Wednesday 15 May 2024

Zimbabwe is now a highly stratified nation with the ruling elite building palatial parliament whilst hospitals for masses rot and decay! Wilbert Mukori

 Parirenyatwa Hospital is in dire need of attention with crippling problems ranging from brain drain to obsolete equipment in the critical renal and radiotherapy units, officials have said.

The major challenge, according to the authorities, is the issue of free medication for selected exempted groups which has compounded poor service delivery.

The situation was unearthed when the Parliamentary Health Committee visited the hospital on Tuesday following a similar visit last year.

According to the acting Chief Executive Officer, Tsitsi Magure, the hospital has a shortage of 368 specialists including gynaecologists, pathologists, oncologists, and palliative care among other areas.

She said the largest referral centre’s radiotherapy machines have been down for over two years.

The hospital does not have radiology and imaging services, chemotherapy medicines, surgical anaesthetic equipment including the complimenting sundries which affects service delivery.

In few cases where the equipment is available – it is obsolete.

If the situation in one the country's referral hospital is this pathetic one can only imagine the rot and decay in which the provincial hospitals are in. As for the district hospitals and those lower down even the building have collapsed in some cases.  

Meanwhile the regime continue to be obsessed about high profile and prestige projects like the palatial new parliament in Mount Hampton completed last year. And now the regime is building grand no expense spare four lane up and four lane down motor way connecting the new parliament to Harare City Centre. 

Zimbabwe is now a highly stratified nation with the few filthy rich ruling elite steaming ahead with everything they ever wanted and more at the expense of the millions being denied freedom, human rights and the bare minimum for life. This is not right, unsustainable and we will all pay dearly for this folly.


Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa appoint commission to investigate CCC run Harare Council. Of course, Zimbabweans want a competent run local authority but the truth is nothing of substance will ever be accomplished as long as the country continues to be governed by a corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime in power these last 44 years because it rigs elections.

Mnangagwa rigged 2023 elections and, per se, he is illegitimate. He is nothing more than a hyena offering to remove fleas and ticks off the goat! Of course, the goat fear the murderous borne-crashing hyena more than it fears fleas and ticks!

Zimbabwe Light said...

This morning, His Excellency President Mnangagwa had an aerial tour of the Mt Hampden Conference Centre construction site.

The tour aimed to monitor progress of roads, conference center and 18 Villas construction, which will accommodate Heads of State during the SADC Summit set for August 2024. The 18 villas comprise of Villa 1 type (12), Villa 2 type (5) and Villa A type (1), all works will be completed by July 2024.

No doubt the villas will be given to the ruling elite for a song!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe is becoming a highly stratified nation with the filthy rich ruling elite creaming off the nation's wealth for their insatiable creature comforts and egotistic pleasure at the expense of the masses who had sink fast into abject poverty and despair. The truth is this is unsustainable, no nation on earth has survive for long under such social strain and glaring inequality and injustice.

The gap between the two is growing wider and deeper by the day, bridging it will not be easy, and so the nation is heading for a calamitous crash!

We must cure ourselves of the double of rigged elections and bad governance. The prospect of yet another 2028 rigged election is looming and, without a concerted effort to stop the brain dead Chamisa Chete Chete supporters participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy again, it will come to pass.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Yakuza Ward 11 Councillor

“Wilbert asi ku London hauna zvimwe zvaukuita hrr hope yu are working fo your family and let me warn tell yu uchanyarara hako ZANUPF is hr to stay 2030 tinenge tichipo. Kubvanhasi mangwana nekusingapere.shanda ichakwana nguva yekuti unenge wakuda kudzoka ndopauchaona kuti waitambisa time ne social media stories.”

Mugabe thought he would rule Zimbabwe for life and see his wife take over until 15 November 2017 when he woke up with a gun up his backside. Of course, Mnangagwa too thinks he is invincible - he is not!

The Zanu PF house of cards should have crashed down a long time ago if MDC/CCC nincompoops had not sold out. Still the crash is now long overdue. Zanu PF will not retain the carte blanche powers to rig elections for much longer and were would Ward 11 Councillor be? Ask yourself!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by a corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF dictatorship who have remained in power these last 44 years because the regime rigged elections. Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections, even the usual suspects SADC and AU who have often turned a blind eye condemned the election as flawed and illegal, confirming our status as a pariah state.

