Sunday 5 May 2024

"West given up on opposition and working on intra Znu PF leadership renewal." Who can ever blame them! W Mukori

 From B Musonza

The West is now working on intra Zanu PF leadership renewal. They have given up on the opposition.

Reply Prof J Moyo

“THE TIDE HAS TURNED, as Zimbabwe comes out of the cold into the fold of the global community in the new geopolitics; with Harare set to host the next forum of Africa-Nordic foreign ministers in 2025. Good tidings speak for themselves!”

Of course, the international community has given up on Zimbabwe. We do not even have the common sense to acknowledge our political system has failed. We have risked livelihoods, limbs and many have even died to elect opposition leaders for express purpose they would implement the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU. SADC leaders set up a special summit to get the June 2013 elections postponed until reforms are implemented and we ignored the warning.

Zimbabweans have insisted in participating in flawed elections knowing fully well that doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. 

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

SADC and AU election observers joined the rest of the world in condemning the August 2023 elections as a farce. CCC leaders who had won the few gravy train seats offer as bait took them up insisting the election was free, fair and credible in “liberated zones”.  No wonder the world has given up on Zimbabwe and we deserve to fry!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shava

"Why do u blame a person who had never led Zimbabwe, if a person is on the opposition bench and the rule of law is being abused what do u expect Chamisa to do, Chamisa is a political leader not a rebel leader, u should be blaming the people of Zimbabwe that why are we so relaxed when the country is being looted by mafias.”

Chamisa and company have failed to implement even one reform during the GNU because they were bribed by the trappings of high office. You have always had you head buried inside Chamisa’s backside, to you Chamisa is a demigod who can do no wrong. Your brain has ossified into fat you cannot comprehend the reality and truth that MDC/CCC leaders sold out even after 24 years with not even one token reform to show for it.

The MDC/CCC are the ones helping Zanu PF stay in power and continue looting, you twat!

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we just have more than our fair share of village idiots. You cannot reason with them, even after 24 years they still have no clue what the opposition was elected to do!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ KM

"Chamisa chete chete even if u say village idiots we forever support his vision.. The Numbers don't lie my friend Nero chete chete nhaika kusvika takunda."

Name one thing Chamisa has accomplished in 24 years beside conning you into participating in rigged elections top perpetuate your suffering? Hupenzi inyama yegakava! And there is no bigger fool in the world than he who knows nothing and yet thinks he is wiser than King Solomon himself!

Zimbabwe Light said...

11 Tshabangu Loyalists Appointed To Fill Vacant CCC Seats In Parliament

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has announced the appointment of six more parliamentarians from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Sengezo Tsabangu into the National Assembly.

The six MPs are Vivian Chitimbe (Harare), Nyasha Batitsa (Manicaland), Samantha Mureyani (Manicaland), Diana Marikano (Mashonaland East), Tsungirirayi Rungwave (Masvingo) and Melphiner Gwabeni (Midlands).

ZEC also confirmed five CCC candidates to fill vacant senatorial posts. They are Tambudzai Kunaka (Harare), Murisi Zwizwai (Harare), Moses Manyengavana (Harare), Spiwe Munemo (Mashonaland West) and Tawanda Bvumo (Mashonaland West).

CCC leaders were hell bent on participating in the flawed 2023 elections knowing fully well that doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they participated because they also knew that Zanu PF gives away a few gravy train seats as bait for participating. Ever since the elections, they have been fighting over these few seats even when it meant both opposition factions lost out the seats to Zanu PF!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe is a failed state because Zanu PF continues to rig elections. Zanu PF continues to rig elections because MDC/CCC failed to implement even one reform in 24 years. So you see the sell out CCC are responsible for Zimbabwe remaining a failed state.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Freeman Chari

One of the reasons unemployment is high in Zimbabwe is failure to understand that industries are deliberately created & nurtured. They don't do thega. The mortgage industry is separate from the real estate industry but are complementary & are both huge in normal countries.

As a government, you want your pple to afford decent & safe housing. This means there should be sufficient housing for renting or owning. Owning a house requires a significant upfront investment which few workers can afford. Therefore they have to rent or borrow to build/buy.

Now, for a country where 94% of the people are essentially unemployed or earning less than $75/month per Zimstats, if we assume at most you pay 40% of your earnings towards a mortgage, & that Zim has a stable & reasonable interest rate, & assuming that you pa 2.5x the price of a house for 30yr mortgage in interest & principal, the max house that all these pple can afford is worth $4 230 today. This poverty & extreme macroeconomic & monetary policies are the reasons we have no mortgage industry in Zimbabwe.

