Wednesday, 25 February 2015

London Mayor's Mugabe birthday tick-off have become the tyrant's best present!

I have always held London Mayor, Boris Johnson, in high regard. I have found him to be witty and persuasive, what he said made a lot of sense. But in his article “Happy birthday, Mr Mugabe, with special love from Labour” in (UK) Telegraph newspaper and with extracts appearing in many other publications; he lost my respect and high regard.
Of all people Boris Johnson should have known that reputations are like clay pots they are valuable only as long as they remain whole, one slip and they will shutter into fragments of no value to anyone.
Mayor Johnson’s article was full of his usual wit and characteristic Boris Johnson take-no-prisoner thrust but, sadly, lacked substance because the article was not founded of facts. He clearly did not understand the basic facts of Mugabe’s land grab campaign; his desire to have a political “dig” at former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, clouded his thinking and, worst of all, his obnoxious and overbearing British imperialist mentality got the better him.
Boris Johnson was spot on and unsparing, calling a spade a bloody shovel, in his description of the corrupt and murderous tyrant Mugabe, the suffering and destruction his regime has caused and the surrealism of the upcoming celebration of the tyrant’s birthday.
“It promises to be an event of truly spectacular moral ugliness. While his people are starving, the ancient despot will convoke 20,000 cronies at a kind of golf club-cum-safari lodge near the Victoria Falls,” wrote Boris. “In scenes reminiscent of the more disgusting and luxurious behaviour of the emperor Commodus, he will cause various exotic beasts to be slaughtered for the feast.”
“ . . .  Zimbabwe is now the second poorest nation on earth – beaten only by Congo for overall grimness.” Spot on!
“But it is vital to recognise that Zimbabwe was not always like this, and did not have to be like this,” continued the London Mayor. “This Mugabe tyranny is no accident – and Britain played a shameful part in the disaster. Readers will remember the 1979 Lancaster House Agreement, by which Margaret Thatcher granted independence to Rhodesia.”
The Mayor went on to give the reader a history lesson on how Zimbabwe in 1980 had a thriving agricultural sector dominated by the white commercial farmers who owned most of the good land. The need for the white farmers to give up some of their farms so that the land can be given to the impoverish peasants in overcrowded rural areas was accepted back then. The British agreed to fund the programme by paying the white farms on a willing seller willing buyer basis.
“Mugabe’s long reign has been characterised by one overwhelming objective: to exterminate the last vestiges of white power, whether political or economic,” continued Boris. This is where he completely lost the plot; in an instant the beautiful bride was transformed into the wicked witch, the bridal dress may be exquisitely beautiful but it is the person and not the dress one marries.
Mugabe appreciated the contribution the white commercial farmers were making to Zimbabwe’s the economic prosperity that was why for the first two decades after independence he did not do anything to disrupt the farming. He creamed off the wealth to finance his sociality inspired mass prosperity policies; free education, free health, hefty wage increases for the workers, artificially low prices for many goods and services, etc. for all and for the Zanu PF ruling elite jobs galore and all the luxuries their hearts desired.
Of course Mugabe’s socialism was not economically sustainable and by 1989 the regime accepted that reality. By then the economy had already lost much of its 1980 vitality and competitiveness. 
In 1990 the regime was forced to accept the first of two IMF and WB sponsored five-year Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP). The Brentwood institutions agreed to provide the regime with the bridging finance and the regime was to abandon all its socialist policies of the past decade.
Whilst the ordinary people were forced to “tighten their belts” in the face of soaring prices and falling wages, the ruling elite were “loosening their belts” as even more resources were made available to feed their seemingly insatiable appetite for wealth and good life.
Mugabe did not implement any of the agreed reforms that affected the ruling elite and it was for this reason that the first and second ESAP failed to delivery any meaningful economic recovery.
The WB and IMF made it very clear that they would not be renewing their financial assistance to Mugabe’s government at the end of the second ESAP in 1999. Many other international financial institutions and governments followed WB’s example and cut all financial assistance to the regime.
It was at this point, with the Zimbabwe economy on its knees and thus unable to generate the wealth Mugabe needed to gratify the insatiable demand for loot of his wasteful Zanu PF cronies. He was facing an election with an electorate that had lost all confidence in his ability to deliver mass prosperity. The only hope for him to win the election is by rigging the vote, he needed his cronies to help him but he would have to bribe them first. The only resource left was the land and it was at this point that he looked at the white owned farms drooling like hyena looking at a piece of meat.  
