Wednesday 1 May 2024

"We are not waiting for 2028, fixing (rigged elections) problem right now!" said Chamisa. He thinks everyone is stupid! W Mukori

 Speaking on his newly-launched Chamisa News Channel, Chamisa said he was not going to wait for the 2028 elections to fix the problems that are bedevilling the country.

“I know you have questions on when are we going to fix the 2023 error. We are not going to wait for 2028; we are fixing the problem right now. Let’s be united, love and help each other, together we will conquer. Our God is in it, God bless you,” Chamisa said.

The opposition leader left his party after claiming that it had been hijacked by proxies of Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu PF party.

Chamisa also commented for the first time on the recently introduced Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency asking his followers their experiences after its launch this month.

“Have you started receiving the ZiGs, I wish you all the best,” he said

It is nice to be worshiped as an infallible demigod who should never ever be questioned much less held to account. It was none other than Chamisa himself who insisted on participating in the 2023 elections although it was evident Zanu PF was rigging. “CCC will win big because I have plugged all the vote rigging loop holes! God is in it!” he claimed.

Zanu PF went on to rig and win the elections and soon thereafter CCC imploded and Chamisa deserted the sinking ship. And now he is back making even more outrageous claims. “We are not going to wait for 2028; we are fixing the problem right now!”  

He has never even bothered to explain what happened in last year’s elections and his promise CCC would win big. He does not bother to admit he conned the nation into participating in 2023 elections and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. He is promising to fix the problem of the dictator “right now”. We dare not ask how?

The people of Zimbabwe must snap out of this idiotic personality cult mentality that has blinded the nation to the reality that Chamisa is not an infallible demigod but a mere mortal and a corrupt and incompetent one at that. Chamisa is not fixing the nation’s problem of rigged elections, he and his colleagues have not only failed to implement even one reform in 23 years but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. He is not fixing the vote rigging problem but compounding. 

Chamisa and his CCC friends were Zanu PF team B in all but name, they participated in 2023 elections to make sure Zanu PF team A would won and have political legitimacy. We, the people must open our eyes and minds and see the reality more so after 23 years with not even one token reform implemented.


Zimbabwe Light said...

Nelson Chamisa everyone out there is ignorant, stupid and gullible; so ignorant they will believe what ever lie he tells them!

“I know you have questions on when are we going to fix the 2023 error. We are not going to wait for 2028; we are fixing the problem right now," he is now claiming. This is just another lie just as his claim to win 2023 elections because he plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes was a damned lie.

How long are we going to allow ourselves to be conned in to participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship?

Zimbabwe Light said...

Ok, we might just need to do a quick re-authorization of Facebook. Here's how --

The central bank chief said, somewhat tongue-in-cheek that Mnangagwa, who hails from Masvingo, has broken former President Robert Mugabe’s tradition of appointing people from Manicaland to head the apex bank.

Amid cheers from relatives and village folk, Mushayavanhu cited the origins of predecessors Kombo Moyana, Leonard Tsumba, Gideon Gono and John Mangudya as all from Manicaland.

“I want to thank the president for putting Masvingo in the limelight, Gutu and Mushayavanhu in the limelight,” he said in Shona.

“I came to my home village to thank those who gave birth to me….your son has been appointed to a top government job.”

Mushayavanhu said he will not forget his friends he grew up and herded cattle with.

So the appointment had nothing to do with merit but tribalism! The tragedy here is that the whole nation will pay dearly for the sins of one dictator and his cronies!

Zimbabwe is in serious economic and political trouble and the failure to appoint the best candidate for all available positions will only sink the nation deeper and deeper into trouble.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“Animal Farm by George Orwell is a satirical allegory novella published in 1945. It tells the story of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, Mr. Jones, hoping to create a utopian animal society based on equality and freedom. Led by pigs like Snowball and Napoleon, the animals succeed in driving out Mr. Jones and establish their own rules, encapsulated in the Seven Commandments of Animalism (e.g., "All animals are equal").

However, the pigs, particularly the cunning Napoleon, gradually consolidate power and rewrite the rules for their own benefit. The ideals of the revolution are corrupted, and the animal society becomes just as oppressive as the one it replaced. The novella satirizes the events leading up to the Russian Revolution and the subsequent Stalinist regime, critiquing the corruption of power and the dangers of totalitarianism.

Here are some key takeaways from the book:

1. The Corruption of Power: The novel portrays how the ideals of the animal rebellion are twisted by those in power, particularly the pigs. This warns of the dangers of unchecked authority and how revolutions can create new forms of oppression.

2. Propaganda and Manipulation: Orwell emphasizes how language and history are manipulated by the pigs to control the animals. This highlights the importance of critical thinking and questioning information.

3. The Importance of Equality and Ideals: The early dreams of the rebellion, focused on creating a fair and just society for all animals, represent the struggle for equality. The novel serves as a cautionary tale about losing sight of these core ideals.

