Mugabe tells the Japanese TV station that is the
West and not the Zimbabwean people who have sort regime change all these years.
"They [West] want things done their own
way... They want regime change in Zimbabwe. They want me to go, them and not my
people," Mugabe was quoted as saying on Japanese TV. The Japanese people
know Mugabe is a corrupt tyrant who has rigged past elections to be so easily
Most people who know anything about Zimbabwe’s
political history would know about how you, Mr Mugabe, resorted to wanton
violence is the presidential run-off in 2008 to win the elections. Not even the
SADC or AU election observer teams known for turning a blind eye to Africa’s
greatest failure since independence – failure to hold free, fair and credible
elections and give their own people a meaningful say in the governance of the
country – they could not do so for Mugabe. Even by Africa’s very low electoral
standards Mugabe had gone beyond the peril.
It was not the West who wanted regime change
then but ordinary Zimbabweans. And Mugabe had resorted to brute force to deny
them regime change.
It was SADC who had engineered the GNU to give
him softer landing. After rejecting the 2008 election result the logical
solution would have been to hold the elections again under international
supervision to stop the violence and vote rigging. Mugabe would have lost those
elections. The GNU was to save Mugabe having to face that grime prospect of
being rejected by the voters whom he had abused and brutalized.
The GNU was tasked to implement a raft of
democratic reforms designed to ensure the next elections were free, fair and
credible. Sadly for the people of Zimbabwe, but good fortune for Mugabe, MDC
under the leadership of Morgan Tsvangirai failed to get even one democratic
reform implemented.
Mugabe was able to bribe Tsvangirai and his MDC
friends into doing nothing about the reforms. The MDC leaders were
breathtakingly incompetent not to realised the critical importance of the
reforms for not just the July 2013 elections for all future elections.
Without any reforms, Mugabe was able to
blatantly rig the vote; spending $13 million to pay an Israeli company, Nikuv,
to tamper with the voters roll; millions more bussing Zanu PF party youths from
one polling station to the next casting multiple votes at each station; etc.
Mugabe has stubbornly refused to realise the voters roll because it is the
smoking gun to the vote rigging.
It does not matter how many times Mugabe denies
it; the people of Zimbabwe have regime change in search of an alternative
government best able to deliver their political and economic aspirations of
freedom, justice, liberty and economic prosperity. Mugabe has systematically
denied the people regime change by failed to hold free, fair and credible
election is all his 35 years in power.
Decades of economic mismanagement and corruption
have however taken a heavy toll on the national economy; the economy is now in
total meltdown and Mugabe does not know what to do. Mugabe thought he could rig
economic recovery after rigging the 2013 national elections with his ZimAsset
recovery plan which proposed to throw $27 billion at the economy without
addressing any of the underlying causes.
After one and half years since the rigged July
2013 elections it is clear ZimAsset is dead in the water because Mugabe failed
to get anyone to bankroll it.
Mugabe does not the political will to address
the underlying problems behind the economic meltdown; he never had because both
mismanagement and corruption date back to soon after independence. So as long
as Mugabe and Zanu PF remain in power the economic meltdown will only get worse
not better.
So many companies have closed, down unemployment
has soared to 90% plus, 16% of the people now live in abject poverty,
government itself is spending 80% of its collected revenue in paying wages,
etc. What is clear as day is the economic situation cannot go on for much
The only way out is for Mugabe and Zanu PF to
step down.
After 35 years of using all manner of dirty
tricks to deny the people of Zimbabwe regime change; it is going to be the
economic meltdown that will force Mugabe to think the unthinkable and accept
the unacceptable – regime change!
Of course the people wanted regime change
because Mugabe had failed to deliver the economic prosperity on the economic
front and the freedom and liberty on the political front.
The economic hardships have reached alarming
levels that it is a matter of months before the people’s anger with the regime
finally burst and they demand regime change. When that happens, the people’s
anger will neither be contained nor their demand for regime change by denied.
Only then will Mugabe accept that it is the people of Zimbabwe and not the West
who want regime change and had been clamouring and many have even died for it
all these years!
@ Kamba
You are lucky it is the written word and not spoke because I would have ask you to was your mouth with bleach for compare Mugabe, a murderous tyrant, with a visionary leader like Mandela.
There is the small matter of how much Mugabe's regular overseas trips are costing the nation. Bona has just returned from a five week holiday at public expense for Pete’s sake. The ordinary people who are paying for all this cannot even afford to provide even one decent meal a day for their children let alone other basic necessities of life like clean water, a decent home, education, etc. They too love their children; so why must they all deny their children a clean glass of water so Mugabe can take his daughter on yet another globe-trotting junket?
The big issue here is not that Bona accompanied her father but that she attended meetings as a high profile member of the Zimbabwe delegation? Mugabe has already parachuted his wife to be chairperson of the Zanu PF Women’s League and, no doubt, at the next government reshuffle she will be appointed minister? Is he now trying to do the same with his daughter? Judging from the high profile she was given in Japan; she may just as well have been the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs.