The country’s economic mess meant he had lost a lot of credibility with the Zimbabwe electorate but what better way to regain his political standing than by assuming his militant and uncompromising stance of the pre-independence years.
Whilst the Lancaster House agreement called for farms to be acquired on a “willing buyer and willing seller” basis; Mugabe discarded that, he would designate which farm he wanted and name the price. The farms bought under the agreement were for resettling the landless peasants; Mugabe threw that out, he was giving the farms to his cronies. The agreement called for a legal acquisition; Mugabe used his Zanu PF party thugs to drive white farmers off the land.
Of course Mugabe knew his dirty tactics would cause disquiet and consternation and they did and that is exactly what he wanted. When Mugabe asked the British to pay him the billions of dollars he knew the British would find the terms unacceptable, he was itching for a fight; and, of course the British refused to pay. 
“And then in 1997, along came Tony Blair and New Labour, and in a fit of avowed anti-colonialist fervour they unilaterally scrapped the arrangement,” said Boris.
To have paid Mugabe would have been an act of appeasement and since when has appeasing a dictator ever worked?
Mugabe unleashing his party thugs on the white farmers, their workers and ordinary Zimbabweans – the political violence was never confined to the white farmers only, it was extended to his political opponent and the electorate denying them all a free vote under the pretext that they all sided with the white farmers. Mayor Boris Johnson was disappointed that the British government did not send the army to stop the thugs.
“The Labour government enlisted this country in all sorts of wars around the world, some more disastrous than others,” argued the London Mayor. “British soldiers went to fight and die in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in the Balkans. Here we had people with close relatives in our own country – yes, our own kith and kin – and we did absolutely nothing. We turned our backs on the very people who were actually indispensable to the economic well-being of Zimbabwe, and Labour essentially allowed Mugabe to launch a racist tyranny.”
Mugabe is a corrupt and murderous tyrant, period. All Zimbabweans black and white, young and old regardless of the race and age; we have all suffered and many have died because of his tyrannical rule. Only a hard core racist with cast iron white supremacist mentality would see the suffering only one race and be blind to the suffering of all the other races as if they are not human beings.
Mugabe and his cronies have maintained throughout the years that West demonised him and his regime because he seized the farms from the whites and not because of his bad human rights record. After all the West imposed the target sanctions on Mugabe and his cronies in 2002, the year most white farmers lost their farms. Mugabe committed his worst human rights violations in 1983 to 87, the West said nothing then. Indeed the West even showered Mugabe with praise and money right up to 2000 when the farm seizures started!
Mugabe has missed the opportunity to heap the blame for the country’s problems with the British and their Western allies for destroying the country’s economy with their “illegal and evil sanctions”.
It is not surprising that Mugabe and his propagandists have seized upon the outspoken London Mayor’s ill-advised comments as Papal Bull validation of the Zanu PF’s position.
“We’ve noted his (Boris) views, most of them inaccurate and malicious, and wonder if this admission of guilt is the plea of the Conservative Party or an individual. We’ll let Mr Johnson carry his own cross and deal with his guilt,” was the triumphant response from Mugabe’s chief of propaganda, Information Minister Jonathan Moyo.
“It was Labour’s betrayal of the Lancaster House Agreement – driven by political correctness and cowardice – that gave Mugabe the pretext for the despotic confiscations by which he has rewarded his supporters. And that is why Blair should be there (Mugabe’s birthday party): to mark Labour’s special contribution to the tyrant’s longevity in office,” concluded Mayor Boris Johnson.
Like all tyrannical regimes Mugabe and his brainwashed followers will filter out all the ugly truths of the regime’s greed and of feasting whilst millions are starving in Mayor Johnson’s article and discard them as “inaccurate and malicious”. What will be left is the Boris’ admission of British betrayal! And that is what they will be drinking a toast to at the birthday party.
So it you, London Mayor Boris Johnson, who should attend Mugabe’s macabre Victoria Fall birthday party; they will be talking about your admission and drinking a toast to it; it is you who should be helping Mugabe blow out the candles!


