Monday 27 May 2024



Fellow citizens,I have prepared this brief statement to update you on the efforts around the resolution of the disputed outcome of the August 2023 general elections that did not produce a credible and legitimate government chosen by the citizens of Zimbabwe.

As you are aware, following the shambolic and disputed August 2023 elections, we held nationwide consultations with you, the citizens, and all other relevant stakeholders, on the ways and means to resolve the electoral fraud. 

You, the citizens of Zimbabwe, are very clear and firm on the position that the elections were improperly conducted, indeterminate and produced a manipulated outcome.

This position is supported and confirmed by SADC, the African Union, the European Union, the Commonwealth, COMESA, and all other intergovernmental organizations which deployed election observer missions to Zimbabwe. 

There is no other election in the history of elections in this country that has invited resounding and universal condemnation as the August 2023 elections. This matter must be resolved so that the country can have proper elections that produce a proper government from the citizens.

Fellow citizens, as your presidential choice, you, in your millions, (nearly over TWO MILLION), gave a clear mandate, albeit in a disputed and contested election. That mandate cannot be abdicated, abandoned, or surrendered.

Upon and with your mandate, on the 26th of September 2023, we wrote to our regional body, SADC, the guarantor of the values and principles of the aspirations of the “common agenda” and “common will” of the people of Southern Africa.

On 23 October 2023 SADC responded to our request and advised that they were giving the matter due consideration. Meanwhile, we have noted the various meetings the leadership of SADC has held, including the latest Extraordinary Summit of the Organ Troika on the 23rd of March 2024 in Lusaka, Zambia. 

Therefore, we have advisedly been patiently waiting on our request.

On the 29th of April, however, since considerable time has passed, yet we had sought to resolve this issue much earlier, we delivered our follow-up to SADC for which we await a response to determine a clear path forward to resolve the governance crisis and leadership dispute.

Our request to SADC was and remains very simple, that, as the regional body which Zimbabwe has signed up for membership and vested some authority in the supranational intergovernmental organization, we require their facilitation to peacefully resolve the issues around the irregular and disputed elections. 

The problem of the manipulated elections that produced a government without a mandate from the citizens has since culminated into high levels of intolerance, violations, repression, illegal recalls of citizen representatives (of the very same disputed election, in itself, an unprecedented move and an encyclopedic infraction of democratic tenets) unlawful arrests and persecution of citizens upon all other kinds of archaic intimidatory and suppressive manifestations of the lack of mandate.

It is common knowledge that our country is facing a plethora of problems. Most of them are basic and symptomatic of bad governance, broken politics, and disputed leadership. 

We have a tanking economy; systemic corruption; 49% of the population living in extreme poverty; USD$1,8bn lost to looting annually; USD$100m worth of gold smuggled monthly; galloping hyperinflation; half of the population that is food insecure; over 3 million Zimbabweans forced to migrate; 89% unemployment; and disputed national processes and elections.

Only a legitimate government chosen by the citizens has both the confidence and mandate to deliver on their necessities and demands. You voted for a government that would deliver healthcare, energy, water, jobs, stable currency, quality education and other basic services. 

You know why you voted for change. The current challenges of failing to resolve the huge national debt, high inflation, currency distortions, drought, starvation, poverty, poor income, the hostile political environment, an air of sadness and brain drain are all symptoms of a government without a proper mandate. 

Zimbabwe’s challenges are a direct result of the lack of legitimacy and mandate to govern. A truly elected citizen government is the solution for good governance and service delivery.

We reiterate this point to SADC, the AU and indeed to the international community, that it is untidy and untenable to sanitize or fertilize theft of elections and electoral malpractices by turning a deaf ear and casting a blind eye to matters of gigantic electoral fraud. Such is an afront to “the Africa we want”.

As you are aware, elections are the highest level through which a mandate is attained or ascertained as a contract between the governing and the governed. No government can justly claim authority to govern unless it is based on the will and consent of the people. 

On that score, none must be allowed to come into office through the backdoor, the window, cohesive means or command antics and tactics. Our regional and international institutions cannot condemn a process and yet condone it and ultimately endorse it. It would be a contradiction in terms, to determine a process as flawed and yet condone its outcome.