If, I was the minister this would be keeping me awake. A functional mortgage industry employs a lot of pple. When you buy or sell a house in USA using a mortgage about 10% value of the home is shared by so many businesses namely:
- Underwriting
- Appraisal Fees
- Credit Check
--Flood Cert
- Origination
- Owner Title Company
- Owner Title Insurance
- Lender Title Insurance
- Closing Protection Coverage
- Endorsement - EPA
- Endorsement Survey
- Title Search Fees
- Title Insurance Binder
- Attorney Fees
- Realtor Comissions
- Govt Deeds
- Home Warranty
- Homeowner Insurance
At least 20 companies get business from the sale of one home. These are 20 comapnies that employ people. This origination industry is about $2 trillion in size.

There is also something called Secondary Mortgage Industry where the companies that lend mortgages sell those mortgages to companies that service them. Think of it this way, I give you $1000 and you will pay it back monthly for 2 years as $2000. Instead of waiting for those 2 yrs, I sell the debt to John for $1200 today so that he will then sell it to Emily for $1500. Emily then gets your monthly payments. I have made $200, John has made $300 and Emily will make $500. Remember in Finance, money today is worth more than tomorrow (The time value of money). This industry employs millions of pple too.

Now, when more pple have access to mortgages, it means mre construction demand and more harware , cement needs etc. That is how you grow an economy.

You want more workers that are paid enough to afford debt as a cost of good life today instead of saving and waiting for 15yrs to afford a decent home.

Exactly and one would expect the Minister of Finance to know this.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Blue Train

"Munaziva pekugumira Cde. Vamwe vakazopfekedzwa an Apologetic T-Shirt vachinzi keep repeating zvawaitaura paya. Zvinhu zvikashanduka izvi tongoti UK, US, France, Aussie, German, deport so and so back to Zim...... unless zvenyu kana muri Russia or kuChina..."

How foolish! So you are now seeking to stifle debate and democratic discourse with threats!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Prezident

"I thought you are an educated Elder … zvimwe itaiwo muchinyara mdara , respect other’s opinions… don’t you know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion…??

Cde Rugare Gumbo , is a an elderly statesman a patriot a hero and someone who tried to his bests as a diplomat or politician after the war … we never really heard of many embarrassing scandals involving his name … he deserves his due respect 🫡…

Stop 🛑 It Mukori , it’s not wise or progressive at all to resort to this kind of rhetoric and disrespect of others efforts … hazvisi bhooo mdara ….

Anyway , murikugocha here bank holiday iyi Elder?"

It was very foolish of Rugare Gumbo to call Chamisa "a doyen of Zimbabwe politics" when the upstart has a well documented track record as a corrupt, breathtakingly incompetent and utterly useless leader. If Gumbo does not want to be called foolish then he should not say foolish things!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zhou

“Wilbert you have a point but you have over expressed your point and it's now irrelevant and monotonous especially given that it's only being expressed on social media and nothing on the ground. Later we think that you have programmed the anti Chamisa mantra that if you think you want to de-campaign him you just press you laptop to type the "no reform" gaffe. Move forward my friend, if you continue looking to the past then your danger is that you will miss the future. Be a man of action not a secretary always.”

Chamisa is itching for fresh elections on the same idiotic basis that he will win big because he has winning in RIGGED elections strategies. The wildebeest herd has never asked him why his past strategies have failed nor will they ask him now. They will blindly follow him and participate in flawed elections to give Chamisa legitimacy and so the nightmare continues.

The issue of participating in flawed elections is still relevant and we do not have to go through yet another flawed elections to admit that. At least I do not have to but you, given your intellectual challenges which we are all aware of, need to go through yet another rigged elections (not that there will be any guarantees the penny will drop).

Read my lips, Chamisa and the braindead supporters will participate in the 2028 elections with no reforms in place. I intend to remind him and the herd of the sheer folly of it all every day so that none of them will ever say they were not warned!

Zimbabwe Light said...

After 44 years of rigged elections the prospect of making that 48 years is real and no stone will be left unturned to stop that madness!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Was that why MDC?CCC failed to implement reforms because they expected me to be there to stop Zanu PF rigging! Your stupidity is like sweat, it oozes out with everything you say!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The West is re-engaging with Zanu PF because they have given up on Zimbabwe's opposition delivering democratic change! With the opposition abandoning democratic reforms for "winning in RIGGED election strategies" and their supporters participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy; it is clear Zimbabwe is a lost cause!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Felex

Besides " failing to implement reforms ", could you please highlight some of the major social contributions and economic breakthroughs that the MDC brought to the Citizenry by getting into the GNU?