Zimbabwe Light said...

If Mugabe was to call Chiwenga to State House this minute and ask him a simple and direct question "Will you endorse Grace Mugabe to be president?" What do you think Chiwenga will say?

On what grounds would Chiwenga reject Grace? Whilst some people would reject her on the grounds that she is just an ambitious woman with no brains; if the truth be told, Mnangagwa and even Mugabe himself have ambition and no brain too. Zimbabwe would not be in this mess if they did, that much is clear. As for our ZDF Commander General, he has no brains either. Mugabe appointed him not because he was the cream of his class far from it; everyone knows that.

Indeed it was precisely because Chiwenga was not smart that Mugabe promoted him and it was exactly for the same reason Mugabe promoted Muzenda to be Vice President and Joice Mujuru after him, etc. By surrounding himself with dull individuals, Mugabe has remained the only bright shining star. But most important of all, Mugabe had his half idiots eating out of his hands like puppies and he has been able to dispose of them with the greatest of easy if the stopped to be useful to his purpose, as we have seen with Joice Mujuru.

If all Grace Mugabe needed was endorsement from the army to be president then she can start shopping for her presidential wardrobe her husband would see to it that Chiwenga and all the other security chiefs fall behind.

Whether Grace ever become president will dependent not on Chiwenga but whether Mugabe is able to rig economic recovery or not. So far his ZimAsset plan has failed to take off due to lack of funds; out of the $27 billion he was seeking all he ever got was $7 billion in two post-dated cheques for projects and not even one dollar for budgetary support.

Grace does not even understand that the nation is facing a serious economic meltdown much less what is causing it.

Mugabe will be lucky to hold on to power for the rest of the year; the current economic meltdown is socially and politically unsustainable.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Obert Gutu

“Zimbabweans should not be held hostage by the corrupt, incompetent and illegitimate Zanu PF re-gime that stole the July 31, 2013 harmonised elections.
“The nation should be allowed to move forward. Robert Mugabe is now a very old man who is also extremely frail and apparently no longer in control of his deeply fractured and divided Zanu PF party.
“The MDC shall not stand by and watch as the Zanu PF gerontocracy continues to run down the country. The time for action is now! Enough is enough,” MDC motormouth Obert Gutu charged yes-terday.
It is very true that Mugabe and Zanu PF are “corrupt, incompetent and (they) stole the July 2013 elec-tions”. But before you get carried away in your own rhetorical nonsense Mr Gutu ask yourself they blatantly stole the elections from whom?
The blatantly rigged the July 2013 elections because not even one democratic reform agreed in the GPA, reforms designed to stop Mugabe rigging the elections ever again, were implemented. Not even one reform! And it was you, MDC idiots who failed to get even one reform implemented although you have all you needed and five years to do it.
“Given the unmitigated collapse of all the instruments of governance coupled with the comatose economy, Robert Mugabe should proceed to do the honourable thing and immediately step down as the head of state to allow legitimate processes leading to the installation of a new and legitimate government,” Gutu said.
It is all very well to ask Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs to “do the honourable thing and immediately step down” why did you not do the same after the rigged July 2013 elections after all you had all proven beyond doubt that you are corrupt and incompetent.
Gutu you are forming on the mouth demanding Zanu PF to step down only because you are desperate to get back on the gravy train and not that you care about the suffering masses. You will never implement any democratic reforms even if the GNU had lasted thousand years because Mugabe had paid you not forget about implementing the reforms.
Gutu, I have told you before and will tell you again; you and your MDC friends are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent; it would be folly entrust you lot with the destiny of this great nation ever again! There will be no GNU mark 2 and another gravy train ride for you.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Patrick
When the country attained her independence in 1980 most Zimbabweans thought they did not have to do anything and let Mugabe and his cronies deliver mass prosperity. What the people got is mass poverty but instead of waking up to the foolish mistake of allowing Mugabe to do as he pleased, they once again went for the short cut – they elected Tsvangirai to sort out everything whilst they took another long sloth slumber. Instead of Tsvangirai implementing the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and democratic elections he did not even implement one reform.

Mugabe bribed him and his MDC friends so they kicked the reforms into the tall grass.

Zimbabweans should have realized back in 1980 that if they wanted a free, just and prosperous Zimbabwe then it was up to them, the people, to ensure they understood the economic, political and social issues affecting the nation. When people vote they are electing the best candidate likely to deliver their needs be it jobs, schools, justice, prosperity, etc. It is also the people who should monitor elected officials to ensure they deliver on their promises. What is the point of having a vote when one does not have a clue the difference between the choices before them?

After 35 years of gross mismanagement, rampant corruption and brutal political oppression it is sad to note that the people of Zimbabwe have still not taken their duty of electing a competent government with the seriousness and urgency it deserves.