4. The Dangers of Blind Faith: The sheep's constant repetition of "Four legs good, two legs bad" exemplifies the dangers of blind faith and unquestioning obedience to authority.

5. The Power of Education and Information: The control of information by the pigs demonstrates the importance of education and access to knowledge to challenge authority.

6. The Fragility of Revolution: Animal Farm shows how revolutionary ideals can be corrupted over time. It emphasizes the need for vigilance and the importance of holding those in power accountable.

7. Animal Farm's lessons are timeless, making it a valuable read for understanding power dynamics, propaganda techniques, and the importance of critical thinking in society.”

Could hardly believe you posted this Chisa since you are one of the victim of blind loyalty to Chamisa.

For the record, do you still believe Chamisa is an infallible demigod who must not be held to account for selling out on implementing reforms? (Just testing, in case you are just regurgitating someone else’s ideas which you failed to understand.)

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Daniel

"Who is better than Chamisa?"

So you cannot judge Chamisa's competence with having some one compare him with?

MDC/CCC were elected to implement democratic reforms and they have failed to implement even one token reform in 23 years, including 5 in the GNU. That is enough for me or anyone else with half a brain to stop trusting them with Zimbabwe's salvation. In your case they are "the best foot forward" because you have no one else to compare them with.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Daniel

"Chamisa performed very well in Zimbabwean political race. It's only that his opponent is stubborn and bully. Zanu PF is dangerous, Zanu PF kills."

It is not everyone who see and perceive, who hear and understand. As for you, you see nothing and perceive nothing. Never will!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

And so should the millions whom he conned to participate in 2023 elections to give legitimacy to Zanu PF and thus perpetuating the nation's suffering! Some thing a braindead nincompoop with his head in Chamisa's backside will never do!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The opposition have failed to implement even one reform in 23 years because of greed. Millions of Zimbabweans especially the MDC/CCC wildebeest herd refuse to see the opposition for whom they really are because they are ignorant, naive and gullible. Their personality cult, great leader, "Napoleon is always right!" has turned them into zombies incapable of one coherent thought with an ossified brain impermeable to reason and logic.

Zanu PF knew the opposition would participate in these flawed elections no matter how flawed the process got. Mnangagwa knew he did not need to implement any reforms.

How is it possible that two million believe Chamisa’s idiotic lie that he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes. “God is in it!” Two million and many still follow the upstart blindly! No wonder we are a failed state and rightly deserve to suffer!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chibaya

And who elected you and Coltart? The 2023 elections were flawed and illegal and even SADC and AU said so. Zanu PF has allowed the opposition to win a few gravy train seats for the purpose of legitimacy.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe is a failed state because Zanu PF rigs elections and Zanu PF rigs elections because MDC/CCC leaders sold out on reforms. You participated in the flawed elections out of greed and stop insulting our intelligence with your idiotic lies.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chief Ndiweni

"Ko iwe wakaitei nemareforms acho, pane chawakazama here? Kana chamisa akakonewa chigona iwe ugozotuka chamisa zvakanaka, ikozvino uningoita semunhu wakadya nyama yezizi uchirotomoka, papinde iwe uite those reforms tione, taneta nevanhu vakawetegwa mumuromo nadambudzo isu."

"Kana chamisa akakonewa!" There is no IF, he not only failed but has misled village idiots like you inot participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. That is the point. As long as there are idiots like you who are easily conned into doing foolish things, voting to perpetuate the dictatorship there will be no change in Zimbabwe. And so the number one task is to hammer some sense into your empty head - all two million of you according to the 2023 election result!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

As I thought, you have reverted to your idiotic default position!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chief Svosve

“We, who ? We the people? Kkkkk Iwe Wiribheti u are alone coz even as much as you push zanu pf agenda they are not with you, I know you do what you do to protect your own interests and ill begotten assets in Zimbabwe-but plz don’t say We … u don’t have the locus standi to say We the people, that’s a big statement for a known sellout like you. The statement is just too big for you.”

After saying all that you still avoided denying that Chamisa lied that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and participated in the 2023 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. And now the twat is “reloading” to drag the nation into the 2028 elections knowing fully well Zanu PF will be rigging these elections too and that participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy.

I do not need “locus standi” to speak the truth!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The personality cult, great leader, "Napoleon is always right!" mentality is curse in Zimbabwe society that must be condemned because it is the root of many of our ills!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Devine

MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them. Mnangagwa did not force Chamisa & Co to participate in last year's election, to lie about plugging all vote rigging loop holes, to give Zanu PF legitimacy. They did so freely out of greed. It is shocking the pathetic excuses some people are giving just because they cannot bear to admit the truth!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mahupete

You have never understood what the reforms were much less how they were to be implemented. It is interesting that a dimwit like you should now pretend to know the consequences of participating in flawed elections!

Zimbabwe Light said...


Zimbabwe Light said...

Sources who spoke to alleged Siziba could not stomach the mantra “Nyika inoshandirwa nevene vayo” by the ZCTU leader which is taken off President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s slogan “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo”.

