Wednesday, 15 April 2015

War vet Sibanda admits regime change in Zimbabwe is now a certainty - even he, an idiot, can see that!

The Zanu PF war vet thug leader, Jabulani Sibanda, who earned notoriety for intimidating, beating, raping and suspected murders of innocent Zimbabweans in the pursuit of Mugabe and Zanu PF’s singular of object of ensuring there will be no regime change has finally come out to admit his thuggery.
“The conflict over internal party elections currently obtaining is a betrayal of war veterans’ aspirations. It is criminal because the revolution is now devoid of any legality. They (Zanu PF leaders) have committed a crime of unparalleled proportions,” Sibanda told the Daily News.
“What we thought was that after campaigning so hard, spending months sleeping in the bush and subsequently winning elections resoundingly in 2013, that we would use the five years of Mugabe’s reign to reorganise the party ideologically and structurally.
“We, however, discovered that the ideology had changed to that of scattering the masses, demobilising and intimidating them using politically borrowed State power,” he said.
Soon after independence Mugabe and Zanu PF made a conscientious decision to undermine the country’s democratic institutions and ride roughshod over the people basic and fundamental freedoms and rights including the right to one-man-one-vote and even the right to life to establish a de facto one-party dictatorship. By the time Sibanda stepped on the national political stage in the run up to the 2008 elections till his summarily dismissal in 2014 the Zanu PF dictatorship was well establish and so too was the party’s thuggery and vote rigging.
Sibanda’s suggestion that the intimidation of the masses started after the 2013 elections is nonsense; it is to be expected of thugs like him; they are mentally slow, easily fooled and duped but worst, of all, there are known to have a very selective memory in which they are the victim and not the thug!
“Yes, we have been betrayed and we do not regret ever working under Mugabe because some of us were not working for an individual’s legacy but that of the nation. Remember when we were under the Ian Smith bondage, some thought that his system would not be dismantled but it was.
“So if it happened then it will certainly happen now. Intimidation will not work,” said Jabulani with conviction.

How can intimidating the people and denying them a vote be in the national interest! Mr Sibanda and his fellow Zanu PF thugs understood the primary objective was to ensure there was no regime change so that political power and the unfettered access to the nation’s wealth and resource will remain firmly in the hands of the Zanu PF ruling elite. Sibanda and his fellow thugs considered themselves fully paid up members of the ruling elite and thus their full share the looted wealth and political power.

Other than a select few of the thug ringleaders like Sibanda and Joseph Chinotimba most of the war vets got absolutely nothing. They would spear headed the violent seizures of the white owned farms, for example, and as soon as the white farmer is driven off the njambanja thugs were in turn be driven off the farm with not so much as a thank you!

The decades of mismanagement, corruption and looting have however taken their toll on the national economic forcing the nation cake to be shared out amongst the ruling elite to shrink; in recent years poverty has started knocking at the doors of even the ruling elite. As for the 16% or 2 million ordinary Zimbabweans on whose doors poverty started as far back as the 1990s, the rogue has since taken over completely, these people live in abject poverty; it is the people who have to knock before they enter.

As long as Mugabe and Zanu PF remain in power the economic meltdown now gripping the nation is set to get worse because Mugabe, for all his arrogance and vote rigging expertise has since learnt that it cannot rig economic recovery. His $27 billion ZimAsset economic plan, design to throw lots and lots of money at the economic crisis without ever addressing the underlying problems behind the crisis, is dead in the water because no one was prepared to waste money funding such a hare-brain scheme.

Since Mugabe and Zanu PF do not have the political will or vision to address the underlying problems of mismanagement and corruption – these are tied with the party’s political patronage system that has kept Mugabe and Zanu PF in power and thus it would political suicide for anyone in the party to dismantle that system, especially now when the party has become unelectable and is totally dependent on thuggery and rigging the vote to stay in power - fuelling the economic meltdown; the only way out is to elect a new government that does not have the same political baggage.

Even simpletons like Jabulani Sibanda can see that the present economic meltdown is not economically or politically sustainable and hence the reason why he is talking of the regime being dismantled just as Ian Smith was dismantled.

Regime change is written everywhere that even the seasoned thugs like Jabulani Sibanda who are known to be mentally slow in comprehending things now know regime change is as certain as the sun rising tomorrow.