In the long run, people always get the government they deserve; we sure deserve this incompe-tent, corrupt and tyrannical regime of Mugabe and the corrupt and incompetent opposition of Tsvangirai.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Rugare Gumbo
People are “divert Mugabe’s attention from the demands of the people so as to make the party unpopular among the electorate.” What is Rugare Gumbo wittering about!
To listen to him one would think Zimbabwe’s economic troubles started in August last year when Grace Mugabe launched her vitriolic attach on the then VP Mujuru and her supporters including Gumbo. Zimbabwe’s economic mess started way back in the 1980s and by the 1990s it was in the gutter and so too was Zanu PF’s popularity. By the 2000 elections Zanu PF was electable and re-lied on rigging elections to stay in power.
Whilst most Zimbabwe have found Mugabe and his wife’s behaviour and conduct of the Zanu PF election process totally unacceptable and therefore have been sympathetic to Mai Mujuru, Gum-bo, Mutasa and others purged from the party. Gumbo and others should not try the people’s pa-tience by insulting their intelligence by assuming this caring saint Rugare Gumbo nonsense.
We all know you have been in Zanu PF for donkey years, you have ridden rough shod over their hopes and dreams and never cared a hoot. It is only after you were unceremonious kicked out of the party that you have even notice the suffering of the masses but only because you know it will not be long before you too suffer the same hardships.
If you are serious about ending the economic misery you help bring on this nation then you help dismantle this corrupt and murderous dictatorship by admitting that Mugabe did not just rig Zanu PF party elections last year, he also rigged the national elections the year before!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Jera
“Mnangagwa says Mugabe will soon name, shame and shackle corrupt government officials. It feels like déjà vu. Robert Mugabe has made the same threats since Willowgate but has arrested no one,” you said. Spot on.

The only time he has named, shamed and shackled anyone is to punish him or her for displeasing him or threatening his hold on power!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“The indictment is on Zimbabweans themselves; you can’t blame him (Mugabe) for wanting to stay in power. We must blame ourselves for allowing him to stay in power if we feel he is no longer capable of being in power,” Dube said.
The outspoken Dube added that the “Mugabe must go” mantra was not a solution to Zimbabwe’s multi-faceted problems, but the whole ruling party must go and its en-trenched system of governance must be uprooted

MDC had all the chance during the GNU to implement the democratic reforms that would have end Mugabe’s corrupt and tyrannical rule. They failed to get even one reform im-plemented after five years. They were literally begged not to take part in the elections without reforms by Zimbabweans, SADC and the international community and they re-fused to listen.

They did not implement any reforms because they were busy enjoying the trapping of being in government. MDC leaders like Welshman Ncube and Arthur Mutambara were holding ministerial position when they had failed to win a seat in parliament. They kicked all reforms into the tall grass because they did not want to upset Mugabe when it was he who was granting them all these gravy train goodies.

Instead of apologizing to the people of Zimbabwe for betraying them for failing to im-plement even one reform and then riding into the political sun set; these MDC idiots have out campaign for our votes as if they did nothing wrong. And idiots like Dube have the audacity to even blame us for Mugabe’s extended stay in power.

It was the two MDC factions in the GNU’s faulty that not even one reform was imple-mented because the two parties’ leaders are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. These men and women must be held to account for this and it would be folly to entrust the destiny of this great nation in the hands with such corrupt and incompetent individuals ever again!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“It was just a slight fall, just missing the step,” he said. “I have fallen many times in the house, you have a carpet that is misplaced or you hit against something, the corner of a table and you tumble. Haven’t you fallen down yourself?” said Mugabe.
Yeah but how many of those falling many times a day are 90 years old and going around with no walking sticks claiming they are “as fit as a fiddle”! and rigging elections to stay in power?
Now that you have finally admitted that you were lying about your physical and mental fitness, are you finally going to admit about rigging the elections too?
You rigged the elections but now let us see you rig the economic recovery too; if anything is going to force you to give up power then it is the economic meltdown. After 35 years of misrule the consequences of that are finally home to haunt you. The economic meltdown is going to trip you and, this time, you are not going to get up!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"I think the farms we gave to people are too large. They can't manage them," Mugabe said in an interview with the state-owned Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation late Thursday to mark his 91st birthday on February 21.