Those who bury their heads in the sand and pretend Zimbabwe can still be a prosperous nation regardless of the criminal waste of the country's material and human resources are living in cloud cuckoo land. After 44 years of rigged elections and the nation on its knees; we must deal with the elephant in the room.

Let's cure ourselves of the double curse of rigged elections and bad governance and stop wasting time pretending we can have economic prosperity regardless of the dictatorship and criminal waste of resources!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shava

"12 variku Jeri nekutengasa zvinhu zve City of Harare.. ngazviyende kujeri .."

Sure but is their crime more serious than that of rigging elections, which is what those arresting them committed. Corruption is a serious problem in Zimbabwe but we have failed to stamp it out because we have been arresting the small fish and doing nothing about the big fish, the godfathers of corruption because they rig elections to impose their rule. We need to be smarter!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Richard Mahupete

"Between today and 2028, where is the timing of the 'calamitous' crash?!"

If a big referral hospital like Parerenyatwa is failing to provide even the most basic health care service you do not think that is a calamitous crash of the nation already? You never seize to amaze me with your stupidity!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The rest of us ordinary mortals have complained about Zanu PF tyranny and the likes of Mutsvangwa have down played or denied the oppression, now she and her husband will have time to reflect. It is sad that some people always choose to be indifferent to other people's suffering only to wake up when it is too late or face the injustice up close and personal. ''Kuzvivonera panhino sepfodya!'

Zimbabwe Light said...


What I find disappointing is the number of Zimbabwe who either refused to see the elephant in the room was Zanu PF misrule or have pretended it was not there out of cowardice, even now after 44 years of misrule. THe nation has paid dearly for this and the important question is when are we going to finally open our eyes and deal with the elephant?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chamisa


Meanwhile you are going to participate in the 2028 flawed elections, claim that you have yet another winning in RIGGED election strategy to entice you followers to participate to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people’s suffering.

You continue to refuse to account for selling out of implementing reforms and conning people to participate in flawed elections because you were “touched and enlightened” by God hence the #Godisinit! You are not accountable and yet not even the Moses of Bible placed himself above the law, he too had to obey the 10 Commandments but not Nelson Chamisa.

Of course, you lied about plugging the vote rigging loop holes and claiming God is in it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Liberty

“Even if he does not participate, elections will happen and zanu will steal elections. This is not about Chamisa. Sadc recognised that zanu stole elections and they are still in power.

The least you can say or do is to give him credit. He is trying for the better of us all.”

You have been told a thousand times that MDC/CCC failed to implement even one reform during the GNU out of greed. That they have been participating in flawed elections knowing doing so will give Zanu PF legitimacy and still they are doing it out of greed. Coltart told you the same thing!

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Still you refuse to accept that MDC/CCC leaders are sell out and are not doing the nation any favours participating in the flawed elections. You refuse to accept that it is sheer folly for povo to participate in flawed elections to perpetuate their own suffering. It is not my fault that you are shallow, thick and slow!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Poundman

“Mukomana uyu anodiwa kudarika you and your nonsense.”

How many of those millions of his Chamisa Chete Chete supporters know that Chamisa betrayed them by failing to implement even one reform during the GNU and that he lied to them about plugging all Zanu PF vote rigging to con them to participate in the 2023 elections? But what would you know about such things, you have failed to comprehend any of these matters!

Zimbabwe Light said...

If Mnangagwa could bribe SADC and AU election observers to rewrite their respective election reports, he would do it. The reality that he rigged elections and is illegitimate is following wherever he goes like a shadow! Even though Zanu PF was send away from SA days ago, they are still talking about the regime - the vote rigging skink smell lingers for days!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections thanks to Chamisa and his CCC friends' connivance. Still if the regime thought it was going to get away with it, this time it is proving a bridge too far. The damning elections report from both SADC and AU has earned Zanu PF the reputation of rigging elections and it stinks!

Some South Africans has publicly protested against allowing Zanu PF to observe that country's 29 May 2024 elections and the invitation has been withdrawn. And rightly so too! The baboon with the dirty hands was not welcome!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Poundman

“They don’t mind.
Even another election ikaitwa nhasi he will get support inokusvota.
More support than the previous one.”