What Mugabe and Zanu PF must understand is that their entire political machinations to resist regime change have only succeeded in delaying it but now the time is up. The choice before them is to accept regime change now when there is still a chance of any orderly transfer of power. If the regime continue to drag its feet and the change is triggered by social unrest or rioting then Zanu PF leaders must know that they will be nowhere for them to hide from the angry mob!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mbiti

So MDC-T recalled MDC-renewal MPs and then would not even try to win back these seat out of their generosity so that ZSD can take advantage and "at least start having some MPs". So you did not want your former colleague in the MDC-renewal to hold on to those seats, they had the seats already, you had the seats recalled so ZSD can have them. Only you, Mbiti, would come up with such nonsense!
Anyone who has followed Zimbabwe politics, including ZSD members, said MDC should not take party in the 2013 elections without the reforms precisely they know the elections would be rigged. MDC leaders did not listen. So you think ZSD should take part in the by-elections now because you advise them to!
Tsvangirai and MDC promised the nation to bring democratic change, they had the chance to do this during the GNU, they failed to do so because they are corrupt and incompetent. If we are going to get out of this mess then we need some competent leaders who are not corrupt to implement all the reforms. Tsvangirai and MDC will not implement the reforms for the simple reason that they are corrupt and incompetent as has been said a thousand times already.
You, Mbiti, cannot understand why anyone can “attack Tsvangirai more than they attack Mugabe” because you are still stuck in the mentality of “anyone has to be better than Mugabe” and so since Tsvangirai is not Mugabe he is therefore better. But in this case, i.e. implementing the democratic reforms neither of the two is any good.
It is naïve to expect Mugabe, even during the GNU, to implement the reforms because why would he want to dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship he has taken all these years to build and he needs now more than ever to stay in power.
As for Tsvangirai he has already failed to implement the reforms during the reforms, as we have already stated, because he is corrupt and incompetent. Only someone who is as thick as a brick, like you Mbiti, would still want Tsvangirai and MDC to be given another chance because you are mentally stuck. For you the choice is between Mugabe or Tsvangirai and so will choose Tsvangirai again and again regardless the fact he has failed to deliver the change for all these last 15 years!
If you try something and it fails; if you try it again and again it fails, then try something else. It is only a village idiot who would try the same thing again for the third, fourth and fifth time getting the same result but will never try something else. Tsvangirai is a village idiot and has proven that beyond doubt but being a certified village idiot yourself Mbiti, it no surprise that you still want to follow Tsvangirai!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Patrick

Zimbabwe is an independent country and it is up to us and no one else to make a success or, as is the case now, a complete dog's breakfast of it. We are all suffering and dying unnecessarily be it in the country, for those who have chosen to remain, or out side the country for the millions in the diaspora because we did not have the courage and vision to make Zimbabwe a free, just and prosperous nation it can be.

Zimbabwe's political and economic mess is a man-made mess and per se it is within the powers of ordinary mortals to put it right. Are we the ordinary mortals who can put things right again? So far, the answer has to be a no because for the last 35 years things have gone from bad to worse; that is a historic fact.

Of course there is no reason to hope that tomorrow will be any better if we plough down the same path we have followed these last 35 years like mindless wildebeest following their migra-tion routes. Even the wildebeest will soon learn that they cannot cross the river where the bank is a twenty metre drop; it may take the death of a few hundred, still they would soon learn.

After 35 years and we and
“You are left with two choices
Two die or to die.” As Khumbulani Maphosa said.

Well that only means one thing, we are refusing to learn from the past and we will have to suffer and die until we learn.

The lesson we have to learn is simple enough; we and no one else can make Zimbabwe a free, just and prosperous nation it can be or it will continue to be just another failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“It is also clear that government has conceded that they will not be able to turn around the for-tunes of the country in the next 24 months,” said Raymond Manjongwe of the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe. He was commenting on government’s decision to cancel all bonus payments in 2015 and 2016.
Well done Mr Majongwe, you got that one right the first time too! In the past you have blundered from pillar to post; you have foolishly supported MDC is the past, for example.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Majongwe

“If government has no money where are they getting the $20 million to conduct the 10 June By-elections?

“If government has no money where are they getting money to buy all Chiefs and Headman new motor vehicles?

If government has no money how come government expenditure on (state) pomp and funfair has not diminished?”
Well, well. Well! Majongwe is finally waking up or have I spoken too soon!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dr Noah Manyika
“Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany after World War II, would not wait until the whole world had forgotten the crimes perpetrated by the Third Reich to see in the period immediately after the war the opportunity for his nation to rise to become the second most dynamic economy in the world in less than a decade.

As far as Adenauer was concerned, the same time the nation could have spent wallowing in guilt and shame could become West Germany’s friend and moment to thrive. By timely, informed de-cision-making that was not focused on what Germany had lost, but what it could be with what was available to it, Adenauer willed a vanquished nation to rise from ruin to produce the Wirtschaftswunder(German Economic Miracle) which gave the current unified German state the solid foundation for its prosperity today.

If there is a lesson we Africans can learn from those who may not look like us, think like we do or work at our speed, it is that there are opportunities in the unlikeliest of moments, and that to make the most of them, we may have to think like they do and work at the speed not of our cul-ture, but of life. As compelling as Guyanese scholar Walter Rodney’s argument was about Eu-rope’s systematic plunder of Africa during colonial times in How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, an inordinate focus on what was stolen can cause us not to see what is still available to us today.
With 50 percent of the world’s gold, the lion’s share of the world’s diamonds and chromium, “90 percent of the cobalt, 40 percent of the world's potential hydroelectric power, 65 percent of the manganese, millions of acres of untilled farmland as well as other natural resources” according to economist Walter Williams and many others, our continent is still the richest in natural resources today. We are therefore not poor today because there was nothing left after the plunder.

