Saturday, 20 December 2014

VP Mnangagwa admit corruption 'stifling' economy but acts targeting sacked leaders only!

VP Mnangagwa announced that decisive action will be taken to end corruption. He said corruption has been stifling development and economic recovery. That is totally refreshing because for decades the regime has repeated refused to acknowledge that there was corruption much less that it was stifling economic recovery.

There is no doubt that corruption is a serious problem but there is also no doubt that this government will never solve this problem for one simple reason: it does not have the political will to deal with it. There are reports that search warrantees have already been issued to investigate many of those who were recently purged from the party. Well this is welcome no one will believe the nonsense that it was only those recently purged from the party who were corrupt everyone else is squeaky clean.

In fact corruption has been a problem for decades; it has not just stifled economic recovery, it is the one that has helped destroy the economy.

Zanu PF has refused to acknowledge corruption was a problem for all these years because it did not want to accept that its party members were corrupt. It was this denial that has allowed corruption to grow and spread. Corrupt has since become so rampant there is no way the nation economy will ever recovery without first removing this cancerous tumour.

By targeting only those politicians who have been sacked from the party the regime is once again reverting to its default position of denying that any of the politicians and officials who have remain in power are corrupt.

The economic meltdown now gripping the nation and causing untold suffering on millions of people will continue to get worse until measures are taken to end all corruption and not just some of it. Since this Zanu PF regime does not have the political will to end all corruption the regime must step down now to allow for free, fair and credible elections and election of a new regime with the political will to end corruption and all the other problems. If Zanu PF does not step down now it will be forced out of office because the economic meltdown cannot be allowed to get any worse than this. 


Zimbabwe Light said...

“Colleagues such as Ray Kaukonde, Rugare Gumbo and Ambrose Mutinhiri have ex-pressed willingness to join hands and work with us in order to fight dictatorship,” said Dabengwa

All these years these Mujuru people, including others who were kicked out of Zanu PF before them like Dr Simba Makoni and Dr Dabengwa himself have worked happily with the regime. It is only now that they are saying it is a dictatorship because they have been kicked off the gravy train. Of course they are not fighting to end the dictatorship per se but rather fighting to remove this dictatorship that has kicked them out and replace it with one of their own.

They are up in arms against Mugabe and Mnangagwa for rigging the Zanu PF party elec-toral process the ousted Mai Mujuru and the others but are very guarded not to say any-thing of last year’s rigged national elections. They did not condemn it then because it served their selfish interest. Now they are caught in a quandary of they own making; they know denying last year’s elections were rigged would completely alienate them from the rest of the people but admitting the elections were rigged would expose them for the hypocrites and have the label super-glued on their forehead forever. And so they have elected to rub out last year’s rigged elections out of their collective memory.

For the sake of fighting the dictatorship in Zimbabwe, the only period that matters is from the day Grace Mugabe took centre stage in August 2014 everything else before that point must be forgotten according to these ex-Zanu PF thugs.

Well what this reunion of expelled Zanu PF thugs, Mai Mujurus and her recently sacked supporters, Dr Dabengwa and his Zapu members and Dr Makoni and his Mavambo sup-porters must know is that the people of Zimbabwe know that they have all played part in creating and sustaining the Zanu PF dictatorship that has cause so much destruction, suffering and deaths. They must account for their past the same way Mugabe and others still in the faction still in power will account for their part.

Just because they were sacked from the dictatorship that does not mean there are now squeaky clean! They are still thugs whose only interest is to remove the Mugabe dictatorship only to replace it with one of their own.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ sense

Just because these thugs were sacked by Mugabe does not mean that they were never thugs much less that they are now squeaky clean. Do you really think Mai Mujuru will use her vast looted fortune to end dicta-torship or to remove this Mugabe one with a dictatorship of her own.

All they will do is use the gullible public to help them achieve their goal!

If Mai Mujuru and other land in jail for the corrupt past then that is justice and no forward thinking Zimbabwean should ever object! Mugabe and the others in the faction still in power will too have their day in court. To deny Mai Mujuru her chance to face the music just because Mugabe is not there to hold her hand is a fallacious argument!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ sense

Just because these thugs were sacked by Mugabe does not mean that they were never thugs much less that they are now squeaky clean. Do you really think Mai Mujuru will use her vast looted fortune to end dicta-torship or to remove this Mugabe one with a dictatorship of her own.