Fellow citizens, may I hasten to say, the following and exhaustion of available remedies and peaceful means to resolve national issues is not a manifestation of weakness or that we are devoid of other ideas and means. It is our strict commitment to finding each other and amicably resolving our points of conflict, disjuncture, and disagreement.

We have committed to a peaceful resolution of disputes and intend to exhaust all available peaceful remedies. As you are all aware, millions of you agree with this approach. Zimbabwe is too beautiful and precious to be destroyed by flames of political disputes under our watch. Peace is fragile. Peace is sacrosanct. 

And the breakdown of peace knows no winner. The opposite of peace leaves us all losers.

Our beautiful country can never progress on the back of disunity and successive disputed national processes including contested elections. 

We are acutely aware of the urgency of this matter and more importantly that there can never be any talk of 2028 or a viable and stable future for this country without resolving August 2023, the broken past, and disputed politics. It remains our hope and indeed your hope that all these concerns will be addressed with urgency and seriousness.

On my part I am doing everything necessary, to the extent of God’s Will, to seek a lasting solution to the perennial challenges affecting our beloved country. Locally and nationally, I have engaged all the stakeholders including the traditional leadership, business leadership, civil society at large, political parties and members of the diplomatic corp. 

In particular, I have also sought the mediatory role of the church leadership to help resolve the disputed elections and contested national processes, albeit, with handicapped progress. I have even numerously effected engagement with the other presidential contender and he is aware of our point of dispute and the proposed way forward. We have also developed and shared our roadmap with all key stakeholders, which paper we are ready to make public in due course.

We have engaged different stakeholders within the SADC region. At Heads of State level, I have engaged leaders through delegations that I sent to the various capitals of the region and the continent to brief Esteemed Excellencies about the election dispute, the political stalemate, and our proposed way forward.

I therefore urge you to take an active role in peacefully determining the destiny of our country. I exhort you, fellow citizens, the intercessors, and the church, to continue to pray for a smooth and peaceful transition in our country. Stay the course, hold the fort, hold fast and stand involved. Stand ready. Change is upon us.

#Foreveryone #Godisinit!

God Bless You, God Bless Zimbabwe. I thank you.

Under my name and hand.


Your Servant 27/05/2024


So on on the 26th of September 2023, Chamisa wrote to SADC to complained of the “shambolic and disputed” August 2023 elections in Zimbabwe. 

On 23 October 2023 SADC responded and advised that they were giving the matter due consideration.

There was the Extraordinary Summit of the Organ Troika on the 23rd of March 2024 in Lusaka, Zambia. 

“Therefore, we have advisedly been patiently waiting on our request,” Chamisa tells except he is once again lying because the nation was bombarded by details of SADC sending elders to meet Chamisa and Mnangagwa, of upcoming summit meetings to discuss the disputed elections, etc. all supposedly coming from a “well placed source in SADC Secretariat”. Some of the video even had Chamisa’s face implying he was well aware of the videos and has never done anything to disown them.

On the 29th of April, 2024 followed-up on his request to SADC for on the governance crisis and leadership dispute.

As of today 27 May 2024, SADC has not bothered to respond. And so all those promises to have the disputed elections resolved soon, are just another one Chamisa’s silverback gorilla grandstanding, chest drumming, to impress his ignorant and gullible followers. 


Of course, no one in the right mind would blame SADC for ignoring Chamisa, he is nauseatingly childish. He is the one who insisted in participating in these flawed elections claiming he had plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. “#Godisinit!” Knowing fully well that he was lying and that participating in the flawed elections would give Zanu PF legitimacy.  He and his CCC friends soldiered on and participated regardless because they also knew that Zanu PF would give away a few gravy train seats to entice the opposition to participate. 

Indeed, Chamisa lied about plugging the vote rigging loop holes to hide the real reason for participating was greed and thus con his followers to participate too in their millions. 

Even after both SADC and AU had dismissed the election as a farce, Chamisa and his friends went ahead and took up their gravy train seats. They insisted wherever CCC won seats, these were “liberated zone” and thus elections in these zones were free, fair and credible. All nonsense to hide their greed because ZEC failed to produce a verified voters’ roll including in so called liberated zones!