“No. He did not walk out because of not being afforded a slot to speak but got infuriated when Taruvinga uttered the mantra more the same like “Nyika inoshandirwa nevene vayo……” . So what boggled his mind was that the instruction was not to entertain any political party. Why then would the ZCTU president mention a Zanu-PF aligned mantra?” said one source.

If this was the reason Siziba walkout they this is childish!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Darlington

“Vatengesi vose vari kusefeka vachibuda pachena. All the sellouts are in the clear. The sieve always lets the milk go and keeps the cockroaches. Just the long silence by Chamisa will expose all of them.”

Chamisa conned the public into participating in flawed fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would only give the regime legitimacy. Still he participated , lying that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop hole, out of greed. The upstart is gearing to do the same again in 2028, if we allow him to!

Zimbabwe is a failed state and cannot afford yet another rigged election and five more years of this chaos. The people must be educated so they know they are being conned to participate in flawed elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

ZACC has identified US$7 billion in cash and properties stashed away by former and current Government officials and individuals in UK, USA, Switzerland, Spain, Singapore, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Malaysia and other places, according to a report in the Herald.

This is the ears of the hippo, the rest of the beast is hidden in the muddy waters. We know this the Al Jazeera Gold mafia documentary that revealed that 80% of he US$2 billion per year gold trade is smuggled out of the country. A few years ago a Canadian NGO revealed that Mugabe was making US$2 billion per year from the looted diamonds.

Still the US$ 7 billion is a fortune. Zimbabwe’s economic growth has been cut short by the chronic shortage of electricity, amongst other things. The country has failed to built new power stations. The US$ 7 b could have been used to built Batoka Gorge Hydro (still on the card), Hwange unit 7 and 8 (only commission last year) and built a new Thermal Power Station the size of Hwange near Kwekwe. The economic benefit of these power stations would have added US$ 70 b to the country’s GDP by now.

The US$7 billion is locked in some vault, at best, or, at worst, is being used to bankroll the regime’s double lock iron grip on power!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Marxist

Were MDC/CCC leaders not elected on the promise the they would deliver democratic change.After 23 years, including 5 in the GNU, they have failed to deliver even one token reform. They must account for it! The argument that they are not accountable, are untouchable, is foolish and must be dismissed with the contempt it rightly deserve!

Zimbabwe Light said...





Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Developer

“What is Currency loss of Traction?

02 May 2024

By Akson Potera

Judging from the current situation in Zimbabwe, the term currency loss of traction has to be explained so that people should understand what it is and what causes it.

The term currency loss of traction means a situation where a nation's currency suffers a significant loss in value, leading to a loss of confidence in the currency and the country's economy. This can occur due to various factors such as:

1. Economic instability
2. Political uncertainty
3. High inflation rates
4. Trade deficits
5. Debt crises
6. Speculative attacks on the currency
7. Loss of foreign exchange reserves

Consequences of currency loss of traction include:

1. Hyperinflation
2. Reduced purchasing power
3. Increased cost of imports
4. Reduced foreign investment
5. Capital flight
6. Economic recession
7. Political instability

Examples of currencies that have experienced loss of traction include:

1. Venezuelan Bolivar (due to hyperinflation)
2. Zimbabwean Dollar (due to hyperinflation)
3. Argentine Peso (due to economic crisis)
4. Turkish Lira (due to political and economic instability)
5. Russian Ruble (due to economic sanctions and oil price decline)

To address currency loss of traction, governments and central banks may implement measures such as:

1. Monetary policy changes (e.g., raising interest rates)
2. Fiscal policy changes (e.g., reducing government spending)
3. Currency intervention (e.g., buying or selling currency)
4. Capital controls (e.g., limiting currency exchange)
5. Economic reforms (e.g., structural adjustments).”

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is we are stuck, as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt and incompetent thugs who rig elections to stay in power, nothing will change.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ashley

Because you think Chamisa is an infallible demigod who must not be held to account? Well then you must account for MDC's failure to implement even one reform and participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. If you will not do so then you shut your trap. Some one must account for all this selling out!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Well anyone with a choice to reject the ZiG will do so but the truth is very few of those living in Zimbabwe do not have a choice!

Zimbabwe Light said...

They neither have the intellect nor the polical will to do the right thing. And since the regime is accountable to no one, there is no stick to force them to do anything.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Asante

"Getting reforms from Zanu PF must be a collective effort , what role are you performing in that regard Mr Mukori , but Zanu PF will never reform itself out of power."

You will not get Zanu PF to implement any meaningful reforms especially now the regimes has the opposition in its deep pockets. The best course of action right now is to educate the CCC wildebeest herd so they open their eyes and see the sheer futility of participating in the flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

As long as we have an electorate that is so ignorant and naive they readily believe something as nonsensical as Chamisa plugging all vote rigging loop hole when he did not even have the common sense to ensure there was a verified voters' roll; nothing will change. Chamisa will con the herd to participate in flawed elections again and again.

