Saturday, 6 December 2014

Mugabe's delay in naming politburo and VPs is calculated one before his daredevil checkmate move!

“Africa's oldest head of state and the only leader Zimbabwe has known since independence from Britain in 1980 was elected unopposed at the five-yearly Zanu PF meeting, putting him on track to contest the 2018 presidential elections, when he will be 94,” reported New Zimbabwe.
The last three months have been an endless drama which started with a bang when Grace Mugabe took centre stage as the newly elected Zanu PF Women’s League chairperson – against party rules which demanded that one must have held a provincial post for a minimum of 15 years at least to be eligible for the position. The minute she accepted the nomination she launched into a relentless and even hysterical attacked of VP Joice Mujuru accusing her of corruption, incompetence and, most serious of all, of plotting to force her husband, Mugabe, out of office.
Grace wanted VP Mujuru dumped, period.
Everyone expected VP Mujuru to be dumped at the end of the Zanu PF congress. Mugabe has changed the party’s constitution so that he alone and not the congress gets to appoint all politburo members – the party’s decision-making body -, the two second secretaries (who also become the two VPs) and party chairperson. Now everyone has to wait to know whom Mugabe has picked.
"I don't want to rush it, so be patient. By mid next week, by Wednesday or Thursday, we will make an announcement," Mugabe explained. The only position that was confirmed during the congress is that of his wife as Women’s League chairperson.
Is this delay deliberate or a calculated move? He promotes his wife from nowhere to be head of women's league, gives her a few days to bed-in; then a few days later he promotes her to VP position (not exactly from nowhere but from position women’s league, forget that she was there long enough only to take off her coat), gives her a few months of hands on experience and, without saying so, let her effectively take the top job - the presidency! Knowing Mugabe as I do, this is a very possible scenario.

Mugabe has managed to outwit his fellow Zanu PF leaders for 34 years to keep his top job regardless of his pathetic, absolutely pathetic, performance has leader of the party and government. Here is a corrupt tyrant who has completely destroyed the nation's economy forcing millions into abject poverty and despair and terrorised the nation murdering over 30 000 to stay in power. 

He has made Zanu PF unelectable; the party is still in power only because of the breath-taking incompetence of the opposition MDC who failed to get even one democratic reform implemented and thus allowing Mugabe and Zanu PF to rig the elections. 

So how is it possible then that such a corrupt and tyrannical thug like Mugabe with a miserable track record has managed to keep his job as the leader of Zanu PF for more than the normal two terms? But the reality is that he has done just that and for 34 years already and has just been elected for a further five years. 

The way Mugabe has managed to once again outwit and outclass VP Mujuru and her supporters when she had the majority of the party supporters clamouring for change showed that Zanu PF is a party of deadwood. So why should he not hand over Zanu PF to his wife; she has no experience and her performance on the political stage so far shows that she has very little working grey stuff between her ears but, what the hell, so does everyone else in the party. Zanu PF is a party of deadwood; what difference would it make whether the wood comes from a pine tree or mango tree, deadwood is deadwood!

Mugabe has roughed up many, many senior members of his party in the last three months by riding roughshod over their rights to have at least some say on how the party is run. At least they thought they had some say until now only to learn that they did not. He is giving them a few days to digest that political reality of the last three month and to be sure they all accept it before hitting them with his final, shrewd and daredevil checkmate move – a new politburo of the worst deadwood but whose loyalty to him and his wish to remain life-president is total headed by none other than Grace, his wife, the making of his own Mugabe dynasty!  


Zimbabwe Light said...

OUTGOING Zanu PF Second Secretary Joice Mujuru seemed to thumb her nose at Presi-dent Robert Mugabe by unexpectedly arriving at Stodart Hall in Mbare Sunday morning to pay her last respects to the National Hero, diplomat Kotsho LIody Dube, who died in his sleep last week.

Mujuru has sat there like a cabbage, allowed Mugabe to kick her around like a football for dec-ades and now finally she is showing some spirit and it is all too little too late. Let us hope she is not going to try something foolish, village idiots like her are known for over reacting without thinking!

Zimbabwe Light said...


“If truth be told, very few leaders in Zanu-PF are able to explain how the 2013 elections hap-pened, how the landslide victory came about. Equally, very few in Zanu-PF can legitimately claim that victory, much as it benefited them,” guess who wrote that?