SADC accepted the SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM) damning report of 23 August 2023 Zimbabwe elections and decided to do nothing about it for three main reasons:

  1. 1) These CCC leaders have failed to implement any democratic reforms even when they had the golden opportunity to do so during the GNU

  1. 2) CCC and their supporters have insisted on participating in flawed elections against the advice of SADC not only to complain of rigged but even have the chutzpah to blame SADC.

  1. 3) CCC started to implode soon after the 2023 elections with the recall of elected officials. With all the best will in the world what would have been achieved by denying Zanu PF legitimacy when it was clear and by Chamisa’s own admission that CCC was infiltrated by Zanu PF, that CCC was Zanu PF team B in all but name.


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chakaipa

"Do you have any locus standi to give a press statement on behalf of him?
Form your own party or contest elections so that you can issue several pressors or analysis of your house issues."

Chamisa is a public official and, per se, is democratically accountable to the people. You still have your idiotic notion that he is a demigod who is not accountable. He is not only a mere mortal but a corrupt and incompetent one at that. He is accountable and that is not negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Shumba S

“Yes..what a disappointing and empty narrative! Tried to read between the lines nothing cryptic about it.”

The last video was claiming there would be fresh elections in Zimbabwe in JUNE this year. The video had a Chamisa photo meaning he was aware of the video and content. He has been tweeting about "Change is coming!" The reality is these claims were all lies, SADC had decided to do nothing about the disputed elections.

The statement was Chamisa, in his usual cryptic way, finally admitting that he was lying about SADC resolving the election issue.

Not that Chamisa’s admission to lying will make any difference to some people, they have serious problems comprehending anything so it is all water off a duck’s back.

The possibility of Chamisa conning the herd to participate in flawed elections yet again is real, even after 44 years of rigged elections! We are a failed state and for very good reasons too - we have one of the most ignorant and naive populous on earth!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Brett

“Zanu PF will never relinquish power democratically.

There are too many "businesses" and regional support for it and it therefore is very open about the fact that if you want to remove it, you must do what they did to Smith.
These words have been spoken by the ruling party themselves, not us.

At this point in time, with the current economic situation and the fact that our citizens have to seek employment in other countries has resulted in more deaths what a civil war would cost us.
Therefore those that say they don’t want war because of dying, they are already dying, it's just that instead of dying by being shot, they are dying of hunger, border crossing, crime, stress, broken families, HIV, and other social consequences of this regimes rule.

The biggest obstacle to Zimbabwe’s freedom is now Chamisa himself.
His constant shouting of "peaceful, non violence, endai kumba modya sadza" is now holding the citizens back from claiming their lives back.
His main job these days is Kunyaradza vanhu.

Unfortunately the people cant seem to see this glaring fact and will therefore hold their breath till 2028, hoping for yet another god-is-in-it miracle when we all know that politics and church should not mix and God is not one to be played with in such a manner.

This regime requires a new 3rd force that will remove not only the regime, but also the useless main opposition, whose leadership is basically the Zanupf "B" team which has been sent to silence the people while the Cartel loots and steals our resources.

My name is BrettMuVet and I don’t mince my words.
Chokwadi sezvazviri.”

I do agree with you that the biggest obstacle to democratic change in Zimbabwe ever since the GNU has been Chamisa and his MDC/CCC friends because they are the ones who sold out on reforms and are participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. The dictatorship would be history if they did not sell out.

I do believe that there can be democratic change in Zimbabwe without resorting to violence. MDC/CCC leaders sold out on reforms out of greed and incompetence, that has nothing to do with democracy, none violence or #Godisinit!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“Who will bell the cat?”

Implement the reforms was not belling the cat! Mugabe bribe MDC leaders with the trappings of high office and they, in return, forgot about implementing the reforms. The plan has failed because we, the people, are not smart enough to realise MDC/CCC have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds even after 24 years with not even a token reform implemented!

Of course, there is a heavy price to be paid for being dumb, thick and shallow. And we are paying, 44 years of rigged elections and a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Two Mbiri

“President said “Stand Strong , Stay involved , Change is upon us “ . Please read the statement to understand Not to respond , President Chamisa cannot say things that will give the regime ammunition to arrest or persecute him , it’s up to you to interpret his message , if you can’t then seek clarity and be informed before commenting wrongly . President Chamisa needs a very calm mind to understand what he is saying , this is a very strong message my brother, he has put lots of pressure on SADC as a body , but I’m so worried that you can’t even notice that hmmmm , Zanupf is a monster that needs carefully strategic communication when dealing with it , Read to understand Not to respond thank you.”