So you think these people KNOW that Chamisa is lying about plugging all vote rigging loop holes, KNOW that he is lying to con them into participating in flawed elections and KNOW that by participating they will give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. They KNOW all these things and “they don’t mind!” Only a nincompoop like you would say that!

You cannot reason with someone whose brain has ossified into fat tissue. You say that the voters will be fixing me, “inokusvota”, by perpetuating their own suffering. Only some one who is braindead would say that! QED!

Still! Yes the nearly 2 million Zimbabweans were conned into participating in flawed elections last year are likely to do the same again come 2028 because not to fix me but rather out of ignorance. They are stupid to believe Chamisa’s lies but not that stupid to knowingly participate in an election to perpetuate their own suffering.

We have one of the most ignorant, naive and gullible electorate on earth; the country would not be a textbook failed state if this was not the case. The challenge is to educate the voters. A big challenge but not mission impossible. Admittedly, it would be mission impossible if they were all brain dead like you!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It is not for Chamisa to resign but rather for the voters to send him packing. As long as the voters remain ignorant, naive and gullible they will elect another village idiot just as they did electing Mnangagwa to replace Mugabe or Chamisa to replace Tsvangirai!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It is so often happens with looted wealth - the individuals did not have the intellect to earn and it is not surprising that he/she will not very the intellect to spend it wisely. And so it is common for the looters to spend their loot on gold watches, posh cars, Gucci shoes, mansion, etc., etc. things that will start losing the value as soon as they are bought and cost a fortune in servicing and hardly ever generate any additional wealth.

Why any one should have 10 pairs of shoes and two watches at any given time let alone 457 pairs and 45 gold watches beggars belief. The irony of ironies is they have the 457 pairs, 45 gold watches, 6 posh cars, 45 room mansion, etc., etc. are still they are as miserable as a cat with a dreaded skin disease.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Undergraduate

“This is a silly attempt to bring back a recycled paralysed G40 narrative, the remaining G40 ruminants are trying to use the back to remain in the Game, unfortunately, ZANU PF under the able leadership of the New Dispensation Leader President ED Mnangagwa has show them a middle finger ... 👎 Manipulating Rev Dr.Nevers S Mumba was, and still remains their hope with a rerun of the 2023 Elections fallacy.. It's still sad that we will have the Morrison Nyathis among those who had we hoped to carry the cross .

Zimbabwe is focused on the ambitious target of the middle income status by 2030..... and current projections are achievable......ZIG currency will deliver the ellussive hope….”

There are many, many reasons , why Zimbabwe is a failed state and one of the reasons has to be our shortsightedness as a people. Where others can see to the horizon and therefore call upon a big wealth of knowledge in their decision making. We can only see no further than the tip of our nose and no wonder we have blundered from pillar to post.

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections denying our own people a meaningful say in the governance of the country. Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have been stuck with a corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical regime these last 44 years because Zanu PF rigged the elections. And yet millions of Zimbabweans on both sides of the political divide still fail to see this and continue in their blundering wanderings.

Your brain, like millions of others out there so you are not alone, has ossified into fat; a life time of mental inactivity has taken its toll. You are now as blind mentally as the mole, you are to be pitted.

As for Zimbabwe, the country is doomed. The New Dispensation is not new at all other than taking the criminal waste of the nation’s resources into overdrive. How anyone can see the wholesale looting of the nation’s resource, for example, as progress beggars belief! We really are a cursed nation!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Undergrad

"Zimbabwe will observe the South Africa elections and the ANC is winning resoundingly...... Musarwadziwe.. Zimbabwe is progressive democratic model in Africa...ANC deployed its high level delegation on a learning Tour, the process took place a year ago...Cde Jacob Zuma's entrance into the political field is good for the ANC....."

If you say so!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Linda Masarira is right Zimbabweans are obsessed with form at the expense of substance and the nation has paid dearly for this foolishness. When are we ever going to learn!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Manhize, Mvuma, to be the biggest iron smelting plant in Africa after US$1.2b investment by the Chinese. Production to start next year.

It is interesting to note that the project should have happened 8 years ago but Mugabe stopped it, according to this reporter. How many other similar projects have been delayed over the 44 years of Zimbabwe rule and at what cost to the nation?

Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections and thus imposing itself on the nation and confirming the political reality that Zimbabwe is a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs.

Zimbabwe will never realise its full economic potential as long as the country remains a pariah state. Zanu PF is gearing to rig the 2028 elections and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. We are not out of the woods until we deal with the double course of rigged elections and bad governance!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhuo

“Your bitterness about Chamisa is too extreme kkkkk. Tough luck Chamisa is still relevant to the people of Zimbabwe.”

You will never admit that Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes and conning you lot to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship and the nation’s suffering. How anyone can ever be so dumb and stupid to be indifferent to their own suffering beggars belief.

So instead of acknowledging your own stupidity and, more significantly, your own suffering and doing something about is you pretend everything is fine, Chamisa never lied, CCC did win big and we are all living happily ever after. I have made it all up of Chamisa lying, etc. out of “bitterness about Chamisa”. I am truly dumbfounded.

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state and, at this rate, has no chance of ever getting out of this hell-on-earth. We simply have too many village idiots and, alas, they have the voice and the vote!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Albert

“So you would be happy if Chamisa's supporters leave him and follow Linda??But why don't you try to have a political party yourself???rather than repeating yourself 10 times a day on this platform..”

You have failed to get the substantive issue I raised here which that people must stop being obsessed with the form, appearance and trivial matters and concentrate instead on the substance, facts and truths.

If anything else you foolish comment proves the point, you are indeed incapable of seeing the woods from the trees. If the Chamisa Chete Chete are following Chamisa blindly, they are not going to have a transformative moment just because they now follow Masarira blindly.

I am going to repeat myself a thousand time a day and a thousand times again in the hope that will force the blind moles to open their eyes and minds. Zimbabwe cannot afford to have yet another rigged elections in 2028. And no task is beneath me or too tough in the fight to end this insanity of rigged elections. Not that I expect you to understand that - you clearly do not have the intellect for that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Poundman

I do not doubt you for one minute and hence the reason I have said there is nothing to suggest the wildebeest herd will not be conned into participating in the 2028 elections for a similar idiotic reason as "I plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" Zimbabwe is a failed state for obvious reasons - we have some of the most ignorant, naive and gullible electorate on earth.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhou

"Chamisa is going to bring change in this country. You are going to come back home."

Do you know that Chamisa and company had the golden opportunity to deliver the democratic changes during the 2008 to 2013 GNU? They failed to implement even one token reform.

Worse still, MDC/CCC have been participating in flawed elections since the GNU debacle, knowing that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still the soldiered on. Do you know why? Greed!

Worst of all, Chamisa has been conning you and millions of other ignorant and gullible Zimbabweans to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the people's suffering because Zanu PF would not give them the reward unless millions participated.

You have been warned of the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections to perpetuate your own suffering but you paid no heed. The warning was water off a duck's back, you do not have the intellect to comprehend any of it.

You are blissfully happy worship Chamisa the very man responsible for your own suffering. Ignorance has its own advantages. Cry the beloved country.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Poundman

Zimbabwe belongs to us all the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade and others. Zimbabwe's economic meltdown affects us all and it the sacred duty of every citizen to hold all those responsible for this mess to account. You idea that Chamisa is NOT accountable is foolish!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"the other issue there is no obvious candidate to challenge these guys. If they was someone with great leadership capabilities, people elect them. They is no one I know I can say I will vote for In Zimbabwe."

In a country know to elect buffoons like Mugabe, Mnangagwa, Tsvangirai, Chamisa, etc. you will never have quality. If you have wholesome milk you will get cream. If you have sewage then you will get scum! Even if you were to get the Albert Einstein of political science, he will lose to Mnangagwa or Chamisa in Zimbabwe.

If anyone can be conned to believe some of Chamisa's idiotic lies then he/she should never have the right to vote. You doing not give a loaded gun to a monkey but give an idiot the vote!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The bigger story is what kind of a nation will have many of its people calling such a hovel home in this day and age? What kind of nation would accept this as normal? No wonder we are a failed state, we do not deserve to be anything but!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It is true that ANC in South Africa has propped up Zanu PF at the expense of MDC and democratic change in Zimbabwe, still it would be wrong to suggest that MDC leaders did nothing wrong. MDC leaders had the chance to deliver democratic change in Zimbabwe these last 24 years particularly during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They sold out and failed to deliver even one democratic change and have been participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is hardly surprising or new for we are used to this culture of political intolerance. This time last year Mnangagwa himself was boasting of how Zanu PF will be frogmarching voters!