Zanu PF is hoping and praying that the brainwashed herd will never ever open their eyes. Never ever!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Asante

Have been over this before; if CCC commanded 44% of the vote compared to 4% for the other 9 opposition candidate surely the others are not as important! They are only important because it suits your narrative!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chaka

“Elections are not meant to be free and fair in as much as sanctions give the opposition an upper hand as it thrives on peoples hardships.”

Stop talking nonsense! What has the rural peasant frogmarched to vote for Zanu PF got to do with the sanctions? One should not go home and beat up the wife and children because he had a quarrel with the neighbour!

Every Zimbabwean has the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country and it is foolish to keep justify denying the people this fundamental right with regurgitated idiotic excuses!

Zimbabwe Light said...

And what did Vapositora for ED do for ED? Deliver the block votes of their brainwashed-congregation to Zanu PF. Churches are not bastions for democracy and freedom especially many of these Pentecostal churches were church leaders have become filthy rich from wealth collected from the poor and/or gifts from Zanu PF and abusive tyrants whilst the church members are poor and terrorised.

Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections, SADC and AU condemned the election process as flawed and illegal, except for a handful of Churches, many others have endorsed the elections as free and fair directly or indirectly by their deafening silence. How church leaders can continue to back a corrupt and murderous regime for a bribe beggars belief. But that is Zimbabwe for you, corruption is everywhere even in the church.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chaka

“Denying the obvious is mental midgetry ....MDC CCC is a curse to Zimbabwe the grouping is a representation of neo colonialism..they have been lying to the world about false and stage managed abductions and the equally idiot USA like you believed such malicious hogwash .... our nation was economically murdered wit threats of a military invasion by Blair at the behest of Tsvangirai MDC .... our lives were turned upside down and the weak and blinkered fell by the wayside but we stood with Zimbabweans and refused to mortgage our country despite hardships .... the foolish are those who have denied Zimbabweans a decent life by inviting sanctions that eroded our currency caused hyperinflation and closed down industry and blacklisted our natural resources so for u to expect Zanu PF to even consider the opposition's cry for reforms is like expecting a cat to reconcile with a snake and for u to demand reforms without talking about sanctions and their native effects shows ur a classified rank hypocrite.”

I ask you again, does any of this justify Zanu PF denying the ordinary Zimbabwean their right to free, fair and credible elections?

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF's corrupting influence has reached very corner of Zimbabwe society including the church. Vapositora for ED! What is that? Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections no one in his/her right mind should be celebrate with the regime much less church leaders!

Zimbabwe Light said...

World Bank report shows that Mnangagwa's claim that Zimbabwe will attain an upper middle income status by 2030, Vision 2030, is a mirage by moonlight. The all important question is, when are we going to stop chasing these imaginary phantoms!

Zimbabwe cannot afford another rigged elections and yet that is exactly where we are heading!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Netanyahu

"Every day regurgitating about rigged elections. Then what? Zanu PF ichatonga kusvika Mbuya Nehanda vabuda pamundebele sikana."

Zimbabwe is a failed state and our ticket out ofd this hell is implementing the reforms and stopping Zanu PF rigging elections. Failure to do so then we must make sure that this time Zanu PF does NOT get political legitimacy. And so reforms and not participating in flawed elections will remain on Zimbabwe's national agenda. Get used to it because no one will dare remove them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Evergreen

You can say what you want but reforms and don't participate in flawed elections are remaining on the national agenda!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mahere

You gave Zanu PF legitimacy and no amount of noise from you will reduce much less cancel these exorbitant car radio licence changes. US$92 per year!

Mahere, you have participated in these flawed elections knowing doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still you participated out of greed, you have been after the few gravy train seats on offer as bait. You did not see the Sengezo Tshabangu ambush coming.

You are now fighting the regime for no other reason than to keep your name in the spotlight because you are desperate to participate in another flawed elections no matter how flawed as long as you see a chance of one a gravy train seat.

Well Zimbabweans were foolish to be conned into participating in 2013, 2018 and 2023. The fight is on to open their eyes to see the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and sell outs like you a gravy train seat!

Zimbabwe Light said...


"Please inform us of any monies recovered by any faction of the anti-Zanu-PF opposition?

The anti-ZANU-PF factions have also been part of the Zimbabwean government for the last 20+ years, with various ministerial positions and powers. Please inform us of their accomplishments to uncover corruption and recover looted funds!"

So Zanu PF has failed to stamp out corruption because the opposition have failed to do the same too? Only a fool like you would make such a foolish statement!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Innocent Chinongo

"The signs of a failing Regime are: 1. Charging high taxes to the citizens as measure to sustain the luxurious lifestyle of it's cabinet, MPs and senior government officials kkk i.e Cellphone levy, endless REA levy, ESAP levy, Zambezi Water Project levy, AIDS levy and many more. 2. Unjustifiable increase on government services parking fees, ZRP spot fines. 3. Demanding for payments of government services in foreign currency. Passport, Birth certificates, National IDs, Driver's licence and many more. We don't what's next."

