Friday, 26 July 2013

ZEC says votes will not be counted at Polling Staion - disregarding "anti-rigging mechanism" says Tsvangirai!

Addressing the press in Harare, the MDC-T president claimed ZEC had informed their electoral agents that ballots from next week’s crucial election would be counted at ward level, and not at polling stations as stipulated by law.

He explained that counting and verifying votes at polling stations is an important “anti-rigging mechanism” without which the election can be stolen. The changes by ZEC would mean that ballots will have to be ferried from polling stations to wards in each constituency. This is organized by the National Logistics Committee (NLC), which handles all technical aspects of the election.

But according to Tsvangirai, there is “severe lack of transparency by the committee which actually runs the election machinery. We understand that this committee has been militarized. For example, civil service drivers have been replaced by personnel from the military.”

The PM also claimed that many ballots cast in his favour during the special vote had been discovered in a bin. No details were given as to how many such ballots had been discovered.

This must be the mother of all chaotic elections; it must be, we have done everything to en-sure that it is – by doing absolutely nothing. We have the right man too to do absolutely nothing.
This stupid statement is clearly not going to do anything to stop the vote rigging! This is what the nation has come to expect from Tsvangirai innocuous words when decisive action is called for. He should have implemented the reforms, he had five long years to get this done and the idiot did nothing, and now the idiot telling us something we already know. What a waste of time!

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