Just because you have been brainwashed and will defend everything that Chamisa says, you should not expect everyone else to be like you.

Did Chamisa say SADC was going to held fresh elections in June? Answer the question or shut up.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chasi

You cannot bear to hear anyone holding Chamisa to account, can you. Well he is accountable and I will hold him to account for all his lies and conning village idiots like you to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy! This is not negotiable and you will never ever silence me!

Zimbabwe Light said...

UZA participated in the 2023 elections knowing fully well the elections were flawed and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. UZA participated regardless because hoped to win some of the gravy train seats on offer as bait. Was that visionary anything?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

So you think Chamisa is not going to con people to participate in 2028 elections, he has been substituted. How naive and down right stupid you are!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa's big announcement was admitting that SADC was NOT coming to hold fresh elections as he had claimed. He was corned June was days away! Not that his being exposed as a liar yet again will mean anything to the herd, they comprehend nothing and so it is all water off a duck's back.

An ignorant, naive and gullible, so gullible they will be conned to participate in 2028 just as readily as they were conned last year, is a curse to democracy and the nation!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chisa

“Why au not implement e reforms right now so that by 2028 he won't con people to participate in rigged elections.”

You do not know what the reforms are much less how they implemented this is why you always talking out of turn. Your agenda is to silence anyone holding Chamisa to account because you believe he is a demigod who should not be held to account.

Chamisa is not a demigod and he must account for his lies to con people to participate in flawed elections.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa did not announce anything to resolve the deadlock but rather he announced that the fresh elections supervised by SADC he had claimed were taking place in June was a lie. All the claims he had been making these last 9 months of the action by SADC to resolve the disputed elections were all lies!

Chamisa is a liar why many Zimbabweans continue to follow him blindly explains why Zimbabwe is a failed state! He is gearing to con the people to participate in yet another flawed elections in 2028. No wonder we are a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chamisa had conned his ignorant and gullible herd into participating in flawed 2023 elections by lying to them that CCC would win big because he plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. "#Godisinit!" Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections and win and so Chamisa had to weave a new lie to cover for rigged elections.

Chamisa told the herd and nation at large that he was piling pressure on SADC to resolve Zimbabwe's rigged 2023 elections. "Change is coming!" he assured everyone. A few weeks ago he announced that SADC would hold fresh elections in June! With June now two days away, he had no choice but to come out and admit there would be no fresh elections. He was lying!

Soon he will lie to con his wildebeest herd followers to participate in 2028 elections and so the curse of rigged elections continues. When will this nightmare end!!!!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“What I took from the speech was
There have been behind the scenes discussions and communication with SADC

NC has been advised to take the position he had presumably by SADC insiders

SADC has not closed the rigging case.”

“On 23 October 2023 SADC responded to our request and advised that they were giving the matter due consideration." This was the only response Chamisa ever got from SADC according to his statement.

He did not mention any "behind the scenes discussions" and he never said "SADC has not closed the rigging case”.

The claim that SADC elders were coming to Harare to meet Mnangagwa, SADC was holding fresh elections in June, etc. these were all lies. With June approaching, Chamisa had no option but to give this statement openly admitting the June elections and all the various claims about SADC resolving the disputed Zimbabwe elections were lies.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mdhalawethu

“This is disappointing. Honestly, President Chamisa is stuck in the past.

1) SADC is useless and a toothless dog in our Zimbabwe case . No election will solve Zimbabwe's quagmire.
2) We, as ZSD, begged CCC not to enter 2023 elections, but unfortunately they where too power hungry to occupy parliamentary and local government seats. Having won many seats they equally lost them .Sadly, it has just dawned to them that 2028 will be the same...its way too late . An aggressive approach is needed, and this soft as wool approach is unprogressive. Our country is burning and, our people are suffering. As opposition we need to hit hard and fast.
3) President Chamisa has to be humble enough to admit he and his colleagues made a wrong move by entering the 2023 elections. To defeat the enemy, you need to learn his sword. Zanu pf is a deadly animal and needs to be treated as such!! Power is never negotiated, its taken!! By having random consultations from citizens ,it is clear that people on the ground are ready for action 🎬 . The Citizens are the biggest stakeholders and have spoken anything outside that is null and void !!!”