All true but let us also open our eyes to the reality that the opposition was elected to stop Zanu PF rigging elections have not only done nothing but worst of all they have been conning the people to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed!

Zimbabwe Light said...


“I asked for the poster to tell us what the opposition has done to recover funds. You/they obviously have no answer.

MDC/CCC travels the world, independently of ZANU-PF.

MDC/CCC meets and negotiates with world leaders, independently of ZANU-PF.

Yet you all refuse to be the least bit critical of their refusal to act on the same issues you want to hold only ZANU-PF accountable for! You are hypocritical.

Your posts are just another example of double standards to promote the western regime change agenda!

If you are truly anti-corruption, you would hold all members of government, and all political parties responsible! But you refuse to, because doing so also exposes the corruption of your favoured candidates and parties!”

What are you wittering about. I have repeatedly held MDC/CCC to account for failing to implement even one token reform in 23 years, including 5 in the GNU.

What I am refuse to accept from a dimwit like you is the irrational argument that Zanu PF has the right to rig elections because of what MDC, the West, etc. have done or failed to do!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Lionel

“I bought a car radio for $40
The cost of license in one year is $92 per year. So licensing alone is way over the cost of the radio.

This doesn't make sense.”

I totally agree this does not make sense but it is what we have come to expect from this regime that has repeatedly rigged elections including last year. We are stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF regime.

What we cannot deny or ignore is the political reality that MDC/CCC were elected to implement reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections and they have failed. They have not only failed to implement even one token in 23 years and, worst of all, they have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

MDC/CCC leaders have settled to help keep Zanu PF in power for a share of the spoils and have been reminding us the people how miserable we are, a smokescreen to hide the truth they are now running with povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds. It is shocking that the people have not woken up to this blatant political betrayal even after 23 years of MDC/CCC leaders doing nothing!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bishop C

“Munomborasika henyu vaMukori. If Mahere is holding the gov to account in order to keep her name on the spotlight for the next election, you claim to be holding Chamisa, CCC/MDC to account, what's your motive?”

I am questioning the hypocrisy on one who participated in 2018 and 2023 elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would only give Zanu PF legitimacy but went ahead regardless because she also knew that Zanu PF was giving away a few gravy train seats. Like it or not we are stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship because MDC/CCC leaders sold out.

Of course, Mahere and company are taking full advantage of simpletons like yourself who cannot see that that they are making a big song and dance of criticising Zanu PF over such matters as the car radio licences to con you into voting for them and yet MDC/CCC has done nothing to end the curse of rigged elections, the number one task asked of them.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Boss Walez

And all you can say is no but cannot say why?

Accepting everything Chamisa or Mnangagwa says and rejecting everything anyone else says to the contrary is typical of the great leader, "Napoleon is always right!", cult personality mentality. Sadly, many in Zimbabwe have been thoroughly brainwashed they really are incapable of say anything beyond yes to the leaders and no to everyone else.

A healthy and functioning democracy demands that the people must be educated, knowledgeable and diligent. We have some of the braindead men and women on this planet! No wonder we are a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabweans are an ignorant, naive and gullible lot. In December 2019 Chamisa claimed that ED would go in 5 months; that did not happen. He has updated his claim: "We are not going to wait for 2028; we are fixing the problem (rigged 2023 elections) right now!" He is stringing the nation along, into participating in 2028 elections knowing fully well Zanu PF is rigging the elections and participating will only give Zanu PF legitimacy.


Zimbabwe Light said...


Zimbabwe Light said...

GWERU City Council is working on a by-law, which if approved by Government would see the local authority charging a toll fee for haulage trucks passing through the city.

Gweru has many chrome smelting companies in its heavy industrial area, a development, which has become a threat to the city’s road infrastructure as trucks carrying raw materials such as chrome and coal damage roads.

This is just another excuse for local government to squeeze money out of the people, a nation already groaning under one of the heaviest direct and indirect tax burden in the world! Central government has just announce a car radio licence of US$92 per year and local authority are dreaming up their own next charges.

How many toll gate charges are these haulage trucks folding out on each trip already?

Many of Zimbabwe industries have closed down over the last 44 years and hence the reason why unemployment is 80% plus and has remained this high for decades now. Both central government and local authorities have come up with all manner of charges to increase their revenue. The solution is to revive the collapse economy, increasing the tax burden is just flogging a dead donkey!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Benjani

Only a village idiot would still believe this overrated Zanu PF propaganda of blaming sanctions for Zimbabwe's economic meltdown. The economy was already in trouble by 1990 hence the need for the 1990 to 1995 and then 1995 to 1999 ESAPs! The sanctions were imposed in 2001!

I repeat the root cause of Zimbabwe's economic meltdown is the country's failure to hold free, fair and credible elections. Zanu PF has rigged elections dated back to 1980. The nation has been stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime for 44 years and it shows.