All they will do is use the gullible public to help them achieve their goal!

If Mai Mujuru and other land in jail for the corrupt past then that is justice and no forward thinking Zimbabwean should ever object! Mugabe and the others in the faction still in power will too have their day in court. To deny Mai Mujuru her chance to face the music just because Mugabe is not there to hold her hand is a fallacious argument!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bambanani

Debangwa has been a part to the Zanu PF dictatorship and only started to criticise it when he failed to get what he wanted. How many years was he Minister of Home Affairs and yet the Po-lice continued to harass the regime's political opponents and he never lifted a finger. If that is what an intelligent person does that thank God I am not intelligent!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Debangwa has been a part to the Zanu PF dictatorship and only started to criticise it when he failed to get what he wanted. How many years was he Minister of Home Affairs and yet the Police continued to harass the regime's political opponents and he never lifted a finger. If that is what an intelligent person does that thank God I am not intelligent!

Debangwa is just another corrupt and stupid thug like the rest of his Zanu PF friends. He is only welcoming his former friends and they are thinking of setting up a dictatorship of their own.

This is nothing more than another hyena clan forming, what is there for the ordinary people, the buck, to celebrate about!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dzimiri

There is nothing wrong with praying but there are some prayers that the Lord will not answer because He does not do for mankind what man is too lazy to do for himself: that is what I am telling you.

Two man pray to the same God; one prays for good rains whilst the other prays for a big harvest. It is the first man who will have a good harvest because when the good rains come he put his back into it, preparing the land, weeding the fields, etc. The second man will get nothing because he expect God to not only provide the rain but to work in his field for him too!

If Zimbabweans did not want the demon Mugabe ruling the country then they should have worked hard to have him replaced. Of course we would have done that if we had put our backs into. By electing someone who has turned out to be corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent to remove Mugabe, Zimbabweans showed that they were not really serious about ending the Zanu PF dictatorship.

There are many Zimbabweans out there who still believe Tsvangirai is the answer to the nation’s prayer for democratic change – even with the benefit of hindsight of his blundering incompetence they still refuse to see him for what he is. God has given these people eyes to see what else do you want Him to do? If the political and economic misery of their folly does not force Zimbabweans to open their eyes then they deserve to suffer and die because there is really nothing that can be done for this nation.

You can pray all you like but let me say this again God does not do for mankind what man can and should do for himself. Indeed God will punish these who fail to make use of what He gave them. Whilst other have invested wisely in want the Lord gave them and earned rich rewards we have wasted the riches he gave us and allowed Mugabe, his cronies, the Chinese and other nation plunder the nation’s riches whilst we languish in poverty. Instead of stopping the plunder we are pray for God to do that for us. Well He must be most displeased and is punishing us by letting us be robbed clean. If we cannot even be bothered to take care of what He gave us then let it all be taken away!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ dabengwa

Yes Doctor Dabengwa, the fact of the matter is you only started seeing Zanu PF as the dictatorship it is when you finally fell out of favour with the regime. From 1987 when the unity accords were signed until 2010 when you left Zanu PF you never once saw anything wrong going on. You stayed in power all these years because the regime had a strangle hold on power, you benefited from that and so never complained.
This nation is searching for democratic change and hope and people like you are seeking only a ticket back on the gravy train. Our paths are parallel but only until the Mugabe dictatorship is forced out after that we will be pulling in opposite directions in that you will want to impose your own dictatorship. Once in power you will be just as difficult to flash out as this Mugabe dictatorship. You have already proven you are not to be trusted and it would be foolish to trust you ever again.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sammy Moyo

He was not standing up for the nation when he accepted the $4 million dollar Highlands mansion from Mugabe in return for not implementing any of the reforms. Tsvangirai has never considered the mansion as a bribe but a reward for standing up to Mugabe because he never really care about the reforms nor the suffering failure to implement the reforms has caused. It is the failure to see that linkage that makes people like him so incompetent and, intellectually, village idiots.