Mugabe has ruled this country with an iron fist and now the tyrant is trying to hand it over to his family as if Zimbabwe is his own personal farm and we are nothing more than slaves who have no say in this.
Of course we have damn good reasons to be alarmed with Mugabe’s behaviour because we are not slaves and he has no right to waste taxpayers’ money in spoiling his daughter let alone think he can have her lording over us!
As for you Kamba, you are nothing but one of the tyrant’s paid acolytes and will cheer and applaud everything the tyrant does. All the nation has for you is contempt, you hate yourself so much you would defend a tyrant who has made the lives of millions including that of your own a living hell for the sake of a few pennies!
“76% of those fighting in Ian Smith’s army were blacks,” boosted one racist. “And we treated them like s***t, of course and still the fought and many died to defend the status quo!”
Well those s***t minded blacks are still there, independence did not change them in anyway, they have a new masters who treats them even worse than the white racists and they once again bend over backwards to please!
Tendai Biti gets fired from parliament and that becomes "a heavy blow to democracy and democratic agenda". But when the MDC idiots sit and do nothing about implementing the reforms which would have end the Zanu PF dictatorship and free the whole nation of 23 million people and Biti does not even notice!
The failure to implement the reforms was the heaviest blow the nation has suffered in the last 15 years, you moron!
Yes the regime is in a panic; blame Joice Mujuru for fermenting unrest! What has the woman ever done in all her years in government of any substance? Mugabe has himself said she is "a simple minded" person which is, of course why he wanted her as VP because he has always surrounded himself with the most incompetent individuals who were never a threat to his hold on power.
Mugabe has never paid any attention to what is happening to everybody else and has never cared about the suffering of the ordinary people. Like all tyrants he built himself a every comfortable home with all a man could ever wish for and the rest can go hang.
Mugabe has become so absorbed in his own make believe world in which he is the God and everyone else is there for his pleasure and glory. He has become as arrogant and indifferent as Rumania’s Nicolae Ceausescu and like the Rumania tyrant he will wake up some day to the realization of just how much the people of Zimbabwe hate him and everything he stands for. When Ceausescu finally realise it he tried to get out of the country and run away but failed and he and his wife were dispatched like cornered rats! A similar fate now awaits Mugabe and his family.
Zimbabweans are not given to hate but when they have been pushed so hard as Mugabe has done, there is no doubt now just how much the hate Mugabe.
Although SA has done a lot better in its first 20 years after independence that Zimbabwe still it has failed to avoid such pitfalls as corruption and poor planning as can be seen from the many cases of leaders wasting billions of Rands of public money on personal project and the serious power cuts affecting the country. These failures will make the Robert Mugabe and Julius Malema of this world offering their get rich quick solutions of looting attractive.
We have to make democracy work and deliver meaningful change to people’s lives otherwise they will be lured to try chaos!
"Moreover, his miserable attempt at defending Tsvangirai's wretched leadership record was par-ticularly laughable. Gutu needs to appreciate that no matter how much lip stick you put on a dog- it still remains a dog," said Maziwisa.
Whilst it is true that Tsvangirai’s a corrupt and incompetent leader with a “wretched leadership record” that is indefensible. It is also true that Robert Mugabe is even more corrupt and incompetent and, worse still, a murderous tyrant making his record even less defensible and yet Maziwisa has made a career of defending it. This is not just a case of the kettle but rather the devil’s cauldron calling the pot black!
@ Blomefield
The same congress that resolved to recall the MDC-Renewal members also resolved to boycott elections but, clearly, the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing and vice versa!
“Capital flight from Zimbabwe reached a record high of $3.1 billion in 2006. Evidence from the African Development Bank and Global Financial Integrity (2013) also shows that Zimbabwe has lost a cumulative $12 billion in the last three decades through illicit financial outflows ranging from secret financial deals and tax avoidance to illegal commercial activities,” says the report.
Furthermore, according to the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (2014) the country is losing more than $50 million worth of gold every month through smuggling,” it adds.
We have always known that corruption was rampant but, of course, Mugabe has vehemently denied that corruption was even a problem. $12 billion in three decades is but a drop in the ocean of the real corruption going on here.
In 2005/6 when Marange and Chiadzwa diamonds were discovered and valued; they were valued at $800 billion. Minister of Finance, Patrick Chinamasa has said the diamonds “are finished” because he was tired of lying about why he not even getting dollar in revenue.
"Thank you all for coming; I am disjointed; we came back yesterday midnight and only slept for 2 hours and I have a habit that when something worries my me, the mind preserves it and I jump out of sleep say-ing it is time. That's why we came a bit late," said Mugabe.
Mugabe's arrogance and hypocrisy is insufferable; here is the tyrant who has rigged elections and even murdered over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans so that he can stay in power making it as if he really should retire but will not do so because he is doing the nation a great favour by staying in. The nation is in deep, deep trouble; Mugabe has dragged the nation right up to the very gates of Hell and now it dragging us into Hell and insists he will do it although he is tired, very tired!