"You find that most of them are just using one third of the land," he said, a surprisingly candid admission of charges that the reforms were poorly executed.
Being a tyrant is a great thing, here is the man who destroyed the country’s agricultural sector forcing food production to plummet so millions of our people have gone hungry for the 15 years and forcing the economic down turn from which it has never recovered. Here is the man who caused untold human suffering and deaths resulting from his violent land seizure.
And all he has to say is admit he gave his cronies too much land; no apology to the hungry, to all these whose life he turned upside down and to all the family and friends of those he had mur-dered iv the ensuing mindless violence that accompanied the land seizures. It has taken Mugabe 15 years to even admit that his land grab policy was a failure, that is no doubt the best we can ever expected from him; he is a tyrant and per se not accountable to anyone for anything regardless how tragic.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"I don't think we have removed it (constitutional clause on women being vice president), but we have just ignored it," Mugabe said.

"We have appointed vice presidents and we have not appointed a woman because we want to rein in the situation, but it doesn't mean in the future there will be no woman."
Mugabe added the clause in 2004 to stop Mnangagwa being appointed VP without following the procedure for amending the constitution. This time it did not suit him and so he ignored it. So he is going to revoke it again when it works in his favour. That is typical of Mugabe, a tyrant who is above the law!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The bottom line is here is a tyrant who has destroyed the country's economy ridden roughshod over the people's hopes of peace, justice and human dignity for his selfish reason of retaining power at all cost.

His political ambitious should and could have been ended years ago if it was not for the corruption and incompetence of Zimbabwe's political leaders both within Zanu PF itself and in the opposition. Still the decades of economic misrule have finally caught up with Mugabe the economic meltdown has its python coils round the tyrant and it is squeezing!

Zimbabwe Light said...

MDC people are speaking like the hypocrites they are; during the GNU Obert Gutu and his MDC friends were feeding happily out of Mugabe's hand. Where did Tsvangirai find the money for the $4 million Highlands mansion, was that not one of the bribes Mugabe gave him so he would do nothing regarding the reforms!

Instead of pontificating about Mugabe excesses, MDC would do better to apologize to the nation for be-traying them and allowing Mugabe back into power. Even one knows Gutu cannot wait to get back on the gravy train, talk of the feasting at Vic Falls and he start drooling like a hyena. MDC will never implement any reforms and bring the nation out of this nightmare all they want is to join Mugabe in the feasting!

MDC conned the nation once, we must never allow them to con us again! MDC must apologize and walk into the political sunset!

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is what absolute power does to a soft headed man like Mugabe. We must now work on dismantling the dictatorship and making sure this will never ever happen again in the country!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dr Slice

Zanu PF is on its last legs the economy is going to get Mugabe. ZimAsset is dead in the water and the economic meltdown has taken a heavy toll. The regime cannot pay University Lecturers' bonus. The situation is economically, socially and politically unsustainable!

Regime change is here whether Mugabe likes it or not!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Some of our leaders were hiding them in farms and saying the farms had been given, so l said let's stop here, 40 and a hundred and twenty three in just a small district of our country,” said Mugabe.
"...they (whites) are still in the farms hiding. How many farms are those; a hundred and twenty three farms plus 40 that is a hundred and sixty three farms that were being hid-den by the likes of Kaukonde."

Mugabe has admitted that his cronies whom he gave the farm only managed to use one third of the farms and why is he taking away the few remaining farms that are being ful-ly utilized? Just because the whites still occupy them? That is really dumb!

Mugabe is determined to completely ruin the nation just because he has failed to govern he now wants the country rendered ungovernable because it is in total economic ruins and the brutal political repression has eroded the trust amongst our people. Yavashaisano yaavakuita apa!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Naison

Just because MDC are corrupt and incompetent and failed to implement the reforms that does not mean Mugabe was right to rig the elections.

Why is the nation in economic meltdown if Mugabe implemented "pro=people policies"?

You can deny the economic meltdown all you want the facts on the ground speak for themselves. Do you know that Chinamasa has failed to pay the University lecturers their last year bonus! The situation is going to get worse as long as Mugabe and Zanu PF remain in power.

Like it or not Mugabe will step down or forced to Gaddafi style!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The government is facing serious financial challenges and it’s not a secret. We’ve to revisit the size of the civil servants’ salary bill, which is taking 80 percent of the budget.” said Minister Mupfumira

While on a tour of Bulawayo’s social security facilities on Thursday, the minister said negotiations with civil servants over salaries will continue, as the government strives for a win-win situation

This is a regime in denial of the economic reality of the economic meltdown but this takes the biscuit; how cutting the salary of anyone equate to “win-win situation”?

The nation’s income has already fallen to its lowest level in 60 years cutting civil servant wages, who constitute 90% of those still in formal employment with mean yet another drop in incomes! Just how long does this regime think the economic meltdown can con-tinue?