He cannot see anything wrong with selling out the hopes and dreams of 12 million others (not counting the millions of others to follow) for what is the equivalent of a piece of calico cloth. That was the price those black man who hunted and sold millions of their own kith and kin to white slave traders. Of course they did not see anything wrong with that, village idiots never do. No doubt some of them ended up being sold as slaves themselves and many of cried all the way to America if they did not die of depression.

The tragedy here is the number of people who would have done exactly the same if they had been in Tsvangirai's shoes which is why none of his fellow MDC friends, supporters and ordinary Zimbabweans have condemned what he did. As a nation we do have more than our fair share of village idiots!

I do accept that we are all different, of course we are; it is you who is failing to accept that in that spectrum of difference there are village idiots. I see the idiots and say they should not be trusted with holding public office whereas you, unable to see the woods from the grass, think they should.

Zimbabwe Light said...


This Zanu PF government will never get the country out of this economic meltdown people like VP do not realise the full reality but they will. This regime must step down or it will be forced out of office because the thought that the economic situation will get worse at infinitum and the people grit their teeth and bear it forever is absurd. The people of Zimbabwe have shown a great deal of patience or resilience, call it what you please, but if Zanu PF thinks the people’s resource of resilience is absolutely limitless then they are in for a surprise. Not even the regime’s brutal repression can guarantee that the people will be cowed into silence forever!

Zimbabwe Light said...

We need an electorate that first and far-most accept that there are no easy and quick fix solutions because it is that mentality that has led them to elect tyrants like Mugabe and blundering village idiots like Tsvangirai. We need an electorate that is awake and paying attention, taking the trouble to understand at least some of the big issues affecting the nation and will ask questions and not just follow leaders like sheep.

Good government is like cream you only get it from quality milk; if you have a bucketful of sewage only you will ever get is scum. In this corrupt and murderous Mugabe Zanu PF dictatorship we have one of the worst scums on earth and it is naïve to think that the electorate below this scum is A-grade milk!

I have offered solution but it has never registered with you because it was not what you wanted to hear.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sound

As long as the people accept that they have the opposition in MDC, Zapu, etc. and are content they will deliver the democratic changes and economic prosperity they want then, of course, they will not need to look for an alternative. The truth is the populous do not have the foggiest idea what these democratic changes are and how economic prosperity can be achieved. The support of MDCor Zapu is based on the toss of the coin; how can they judge who will deliver on any of these things when they do not know any of them.

It turns out that no one in MDC, Zapu, etc. know anything about the reforms nor do they really care; all they want is to get back on the gravy train. They can always blame their failures on the sanctions imposed by the West or Mugabe’s intransigence as Zanu PF has done for the country economic ruin and MDC for failing to get even one reform implemented during the GNU. The people are none the wiser!

You do not get a silk purse from a sow’s ear!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Eddie Cross

"We have just been through a political coup." No Mr Cross what we have been though is just a minor after shock, the real coup happened last year on 31 July. When Mugabe rigged the national elections that was the real coup and it all happened because some corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent in-dividuals (no need to mention any names, zvine muto ndozvineyi) failed to implement the reforms that would have stopped the tyrant in tracks.

These corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent individuals had five years to implement the reforms but failed to get even one reform implemented. Not one. It is hard to believe how anyone could be this corrupt and incompetent; I can never get my head round it!

Well the leader of the mythical corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent party, the blundering village idiot got a $4 million Mansion (will not say where for the same reason as above) bribe - vhara muromo - to make sure no reforms were implemented. The blundering village idiot is broke, he cannot afford to pay for the upkeep of the mansion; there is some restorative justice in that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@Baba Jere

Mnangagwa was stupid to steal the leadership of a party that was doomed and now he is the one who has the impossible task of rigging economic recovery. It would be easier to stop the sun from rising tomorrow then to stop Zimbabwe's economic meltdown!

Tsvangirai would have stopped this Zanu PF juggernaut if only he had not been so corrupt and breathtak-ingly incompetent and failed to implement the democratic reforms.

Mai Mujuru would have stopped Mnangagwa and Mugabe dead in their tracks if she and her supporters had not been so naive and incompetent. They should have demanded party reforms to bolster the rights of the members and stop elections being rigged. They did not and they were blown out of the water.