Well, why don't you tell us the many great accomplishments MDC/CCC have achieved. You are always singing their praises but at a loss as to their achievements. Well make up for it now!

Zimbabwe Light said...


“This is where you perpetuate western lies. You are the lost cause. Zimbabwe is eternal!

America doesn't care about democracy in Zimbabwe or if Zimbabweans suffer, any more than they care about it in Kuwait, or New York, where Gov police are beating college students for protesting against the US sponsored genocide in Palestine!

The premise of your statements underlay your lack of understanding of the US's involvement in Zimbabwe.

Yes, the US Gov acknowledges the failure of the opposition, but not about democracy. The opposition failed, again, to accomplish regime change goal the US funders had given them. They never attempted democracy, and the USA doesn't care!

The re-engagement with ZANU-PF has nothing to do with democracy, but political power! With the failure of their regime change operations, USA needs to negotiate with the party in power they failed to overthrow! The USA did the exact same thing in Venezuela a few years ago!

The USA preferes to negotiate with a political party they bring to power, but since this didn't happen, they are now opting for plan B!

They need controllable subordinates in Africa to accomplish their agenda of countering Russia's and China's influence! If ZANU-PF falls for this ploy, then you will have something else to blame then for!

The USA under Obama, faked a policy shift on Cuba too. When the USA didn't achieve their objectives, they sanctioned Cuba even more, and funded more regime change operations against them.

Imperialists have no friends, just interests! Stop thinking Zimbabwe is special to them! They have and will do to Zimbabwe what they've done to all their puppets!

This is most tedious. Zanu PF did rig the 2023 elections and once again denied millions of ordinary Zimbabweans a meaningful say in the governance of the country. And we cannot even mention it without some village idiot bringing in outsiders.

Zanu PF rigs elections and we cannot even mention our grievances without having them dismissed as western lies! 44 years of rigged elections and the country up to her eye-balls in an economic and political crisis and still we must suffer in silence! Fcuk me! This foolishness must end a.s.a.p.

Zanu PF does not have the divine right to govern Zimbabwe and it must be said here and now: the pompous buffoons rigged the elections and, per se, they are illegitimate. MDC/CCC leaders sold out reforms allowing Zanu PF to get away with rigging elections for a share of the spoils of power.

Still, it would be very presumptuous, indeed very foolish, for the Zanu PF buffoons to assume things this sorry state of affairs will be allowed to continue. The Zanu PF dictatorship must end and will end!

Village idiots like you must stop this foolishness of dismissing the people’s suffering as lies! Like it or not Zimbabwe will have rule of law and good governance!

Zimbabwe Light said...

We have known this for decades and have done nothing about it! Nations get the government they deserve and we deserve this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship complete with its compliment of equally corrupt incompetent and utterly useless CCC.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Particularly when the idiot's vote is easily bought with pieces of chicken and chips on one hand. And on the other with a foolish promise that "I have plugged the vote rigging loop holes , God is in it!" When the upstart has not even bothered to secure verified voters' roll or deploy election agents at polling stations even when he has the funding for it.

Chamisa has reportedly massed 5 500 000 supporters ready to participate in flawed 2028 to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Idiots never learn!

Zimbabwe Light said...


To go into 2028 on basis of yet another “#Godisinit!” will be unforgivable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Fixing fuel prices in ZiG (not US$ which is more stable) is just price control by the backdoor. We have travelling down this price control path many time and know what will happen - there will be shortage of fuel and/or higher black market prices. Kiya kiya!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mr Mushayavhanu struck a defiant attitude in early April when introducing the gold-backed currency, saying it was done on World Bank advice.

“If you’re going to blame me, you’re actually blaming the World Bank,” he said, urging Zimbabweans fed up of seeing their money disappear from one day to the next to have patience.

“Maybe they didn’t advise us properly. And if they did not advise us properly, it’s fine. Let’s refine it.”

But given that this is the sixth time the local currency has changed in 20 years, Zimbabweans’ lack of confidence is understandable.

The Zimbabwe dollar, whose highest denomination at one time was Z$100 trillion, has morphed into bearer cheques, agro cheques, RTGS and bond notes.

Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections, even SADC and AU condemned the election, and thus confirming the regime is illegitimate and the country a pariah state. The participation by millions of Zimbabweans, conned by the opposition, stopped SADC denying Zanu PF legitimacy. Still the country is a pariah state.

As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state, nothing is going to change!

Zimbabwe Light said...

