Wednesday 3 July 2013

The only way to stop Mugabe rigging is if the people, not MDC, are vigilant!

So far we have not seen the wanton violence of 2008 but admittedly there is still another four weeks to go to the vote. Still it could well be that the Zanu PF do realize the folly of using wanton violence this year and therefore will be using more subtle ways to rig the elections. The people must be on their guard; we are dealing with a cunning and determined fox here.  


It was ordinary people, not Tsvangirai or MDC, who revealed how Commanding Officers in the Police and Prison Services conducted the voting process to ensure those below them voted for Mugabe in June 2008. It was ordinary Zimbabweans.

In 1995 it was ordinary Zimbabweans who testified that they were bussed in to vote by Zanu PF from outside Harare South Constituency and in the end forced the rerun of that election.

Whoever this Baba Jukwa is, there is no doubt that he has made Mugabe and his JOC cabal really jumpy. 

Many people will say there is enough evidence to declare the whole process fraudulent because of the lack of free media, a chaotic voters’ roll, etc. Ever since the GNU released the Copac constitution the whole world have stepped back and pointedly refused to pay not even a ha’penny towards any other election activity.


Mugabe bamboozled Tsvangirai and MDC into accepting the Copac constitution but not so with the rest of the world; they could see it for the weak and feeble document it is. MDC has belatedly accepted it will never deliver free and fair elections but, of course, it is too late.

Mugabe and a few others in the Zanu PF dictatorship know the whole international community is
NOT going to accept another sham election and the party is treading on very thin ice already. One leak and the whole Zanu PF rigging machinery will be  exposed and everything will crash through into the icy waters and into obviation. 

Thugs like Kasukuvere are already complaining that Baba Jukwa is giving him sleepless nights. There is someone with a lot of dirty linen. Baba Jukwa has been posting a lot of Zanu PF leaders’ dirty linen on his facebook page. Kasukuvere sighs a sigh of relief each time he finds it someone else's dirty linen and not his own that has been posted.


Still the fear of his luck running out is taking its toll! How he wish he did not have so much dirty laundry and so many enemies with such excellent memory too!

My advice to ordinary Zimbabweans is that the Zanu PF dictatorship is playing everything very close to its chest but no matter how careful they are they are bound to drop their guard. If they drop a piece of paper with names; do not just keep the piece of paper, find out who are the people on the list. They could be assassins or those to be assassinated. 

If you see strangers in your area find out as much as you can who they are and what they are up to. The life you save by being vigilant could be that of a family, friend or your own. 

These Zanu PF thugs have always had the confidence that they are above the law but for the first time they had been forced to acknowledge that they are not. Each time they saw how much the people feared them, it boasted their arrogance and they walked with a swagger.


But look them straight in the eye as if to say “I am not afraid of you and, what is more, I know what you are up to!” Like all cowards their macho machismo will disappear like morning mist under the African sun!

Tsvangirai and his MDC friends will promise a lot of things but deliver very little. They claim to know how Zanu PF plans to rig the elections but will never produce any proof. 


Remember MDC promised that the Copac constitution would deliver free and fair elections to get the people to vote yes in the referendum. We all now know that they lied. And what a costly lie is has turned out to be, too.

It is up to you, the people, to ensure Mugabe and Zanu PF does not deny you your democratic vote this year. If MDC make a significant contribution to that end, then well and good; still it would be prudent NOT to count on Tsvangirai and MDC!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Proud

Do not worry, we both know what you mean by "mumamiswe mushe namagandanga"; we will have the smoking gun, the idiot who fired it, the victim, witnesses, everything. These Zanu PF thugs got away with murder in the past but not this time. The game is up!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Constitutional Court will decide tomorrow on whether or not to grant MDC’s request to delay elections.

The trouble with confused and incompetent people like MDC is that they do not know what is important and what is not and, to make matter worse, they do not listen. The Constitutional Court’s ruling calling for election on July 31 was based on the fact that the GNU’s parliament’s maximum life of five years was June 29 2013. This date was known to all parties all these years and there is really no reason why this GNU had failed to conduct its business so that the nation could go ahead with fresh elections by the end of the five years. None!

Even if the Court was to reconsider, how MDC candidates, let alone Zanu PF ones, running in these elections would interrupt their campaign for two weeks just to rubber stamp what cabinet has already agreed? So why bother!