How ironic that Zanu PF apologists blame MDC/CCC for the country's economic woos when the regime should be thanking them. Zanu PF would not be in power if MDC leaders had not only sold out on reforms but had not consistently participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Not that I am sorry to see the sell outs kicked in the teeth, they getting their just deserve.

Zimbabwe Light said...


Well that is as clear as mud!


Zimbabwe Light said...


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kamuchawa

"You are still posting statement l think its now more than ten times in this group only .my brother or father or uncle try other story to bring down President of people Chamisa.not this stupid story you are repeating time and again."

The historic facts remain unchanged: MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years and hence the reason why Zanu PF is rigging elections. Chamisa is going to con people like you to participate in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. How to hammer some sense into your empty head is the challenge of our time!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dziva

“Apa he is in UK ran away from the same system that he wants us all to support.”

You believed Chamisa had plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes and participated in the flawed 2023 elections. I warned that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy and that is exactly what happened. Chamisa and company were hell bent on participating out of greed and they have admitted so themselves.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is people like you do not have the intellect to see anything. MDC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years and still you cannot see there is something wrong! You will never see because you are braindead. Your brain has ossified into fat.

You will be conned into participating in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and Chamisa a few gravy train seats! One cannot reason with an idiot whose brain is fat!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kamuchawa

“Why not come and offer your plan as alternative since you know better than them.”

I have offered solutions, stop sticking your head in Chamisa's backside and think for yourself.

Only some one who have his/her head in Chamisa's backside will still view Chamisa as the nation's best foot forward. We should not be wasting time arguing on such simple truths as Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes and yet there are millions of village idiots who still believe it, even now with the benefit of hindsight.

As long as we have such idiotic voters they will be conned into participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The cuckoo is the father always imposing its bastards on others to raise!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dziva

"At least anonyepa zvinonakidza. Ko vamwe vaunosapota."

You clearly have your head in Chamisa's backside, as I said. QED!

The brain has the habit to turn into fat even faster than muscle if not exercised. And the process accelerates where the brain is starved of oxygen - sticking one's head in some one else's backside is one sure way of starving oneself of oxygen!

Chamisa "anonyepa zvinonakidza". He conned you to participate in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship and the nation's suffering. What is great about that!!!!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tavston

“Ko iwe nhemavo dzako dziripi tikutevere.”

You still do not get it! Two million opposition voters participated in the 2023 elections an “electoral process so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw,” as David Coltart put it so aptly. Why, one must ask?

They were conned into participating by Chamisa’s idiotic claim that CCC would win big because he plugged Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes when it was clear the upstart had not even secured something as basic as a verified voters’ roll. Worse still, this was not the first time the CCC wildebeest herd had been conned into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

As long as the country has millions of voters who are so ignorant, naive and gullible they are conned into believing such idiotic claims as winning rigged elections, the nation has no hope of having a healthy and functioning democracy. None!

“Ko iwe nhemavo dzako dziripi tikutevere.” Yeah right!

So you think you and the two million plus who supported Chamisa and company last year KNEW Chamisa was lying but followed him regardless and, more significantly, UNDERSTOOD doing so would perpetuate their own suffering! Only an idiot would believe such an irrational statement. I certainly would take no pride in have village idiots like you following me!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ N Sithole

“Anyone is free to support a political party of their in football one is free to rally behind the team of their choice and even pinning their hopes on political party or football club that has played the entire season without even a single win or a political party that has failed to resuscitate the country that it singlehandedly destroyed.”

No one of substance has ever disputed that people are free to support a political party of one’s choosing. What you have failed to understand is that anyone who aspire or hold public office MUST be democratically accountable to the people, regardless of their political affiliation. Nincompoops like you think Chamisa is an infallible demigod who must not be held to account for his blatant lies and betrayals.

Chamisa sold out on reforms and conned his idiotic followers to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. He must account for this - that is not negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Daniel

Chamisa did sell out by failing to implement even one reform in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU. Of course Chamisa lied that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and any one who believe such a foolish lie is a fool. Why is saying a sell out is a sell out being considered an insult? This is just political correctness at its most idiotic limit!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Lee-Roy

I am holding those in power to account. I have answered you a million times it is not my fault that you have your head in someone' s backside and so failed to hear!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Gatsheni

He has not expired, he is gearing for a come back. Even if he has, unless we learn from the foolishness of believing his idiotic lies of winning rigged elections some one else will con the idiotic voters to participate in 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhou

You have already show that you are so ignorant, naive and gullible to believe such nonsense as plugged all the vote rigging loop holes it is clear you will conned again and again. Fools like you never learn!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Cold comfort to the millions living in abject poverty. Would want to hear you say it after your US$ account balance has just been converted to ZiG!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bornwell

“I hold you highly my brother.
But on the participation, you are lost. What do you think we should do instead of participation?
To me and millions of others, participation is the fighting. What do you have up your sleeve.”