It is not so much Chamisa who is stuck in the past but rather the brain dead herd who believe anything he says. His ego has been tickled and he is milking it to the full. How many other men or women out there can command jump and millions respond, “How high!”

This is no doubt in my mind that Chamisa is hell bent on participating in 2028 elections with no reforms implemented and he will, once con millions into participating on basis of yet another idiotic winning RIGGED election strategy!

The Zimbabwean electorate is one of the most ignorant, naive and gullible voters in the world. We are paying dearly for it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Dear Fellow Zimbabweans,

I share the profound disappointment and frustration that many of us feel regarding the current political landscape and the recent decisions made by opposition leaders. It is evident that the path we have taken has not brought us closer to the change we desperately need.

1. *SADC’s Ineffectiveness*: It is clear that SADC has proven to be ineffective and powerless in addressing the political crisis in Zimbabwe. Their inability to facilitate meaningful change only prolongs our suffering. It is evident that relying on external bodies to solve our internal issues is futile.

2. *Misguided Participation in the 2023 Elections*: As the Zimbabwe Social Democratic (ZSD) movement, we urged the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) not to participate in the 2023 elections. Our concerns were ignored, and the result was a predictable cycle of winning seats only to lose them again. The realization that 2028 will mirror 2023 has come too late. The soft approach taken thus far has been ineffective, and our country continues to suffer as a result. It is time for a more assertive and strategic approach.

3. *Admitting Mistakes and Learning from Them*: President Chamisa and his colleagues must acknowledge their mistake in participating in the 2023 elections. Understanding our adversary's tactics is crucial. ZANU-PF is a formidable opponent, and dealing with such an entity requires a bold and decisive strategy. Power is not something to be negotiated but taken. The voices of the citizens—the true stakeholders—are calling for action. Ignoring this call would be a grave mistake.

Our country is in a dire state, and the suffering of our people is unacceptable. As the opposition, we must act with urgency and determination. We need a united front, focused on aggressive and effective strategies to bring about the change Zimbabwe desperately needs.

Let us heed the call of our citizens and take the necessary steps to secure a better future for Zimbabwe.

Yours in solidarity,


Very interesting.

As much as I would the first to admit the SADC is not perfect still it is wrong to even suggest that SADC is responsible for Zimbabwe’s political and economic mess whilst leaving our the real chief culprits, Zanu PF, MDC/CCC and we the Zimbabwean populous.

SADC created the 2008 to 2013 GNU and we messed up by failing to implement even one reform. MDC/CCC has connived with Zanu PF to hold flawed elections in return for a share of the spoils of power and we have been very foolish not to see what was happening. SADC condemned 2023 elections and we, in our stupidity, gave Zanu PF legitimacy by participating.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The primary purpose of Chamisa's 27 May 2024 statement was to admit he had been lying ever since the August 2023 elections that SADC was resolving Zimbabwe's disputed elections. He falsely claimed SADC was going to hold fresh elections in June 2024.

Chamisa was warned by SADC and others of the futility of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. He insisted in participating conning his supporters that he had plugged vote rigging loop holes. The challenge is why he lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes and about SADC sorting the mess.

He was trying to mislead public by bringing the issue of peace means to bring change. What has that got to do with his lying about plugging rigging loop holes. And why Newsday made that the headline beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Acknowledging the urgency of the matter, Chamisa emphasized the necessity of resolving the issues stemming from the August 2023 elections before considering political participation in 2028. "Let's address the issues of 2023 without waiting for 2028," he asserted.

Chamisa, who garnered over two million votes in the 2023 presidential election, expressed readiness to pursue a resolution as a national leader, steering clear of partisan politics.

"We cannot afford to relinquish, abandon, or squander that mandate. On September 26, 2023, we reached out to our regional body, SADC, as the custodian of the values and principles of the Southern African people's 'common agenda' and 'common will'," Chamisa explained, highlighting subsequent correspondences with SADC.