MINISTER of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs, Monica Mavhunga says President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration is aware of the plight of war veterans and their dependants, and is working tirelessly to improve their welfare through improved monthly stipends and economic empowerment initiatives.

Mavhunga (pictured below), who was addressing war veterans recently, said government is committed to tackle challenges faced by aging veterans and prioritises provision of dignified care and support to them and their dependents.

Zanu PF has used war veterans to help the regime imposed the de facto one-party dictatorship particularly in the watershed 2008 elections in which the regime blatantly cheated and used wanton violence. The war veterans were promised prosperity as their reward.

Only the few ruling elite and their families and cronies have prospered in Zimbabwe whilst the rest have suffered. Millions of Zimbabweans are living in abject poverty and there is no hope of things getting better, not as long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state.

Minister promised thw war veterans Vision 2030, a mirage the regime has used ever since Mugabe's day with mass prosperity, "Gutsa ruzhinji!"

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

The move to let Zimbabwe host the Africa - Nordic country Foreign Minister meeting is to be expected. It was not rocket science that SADC and AU did nothing to hold Zanu PF to account for rigging the 2023 elections when two million Zimbabweans participated in the flawed elections knowing doing so would give Zanu PF legitimacy. And to crown it all CCC took up their gravy train seats even after SADC and AU had ruled the elections were flawed and illegal. These two foolish decision showed that we are not ready for democracy.

It is shocking that many Zimbabweans continue to defend the participating the flawed elections even now with the benefit of hindsight - proof we are incapable of learning from the past.

It is a certainty that Chamisa and company will participate in the 2028 elections with no reforms implemented. He will tell the herd "#Godisinit!" and they will participate no questions asked!

Zimbabwe is NOT a failed state by accident. We have some of the most ignorant, naive and gullible people on earth and, to crown it all, they have the vote! We have buffoons for leaders and it is the ignorant voters who put the buffoon in office and kept them there all these last 44 years!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bindura

You have to admit that the people themselves have been ignorant, naive and gullible; MDC/CCC have not implemented even one token reform in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU, and yet the people continue to follow them blindly. Democracy demands that the people must be educated, knowledgeable and diligent, Zimbabweans are none of these things.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Cool Breeze

“Apa i agree with you Wilbert for the first time . But nyaya yako to be a one sides journalist pisses me off.”

If you are pissed off by my demands for reforms and free and fair elections then it is absolutely nothing compared to the anger and fury I have because Zimbabwe has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections for 44 years! The consequence of our failure to hold free elections is the failed state and the millions living in abject poverty to say nothing of the millions who have suffered and many died unnecessarily over the years.

The need to end the madness of rigged elections is now so urgent everything else is irrelevant. In short, I do not give a damn you are pissed by my demanding reforms remain on the nation agenda until we have free and fair elections! Yours is just the howling wind, the mountain will never bow down to it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ WaMwari Divine

“Watching now. Serous stuff. We have to move forward. To be an opposition all our life if not gonna work. We need to win or find a way forward.”

Could not agree with you more.

We are is a serious mess and all because we have buried our heads in the sand all these last 44 years and would not see or hear except what choose to see and hear. An ignorant, naive and gullible electorate is a curse to democracy and good governance and we have paid dearly for our folly.

The big question now is how long are we going to allow this mid-summer madness to continue. It is within our power to end this insanity all we have to do is to stop burying our heads in the sand and start thinking for a change!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF in double U-turn - can now buy fuel in ZiG
- fuel price in ZiG (not more stable US$) fixed for month

Fixed ZiG price is price control by the back door and will result in:
- fuel shortage
- black market fuel sells and price increases

Zimbabwe Light said...

Close your eyes and now imagine ZBC's Ruben Barwe tasking Zanu PF to task for calling MDC leaders puppets of the West. After 44 years of ZBC political bias, it is impossible to imagine such a thing. Well this is exactly what is happening in this SABC video clip!

SABC is an independent media and so are many institutions in SA. Nelson Mandela's greatest legacy to SA is that he gave the nation its independent and democratic institutions. In Zimbabwe ZBC, Police, Judiciary, etc. are corrupt to the core and are they are Zanu PF departments in all but name to ensure Zanu PF retains absolute political power at all costs!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“Based on this SADC position - we have a big task before us. This means boycott is one option available to the aggrieved citizens pre-election and boycott of post election results and proceedings after then putting pressure on the observers to take punitive measures against the illegal resultant government leadership structures - they boycotted inauguration - they should continue sanctioning the leadership.”