The chances of a peaceful regime change are fading with each passing day. It is naïve to think that the whole nation can be dragged into hell and will never protest, the people will protest it is just that those protesting behind the gate of hell will not want to listen to reason because behind hell’s gate reason is as valueless as the Z$ in 2008!
When the whole nation is on fire and there are riots in every town and city across the land; only then will Mugabe finally believe that Zimbabweans have been trying to tell for donkey years – that they wanted regime change. The rioting will not stop until he hears them and this time they will see to it that he finally has his sleep – eternal sleep!
@ Patrick
We never seem to learn from our own past mistakes and hence lay our inability to govern ourselves.
Some of the people are already in, the 16% already living in abject poverty are already in. It will take years to turn the economy around and thus we should expect even more people to get through the gates of hell. Getting is ease you can walk through the gate any time day or night. The problem is getting out, that is when you pay an arm and a leg because the climb out is dangerous and hard work.
This is way Dante rightly advised to those who enter Hell to read the inscription by the gate: “All hope abandon ye who enter here.” The inscription is translations in all languages just to be sure no one has any excuse afterwards. Go past that gate and the chances are we will never get out again.
As for the life pass the gate, let us just say there is no life but misery after the gate!
Mugabe has already left us a debt we cannot pay, he has sold out the nation treasures including its mineral wealth in advance, foreigners are looting and plundering Marange diamonds and it will not be long before all the $800 billion bounty is shipped out and we have absolutely nothing to show for it, etc.
Of course there is always a possibility that the nation will be roused out of its sloth-like slumber and end this madness. The probability of that happening is next to nothing, at least not in the near fu-ture.
The people may be roused enough to get rid of Mugabe and some of his cronies but only to sink into further chaos as happened in Libya and Egypt after they got rid of their respective tyrant.
@ Machosa
We are talking of 35 years mismanagement, corruption, looting and brutal oppression that has destroyed the country’s economy leaving 90% out of work, 16% already living in abject poverty and the whole na-tion denied of their basic human rights and human dignity. So who exactly are call on to repent and be baptized; Mugabe and his cronies, the unemployed, the impoverished, who?
Are you one of the thousands of the Pastors taking advantage of the people’s suffering, selling them “blessed” apples, cooking oil, etc. under the pretext that it will help them find a job, etc.? Mugabe and his cronies are exploiting and stealing from the poor and helpless without evoking the name of God, you are fleecing the same impoverished the people in the name of religion; shame on you!
@ Poetic
Mugabe hadthe balls to stand against Smith so are we to "forgive him" and let carry on with the corruption and force even more than the 2 million already living in abject poverty. No Mugabe is a corrupt and murderous tyrant he must go and by the same token Tsvangirai is a corrupt and incompetent village idiot and he too must go.
Just because he stood up to Mugabe does not mean he now has the license to sell the nation to the tyrant for the $4 million Highland mansion. I forgive mistakes selling the people was not a mistake; that was a deliberate and calculated move; a transaction Mugabe offered him a bribe not to implement any of the reforms and Tsvangirai accepted the bribe.
The implication of being corrupt in a healthy and functioning democracy is that the individual must apologize and resign. This is something a simpleton like you cannot get his/her head round. I forgive you because you cannot help being who you are.
But someone who wants a healthy and functioning democratic Zimbabwe has to define the standard and defend. I will do that and even if it means driving simpleton like you up the wall.
Many people have risked life and limb, over 500 lost their lives in 2008 alone, to give Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC village idiots the chance to deliver democratic changes they betrayed the whole nation. Only a simpleton can accept that such an act can be swept under the carpet. No Tsvangirai and his MDC idiot must resign and must never again hold public office!
@ business transaction
The Zimbabwe Social Democrats is a group of a few individuals who are totally committed to pushing the agenda for the implementation of ALL the democratic reforms agree in the GPA in 2008 because it is by implementing all the reforms that the country will have free, fair and credible elections.
The reforms should have been implemented by Tsvangirai and his MDC friends they had the time and opportunity to do so but failed to get even one reform implemented. There are only two reasons why they failed; they are corrupt, it is no secret that Mugabe bribes them with gravy train perks including the $4 million Highlands Mansion for Tsvangirai. The second reason is they are breathtakingly incompetent because they complete failed to realize that without the reforms Zanu PF would rig the elections, which they did.
Tsvangirai and his MDC friend should have apologized and resigned. They have done neither. The ZSD have taken it upon ourselves to make sure the nation does not put its trust in them ever again because they will never deliver any meaningful democratic changes. They failed to get even one reform implemented when they had all the trump cards during the GNU, it is naive to think they will get ALL the reforms im-plemented now when it is Zanu PF who is holding all the trump cards.
Although ZSD are a political party, we are not concerned with recruiting members and launch the party because we are not going to take part in any elections until ALL the reforms are implemented and we are sure the elections will be free, fair and credible. We believe delivering free, fair and credible elections will put us in good position with the democratic electorate to launch the party.
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