While awaiting a response from SADC, Chamisa stressed the populace's firm belief that the 2023 elections were flawed, inconclusive, and marred by manipulation. He called upon SADC and the AU to act in light of their condemnation of the election process.

The people of Zimbabwe must wake up to the political reality that Chamisa and his MDC/CCC fiends are corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless. They have had many golden opportunities to implement the democratic reforms and end the Zanu PF dictatorship and they not only wasted them all but have been now been helping the regime stay in power by participating in flawed elections to give the regime legitimacy out of greed.

In 2013 SADC leaders warned MDC leaders of the folly of participating in flawed elections and Tsvangirai and company paid no heed. Zanu PF rigged the elections and Tsvangirai started wailing that Zanu PF rig the elections and blamed SADC for doing nothing about it. This is now the well trodden path for MDC/CCC leaders.

In the 2023 elections Chamisa and company were hell bent on participating in the elections and gave one feeble excuse after another to justify their participating without even a token reform implement. “I have plugged all the vote rigging loop hole. #Godisinit!” insisted Chamisa.

Even after SADC and AU had condemned the 2023 elections as a farce, the CCC leaders who have won the few gravy train seats insisted on taking up their seats claiming these were “liberated zone and elections there were free, fair and credible”!

Now Chamisa is insisting that it is SADC’s fault Zanu PF rigged the elections and they must resolve the problem. Bulls***t! Chamisa and company are the problem, they are corrupt, incompetent and idiotic cry babies who want to have their cake and eat it too!

As long as Chamisa and company remain on the political stage, taking advantage of the ignorant and naive followers whom they have conned to participate in flawed elections with one hen’s teeth tale after another to hide the real reason - greed - Zimbabwe will never ever get out of this hell-hole!

It is for the people of Zimbabwe themselves, not SADC or any one else, to educate the ignorant wildebeest herd if we are ever going to put an end to the cycle of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy followed by the torrent of opposition whining and shedding buckets of crocodile tears! Enough is enough of this charade!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It was Chamisa and his CCC fiends who insisted on participating in the flawed 2023 elections claiming they had plugged Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes to hide the real reason for participating was greed. Now Chamisa in blaming SADC and want them to resolve the disputed elections. This is just nonsense!

SADC created the opportunity to implement the reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections MDC wasted it. SADC is on record advising MDC not to participate in flawed elections and Chamisa and company paid no heed.

MDC/CCC's greed and incompetence is the root cause of Zimbabwe's repeated curse of rigged elections and we, the people of Zimbabwe must deal with corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless MDC/CCC leaders if we are ever going to get out of this hell-hole! Blaming SADC is both foolish and childish and, most important of all will not get us out of the hole!

Zimbabwe Light said...

So what is the point of having the rules and the referee if you will participate no matter what!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The problem of disputed elections is one of Chamisa and company's own making, they failed to implement reforms and have been participating in flawed elections out of greed. It is therefore rich that he should blaming SADC for failing to stop Zanu pF rigging elections and for failing to deny the regime political legitimacy.

It is for the people of Zimbabwe, not SADC, to resolve the curse of rigged elections. And the solution is to implement the democratic reforms, we should stop participating in flawed elections only to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Chamisa and company will never get any reforms implemented, it is incumbent on us, not SADC, to find the men and women who will do it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It is worrying to hear the young people clamouring for generational change of leadership without saying how they will stamp out corruption, mismanagement, etc. Why are they failing to say how they will be different? Could it be that they are not interested in stamping out corruption, etc.; all they are after is their turn to loot!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Many South Africans have remember that "Ramaphosa and two others" were the only African leaders to attend Emmerson Mnangagwa's inauguration last year. Everyone else had stayed away because Zanu PF rigged the 2023 Zimbabwe elections. South Africans knew and understood Zanu PF was one of many former liberation war political parties who believed they had the divine right to rule and they could see ANC leaders were trying to emulate Zanu PF. "ANC and Zanu PF are sister political parties!"

Well South Africa have just given ANC a bloody nose! ANC has lost its majority in parliament.

SA will certainly have a better government than the corrupt and incompetent successive ANC regimes of the 30 years, that is almost certain. For one thing ANC leaders will not be so corrupt and arrogant, now they know ANC is accountable to the people.

