Tuesday, 18 December 2018

VIDEO: ManU sacked Mourinho for being 6th, we the poorest and still cannot sack ED - it sucks


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ AT Kadada

“It is one year since the so called 'new dispensation' became the new coined term from the same old guard. The internecine fights within Zanu pf were all about one group consolidating their grip on power, it was never about turning Zimbabwe's economy around,” you said. 

You are 100% correct there, last November’s coup was about one faction of Zanu PF wrestling power from the other and not about ending the Zanu PF dictatorship. The trouble with Zimbabweans is that we are a naive and gullible lot, we believe anything we are told regardless how nonsensical it may happen to be.

Believing that coup was targeting the corrupt people was a died give away - only some one really naive would believe that only G40 members were corrupt and all Lacoste members were squeaky clean! The man making the outrageous claim is none other than Constantino Chiwenga to owner of the C&M mansion, a fleet of posh cars, has farms and a vast business empire, boast of having 45 gold watches, etc., etc. and all from his ZNA salary!

The tragedy is that the nation will never get out of the hell-hole Zanu PF has landed us in as long as we remain a naive and gullible lot! Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shepherd Chikepe

“We are being led by maniacs who sees themselves as immortals and are above God.”

We, the people, are the ones who put these leaders on these pedestals and, until we wake up and remove them, they will rule over us like gods!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Knowledge Moyo

“On a political and societal level, ED's Zimbabwe is completely unrecognisable from Bob's. We are free to criticise and to argue in a way we never could before. There was an election that though not perfect, was so much better than anything we have ever seen. The fact that the candidate many young people supported lost doesn't make the whole election illegitimate! And while every so often a story comes out that an isolated individual is in trouble for something they said, the fact that we are talking about one person shows how far we have come!”

You are just a Zanu PF apologist scrapping the bottom of the barrel for something “positive” to say about the regime.

Mnangagwa blatantly rigged the July 2018 elections using the same old dirty tactics Zanu PF has used all these years; all except the wanton violence, he did keep the thugs on a short leash, at least until 1st August! Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by the same corrupt and vote rigging thugs.

The country’s economy is definitely worse than it was a year ago as exemplified by the shortages of cash, forex, fuel, medicine, etc. The much hoped for flood of investors, local and foreign, has not materialised because investors do NOT do business in pariah states.

Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown has now reached dangerous levels with unemployment a dizzying 90%, 75% of our people living on US$1.00 or less a day, etc. This is socially, morally and politically unsustainable. This nation has been pushed right up to the very edge on the precipitous abyss and time to act is fast running out.

There are those who paid, and paid well, to lie and so they lie. People like Moyo are like Saddam Hussein’s “Chemical” Ali who continued to talk of the Iraq army “was winning the war” even with the American soldiers at the city gates of Baghdad! Zimbabwe is in a real serious mess and we must act now and not wait for county wide street protest or people dying in their hundreds for lack of simple drugs to finally believe the situation is bad!

Zimbabwe Light said...

You are spot on there; we are the poorest nation on earth because even when it is obvious those in power are corrupt and incompetent we cannot do anything about it. We cannot sack them! Zimbabweans have been stuck with these corrupt and incompetent Zanu PF thugs for the last 38 years and counting. The thugs have blatantly rigged the elections to stay in power.

Whilst some election observers, like SADC and AU have decided to confine themselves to commenting on the "peaceful environment during campaign and on voting day". They have been very carefully to avoid saying anything about the glaring flaws and irregularities, the shooting of civilians before the results were announced, etc. and hence have said every little or nothing about whether the elections were free, fair and credible.

Those election observers who have covered all the areas of the election process picked the relative peace during the campaign period but also the glaring flaws and irregularities. They condemn the elections for being "biased, unfair, the playing field was not level" all in favour of the ruling party Zanu PF. Their conclusion was clear, "the elections failed to meet acceptable international standard"! In short, the elections were rigged!

As a Zimbabwean, I am disappointed to note how many Zimbabweans out there are bending over backwards to avoid having to admit the elections were rigged. We are back to November 2017 military coup which was NOT a coup but "a military assisted transition"!

We cannot use such words as "coup" or "vote rigging" to describe the actions of our Zanu PF leaders, if it was anybody else yes - not these untouchable Zanu PF heroes! Is it any wonder the people cannot vote the thugs out of office!

Yes even with the country up to her eyes in the cess-pond there are some naive and gullible idiots who cannot bring themselves round to accepting that Zanu PF rigged the elections. Even after 38 years of rigged elections, they still want to believe the elections were free, fair and credible because they do not want to deal with having to remove an illegitimate Zanu PF from office. How foolish is that!!!!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The Commission was always going to be a waste of time because it was never going to find the regime guilty of rigging the elections which is at the very heart of the street protests on 1 st August 2018!

The Commission was appointed by Mnangagwa as State President and thus he was being accepted as dully elected state president. The street protests were primary to challenge the election result and his legitimacy!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ CiZ

"The Zimbabwe National Army has a well known record of interfering in politics and threatening war on the opposition and it is disturbing that such facts would just be swept under the carpet."

Could not agree with you more. All the Commission has done is rubber stamping Mnangagwa's position; that Zanu PF won the election, the elections were free, fair and credible and that MDC were to blame for provoking the authorities.

Just as with the elections, Zanu PF did not fool everybody with the Commission as the EU election observers saw immediately the political overtones in the 1 st August shooting as made very clear in they final report.

"The excessive use of force by security forces and abuses of human rights in the post-election period undermined the corresponding positive aspects during the pre-election campaign," stated the EU report.

What matters here is that Zimbabwe is a pariah state, the Motlanthe Commission's report has not change that reality, and the economic consequences of that is the country's worsening economic meltdown. The pressure for Zanu PF to step down must be stepped up because as long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state the country's economic nightmare will only get worse.