Yes it was none other than Mugabe's own spokesman George. You would have never said Na-thaniel Manheru cum George Charamba until three months ago.

George is from the Mujuru faction and he said this to warn Mugabe that he too knows a lot about the regime that if pushed to hard he will leak out!

Do you really think Charamba is the only one who knows damaging information on the criminal secrets of this regime? You will be very naive to think so.

Mugabe was started the purge of Mujuru supporters but having opened the Pandora's Box he must know there is no closing it again. He has just made many enemies of people who yesterday were doing a lot of dirty things for him. They have cause to feel betrayed and they will be justified to seek revenge. Watch out!

We all know Mugabe rigged last year's elections; it is only a matter of time before the details come out on that and a hell more Mugabe secrets! I have said it once but will say it again with even greater confidence and panache MUGABE IS FINISHED!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Rafique 702

Mai Mujuru thought there would be free and fair elections at the Zanu PF congress, she was naive to trust Mugabe to grant her and other party members their democratic right to a free vote. Mugabe has rewarded her decades of blind loyalty to him by a savage kick in the teeth.

Mnangagwa helped Mugabe cheat Mujuru but at the congress the former was demoted to chairing subcommittees on trivial matters whilst idiots like Jacob Mudenda were honoured. Mnangagwe is naive to trust Mugabe to hand him the crown; now that he has served his purpose Mugabe will want to reward him with the most savage kick in the teeth for Mnangagwa!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ fogmaster

Here we go, we really are incapable of thinking outside the box. Mugabe has created a political system that has allowed scum to rise to the top and we are doing our best to recycle the scum.

What we need is to destroy this Zanu PF dictatorship by implementing ALL the democratic reforms and thus create a political system in which cream not scum rise to the top. Scum like Mai Mujuru and Tsvangirai will never ever be elected in a democratic Zimbabwe and that is exactly why neither of them have ever wanted the democratic reforms implemented although they both had the opportune to do so.

Think, for fcuk's sake think! This collapse of Zanu PF is giving the nation the chance to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship - something the MDC morons failed to do. We must not waste this chance be coming up with another stupid Zanu PF in all but name!

Mai Mujuru joining the democratic forces! Mai Mujuru a democrat! S*****t! This is the kind of stupidity that landed us in this hell-hole!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ PinKK

The fighting in Zanu PF is not over; Mugabe is going to get rid of Mnangagwa next!

You do not allow your wife to go to river where you know the crocodile is waited for you to die and he will have her torn to pieces. You deal with the danger, decisively.

Mujuru was never a threat to Mugabe, until she amasses party supporters. As Mugabe has already said, she is "a simple minded" woman. The real threat was Mnangagwa, another simpleton but with the ruthlessness of a crocodile.

Mugabe has opted for life-president and his wife to follow him; he cannot afford to have a crocodile around particularly when he is no longer around! So getting rid of the crocodile is now his number priority! The economy will have to wait!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Brian

May I remind you that the GPA was, above all else, about implementing a raft of democratic reforms and drafting a new democratic constitution and then holding fresh elections which will be free, fair and credible and not a repeat of the 2008 disputed elections.

Tsvangirai himself has admitted that the 2013 elections were not free, fair and credible. So it is logical, is it not, to conclude that the GPA failed to deliver on its main set and agreed task.

The next logical line of inquiry is to find out why the elections were not free and fair. The immediate problem is that not even one single democratic reform was implemented. SADC heads of State, the guarantor of the GPA, argued Tsvangirai and MDC to implement the reforms but no one paid heed. Ever since Tsvangirai got the $ 4 million Highlands mansion he completely switched off as regards reforms.

If last year’s elections had been free, fair and credible then for the first time ever in our history we would have a government that is democratically accountable to the people and therefore we would not be in this mess.

Of course Tsvangirai and his MDC friends failed to implement even one democratic reform be-cause they are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent. Some people did not see this until they saw the rigged elections. There are others, like you, who still fail to see leaders like Tsvangirai for the corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent blunders he is even with the mountain of evidence before you. It is not your fault that you are a man of little intellect, where others’ intellect is as wide and deep as the ocean yours is a puddle from a dog’s piss!

