“Morgan Tsvangirai is a flawed figure, not readily open to
advice, indecisive and with questionable judgment,” wrote then USA Ambassador
to Zimbabwe 2004 to 2007, Chris Dell, in a top-secret cable to his bosses back in
Washington, USA. The cable was leaked and published in Wikileaks.
"He is an indispensable element for opposition success …
but possibly an albatross around their necks once in power. In short … Zimbabwe
needs him, but should not rely on his executive abilities to lead the country's
Chris Dell named Morgan Tsvangirai as flawed but all MDC leaders
have since, notably the 2008 to 2013 GNU, proven beyond doubt that they too are
flawed, indecisive and worst of all corrupt, incompetent and sell-outs.
Indeed, if Ambassador Dell had ever revisited his original
cable; he would have added in red: “I knew MDC leaders were corrupt,
incompetent and sell-outs but never imagined they would ever sink to such
depths of depravity. What a batch of useless a***holes!”
One of the inherent fortes of flawed and indecisive people is
they not only reject sound advice but worse still they are vulnerable to
flattery and readily swallow bait, hook, line and sinker foolish advice.
What makes MDC leaders such first class a***holes is their
failure to implement even one meaningful democratic reform in five years of the
2008 to 2013 GNU. SADC leaders, credit where credit is due, advised Morgan
Tsvangirai and his MDC friends to implement the reforms. SADC leaders even
tried to have the 2013 election postpone until the reforms are implemented.
“If you go into elections next month, you are going to lose; the
elections are done!” SADC leaders told Tsvangirai et al at the SADC Maputo
Summit in June 2013. But once again MDC leaders paid no heed.
In 2013 and thereafter MDC has had many, many advisers, the
nonsense-advisers, telling the party leaders MDC would win the elections even
with not even one reform in place. Each time Zanu PF blatantly rigged the
elections the nonsense brigade has offered a feeble excuse why MDC lost and
fresh advice, which if followed, will guarantee a landslide victory.
The usual nonsense brigade suspects have been scrambling for an political
spin to please the gullible MDC leaders should disregard the recent Supreme
Court judgement condemning Nelson Chamisa for failing to follow MDC-T’s own
party constitution when he seizure power following Morgan Tsvangirai’s death in
Political analyst, author and publisher Ibbo Mandaza believes
there are political machinations behind the ruling, questioning why the ruling
was handed down a day after a pronouncement that all non-urgent court
proceedings had been suspended due to Covid-19.
So, we are to reject the judgement on the spurious grounds that
it was handed on a Tuesday and not Monday or Wednesday!
"There were indeed untoward circumstances in the lead up to
Chamisa becoming leader of the MDC. The Supreme Court has delivered a technical
ruling on these—although its ruling has of course significant political
consequences. The opposition is already so divided that it has ceased being
able to mount a coherent challenge to President Mnangagwa, whether on his own
legitimacy, or on other detailed policy matters such as the fiscal reasons
behind the finance minister's inability to deal with the budgetary
crisis," acknowledged Professor Stephen Chan of University of London's
School of Oriental and African Studies.
"However, no matter how he came to be party leader, it remains the fact that Chamisa is the opposition leader with the greatest public support. He should, in my opinion, now simply make a clean break and reconstitute his very significant portion of the MDC into a newly named party," continued Professor Chan. Sweet, sweet music to Chamisa and his supporters!
Just to bring the reader up to speed, Professor Chan is the one
who said Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF won the 2013 elections on merit, the
elections were free, fair and credible. He has given the MDC free advice in the
past on what the party needed to do to win the elections. There is no need for
implementing reforms, as far as he is concerned, since elections are already free
and fair.
So, to win the 2023 elections all Nelson Chamisa, already the opposition
leader with the “greatest public support”, now need “a clean break,
reconstitute and have a newly named party”!
The only valid political advice to MDC and the nation is that
given by SADC leaders throughout the 2008 GNU and they repeated on the eve of
the 2013 elections: implement the raft of democratic reforms and don’t go into
any elections until you do!
The people risked life and limb to elect Morgan Tsvangirai and
his MDC friends into power on the understanding the party will bring about the
democratic changes the nation has been dying for. Sadly, MDC leaders were so
busy enjoying the trappings of high office they failed to bring about even one
change, to implement even one reform.