But it is the economy that is going to blow Mugabe, Mnangagwa and Zanu PF out of State House and power.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Misheck Sibanda, said the ministers have been fired with “immediate effect".
Sibanda said “it had become apparent that their conduct and performance were below the expected standard and outcome".
According to the statement, the fired are lands deputy minister Tendai Savanhu, deputy minister of transport, Petronella Kagonye, minister of state Sylvester Nguni, State Minis-ter Flora Buka, deputy minister of Health Dr Paul Chimedza; Tongai Muzenda deputy minister of public service, labour and social services and Fortune Chasi deputy minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.
All those individuals have been in power for donkey years and in all that time no one noticed that they were not performing until Mugabe had his Road to Damascus moment! Or could it be that these people had performed very well until they day they all ate or drunk something, possibly at Mai Mujuru’s PhD party in Ditito!

The only reason all these people are being fired now has nothing to do with the performance but more to do with their disloyalty to the concept that only Mugabe must rule. Everything this re-gime has done for the last 34 years was first and foremost to secure absolute power for Mugabe. The root cause of the corruption and mismanagement that have crippled the nation today is political patronage based on this singular purpose of security Mugabe’s hold on power at all cost.

This corrupt and oppressive Zanu PF dictatorship there to serve Mugabe regardless of the suffering and deaths it inflicted on the people must go, enough is enough!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“The only successful political grand coalition against Mugabe and Zanu PF is one that cuts the politi-cal umbilical cord that unites Zanu PF and the State and stops Zanu PF from getting its life-blood from the State,” said Dewa Mavhinga.
“With genuinely strong, independent and democratic institutions in place, including an independent and non-partisan Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, a political grand coalition would not even be nec-essary as Zanu PF would naturally be history.”
Dewa is spot on there; there will never be any meaning democratic change until the democratic reforms that will effectively cut the umbilical cord of state institutions from Zanu PF. This is what MDC was supposed to do during the GNU but failed to get even one reform implemented.

The greatest pressure for Zanu PF to accept change is coming from the economic melt-down; many of the opportunistic opposition are jumping on to this bandwagon.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tee Ngugi

If there is one group that is to carry the blame for Zimbabwe's tragic descend into this hell-on-earth then it must be the country's intelligentsia. They had the advantage of getting a good education whilst others risked their lives and many died to end white colonial rule. In 1980 it was their turn to make their contribution to the nation by holding Mugabe and his cronies on the narrow and straight path. Instead they were tripping over each other to sing Mugabe's praises on the basis of if you cannot beat them join them or at the very least go along to get along!

When it became evident that the country was heading for economic ruins, most of the intelligentsia packed their bags and left. Even from their comfort outside the country, many of them have not bothered to helped the nation in anyway find the way out of the mess. Some have even taken it upon themselves to continue singing Mugabe's praises but would not want to go back and live in the country. How hypocritical is that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa is taking an increasing hard-line position because he can hear the voices calling for change are getting increasing louder and bolder. The tide of change is coming in and neither he, Mugabe nor the whole Zanu PF terror machine can stop it.

Mnangagwa’s hysterical chanting is a desperate attempt to marshal the party thugs together for the fight to stop regime change; a fight they all know was lost years ago and has put them on the wrong side of history. As for Mnangagwa, the country is looking for someone to lead them out of this political and economic hell and not more of the same empty slogans full of sound and fury out of an empty head!

The corrupt and oppressive Zanu PF dictatorship that has caused so much suffering and misery is on its last legs and good riddance too!

All Zimbabweans will soon know the taste of freedom, liberty and human dignity; no one will ever have to live in fear of the very people who are supposed to be there to serve them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Math

Yes people fear the lawlessness he and Zanu PF have subjected this nation to these last 34 years but the people have seen the economic misery and despair the regime has frog matched them into and they fear it more. They know if they do not stand up to the regime their economic situation will only get worse.

The people have a grim choice to be beaten fighting to get out of this hell or died with their face in the mud and s***t of this hell. It has taken this nation a long time to make the right choice but they will sooner or later, trust me they will!