Which part of “the election process was so flawed, so illegal, participating would only give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy” are you failing to understand. As much as SADC and AU election observers confirmed that the 2023 elections were indeed flawed and illegal, SADC leaders accepted the damning election report but did not deny Zanu PF political legitimacy because Zimbabwe’s opposition and millions of ordinary Zimbabweans participated confident CCC would win big!

All the CCC leaders who won took the oath of office and their gravy train seats, insisting the elections were free, fair and credible in “liberated zones”! The knew SADC and AU had condemned the elections and that this was an act of defiance.

So, if the people of Zimbabwe were adamant the 2023 elections were free, fair and credible it was not for SADC to say otherwise!

CCC leaders are participating in these flawed elections out of greed, they know Zanu PF is giving away a few gravy train seats as bait.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

If the people are so dumb and stupid not to see MDC leaders have failed to implement even one reform in 23 years then they are beyond the pale and beyond helping! If the people are so ignorant, naive and gullible to be fooled into participating in flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering they deserve to suffer.

Participating in flawed elections, so flawed you are giving Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating your suffering is NOT fighting, you are just digging your own grave!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bornwell

“No, not legitimacy but exposure.
Tell me your route my brother.”

The 2008 Zimbabwe elections were a watershed in that Zanu PF was forced to show the depth of depravity the regime would sink just to hold on to power.

MDC leaders had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms to ensure the blatant cheating and wanton violence would never be repeated ever again. Are you suggesting that MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform in five years because wanted to “expose” Zanu PF vote rigging yet again?

The real reason MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform is that Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office, the ministerial limos, the very generous salaries and allowances, for Save himself the US$4 m mansion, etc. In return, MDC leaders forgot about the reforms!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bornwell

“Chamisa has 55000 followers right now.
And you call them stupid. Thank you.”

What has that got to do with it?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhou

“Chamisa is better he is in Zimbabwe fighting the regime than those who just talk nonsense being out side the country.”

Chamisa sold out by failing to implement even one reform in 24 years and has been conning povo to participate in flawed elections out of greed. How some one like that can be said is fighting the regime beggars belief. But coming from you it is no surprise.

You have never understood what the reforms are much less how they are implemented. You have overcompensated for your own intellectual defiances by accepting Chamisa as your guru, infallible guru, who can do no wrong. It is utterly pointless to point out to you that Chamisa is a fallible mortal and how he has sold out; you do not have the intellect to comprehend anything.

I would not be surprised that you showed the same blind alliance to Mugabe in the past that you are now giving Chamisa. Sad really that anyone can be so shallow, thick and slow to consider a mere mortal a demigod especially one with a well documented track record as corrupt and incompetent as Chamisa.

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is we have so many village idiots and they have the vote!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Having a radio in your car in Zimbabwe will now cost you US$92 per year licence. Zimbabwe's economy has all but collapse and the authorities are raising revenue by hook and crook including flogging the proverbial dead donkey!

Zimbabwe Light said...

So any one who dares how Chamisa to account must be a Zanu PF agent? If you hold Zanu PF to account, you are a puppet of the west. No attention is paid to whatever you said. The sheer stupidity of it all is shocking.

Zimbabwe Light said...

If the economy was doing well ZBC will be earning from paid adverts, for example. I would not be surprised if the tax burden in Zimbabwe is one of the highest in the world and that will not help economic recovery but stifle it instead!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Felex

There will be no meaningful economic recovery as long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs in power because they rig elections. We had the opportunity to implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging election during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Alas! MDC/CCC leaders sold out not only by failing to implement even one reform by have been participating in flawed elections out of greed.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ King V

As long as we have a failed political system that allow some people to rig elections then we can expect buffoons to rig and rule! We had the golden opportunity to stop[ Zanu PF rigging elections during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. Alas! MDC/CCC leaders not only sold out by failing to implement even one token reform but have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chiwenga

Zim to offer five-star treatment to Sadc Heads of State
Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and Hyatt Regency Hotel (formerly Meikles Hotel) general manager Tinashe Munjoma tour the hotel which is under renovations in Harare yesterday. — Picture: Justin Mutenda.
Harare Bureau

SADC Heads of State and their delegations should expect five-star hospitality services when they come to Zimbabwe for the regional bloc’s summit in August, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has said.

All SADC leaders know that Zanu PF is illegitimate because they all read the SADC election observer team's report of the 23 August 2023 Zimbabwe elections. The regional body leaders did not have the spine to deny Zanu PF

Zimbabwe Light said...


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ lee Roy

Whilst spend all you time either denying Zimbabwe is a failed state or defending the buffoons ruling the country.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mavhunga

"Kkkk why can't you point to yourself that you are a failed individual in your person, you have followed your masters and 'in your +44 code and for you to survive you have to post a lot of innuendos for small pieces of silver, You are man at work to make sure that this nation is tarnished , and unogwadziwa to see us happy and enjoying life in Zim."

