Sunday, 17 November 2013

Bona finally graduate after donkeys years studying in the Far East at the cost of $ billion, death of Zimbabwe's education and lost generation!

Bona Mugabe has finally graduated after donkeys years studying in the Far East.

How many billions of dollars has Zimbabwe paid in University fees, accommodation and food not say nothing of the $3 million in transport each time Mugabe visited her over the what - over seven years Bona has been studying  in the Far East. In 2012 the Ministry of Education got $5 million in the national budge to run 300 000 schools - not students but school - although six months in that year the Minister of Education, David Coltart, complained that he had only received 6% of that.

“A few have been coming here sponsored by the government (in Singapore), but are very few. But now we are going to sponsor ourselves, going to sponsor some students especially to Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) to do management," said Mugabe after the Bona’s graduation.

Yes Mr Mugabe we know exactly what you mean: even more national wealth will be used to pay the ruling elite’s luxury lifestyles and the education of their children whilst the poor will be forced to sink even deeper into poverty and despair. As for the few of the poor’s children luck enough to still able to do “O” Levers; 82% of them did not pass five subjects or more last year.

Millions of Zimbabwean children are having no meaningful education. They are a lost generation.  
This is one of those cases of just how grotesquely obscene and unjust the nation's wealth and resources have been allocated to the ruling elite whilst the masses suffer and die in anguish and despair.


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chipochashe

It is amazing how people like Tengenenge will not see Mugabe for the corrupt and murderous tyrant he is even now with the mountain of evidence of corruption and over 30 000 innocent Zimbabweans murdered for selfish political gain!

We are in this hell-hole because of the blind loyalty of people like Tengenenge. They are totally incapable of seeing the reality because they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

And to crown it all these clowns have the vote and their masters have their hands on the wheels of power!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The UN is soon to vote on whether or not to delay the ICC court case against of Kenya’s President accused of instigating the murder of 1200 following the country’s 2007 violent elections. The AU is threatening to walk out on mass out of the ICC if the case is not postponed.

Africa has remained the poorest region in the world although it has the resources in great abundance to be one of the richest region in the world. This is so because of one reason and one reason only - the breath-taking incompetence of the continent's leaders. Their decision to force the case against Kenya's leaders to account for the blood shed of 1 200 innocent Kenyans for selfish political gain in 2007 is just one more example of their incompetence.

Zimbabwe Light said...


That is very interesting indeed, what did the article say?

There is no way Israeli government would not know what Nikuv has been doing. Does the Israeli government care that Nikuv helped Mugabe rig the elections, sabotage Zimbabwe's attempt to build a democracy and subject millions to miserable life and early death for hundreds of thousands of others? Clearly they do not care. If it was the well doing and lives of Israeli citizens at stake here the Israeli government would be up in arms.

Well it is about time that someone told Nikuv and the Israeli government that the suffering and death of every black Zimbabwean out there is just as important as that of anyone else out there. And not just say it but mean it too!

Nikuv and the Israeli government will not be allowed to get away with being the agent of chaos and misery in Zimbabwe and our region. Mark my word!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Last week Mugabe attended the graduation ceremony of his daughter Bona in Singapore. The cost of this one trip alone for Mugabe and his entourage – forget the billions of dollars paid in fees, accommodation, transport, etc. over the years for Bona and instead focus on this one trip alone – is a cool US$ 3 million! So the government could only manage to pay a misery $50 000 out of a budget of $ 380 million to run the whole country’s higher and tertiary institutions but could pay $3 million so Mugabe could witness his daughter’s graduation!

Former Education Minister, David Coltart; to describe what is happen here as “woeful” is itself woefully inadequate – this is criminal!