For Zimbabwe, Zanu PF knows that the regime has lost its greatest backer and must know its days of rigging elections and getting away with it are numbered! The opportunity to force through meaningful changes in Zimbabwe is there all we need is the competent opposition to do it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ G Charamba

“In a riveting revelation, Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman, George Charamba, displayed significant concern late Friday night regarding the precarious position of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) party. The ANC, which has historically supported Mnangagwa’s ZANU PF party, appears to be struggling to secure a majority, based on the latest electoral figures.

Charamba’s post reads:
“LEST WE DON’T REMEMBER: This is not the first time South African politics have delivered white figures to our region and to Zanu PF! We have had this before, to emerge unscathed. I thus get amused when people suggest some ANC-DA Alliance would leave Zanu PF in some invidious position. Of course not, never!!!!”

Well ANC has certainly emerged out of this with a bloody nose and given Zanu PF got away with the rigged 2023 elections thanks to ANC. Everyone knows that without ANC there to cover the regime for all its many misdemeanours.

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the 2023 elections and only got away with the tacit support of ANC. The illegitimacy label still hangs over Zanu PF like the the sword of Damocles. A blooded ANC would not be so bold and daring, the Zanu PF regime knows that just one more misdemeanour and the house of cards will collapse! Zanu PF is like the skunk, a creature of dirty habits, it will not be long before there is a foul smell in the air.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mnangagwa

Mnangagwa boasted of his role in the 2008 electoral coup.

How is it possible that anyone would be so foolish as to consider a corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrant like Mnangagwa could be trusted to rule. And yet hundreds of thousands of Zimbabwe were on the street supporting the 2017 military coup seeking to replace one dictator with another dictator. Tsvangirai himself led the public support of the coup when he has promised a new GNU!

Zimbabwe Light said...

In 1980, Zimbabwe was an upper middle income nation (GNI per capita between $4,466 and $13,845) with the potential of becoming the South Korea of Africa so that today we would be a high income nation. We took the wrong turn and in the last 44 years has slip to low middle income to low income (GNI per capita between $1,135 or less). More than 50% of our people are living in abject poverty on less than US$1 per day.

Mnangagwa's Vision 2030, upper middle income status is a mirage by moonlight! If we do not do something to end the gross mismanagement and rampant even more Zimbabweans will be living in abject poverty.

Zimbabwe Light said...

ANC's performance these last 30 years was so pathetic, they really do not deserve to be given another 5 year mandate to govern that great nation. And the nation has spoken, ANC has only managed to win 40% of the vote. An ANC with its political power reduced is good for democracy for no one should ever take the electorate for granted.

ANC's shameless support of vote rigging Zanu PF has become very vexing. One only hopes that the ANC with peacock feathers plucked away will not be so pompous and keep its nose out of Zimbabwe's business from hence forth.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Joyce Magaya

“Vanhu vema+44 musatinyangadza siyai isu tirimuZombabwe tiite zvatinoda imiitai xveZANU yenyu yamunosurpota makanyararar manje chero mikavukura mukomana anotopinda.”

This is typical Chris Mutsvangwa mentality "We liberated Zimbabwe and therefor have the divine right to rig elections and do as we damn well please!" And now it is "We are in Zimbabwe and anyone who has left the country has no right to even comment on what is going on. We in Zimbabwe alone know what is best. All they must do is continue to send remittences!”

If you are so clever then why is Zimbabwe a failed state?

Zimbabwean who did not fight in the liberation war are nonetheless still Zimbabwean citizens and, per se, have the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. By the same token Zimbabweans who are left the country are still Zimbabwean citizens.

Zimbabwe is a failed state and we need to come up with a solution out of this mess. The substance or otherwise of your contribution must be judge on merit and not on where you are, tribe, gender, age, etc. We really cannot afford to have nincompoops like you and Mutsvangwa drag the nation deeper and deeper into this abyss by stifling debate and democratic discourse with you idiotic nonsense.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Poundman

“Get away you +44
You talk rubbish.
We are the ones vari paGround titori bhoo nezvatiri kutoita, with that Chamisa being our Darling. Iwe unorwadziwa neyi itai zveikoko musatiudzira zvebhachi ramusingapfeki.”