Zimbabwe is in serious trouble millions are living in abject poverty we need to move on and idiots like you are holding the nation back because you are too proud to admit that Tsvangirai is an idiot. We cannot let idiots like you hold back the nation a day longer; continue behaving like a spoilt brat and you will be treated like one!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"You must understand that VaMugabe wedded dynamite so we could not keep it secret as she (Grace) insisted that we cannot sweep corruption under the carpet," said Mugabe adding that what incensed his wife was the fact that she discovered that Mujuru's allies wanted to block her ascendancy to become the women's league boss.

Not to be outdone, Jacob Mudenda, the Speaker of Parliament took bootlicking to another level describing the First Lady as the "mother of revelations" when he reported to congress on the state of the party.

Jabulani Sibanda was right, what we have here is a bedroom coup Grace, has decided that she is going to be president and Mugabe is riding roughshod over his former comrades-in-arms, the party’s constitution and the nation to fulfil her wish!

Zimbabwe Light said...

And likening herself to a football referee, the First Lady said she blew the whistle on Mujuru because the VP was "offside".

She claimed that Mujuru had been against her elevation to the Women's League position, alleging further that the embattled VP had described the elevation as akin to the whistle being given to a baboon.

"I was given a whistle and like a whistle blower I blew it to whip people into line.

"Some thought I was out of tune. I realised that Mai Mujuru was offside and l sent emissaries to advise her that bhora pasi (I urged her to be calm) but she never heeded my advice.

"She is like a dung beetle which wheels the ball backwards instead of forward," Grace added.

The nation is in serious economic trouble and here is the person who has already made it clear she wants to be the next president – lucky for her, her husband is the president and a helpless puppet in her hands – and all she has ever said since taking centre stage of Zimbabwe politics is denigrate Mai Mujuru and anyone else seen as a threat to her ambition. She does not even realise the country is in total economic meltdown.

God forbid Grace should ever be president!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Brian,

In the interest public debate I will assume you have not been following what has been going on the GPA, GNU, reforms, etc. but on one condition that you make an effort to catch-up. Here is a website where you can find articles dating back to 2008 on the subject;

Zimbabwe Light said...

"I would also want to warn those in the central committee that if you are going to be chosen to the politburo, drop this nonsense about ‘these are my people'. I want you to learn from the trou-bles we have had. Trouble iyi yatiparadzanisa naanaMai Mujuru (the trouble that has separated us with the likes of Vice President Joice Mujuru)," Mugabe said.

Sure thing, meaning while you are allowed to turn the party into a family affair; allowing your wife the disregard party rules to get her into the women’s league chairperson position, allowing thugs to boot out elected officials, harassing party members, removing all the last traces of electoral democratic norm from the party, etc. What are you going to do next fill the politburo with your stooges and relatives with none other than your wife as VP?

Zimbabwe Light said...

I agree; Mugabe fears Mnangagwa and would be loathed to make him VP but on the other handed he also knows that disappointing him again will land him into hot soup. Crocodiles are known for going for a kilometre in land in hot pursuit of injured prey. Trust me, people do not call Mnangagwa crocodile for his good looks only.

The on-going Zanu PF purge has battered Mai Mujuru and her supporters but that has left Mugabe at the mercy of the Mnangagwa faction. Mugabe is nothing but a wounded animal on a rock in the middle of the dam. The crocodile is circling the rock savouring a meal to come.

Even if Mugabe give Mnangagwa the VP position it would be to buy time whilst he thinks of way to get rid of him. If he does not appoint him VP then the tyrant will know the crocodile will be after him and he will have to get the job done quickly or he is done for!

Unlike the simpletons Mujuru or Tsvangirai whom Mugabe elbowed out of the way and that was that; with Mnangagwa elbowing him out of the way again this time will not be enough. Mugabe or whoever takes the crown after him will always live in fear of the crocodile striking back because he will!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Rejoice Ngwenya

After going to town and back about Mai Mujuru's record as a corrupt and incompetent leader - which I agreed with 100% - I was therefore surprised that Rejoice was willing to sweep all that under the carpet and pretend it never happened as long as Mujuru would take off her Zanu PF colours and stand as an opposition candidate.

How can anyone believe that an egregious ass like Mai Mujuru can be transformed to an exem-plary leader of outstanding qualities by the simple act of taking off a Zanu PF baseball cap and putting on an MDC one! It really goes to show just how unbelievably shallow so people’s mental intellect is; the simple act of changing the baseball cap is more than enough to convince then of the suitability or otherwise of an individual to be state president and hold the destiny of the whole nation in his/her hands. No wonder Zimbabwe is in this hell-hole, with an electorate this shallow-minded; where else. Worse still, this nation is not getting out of this hell-hole until we take the business of electing our leaders with the seriousness and deep thinking it deserves!