You still continue to miss the point: Zimbabweans participated in their millions in an election process they could see was flawed and knew that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Why? Even after SADC and AU had condemned the process as a farce Zimbabweans took up their gravy train seats declaring these were liberated zones!

If Zimbabweans were happy with the flawed elections it is not for SADC or anyone else to say otherwise: that is the point.

Will you ever accept that we, Zimbabweans fcuked up big time? Indeed the failure to accept that we fcuked up only goes to show that we are incapable of rising above the petty politics of blaming everyone else except ourselves even when there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You can blame SADC all you want the reality is we fcuked up!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@Dr Masimba Mavaza

“Thomas Mapfumo has urged Zimbabweans to rise against the government. I a widely circulating audio by Mapfumo he claimed that his cars were taken or confiscated by the Zimbabwe Republic Police and sold by an officer he said was transferred to Plumtree. Many Zimbabweans are nit surprised by the uyterances of Thomas Mapfumo. His name has become the Zimbabwean term for “traitor.” He’s the country’s own Judas, a man who sold out his country and his cause for a handful of silver. Or maybe he is an invincible warrior who finally exposes a fatal weakness.
Thomas Mapfumo is the one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty. Thomas Mapfumo commits treason and expects this to be ignored. It is the duty of every Zimbabwean to protect Zimbabwe from terrorist attacks ss the ones Thomas Mapfumo is agitating for. Protecting Zimbabwe is the number one priority.”

What Thomas Mapfumo said is he let the country to escape the persecution by the Zanu PF regime, a regime that that has never tolerated dissent and democratic discourse. The regime rigged the 2023 elections and even SADC and AU election observers said so.

This whole piece is written by a Zanu PF apologists who does not care about the truth and the rights of the long suffering Zimbabweans. All the village idiot cares about is defending the regime! Of course, the whole piece is crap and should be dismissed with the contempt it rightly deserve!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Zimbabweans should be fighting for the democratic reforms to be implemented so that elections are free and fair." Dr Nevers Mumba reminded us.

Alas! His advice is wasted because we have the opposition that now believes they have devised "winning in RIGGED election strategies. And, to crown it all we have millions of voters so ignorant, naive and gullible, they believe the idiotic nonsense.

Chamisa is gearing to participate in 2028 elections with no reforms and the herd will participate to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tangwirei

"I am not a chamisa apologist , nor do I support the way his does his politics BUT* I don't understand why someone with 5 sense becomes so obsessed with a political failure. I don't quite understand too why one believes chanisa is the only person in Zimbabwean to who is eligible to be in opposition. Isn't this a mental challenge syndrome coupled with personality hate. How are you being failed by someone who has failed. Is it that you have all hope in chamisa. Pliz form a formidable opposition pple will follow you."

Nearly two million people voted for Chamisa last year or 44% of the vote, that makes him more important than the other opposition leaders who who got 4% between the nine of them. Common sense is not so common and hence the reason why you have failed to see that for yourself!

I pick who to address and not you; those whose IQ is not not much higher than that of the village idiot cannot set the national agenda.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tangwirayi

“Those with the highest IQ fail to understand that chamisa has offered the greatest opportunity for those with ambitions to form opposition parties to do so because there is a vacancy. I'm just wondering how you gauge your IQ.”

This is not about just Chamisa but about the two million he conned into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering! As long as Zimbabwe continue to have voters who are so ignorant, naive and gullible they believe such nonsense as plugging voters’ roll the country will never ever have a healthy and functioning democracy. Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

There has not been a single report politically motivated violence in SA and there are 22 days to voting day. This is as it should be. We in Zimbabwe have a lot to learn!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Asante

“Kkkkk mukoma Widzo pakaipa.”

We are heading for yet another rigged elections but that is water off a duck's back to many Zimbabweans - little wonder we are failed state! I notice you find the prospect of another rigged elections after 44 years of rigged elections and the nation up to its eyes in shit, a laughing matter.

Well it is not water off my back and I will be damn if I will not say something about this insanity - at least for the sake of my own sanity! You have nothing to worry about there, Asante!

Zimbabwe Light said...

You do not tell me I cannot be a keyboard warrior no more than I cannot tell you to be one! You do not want Chamisa held to account for failing to implement even one reform in 24 years, it is my duty as a citizen to hold those in or have held public office to account. That is not negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

So you are holding me to account but will not hold those elected in to office and given the power and authority to implement reforms but did nothing to account. Me sin is that I have dare to hold Chamisa and company to account for selling out! You really are a nincompoop!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Jean Thoko

"In your opinion…. Respectfully, you are not the it an all. No one is stopping you from expressing your opinion but it’s now propaganda as it’s repeatedly rammed to us everyday. Nothing different from the regime’s jingles and political lines they peddle everyday. When you are questioned and asked to elaborate on your views, u ignore and just repeat the propaganda over and over again.
Why did you think and act like you are our messiah."

