Friday, 21 September 2018

The life cycle of Zanu PF dictatorship is as distinct as bilharzia parasite cycle and so is the cure

Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess because the country has been stuck with a this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 38 years. The party rigs elections to stay in power and it then takes full advantage of being the government of the day to rig the next elections and thus perpetuating its stay in power! Zanu PF has corrupted the whole electoral system so much so that the party is guaranteed a landslide victory and the presidency in each election.

The only hope for a free, fair and credible elections is by making sure Zanu PF is not in power, implement the democratic reforms and then hold the elections. 

The Zanu PF dictatorship has a three stage life cycle;  

(Zimbabwe was infected by the Zanu PF (schistosomes) in 1980 and after 38 years and counting of corrupt and tyrannical rule the nation is now pissing blood!)

The Zanu PF dictatorship life cycle is as distinct life cycle as distinct as that of a bilharzia or malaria parasites. One sure way to stop the spread of bilharzia is to disrupt one or more of its life cycles; the same is true if we want to end the Zanu PF dictatorship.

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the recent elections. AU and SADC election observer teams gave the elections a qualified “substantial free and fair” as contrast to the 30 or so teams from the democratic nations who condemned the elections or else said nothing! So having rigged the election this Zanu PF regime is, per se, illegitimate and therefore must be denied all the recognition and support.

The greatest mistake people have made the last 38 years was to ignore Zanu PF had just rigged the elections and give it the recognition and support accorded to any other legitimate regime. This has allowed the regime the time, space and resources to complete each stage of it deadly dictatorial cycle confident it will get a slap on the wrist at worst! This must now stop.

The junta must be pressured to step down before it has completed its five years electoral cycle, the sooner the better. We must allow time for the appointment of an interim administration that will be tasked to implement the democratic reforms designed to restore the independence the corrupted democratic institutions. The nation at large will need time to readjust to the democratic changes after decades of oppressive autocratic rule.

The junta must not be allowed to serve the full five years because it will never implement any meaningful reforms. And to allow the junta to organise the next elections will be sheer folly because it will rig those elections just as readily as it has rigged past elections.

As anyone who have suffered from bilharzia will testify, it is a deadly disease and, if left untreated, is fatal. Zanu PF has already murdered over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans to stablish and retain the de facto one-party dictatorship we have lived under these last 38 years. Last month the regime shot dead seven people as a timely reminder of its willingness to shed more blood to secure its iron grip on absolute power.

Nearly four decades of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption have left the national economy in ruins and basic services such as health care have all but collapsed. Millions of people are suffering from poverty related want and diseases and hundreds are dying unnecessarily every month!

The Zanu PF dictatorship is like the bilharzia disease that has infected the nation for 38 years now causing heart-breaking human suffering and deaths. We know the nation can be cured of this disease, we know the cure; it is inhuman not to step up and demand an end to this madness! 

1 comment:

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Nobleman Runyanga

"For the first time in 37 years Zimbabwe is represented at the ongoing United Nations General Assembly summit by a new leader, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who represents a refreshingly different political and economic trajectory. For President Mnangagwa and Zimbabwe this is not only a moment of global pride. It is an opportune moment to present to the world its new vision, how it intends to get there and the role of fellow global community members therein."

What new vision are you blabbering about? President Mnangagwa has just rigged the elections tell the whole that Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by vote rigging thugs. Where is the new vision in that?

If we want the world to take Zimbabweans seriously then we must first the world that we are serious. Removing one dictator and replacing him with another and then shouting "Zimbabwe is ready for business!" is a sick joke!

Mnangagwa can climb the Empire State Building and swing from the tower like King Kong and shout "Zimbabwe is open for business!" The world will find it amusing but no one will be fooled to invest in Zimbabwe.