Mai Mujuru for President and this is coming from an intellectual, the cream of the cream of Zimbabwe. I despair, we are in serious trouble!

Zimbabwe Light said...


People have lost confidence in MDC because the party's leaders failed to get even one reform implemented because they are corrupt and breathtakingly incompetence. MDC has failed to apologise for betraying the nation and, just to rub in hot chills in the people's eyes; the party has retained the same egregious village idiots as party leaders. It is naive for anyone therefore to talk of reviving MDC; the party is not to be trusted and must never be allowed to hold any public office ever again.

MDC dug their own grave by failing to get even one democratic reform implemented and now we must make sure the entire leadership and their myopic supporters who could to follow them blindly like mind-less wildebeests are buried!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Rafique702

MDC have already proven that they are incompetent why do you want them back in power for? I know compared to the corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF, incompetent MDC looks a very attractive alternative but that is only because you refuse to see beyond these two.

What we need is a political system that allows real democratic debate and competition a system that will allow the cream to rise to the top unlike the present system that allows scum to rise to the top.

To have to choose between Zanu PF and MDC is like being force to see only in monochrome and to choose between black and white when there is a richer world full of all the colours of the rainbow to see and choose from.

MDC failed to get even one reform implemented although they had five years to do so; what else do they have to do to finally convince you that they are indeed incompetent? What will it take to finally open your eyes?

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is just a sanctimonious statement of half-truths and damn lies; everyone knows that she is corrupt and incompetent. It took her 34 years to get a Phd and yet today 300 000 children cannot go school because their parents are too poor to pay the school fee; that is too high a price to pay for a Phd!

For 34 years she has sat there like a cabbage whilst the nation was being destroyed and innocent people murdered for selfish political gain and she does not consider that a betrayal! She is a simpleton alright!

The only contribution she can make to this nation is to tell us the details of how Mugabe rigged the elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...


You clearly never understood what the GPA was all about, you went through the GNU without understanding what it was there to do and since the rigged elections you have failed to see why Mugabe was able to blatantly rig the elections. Please read the many articles on the following web site where all the above items are dealt with in detail,

After reading a few of the article and you still think MDC had no leverage all I can say is it not all that can see who perceive, hear and comprehend. You will be comforted to know you are not alone in this, Tsvangirai, Biti Ncube and many other MDC leaders are not in denial they failed the nation, they still do not see how that is why they are beyond the pale!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Prof Mlambo

MDC had the numbers in the 2008 and 2013 elections, all these hundreds of thousands of blank faces of MDC members in the red regalia milling around like wildebeests - remember! Yet MDC failed to topple Mugabe. Obviously it has still not occurred to you that it is not just the numbers, quantity, that is needed but quality too. MDC has some of the most incompetent leaders in the nation's history.

You want Mai Mujuru to join; sure why not, she will blend in very nicely for she is one of the most in-competent and inept members in Zanu PF. She will boost MDC's finances at least; she is loaded after all the years of looting!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“For as long as I am still sane and fully bright in my mind, I will be available to lead you," said Robert Mugabe.

And who is to say "Mugabe, you are still sane and fully bright in mind?" None other that Robert Mugabe himself, no one in Zanu PF has a say in this much less the nation because there is in no free vote in Zanu PF - you will be accused of factionalism - and no free vote in national elections because there is no regime change allowed in Zimbabwe.

Mugabe has fcuked up the Zimbabwe economy; that is the proof that the tyrant has never been a full shilling. The economic meltdown, thank God, is not going to be bribed, bullied or cheated like Mai Mujuru and Tsvangirai and it will not be phased in anyway by the tyrant's flattering self-diagnose. The economic meltdown is set to get worse as long as this senile tyrant remains in power.

Unemployment is already seating at 90% plus, 16% or 2 million Zimbabweans are already living in abject poverty, etc. these figures will get worse until the people finally wake up to the reality that they have a senile tyrant who will never accept that he has fcuked up! This nation has a simple choice to let a tyrant and a handful of his cronies destroy the nation and their future to gratify their insatiable appetite for absolute power and wealth or finally stand up and put an end to this tragic and pointless nightmare.