After all it is not as if the regime's thugs are themselves untouched by this tragedy; many of them have just been arbitrarily dumped and all their gravy train lifestyles are over. The regime is taking away all their loot and in a few months’ time Mai Mujuru, Gumbo and others will have their faces covered in mud and s**t of S**t Alley where us the oppressed live.

The numbers of the poor and destitute are growing at an alarming rate at the expense of the ruling elite. How long can a tiny minority continue to oppress the overwhelming majority? The mathematics is against the regime and not us the oppressed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

INFORMATION Minister Jonathan Moyo has branded Zapu leader a sell-out and a charlatan after the former cabinet minister questioned the surprise appointment of Phekelezela Mphoko as one of the country's two Vice Presidents.

Professor Moyo likes to call others sell-outs and charlatans when he is the greatest sell-out and charlatan of our generation. He has boosted of masterminding the plan that helped Mugabe stay in power in 2000 and 20002. So if it was not for this greatest sell-out this nation would have got rid of this corrupt and oppressive tyrannical dictatorship a decade ago!

If people like Mnangagwa, Muchinguri and others in this new Zanu PF cabal think they can trust Professor Moyo then they are really naïve; they should look no further than Mugabe. Mugabe may have helped him stay in power but it was at a great price; the “devil incarnate”, as the tyrant has since called Moyo, has the Mugabe by the balls!

Professor Moyo is one of those who would sell their own mother for a price and be proud they had a mother to sell!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Black

MDC had the majority in the GNU what did they ever accomplish? They failed to get even one democratic reform tabled in parliament.

Mujuru's 100 MPs have all gone into hiding or have grovelling to Mnangagwa with their tails between their legs; stop counting something that is not there.

It is not me saying Tsvangirai, Mujuru, Biti, etc. are corrupt; their own track record is saying that. You want to recycle them on the basis that we cannot reject them all even though they are corrupt. My reply is two fold:

1) If the nation is in this mess because it had corrupt leaders who forgot freedom, liberty democratic change, etc. the minute they were in power then surely we must now look for leaders who are not corrupt. To go for a leader whom we al-ready know to be corrupt and will sell-out just as he has done in the past is more than folly it is downright stupid because it shows we failed to learn from the past.

2) I do not believe out of a population of 12 million there are no competent men and women better that the corrupt lot we have right now. The only reason quality leaders have no emerged is because we do not have quality voters who are willing to understand the issues at stake and patient enough to look for the individuals competent to deliver.

If you have a bucket of milk cream will rise to the top but if you have bucketful of sew-age it is scum, not cream, that will rise to the top. We are being naïve to expect cream out of a bucketful of sewage. Scum is scum; you can recycle it a thousand times it will still be scum!

It is not that Zimbabwe does not have quality leaders, it has; our problem is that we do not have the political environment, the democratic environment, which will allow quality to emerge and idiots to sink into political oblivion. That is what the people must understand and work to achieve and not be distracted by the scum who want to maintain the status quo.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Guranyanga

Do you know what it means to be unemployed? Unemployment in Zimbabwe is a nauseating 90% plus and some of these people have never had a job for over ten years now. Ten years!

Have you ever gone to bed in an empty stomach? 16% or 2 million Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty today and know what it means to go to bed hungry.

If MDC had implemented the democratic reforms as they should have done then this nation would be well on track to rebuilding the economy so that unemployment would be falling and not so many people will be going to bed hungry. If the unemployed will get used to being unem-ployed and the hungry to being hungry then I would get tired of saying their suffering could have been avoided if the reforms were implemented.

Until all the democratic reforms are implemented this nation is not getting out of this hell-hole Mugabe landed us in and MDC failed to get us out of during the GNU. So until the reforms are implemented they will remain top on the national agenda and those who landed us in this s***t will be reminded of the role they played!

You are tired of hearing about the reforms but only because you are not one of those at the coal face of this tragedy; there are millions who are and they are crying that enough is not being said and done on the matter. I listen to them and not you!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The only person Mnangagwa has to fear is Professor Moyo, the others have ambition but have neither the brain nor the political muscle to do anything. Moyo will use the others as stalking horse. Mnangagwa is now is power and will not hesitate to use it to crash the others once and once for all. He is smart enough to know that all he will need to do is crash the head of the snake and the job is done. However he will kill it one inch at time if need be.