Well that is the ghetto mentality at play. Any one who dares to say Zimbabwe is a failed state must be a puppet of the west! Just because you cannot think for yourself, you are always regurgitating Zanu PF propaganda or CCC nonsense so you think no other blacks out there are capable of expressing any opinion on any subject!

Right or wrong, these views are my own and no one is paying me to express them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Lee Roy

"Unlike you i actually do something about the status qou core in Zimbabwe.

2008 we fought hard to enter Gvt and transformed Zimbabwe, implementing the 1st leg of reforms with New Constitution.

Imimi what have you done thus far. Mkoma"

The number task for the opposition was to implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. Zanu PF has been rigging elections since the GNU. You clearly do not know what those reforms are. Even if you were given another GNU, you will not implement any reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. You are good at making a lot of noise!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

"Saka zvavakatadza u think crying over spilt milk is the best alternative."

As I said you have never understood anything! I have said what went wrong and what must be done and all you have ever done is try to silence me. Address the issues; are you denying that MDC/CCC sold out by failing to implement reforms and by participating in flawed elections out of greed?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tavston

"We all know it and not denying but what is the best way that you can lead us sir🙏🙏🙏🙏"

People like have never understood what is going on, you have the Boxer the horse mentality, the great leader is always right mentality, and hence the reason why you still participated in the 2023 elections even after you were warned that it was foolish to do so. The task of educating people like you is the real challenge.

How do you reason with someone who is braindead?

Zimbabwe Light said...

Potholes do not normally hit people's cars it is the cars that hit potholes<" said ANC SG, S Africa's finest!

The beauty about SA is that this 2024 elections, just like the ones in the last 30 years, is free, fair and credible and whichever party emerges the winner it would be the democratic wish of the people. The same cannot be said about Zimbabwe, we have yet to hold free, fair and credible elections.

The nation had many opportunities to end the curse of rigged elections especially during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and MDC leaders sold out. Chamisa conned his braindead followers to participate in the flawed 2023 elections, promising them that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. How anyone with even half a brain believed such trash, beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Finance minister admits there are no debts for building homes and car. This is hardly surprising given with unemployment at 80% plus, high interests rates, hyperinflation, etc. why minister thinks this is proof the economy is "not struggling" beggars belief! Is this one of his sick jokes!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa and company failed to implement even one token democratic reform in 24 years, 5 of which in the GNU and, to add insult to injury, have been participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the Zanu PF dictatorship. Only an idiot can still maintain that Chamisa is the doyen of Zimbabwe politics.

Rugare Gumbo is 84 years old a veteran of Zimbabwe politics. Alas! The old crow have learned nothing, he is just another village idiot!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mura

“Zim is a macro mental institution in a way that boggles the mind. Its only in zim where senior government officials are citizens of other countries and fly in to implement cruel strategies to further their own interests through looting, extortion, blackmail, murder, rigging- the list is too long. It's only in zim where a sizeable % of the population applaud and approve while their children's futures are transferred to the elite families' offspring. It's only in zim where the elite imposes an inferior, valueless local currency for the povo while the elite dabbles in international hard currency in pure daylight. In this age, our people still gather in 1000s to receive cooked food in the name of votebuying. Mazim inga kuchikoro takaenda wani, what's wrong with us?

“Where citizens blame the opposition for not implementing reforms when it was never voted into office by the same citizens. Where clean drinking water is and health are a preserve for the connected. And thieves parade their loot left, right and centre and ana njwati clap hands. It’s saddening. I am frustrated.”

I totally agreed with you until the bit “citizens blame the opposition for not implementing reforms.” It is clear that you have no clue what you are taking about!

MDC leaders did have the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms but failed to do so because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office, the ministerial limos, the generous salaries and allowances, the US$4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, etc., etc.

Ever since the GNU debacle opposition leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

You are clearly one of those Zimbabweans who have their heads stuck in Chamisa’s backside and so will never ever accept that he is corrupt and incompetent. Never! The reality and truth will not change to suit you!

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is that village idiots like you have the voice and, worst of all, the vote! Chamisa is gearing to participate in 2028 elections and there are millions of village idiots who will participate and thus perpetuating the dictatorship!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bishop C

“ Anyone who speaks well about Chamisa becomes a village idiot??”

Chamisa has proven to be corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless and only a village idiot would therefore call him the doyen of Zimbabwe politics.

I have challenged you to name one democratic reform Chamisa has implemented in 24 years including 5 in the GNU. You have failed to name one because there is not even one reform MDC/CCC have implemented. Just because Rugare Gumbo agrees with you, a village idiot, does not mean he not one himself!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kennedy

"Chamisa done his best and plugged all rigging that why Zanupf president is illegitimate in the eyes of the world .Zanupf failed to get majority both in Parliament and senate and come back through corrupt means."

How naive. If he plugged all vote rigging loop holes then why did Zanu PF rig the elections. Even with the benefit of hindsight you still refuse to accept the reality that you were conned! You have spend so much time with your head buried in Chamisa's backside your brain has ossified for lack of oxygen into fat!