Zimbabwe Light said...

How is that millions of our people are living in mud hovels with no clean water and no toilet facilities in this day and age. To the rural peasant the right to own the piece of land, no bigger than a football field, will spur them to build a decent house, grow fruit tree and boast their standard of living. Zanu PF is denying them title deed for the same reasons the colonial white did - for selfish political reasons!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Ex-Police Chief's $7M Mansion Snapped Up by Chivhayo
Exiled former Zimbabwe Republic Police commissioner Augustine Chihuri’s US$7 million mansion in Harare has been snapped up by Wicknell Chivayo, a convicted criminal-cum-tenderpreneur with access to President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

When tanks rolled into Harare in November 2017, as the putsch to remove Robert Mugabe gathered full speed, Chihuri was the only security chief aligned to the late former strongman.

Chihuru did not pay for the US$ 7 million mansion using the meagre Police Commissioner’s wages no more than Chiwenga for his White House mansion or Mugabe for his Blue Roof Palace from their wages. It was all pay for from the looted national wealth and it is for that reason that Zanu PF rigs elections - to allow the looting to continue.

The counterpoise is equally true, we need to implement the democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections and thus finally put an end to the rigged elections and the looting.

Zimbabwe Light said...

This should have spurred the country to become the South Korea of Africa but, alas, we have become poor and textbook example of a failed state because of gross mismanage and rampant corruption by Zanu PF. The regime has rigged elections thus retaining its iron grip on power for 44 years and counting.

We need to implement reforms and end this curse of rigged elections and bad governance. MDC/CCC had the golden opportunity to implement reforms and wasted it, we must find opposition leaders who will.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

“So you think for those Zimboz still living in mud hovels and have not built decent houses is all because of lack of the right to own land ? This is way way far fetched ... We expect much much better than this from you!”

Would you build a house, plant fruit trees or spend any money on any fixed asset when you know you will be forced off the land at the drop of a hat?

Millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty not because they are lazy but because to suits Zanu PF, just as it suited Ian Smith before them, to keep the masses poor and as helpless as medieval serfs before the overbearing landlords.

We are going to implement the democratic reforms, hold free and fair elections and give every Zimbabwean title deeds to the land on which their home is built. Zanu PF’s reign of terror is over, get that into you thick head!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shambeny

"Mudhara you can rant all you like in Zimbabwe there are no electoral reforms that are going to be implemented. Either you use violence to take power or get used to the system because its there to stay."

Zanu PF thugs have portrayed themselves as the invincible who will rule Zimbabwe "until donkeys have horns". They are buffoons with the intellect of a garden slug just because the conned Morgan Tsvangirai And his MDC friends to forget about the reforms does not prove they are smart. On the contrary, it proves MDC leaders have the intellect way below that of garden slugs!

Mnangagwa rigged 2023 elections and has struggled to shake off the label of illegitimate. He thought CCC's participation was enough to guarantee him legitimacy, not this time. It is now clear the opposition has been participating in these flawed elections out of greed and even SADC and AU are sick and tired of this nonsense and hence denounce the 2023 elections as a farce.

The education of the ordinary Zimbabweans to stop participating in these flawed elections to give Zanu Pf legitimacy and Chamisa et al a few gravy train seats at the public expense of perpetuating the dictatorship and the suffering of the masses is gathering momentum. The sheer folly of participating in flawed elections on the basis of idiotic claims like "I have plugged all Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" is self evident.

Zanu PF is set to rig 2028 elections and Chamisa and his new party are hell bent on participating out of greed. What the two parties do not know and a rightly worried about is whether they will con many Zimbabweans to participate and will Zanu PF get political legitimacy?

If ANC does not win on 29 May 2024, let us just say Zanu PF will have cause to worry from here forth! Pressure on a democratically elected SA government to stop propping up a vote rigging Zanu PF regime will be palpable. A big reason for Zanu PF to worry about!

Of course, Zanu PF buffoons would want to put up a brave face and pretend the party will rule forever but a few of the garden slugs, at least, will know the game is up! As for you, watch this space!