to bestow legitimacy to an illegitimate regime. He is wasted time, time the nation can ill afford.
If Mugabe can rig the economic recovery with an empty ZimAsset begging bowl and no for-eign investors the way he rigged the elections then he can stay in power till 2018. Failed to do so then the economy will crash and take the regime with it!
The only way out of this mess, the only way to restore confidence there is rule of law in Zim-babwe is for this illegitimate regime to resign so the nation can carry out the democratic re-forms and then hold free and fair elections.
The Zanu PF dictatorship is doomed and there is absolutely nothing Mugabe or anyone can do to save it. What would be unforgivable is Mugabe and Zanu PF doing even more damage to the national economy by hanging on to power until the catastrophic economic crash hap-pen.
As for the BBC programme, allowed Mugabe to crow his usual anti-British colonial nonsense but, more significantly, gave the impression that was all Zimbabweans wanted. That is non-sense and an insult to the people of Zimbabwe because their main aspiration was for freedom, human rights and a share in the nation's wealth; all of which the tyrant has denied them these last 34 years.
I respect Roy’s freedom of expression, indeed even to the extent of him insult the long suffering people of Zimbabwe but do not expect me to turn the other cheek. I too will exercise my freedom of expression and tell Roy that he has insulted the people of Zimbabwe by allowing Mugabe to get away with lies and distortion of the truth.
Roy and Mugabe are the modern day black Africans who in the past had sold their kith and kin to the white slave traders for piece of calico clothe and handful of beads!
@ Nofool
"Why is MDC broke?
"Why are NGO broke?" you asked.
Those are very pertinent questions to ask if you are an MDC supporter or working in the NGO community.
I am surprised and disappointed that you failed to ask why the Zimbabwe government broke and cannot even borrow money to finance the ZimAsset economic recovery program? It is now ten months since Mugabe unveiled the programme as Zanu PF's flagship economic re-covery plan and yet no one has contributed a penny to the plan. The Zimbabwe government and the national economy are themselves too weak and feeble to spare he cash injection needed to kick start the economic recovery.
So why are you interested in the institutions that do not affect you and the nation at large but ignore the one that does? You really are a moron!
Well, thank God the demonic regime is on its last legs and idiots like you will go down with the sinking ship! Mugabe and the Zanu PF dictatorship are finished the empty ZimAsset begging bowl is a fitting last testimonial o the tyrant and the regime!
@ Chimbwido
Yes Chimbwido, Gaddafi died "fighting for his convictions and what he believed was right"! Mugabe never tires of telling of heroic exploits as liberation war hero. All tyrants have a ready-made excuse for their continued tyrannical rule. It is not what these tyrants or their apologist say that matter. What matters is the truth, the reality on the ground, what IS!
Gaddafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for 40 years and he never allowed the people of Libya to have a free say in whether they wanted him as their leader or not in a free, fair and democratic election. When they finally got their chance to say it they hunted the tyrant down. His last hiding place was a drain pipe. The people flashed him out and killed him like a diseased rat!
Mugabe has murdered over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans to establish his one party dictator-ship. He blatantly rigged the 2013 elections to stay in power. What would you say is the fit-ting end for that rat!?
You can witter all day about me "committing heinous crimes against the people of Zimba-bwe". I have no blood on my hands and we both know, from your own admission and testi-monial of those who know you, that you have kicked innocent Zimbabweans “in the teeth until they bled profusely”!
You will have your day in a court of law and then it is the hangman's rope for you!
It has taken 34 years for justice to finally catch up with Mugabe and all you his thugs. Yes; the wheels of justice turns slowly, still they do TURN alright! And they always turn forward and never ever turn backwards.
Gaddafi’s number was up and he looked surprised! Mugabe’s number is up, there is no turn-ing back the clock!
This is it for Mugabe and his murderous thugs! THIS IS IT!
Chawakadya chamuka, Gushungo iwee!
Chawakadya chamuka, Chimbwido iwee!
@ Chimbwido
I am passionate about justice and the rule of law and I am passionate to see those responsible for all the beatings, rapes, vote riggings and murders in Zimbabwe brought before a court of law and punished. Only then we I know that these heinous crimes will never be committed ever again against the good people of Zimbabwe! If that makes me a toad then I am a toad and proud of it!
The fact of the matter is Mugabe did rig the elections but only because MDC had failed to implement the democratic reforms. The party had five years to implement the reforms but failed to get even one reform implemented. The only reason why this was so; is the breath-taking incompetence of the party but especially of the leadership.
Any one who thinks the current crop of MDC leaders can still continue in the their position especially the leader Tsvangirai clearly does not understand the seriousness of the party's failure or the urgency for quality leaders going forward.
@ John Thomas
I agree that Mugabe has condemned himself over and over again in the interview and on many other occasions; God knows the many chances he has been given to do just that by Zimbabwe's the Zanu PF controlled media. The point here is that BBC is a respected media known for its quality programmes and not trash.
Roy should have asked Mugabe the obvious follow up questions to counter Mugabe's lies and rhetorical nonsense that is what the public expected from a competent journalist working for a respected media house. If anyone wants to hear Mugabe belittle and insult Zimbabweans they can listen to ZBC.
Roy was cashing in on the black Zimbabweans' misery no more than those black Africans who sold their own kith and kin to white slave traders for a piece of calico clothe! Something Mugabe has been doing for the last 34 years!
@ Hozhwa
Zimbabweans know it is the rampant corruption that has destroyed the economy.
Mugabe rigged the elections now he will have to rig economic recovery. The empty ZimAsset begging bowl is mocking him! Let him bus in donors to fill the bowl as he bussed in voters to cast multiple votes!
@ Larry King
I think understanding that MDC leaders have failed and where they have failed is a very important is our search for the dynamic leaders who can lead the nation out of this mess. As long as some people believe Tsvangirai is competent then we will remain stuck where we are
@ Chimbwodo
Since when has the likes of you told someone like me what to say and where I should live and be listened to? You would be a lot happier if I was back in Zimbabwe where the CIO will silence me. I prefer to present them with a bigger challenge, silence me whilst I remain right here!
You should be thanking Tsvangirai because it was only because of his stupidity that Mugabe was able to blatantly rig the elections and stay in power. But of course, it would be uncharacteristic of the brutal tyrant to thank Tsvamgirai. He is going back to Bohera to herd goats, as far I am concerned.
Mugabe and you lot's turn to face the music is fast approaching. For rigging the elections many of you will be going to prison and a number will hang.
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