I always thought propaganda is misinformation at best!

Is it true that Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con the people into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF victory and legitimacy?

Well, he did not plug all, if any, vote rigging loop holes, he did con povo into participating giving Zanu PF victory and legitimacy. Worse still, he is gearing to con the people into doing the same in 2028.

You clearly have no idea what propaganda is!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa and company sold out big time by failing to implement even one token reform to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. We should be electing new opposition leaders who will not participate in flawed elections until the reforms are implement. Our political loyalty must be to the ideas of implemented reforms and good governance and enough of this foolishness of blind loyalty to an individual!

Zimbabwe Light said...

You were elected to implement reforms to stop Zanu rigging and have failed to implement even one in 24 years! You have enabled Zanu PF rigging and do so again in 2028!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Great leaders enable those whom they serve!" said Chamisa. Yet he has failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. All MDC/CCC have done is enable Zanu PF vote rigging and will do so again in 2028.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ LEE Roy

“You preaching to the converted mkoma. You have failed to answer the pertinent question, your desperation to have Chamisa single handedly liberate you is the only reason you are bitter at him.

5 you would have moved on to the next best alternative and have them implement the reforms with your logic.

Alas there is nothing out there except for Chamisa.”

I have explained the way forward it is not my fault you are thick , shallow and slow to understand. Any one so easily conned by Chamisa's idiotic "I plugged the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" is beyond the pale! You are beyond the pale!

"You are preaching to the converted!" YOU? Don't be stupid! The message “Do not participate in flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy!” will have to be hammered into your thick head - I have the sledge hammer for the job.

Zimbabwe Light said...


“Admin can't you do something on this repetitive fellow it now disgusting to other African dignitaries.”

Whatever I have said or done cannot come even close to the outrage anyone with half a brain must feel to know Zimbabwe has failed to hold free, fair and credible election now 44 years and counting after independence! Are we men or are we mice!!!!!!

We need to implement democratic reforms BEFORE elections. If there are no reforms then there must be no elections. Enough of the Chamisa and company idiotic nonsense of winning in RIGGED elections only to time and time again give Zanu PF legitimacy.

Reforms and free elections will remain on the national agenda until we cure ourselves of the curse of rigged elections. You can say what ever you like reform will remain on the national agenda and that is not even negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Munyaradzi

“As long as we still preach GNU gospel....Zanu will be around for while.”

Nonsense! Zanu PF blatantly rigged last year's elections, 2018 and 2013 elections because we failed to implement even one democratic reform. And now we are being told we should not even admit the blunder because doing so will allow Zanu PF to rule forever!

The sheer stupidity of the argument is mind blowing! No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we certainly have some braindead individuals.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“Those who have learnt from their or others errors of the past should now use the intelligence gathered to solve the problems at hand - being led by illegitimate leaders.

The current situation does not have to wait for 2028 - we already have the instrument that says we don’t have to wait any extra day. Day in day out we see them removing democratic checks and balances in key enabling institutions. Zanu is already campaigning disguised through Wicknell - Java - dance for 800. So no one accuses them of vote buying.”

“The current situation does not have to wait for 2028 - we already have the instrument that says we don’t have to wait any extra day,” you said.

Pray tell, what is the “instrument” we already have?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Benjamin

“That ship sailed the moment we took seats in an illegal process. Takadziya moto we mbavha. Thus rendering Sadc powerless and making them look foolish. The only thing to do now is to call for the recommendations to be implemented. Years we have ignored those yet they are our only salvation.”

Exactly! We are looking to the same corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless opposition leaders to lead us out of this mess - proof we have learned nothing from the past! The idiots are gearing to participate in another flawed elections claiming they have foolproof winning in rigged elections strategies. They are not waiting to implement any reforms, they do not need any reforms implemented.

Alas! The wildebeest herd is already itching for another stampede! No doubt when this has failed, the herd will once again blame SADC, those calling for reforms before elections, etc.; everyone else except #Godisinit! Nelson Chamisa!

What a palaver! What a circus!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“The ship has not sailed at all - it has sailed for the lazy and passive who cling on straws to blame others and justify their inaction. Problems are caused by people - if one identifies a problematic situation - they should step up to solve it- not just standing by asking questions. EU sanctions illegitimate leaders - what does SADC do - have we called on them to sanction.”

