Mugabe was coming back
from Ethiopia in what he desperately wanted the whole world to view as in triumph!
In fact every time he returns from any trip outside the country, and God knows
he is a regular globe-trotter, the regime has bussed in the paid mob to give
him a hero's send away and on return another hero's welcome.
The regime is selling
them the image of Mugabe the conquering hero complete with the spring chicken
make up of jet-black dyed hair. The world’s first 90 year old with not a single
grey hair or beard; he still sports his Adolf Hitler finger wide moustache and
it is jet-black!
The nation is in
serious economic meltdown, 90% plus are out of work, 2 million are living in
abject poverty, there is no clean running water, etc. The situation is get
worse and not better! He rigged the elections to stay in power; the least he
should do then is deliver the economic recovery and 2.2 million new jobs he
promised. All this gorilla silver-back chest drumming whilst the nation is
crumbling into ruins is all so phony and frankly mocking the long suffering
So when Mugabe tripped
on the well-worn out carpet it was a symbolic timely reminder that the real Zimbabwe
was falling apart. His aide should have told him the carpet was first used in
1980 and has been used on at least a million different occasions. If he had not
made so many trips then the carpet would not be so worn out, or better still
the nation would be booming and thus afforded to replace the carpet.
If the carpet could
speak, it would have told the prostrate Mugabe; “Fcuk! I am worn out but then,
so are you, mate! So are you!”
@ Lance Guma
“President Mugabe has blatantly relied on violence, abductions, rape, torture and murder of op-position supporters to remain in power for over 34 uninterrupted years. The majority of Zimba-bweans cannot show any compassion for someone who has shown throughout his rule that he does not care one tiny bit,” you said.
“Ndiko kunonzi kubaya gudo mukanwa!” in Shona. (You said is it all there is nothing to add!)
Does former President Kaunda believe former VP Mujuru and the rest were not corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical or is that not important here? Well it is very important to every thinking Zimbabwean who has paid dearly for this tyrannical regime's decades of corruption and brutal repression. It seems all the former president cares about is the ruling elite; we find that sicking to say the least!
Speak for you self and do not assume to know what is good for the rest of us! Zanu PF has failed to stop the economic meltdown because it will not address the underlying problems of corruption and misman-agement. Companies have closed down and so most of the goods sold in the country are imported millions of workers are unemployed. The regime is running out of cash because the tax base has disappeared.
The regime is looking at using bond coins to plug the shortfall in collected revenue. The next thing is an increase in the coin in circulation and then the dreaded Z$. The bond coins is the thin end of the thick wedge!
Zimbabweans know the damage Gono’s quantitative easing did to the nation with the runaway inflation rate peaking at 500 billion per cent! We do not want to go back to these nightmare years.
Mugabe has failed to rig economic recovery; he must accept that and step down. All these dirty tricks, forcing soldiers to go on leave every other month to save of food bill, forcing the nation to use bond coins, etc. are stupid because they will not do anything to end the economic meltdown. As long as Mugabe and Zanu PF remain in power, the economic meltdown is set to get worse. It is high time Mugabe and Zanu PF accept this basic reality.
Ian Smith and his white colonialist cronies had the good sense to know when the game was up. Sadly, the same cannot be said about Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs; they have completed ruined the nation’s econ-omy and the decades of brutal political repression have undermined political trust and the longer the re-gime remains in power the greater the danger of it taking the whole nation over the edge into the abyss. The last thing the nation want is Zimbabwe descending into the chaos of Egypt or worse still of Syria!
@ Sunday Mail
"The incident proved why Zimbabweans vote for him consistently: he is as mentally alert and physically capable as he has ever been," the paper said.
Zimbabweans and the whole world laughed at Mugabe after his fall because he pretends to be mentally alert and physically capable when everyone knows that he is not! The people of Zimbabweans hate the tyrant with a passion and they would never vote for him and hence the reason he has consistently rigged elections.
Mugabe rigged the 2013 elections and now he has failed to rig economic recovery and it is the economic meltdown that is going to knock him down – he is not getting up this time!
The present economic situation of 90% plus unemployed, no running water, soldiers forced to take month's leave every other month, etc. is unsustainable. What any thinking Zimbabwean is concerned about is that he does not take the nation down with him and that is why he must step down now before the nation there is serious social unrest or worse!
“What I have observed is that these vendors lack marketing skills; business is more about marketing, and if you market and package your product very well then people will come to you,” said Town Clerk Tendai Mahachi.
Here is one of the most corrupt individuals in the nation whose activities have contributed to the country’s economic woes and now he even dares to preach to his victims. What marketing skill did he display to get his job as Town Clerk commanding its five figure take home monthly earns in allowances alone other than that he has the corrupt political connections!
“Business is more about marketing!” My foot! The arrogance of these idiot is insufferable!
Zanu PF does not bother with the niceties of disciplinary hearing. What disciplinary hearing heard Rugare Gumbo or Jabulane Sibanda; they were both summarily kicked out of the party at the say so of Mugabe.
Mutasa is going to face the firing squad disguised as disciplinary hearing committee only because Mutasa complained that his shoving out of politburo was unconstitutionally. Mugabe just wants to make sure that his kicking out of the party has all the outside appearance of legality by calling the firing squad a disciplinary committee!
@ Patrick Zhuwao
What are you wittering about? So you think Zimbabwe can defy common sense and achieve econom-ic recovery without doing anything to end the root causes of mismanagement and corruption?
Ever since you became a member of the "Gang of Four" you have become big headed and started commenting on issues you do not have the foggiest idea on. You are Mugabe’s nephew that counted for everything in the corrupt Zimbabwe of the last 35 years; it counts for nothing from now on! You are just an empty drum making a lot of noise; shut the fcuk up!
@ Rafique 70
Nonsense! MDC had five years to implement the democratic reforms and failed to get even one reform implemented. Not even one! How can that be considered they "did their best"!?
The trouble with you is you have completely failed to understand what the reforms are, how they should have been implemented, etc. Even now with the benefit of hindsight, you still do not have a clue. But like all shallow minded people, you have shut your mind to reason and, worse still, have the guts to dismiss the views of those who do understand the issues.
Name one thing Biti has said above which is "true"! Name one!
@ gynaecologist
MDC leaders sold-out on the struggle just as Mugabe and his cronies have done. Tsvangirai forgot about the reforms as soon as he got the keys to the Highlands Mansion just as people like Mai Mujuru has said nothing about corruption and political murderers all these years as long as their got their cut of the looted wealth!
The problem with these MDC supporters is that they are so blind they will not see what is before their own noses.
@ Rafique702
So you think that those who are being used by Mugabe and bussed around have gained anything from that? Yes Mugabe gave them food for the day and a Zanu PF T-ship but is that a price worth paying for spending the next five years out of work?
You inability to see even the obvious is shocking!
MDC leaders failed to get even one reform implemented for no other reasons other than that they are corrupt and incompetent. In healthy and functional democracy they would have apologized and resigned on the 31 st July 2013, the day it was evident they had failed to deliver free, fair and credible elections. We will have a healthy and functional democracy and it will start by making sure such failed leaders are never ever elected into public office.
Biti and other failed MDC can launch their grand coalition but it will never be elected into office!
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