Ever since the GNU MDC leaders have all but given up on implementing
reforms and have participated in flawed and illegal elections as long as Zanu
PF gives them a few seats on the gravy train.
Active contact tracing for case #11 from Bulawayo is in progress and to date, we have identified 47 primary contacts of this case. One of these had symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. In line with our intensified surveillance and expanded testing strategy these will be followed up for 21-days and tested accordingly. The Ministry will update the nation on the outcome of these tests.
The Ministry released results of the coronavirus tests for deceased on the 7th of April when he had passed away in hospital on Saturday 4th April 2020.
The man initially presented to a General Practitioner on the 23rd of March 2020 with a history of cough, sore throat and fever but did not improve on oral antibiotic treatment, went to a local hospital on the 2 April 2020 where he was admitted and eventually died.
This is simply not good enough!
a) It took too long from the time the deceased presented himself as a corona virus suspect to the test results being confirm.
b) Given the deceased was not in isolation right up to his death and the number of places he had visited 47 is a low figure for the number he had contacted.
c) Why has none of the 47 the deceased came in contact with not been tested, especially the one showing corona virus like symptoms?
d) The contact showing corona virus like symptoms must be tested and efforts made to establish whether the decease got the virus from him/her or someone else. If the later then the net must be cast wider to find from whom he got the virus.
e) If the individual in c) is corona virus positive then all his/her contacts must be traced and tested too.
The Total Consumption Poverty Line (also referred to as the Poverty datum line) for one person was $1,059 while for an average five person household it stood at $5,293 for the same period.
So the war veterans got their princely monthly pay of $4 800 per month only the other day payable end of April and before they get it they learn it is not enough to meet the basic needs. The moral of the story here is the war veterans should stop propping up the Zanu PF dictatorship in favour of the common national interest of demanding good governance for the good of all.
“Therefore, to date Zimbabwe has 13 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including three deaths. The two cases involve two 21-year-old male residents of Harare who travelled from the UK with case number 10. As part of tracing and follow-up, the local COVID-19 Rapid Response Team visited their homes, and samples were collected for COVID-19 testing. Both are clinically stable, with mild disease and under self-isolation at home.”
Case number 10 is a 21-year-old female who also travelled from the UK with case number 12 and 13. Four new cases were confirmed positive this week.
If there are only 13 cases of corona virus in the country and the country has done a thorough job of testing and tracing then the nationwide lockdown was an over the top reaction.
If there are indeed a lot more people with the virus than the authority know, which is the most likely situation, then one has to ask why is the country not doing enough test so we have the full and true picture.
Whilst China has not revealed the truth about those affected by the virus there is no denying the party dealt with the problem. In Zimbabwe one gets the feeling the regime is not only being secretive about the seriousness of the spread of the virus but worst of all it is doing nothing to stamp out the spread of the virus!
For the last 40 years, people of Zimbabwe have done nothing to stop the country's relentless slide into the abyss. We have known that Zanu PF was a party of corrupt, incompetent, vote rigging and murderous thugs and have done nothing to remove the thugs from office. Four decades of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption have left the country in economic ruins and political paralysis, seemingly stuck with Zanu PF and its entourage of corrupt and useless opposition parties.
Zimbabweans have paid dearly for their folly of doing nothing to end bad governance but that price is now set to skyrocket. Corona virus is causing great human suffering and deaths and will disrupt the economy so much so many will be thrown into abject poverty for years to come. In Zimbabwe the human misery and economic chaos will be tenfold because the country started with economic ruins and having the same corrupt and incompetent Zanu PF in government will only make things even worse!
If there was pressure to end the Zanu PF dictatorship before the corona virus outbreak then that pressure has now increased to dangerous level. Instead of clock alarm bells rings now it is siren warning, church bells, everything! If Zimbabweans do not replace this corrupt and incompetent Zanu PF dictatorship a.s.a.p. then they will pay very dearly for this folly!
We have a corrupt and incompetent government, have known this for 40 years now; it is our responsibility to remove it from office or pay dearly for doing nothing. We have buried our heads in the sand for 40 years now, how much longer are we going to do this?
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