SADC forced Zanu PF to sign the 2008 Global Political Agreement paving the way for the GNU. SADC leaders nagged MDC leaders to implement the reforms throughout the GNU and were ignored. In a last minute desperate bid to save the day, the regional leaders begged MDC leaders not to participate in the 2013 elections without first implementing the reforms. Again they were ignored!

MDC/CCC leaders sold out during the GNU and have been participating in flawed elections ever since to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. Zanu PF has taken full advantage of opposition greed and public ignorance to rig elections and get legitimacy.

How any one, any one at all, can continue to blame SADC for this political mess whilst praising to the high heavens the infallible, the untouchable, demigod #Godisinit! Nelson Chamisa; beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Wilfred

“Let’s agree Ccc caused all the problems.”

You and me can agree on many things but that is only the start. There are the two million plus out there who were easily conned into believing CCC would win big the 2023 elections because Chamisa said he plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. You and me agreed that was nonsense but that made no difference. The herd believed the nonsense and participated in the elections giving Zanu PF legitimacy.

The ignorant, naive and gullible herd has the vote. And as long as they remain ignorant and gullible they will be conned into doing stupid things again and again! There lies the challenge!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“If you identify the two parties as the problem or perpetrators of injustice - then does that make it the end of the world for Chendambuya lady who voted seeking otherwise.

SADC knew opposition was participating in an unfair election process under duress but still intervened
Similarly SADC knows opposition is participating in an illegitimate government under duress - why do they stand by this time.”

Please do not try to rewrite history! What duress was CCC under which Chamisa did not address by plugging all the vote rigging loop holes!

SADC begged MDC leaders not to participate in flawed 2013 elections and they were ignored. What else did you want them to do?

No wonder we are stuck; we cannot even accept historic facts! And all because we cannot accept that MDC/CCC leaders sold out and so we have to rewrite history to justify our notion that #Godisinit! Nelson Chamisa is indeed untouchable, infallible demigod!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Munyaradzi

“We going round in circles...blaming ccc chete chete.We are now behaving like Mwanzolas and group.I hope this group was not formed solely for pushing anti ccc campaign.”

Correction! You are the one going round and round in circles. You will never ever admit that MDC/CCC fcuked up big time and worse still you want everyone else to follow you in your foolishness. You think him an infallible, untouchable, demigod who has done nothing wrong and you have again and again vented your anger and fury at those who dared to disagree.

Chamisa is not only a mere mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one at that. There is nothing a village idiot like you could ever say that will get me to view Chamisa as anything other than what he is - a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless upstart.

So you think sweeping the historic facts of MDC/CCC selling out on reforms so that everyone can unite behind Chamisa and participate in the 2028 elections with no reforms to give Zanu PF legitimacy would be making progress? How nauseating!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

We can call on SADC to act on that as others EU do - sanction the illegitimate
We have an unlicensed driver and conductor (if )
There is need to protect the passengers.”

Stop rewriting historic facts to suit your narrative! It was SADC leaders who warned MDC leaders NOT to participate in the 2013 elections without first implementing reforms. Tsvangirai and company paid no heed. WHY?

You have never accepted that MDC sold out by failing to implement even one token reform during the GNU. SADC leaders nagged them to implement the reforms and were ignored.

You can blame SADC all you want but history tells the real story, the truth. Worst of all you will never arrive at the solution by falsifying the facts. Never!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Moyana

“With all due respect Sir , you have heard our concerns as a constituent represented here.
Kindly respect us .
The Herald as a government mouthpiece does not recycle the same story over & over again.

Please no Violence. I come in Peace.”

I talking here about Chamisa sending out the false message of hope to the nation and my message is Zimbabwe cannot afford to go through yet another rigged elections. And you are complaining that I should stop warning the people about Chamisa misleading the nation but have nothing to say about Chamisa or the tragic reality of 44 years of rigged elections.

Of course, it is shocking that you should be frothing and fuming over being warned of the dander of another rigged elections but indifferent that we have had 44 years of rigged elections already! Such stupidity is off the scale!

No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state; we really have some of the most foolish people on earth!

Well! The prospect of another rigged elections in 2028 is real and for that reason reforms will remain on the national agenda until we have all the reforms implemented and we cure ourselves of the curse of rigged elections. That is not negotiable and I do not give a damn about your misplace ego and and stupidity!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ba juju

“It’s called catch and release strategy mkoma.”

Yes catch and release but not always. Sometimes it is catch and crash!

