Tuesday, 21 May 2013

MDC promise to "overhaul" Mudede's office if MDC wins election: a big IF!

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s party has said when it gets into power it will overhaul the registrar-general’s office, a key government department long blighted by accusations of inefficiency and corruption.

Yes Mr Prime Minister, you will not doubt overhaul everything “when it (MDC) gets into power”.  When exactly is MDC going to get into power! Or is it that you think Mudede, Chihuri, Chiwenga, Mugabe, Jabulani Sibanda, everyone in the Zanu PF dictatorship are all working their tails off for an MDC victory!

Mr Prime Minister, if you had implemented the democratic reforms when you were supposed to - you had five years to do so for Christ sake - then all this mess and chaos would be behind us! We had a unique opportunity to change the system of government for all time and you, Prime Minister Morgan Richard Tsvangirai wasted that historic opportunity chasing women of ill repute!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zimbo

How are we going to end the slavery of corruption and tyranny; that is the challenge of our time? We already know who started this slavery and who wants to see it continue to thrive. This is not a contest on who will condemn Mugabe and his murderous thugs the loudest and strongest. You can, if you so wish indulge yourself in that contest if you so wish but after we have ended the dictatorship and the tragic human misery it is causing.

Ending the dictatorship, not in the next generation, not in ten years, not next year; no, end it now if you can!

You will not deny, I am sure, that the GPA offered the nation the best chance to end the Zanu PF dictatorship and all Tsvangirai had to do was implement the democratic reforms. Well he did not and we all know why he did not – he was busy globe-trotting and chasing women of ill repute.

Surely Tsvangirai should be condemned in the strongest terms for betraying his promise to bring democratic change. He should be curse for squandering this golden opportunity to end this curse of totalitarian oppression and he will be cursed for all times!

Tsvangirai has gone on to legalize the Zanu PF dictatorship with the passing of the weak and feeble Copac constitution. The Zanu PF dictatorship now has a lot of political and economic power; power, it will use to deny us the ordinary people our rightful share of the nation’s wealth and to deny us our basic human rights and freedoms.

If the people really understood what Tsvangirai has done and that he will never bring any democratic change then no one would vote for that incompetent and useless man!
To argue that Tsvangirai should be spared because he is not the one behind the dictatorship is to miss the point. Our mission is and has been all these last decades to end the dictatorship and not to find who started it. Keep your eyes on the ball, to end the dictatorship!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido
Tsvangirai's breathtaking incompetence has been Mugabe and Zanu PF's saving grace, I know. Instead of the tyrant and you his thugs thanking Tsvangirai, you are all taking turns to kick him in the teeth. I have to say; I have no sympathy for the idiot, none. My heart bleeds for the ordinary Zimbabweans who are paying dearly for the idiot's incompetence.

Still, Mugabe and the rest of his murderous thugs must know that the fire for real democratic change, though doused by Tsvangirai and MDC's incompetence, is not died! You Chimbwido will hang for the blood on your hands!

Zimbabwe Light said...

There are more reports of USA and Europe leaders streaming to meet Mugabe and Zanu PF leaders as the West’s re-engagement overtures gather momentum; soon it will be a flood. They have dismissed MDC as a spent force that will never exercise any meaningful political power in Zimbabwe and, of course, they are right.

The USA, Europe and the rest of the world are re-engage with Mugabe and Zanu PF because they are simply acknowledging the political reality in the country that MDC have failed to bring about any meaningful democratic change. The Zanu PF dictatorship is stronger than ever; even Tsvangirai accepts that hence the undertaking to have Zanu PF leaders appointed into his cabinet even if MDC was to win the elections.

Whilst the West would have wanted to see Zimbabwe end the tyranny and corruption that has brought so much suffering, they also know that it is the people of Zimbabwe themselves who will have to end the dictatorship. As things stand, there will be no change; Tsvangirai wasted the chance to bring about that change. The west and the rest of the world have to accept that political reality and thus re-engage Mugabe and Zanu PF the only political power in Zimbabwe.