Delaying the elections and trying to implement the reforms in a few weeks when MDC had failed to do so in five years was a red herring when the issues first came up a few weeks ago and are even more so now! Just forget it and concentrate on the matter in hand now – stopping Mugabe and Zanu PF cheating again this year! (It really is like talking to a brick wall!)

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Justice

You are very selective about what you accept from the West! President Obama said Mugabe should hold free and fair elections the other day and you lot were up in arms and now you are praising this mythical poll! Did they ask the people "On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being I hate Mugabe; how much do you hate Mugabe?" Most people would have said 11, off the scale! This election is not about Mugabe vs Tsvangirai but Mugabe vs the good people of Zimbabwe whom he has treated like s****t for 33 years! 33 years of corruption, looting and brutal repression; no wonder most people are reading off the scale! he old buzzard is in deep trouble and that is a fact!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido

You are used to dealing with people who only see the world in monochrome, black or white, right or wrong, them against us, Mugabe against Tsvangirai, etc. You meet someone like me who see all the colours of the rainbow and evaluate everything and everyone on the merit and nothing less and you are totally confused.

"Your MDC", you say. My MDC? You have to pigeon hole me because that is the only way you can deal and understand me. Trust me, even if I was a member of MDC I would have said all I have said about Tsvangirai being breathtakingly incompetent, etc. because he is.

I have called Mugabe a corrupt and murderous psychopath and would have done so even if I was I member of Zanu PF because he is a corrupt and murderous psychopath. I must admit the thought of being a member of Zanu PF knowing what I do turns my stomach. It would be like eating raw meat swarming with maggots; the smell, the taste, the sight – enough just thinking of it makes me want to throw up!

No there are some things I will never do being a member of a corrupt and murderous political party that has murdered over 30 000 of its own people in 33 years is a bridge too far!

Of course, you have shed some of that innocent blood and now you have to defend the party to the bitter end. Well the bitter end is now near upon us Chimbwido and you will get to wear the hangman's rope, lady justice demands of you.

All is well that ends well; after 33 years of tyrannical rule the tyrant, the invincible Robert Gabriel Mugabe, will be forced to eat humble pie – lose the election, the looted wealth and then his worthless life. What a wonderful and dramatic end.

Zimbabwe Light said...


I can say 90% of the people in this photo are unemployed and many of them have not held a regular job for the last ten years. I can say 100% of them know and have had first-hand experience of water and electricity cuts. 82% of those who sat the "O" levels last time failed to pass five subjects or more and there is no reason to think things are going to get better, certainly not under Mugabe.

100% of these people know Mugabe has been looting billions from Marange diamonds and the looting is set to get worse.

These people also know that not being seen in Zanu PF circle could cost them a beating, rape and even their very life.

Now put all that is a pot Justice; what would you do is you were in their shoes? Remember these people are not stupid; they are poor, easily intimidate, have been brutalized for the last 33 years, etc. but they are NOT stupid. Well if I was in their shoes I would attend all Zanu PF rallies but come the day of the vote have my revenge for all the years of abuse and being treated as if I was a diseased dog!

Remember this election is not about Mugabe vs Tsvangirai; if it was, I would say Mugabe has completed outwit-ted Tsvangirai these last five years there is no contest. This election is about Mugabe vs the good people of Zimbabwe whom he has ill-treated and denied all their basic rights and human dignity and hope. He has denied them a voice all these last 33 years but cannot do so this time. The people know that and he knows the people know it and understand.

The old buzzard has never felt so trapped and helpless. He has always relied on violence, his most trusted vote rigging tool of choice, this year he cannot use it. No wonder he is felling naked, politically, and the whole nation is laughing at him! After 33 years of tyrannical rule, he has never held a free and fair election, and now he does! Of course the people will notice and know he was forced; they would want to make the most of their new found voice by voting the tyrant out! They do not care who will take his place, they just want Mugabe out, out!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido

Yepec says nonsense each time he crawls out of -you know where. He just needs someone to tell him to keep his hands below the level of his head. But like all idiots, one has to remind him again and again.

You Chimbwido, you are a low grade Zanu PF apologists who lectures part time in rhetorical nonsense and have blood of innocent Zimbabweans on your hands. You have to face justice and it is my sworn duty to see to it that you do.

I will campaign for capital punishment to be abolished in Zimbabwe but after rats like you and Mugabe have been disposed of. Mugabe was Zimbabwe's first murderous tyrant; I want him to have the honour of being the last legally hanged too! Your name, Chimbwido, can be among those also hanged that year.