The Mutsvangwa are now in the wrong basket and we all know what that means! This could be the thin end of the wedge and we know the regime can be ruthless to all those labeled enemies of the state. G40 guys will be welcoming the Mutsvangwas to the real world outside Zanu PF, the real world they have denied did not exist.

Chris Mutsvangwa has defended the Second Republic with the same blind loyalty he defended Mugabe’s dictatorship before it. Now he will have time to reflect on the monsters he helped to create and nurture!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"My son has never traded in forex!" denies Mutsvaangwa. Yeah right! Zanu PF has never rigged elections either! After decades of defending the indefensible the reality is catching up with you at long last.

Who said there is no God, no justice; there is! The wheels of justice turn very slowly but they turn! Enough of this culture of selling out, falsifying history to fit a false narrative for selfish gain.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Felex

“How would Parents know all their child's dealings?
The Statement would hold water if it came from the Lad, " I have never traded in Forex.”

Well the Mutsvangwa are renowned for lying in defence of the Zanu PF dictatorship.

I am here to remind Chris Mutsvangwa to blame not the regime Zanu PF, it has never done anything wrong according to him. He must blame the West and sanctions. That’s right; SANCTIONS!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Benji

When Zanu PF failed to produced a verified voters' roll, frogmarched povo to attend its rallies, failed to have a free media, etc.; the party was effectively denying the ordinary Zimbabweans they right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. What have these people to do with Chamisa, the West, sanctions, etc.?
Why is it ever written that the people will be denied the vote if the West, North, South or East impose sanctions? There is no excuse for denying the people their fundament rights and freedoms including the right to a meaningful vote.

You are just a nincompoop who has been brainwashed by Zanu PF, you cannot think for yourself. Zimbabwe would have been better off if scum like you were never born!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Cde Bond to Benji

"If l was you...l wil jus switch my phone off for today, maybe switch it on Wilbert has just stripped you naked...dzangowe nharo dzako but dai uriumwe vangodzima foni for now..."

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

“How can a pariah state be selected to host the Africa -Nordic countries Summit in 2025? The owners of these labels that you are regurgitating have since moved and abandoned them surprisingly you still holding on to them.”

Some of the Nordic countries like Denmark are in the EU and the official position of the EU is that the 2023 Zimbabwe elections were not free, fair and credible. The fact that the Nordic countries have decided to hold the Nordic - Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Summit in Zimbabwe does not mean they now believe Zanu PF did not rig the elections. You are reading what is not there! You are getting all excited for nothing!

Zimbabwe Light said...

There might be confusion on which letter is real and fake from Chris Mutsvangwa and/or Chiwenga. What is clear is that this Zanu PF regime is illegitimate since not even one election observer team of note gave the process their thumbs up - not even SADC or AU.

Zimbabwe Light said...

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that has happened in Zimbabwe to make me believe the 2028 elections would not be a repeat of the 2023 elections with Zanu PF blatantly rigging, the opposition participating to give Zanu PF legitimacy for a reward of the few gravy train seats and the people conned into participating on the belief the opposition will win RIGGED elections.

Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat the same mistakes. We are destined to have yet another rigged elections and have learned nothing after 44 years of rigged elections! How tragic!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Benji

"Will the triple c crooks pass. Where have they worked? Those you hate are into mining woti vakuba mari yenyika."

Zanu PF has rigged elections and denied the people the chance to end this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF misrule - that is the issue here. Are you telling Zimbabweans Zanu PF has been denying Zimbabweans their rights and hope for a life in dignity because of what CCC leaders did or failed to do? The right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country is inalienable meaning it cannot be denied at the whim much less of a vote rigging dictator!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ffgh

"Willbert Yu are nuts
Did we tell him to do the reforms
Who gave him that instructions
Why didn't you guys do the follow up."

Have you ever asked Chamisa or anyone who was the GNU why the failed to implement even one reform? Because if you did none of them would give any of the foolish answers you have given here!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The people of Zimbabwe were warned that 2023 elections were "so flawed, so illegal and the only logical step was to withdraw" and that participating would only give Zanu PF legitimacy. They ignored the warning because they were conned by Chamisa that CCC would win big because he had plugged the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. The nation is now regretting its folly at leisure!

Of course, it is foolish to expect vote rigging Zanu PF to be accountable to the people. We, the people, should have never given the regime legitimacy in the first place. Worse still, the nation is set to participate in the 2028 elections with no reforms to give Zanu PF legitimacy yet again.

After 44 years of rigged elections, we heading for yet another rigged elections. We have learned nothing!