You are happy Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections and got away with it because Chamisa and company participated knowing the elections are flawed and participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. Still they went ahead because they also knew that Zanu PF was giving away a few gravy train seat.

Chamisa conned 2 million of his braindead followers to participate claiming he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit! The herd believed him. And even now when it is clear he lied, the herd does not even have the common sense to ask what happened.

Of course, anyone who participate in a flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship and his/her own suffering again and again is a village idiot, insane as Albert Einstein would say.

It is a great tragedy for Zimbabwe that we do have many village idiots and, worst of all, the have a loud voice and a vote. As much as I could not stop you being conned into participate in flawed elections in the past or in the future; I will be damned if I will allow a village idiot deny me my freedoms and rights including silencing me!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Wale

How sad. 44 years after independence and in this day and age and we are still having to fight the nincompoops who still believe they have the right to deny others the basic freedoms and rights. So anyone who has left Zimbabwe has automatically forfeited all their freedoms and rights.

Zanu PF has denied Zimbabweans their rights under the pretext, they did not fight in the liberation war. Now people are being denied their rights because they dare hold Chamisa to account - being on the ground is just a convenient stick for bashing all those outside Zimbabwe.

No wonder we are a failed state. 44 years after independence and millions are still failing to understand that exercising your freedom of expression does not include freedom to deny others the same freedoms and rights.

You can get some idiots out of the ghetto but you cannot get the ghetto mentality out of the idiots hence the reason why they will forever remain idiots!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Poundman

“Hazvina basa newe, we are the one living here.

You still do not get it, do you!

Are you saying that all Zimbabweans who have let the country, for whatever reasons, have forfeited all their freedoms and rights as citizens of Zimbabwe? Or are you saying only those who have dared to hold Chamisa to democratic account have forfeited the freedoms and rights? What a nincompoop!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kuntakinte

Gambakwe produced one video after another claiming all manner of action being taken by SADC to resolve the 2023 election dispute. None of those claims have come to pass. He was lying just as Chamisa was lying about "plugging all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!" Enough is enough of this foolishness!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Gumbo

“You really hate ZANUPF with a passion. What I find nauseating about your spirited attacks against ZANUPF is that they lack intellectual depth.”

We cannot all be as clever as you, you are wiser than King Solomon himself.

Saying that Zanu PF rigged the 2023 elections is not attacking Zanu PF, it is stating a historic fact. Why you consider it an attack much less one “lacking intellectual depth” beggars belief.

You just do not want the truth to be said and so you coming up with all manner of feeble excuses to discredit and silence all those who dare hold the regime to account.

Zanu PF rigged the 2023 election and per se the regime is illegitimate; this is a historic fact that will be said again and again, I refuse to be silence by a dimwit masquerading as King Solomon!

Zimbabwe Light said...

SA had the great fortune to have visionary leaders like the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela who put that nation on a democratic footing from the start. Zimbabwe was not so luck, we started on the wrong foot as a totalitarian autocracy and we have been drifting deeper and deeper into the abyss!

Who would have ever guessed the brainwashed would chant "Zimbabwe inotegwa nemaZiG! Asingadi ngaabude!" like George Orwell's Animal Farm sheep!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Wilfred

"As a people we should devise a strategy to get rid of zanu pf
What has happened in SA is to diminish the influence of ANC and Zuma played a part we have so much information about Zuma sometimes the end justifies the means."

The opportunity end the Zanu PF dictatorship is even better now that ANC has been effectively taken out of the equation. Our number one problem still remain that we have an opposition still hell bent on participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed and an electorate so ignorant and naive they will be conned to participate again and again and again.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Wilfred

"Next elections are in 2028 am sure in 4 years people can offer an alternative."

Offering an alternative is the ease part, there are 130 political parties in Zimbabwe, the difficult part is getting the 2 million ignorant and naive herd who are itching to do whatever Chamisa is asking them to do to listen and stop following leaders blindly.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Change would have happened by now if you and your MDC/CCC friends did not sell out. You said CCC was going to win 2023 because you had plugged all the Zanu PF vote rigging loop holes. You were lying. You just wanted to participate to get the few gravy train seats Zanu PF offered as bait. You, just like Zanu PF, are exploiting the ignorant and naive public for your selfish gain.