Martin Luther King Jr. was right: there is such a thing as being too late. While I don’t believe it is already too late for Africa, it will certainly be if we continue to choose not to be honest about our shortcomings. It will be late if we choose to learn only from those who look like us and think like us; it will be late if we continue to insist that the things that have been proven not to work…work simply because we are the ones who are doing them. It will be if we choose not to need those who can see what we do not see, and know what we do not know simply because they are not our friends.

And it will certainly be late if we do not understand that in the present-future in which we live, the urgency of now has become even fiercer than it was 53 years ago, and that the world is not going to slow down for us to catch up.”
Food for thought; thank you.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zvanyanya

One of the ways leaders like Mugabe have managed to con the nation and then get away with mur-der, literally; is by fooling the people into believing they are totally powerless and useless without the leaders. The trick has proven to be even more effective by keeping the people in the dark as to what is happening by denying them freedom of expression and a free media. Add to this the fact that we are talking of a people who are as curious and mentally agile as a pregnant sloth; do I need to say more! Of course leaders like Mugabe and even the village idiot have been elevated to the positions of demigods. Nothing, absolutely nothing can ever be done without their clearance.

Even the leaders’ subordinates bow down to the top dog! Did you know that in 35 years there was no cabinet meeting unless Mugabe was there to chair it! In Harvest House Tsvangirai too has ruled the roost like with the power and authority of the infallible and immortals gods! The MDC’s constitution was revised to allow him to serve more than the stipulated two terms; the clause has since been scrapped altogether.

Treat leaders like their gods ruling from Mount Olympus and, of course, they will behave like gods who alone know what is best and therefore must be consulted at every turn and whose decisions must never ever be questioned much less criticized. It is for them to lead and for us mortals to follow blindly like sheep!

We have had leaders like Mugabe and Tsvangirai all these years and yet the nation continued to re-gress and not progress because the people themselves did not have clue where they were going. The just followed the leaders, no questioned asked, like some hardwired animal programmed to follow. We need to change that!

We in the Zimbabwe Social Democrats (ZSD) are totally against this system that has reduced the majority of our people to brainwashed morons who cannot think for themselves. One of the things we are totally committed to is implementing the reforms that will guarantee freedom of expression and free the media so that the people can benefit from the free flow of information. The best guarantee of our healthy and functional democracy is not a Nelson Mandela type leader; although that is a bonus no nation can scuff at; but a free thinking populous!

You say the country needs leaders; we in the ZSD are providing that leadership but not of the type the country is used to of mister-know-it-all gods ruling from Mt Olympus but one who want to turn our people back from brainwashed sloganeering sheep ruled by fear and ignorance back into free thinking human beings empowered by knowledge and self-belief!

We in the ZSD call Mugabe a corrupt, vote rigging and murderous tyrant because he is exactly what he is. Tsvangirai is a corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent village idiot because that too is what he is. These individuals are fallible mortals who must be held to account be you and me, mortals; they are not gods or some such super mortals whom no mere mortal should dare to hold to account!

ZSD is the new kid on the block and we intent to deliver real change!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Minister Chinamasa launches another audit of the civil service although the results of the last one car-ried out during the GNU has not been made public.

There is nothing that Minister Chinamasa can do to save this regime from collapse; how can he with all these kiya kiya measures instead of addressing the nation's problems head-on! He is only fooling himself and his boss, Mugabe but that will not fool the economic meltdown that is only get worse than ever with each passing day.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ David Coltart

"Since 2000 hundreds of thousands have left Zimbabwe because of the chaotic policies of ZANU PF which destroyed the Zimbabwean economy. Others left because they happened to disagree with ZANU PF and fled to save their lives," you said and you are right.

What you did not say and must be said here is that during the GNU the country had a real chance of end Zimbabwe's corrupt and oppressive Zanu PF dictatorship. It was you, Mr Coltart, and your fellow MDC leaders who wasted this golden opportunity; you failed to get even one of the raft of democratic reforms agreed in the 2008 Global Political Agreement. No even one!

If MDC had implemented the reforms; Mugabe and Zanu PF would not have blatantly rigged the 2013 elections and the country's political and economic recovery would have started in earnest. Instead Mugabe is still in power and the chaos, corruption and political oppression continues which is what our people are running away from and putting their very lives in danger in these xenophobia.

Mr Coltart you and your fellow corrupt and incompetent MDC friends are as much responsible for the suffering and deaths of Zimbabweans inside and outside the country as the tyrant Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs! Shame on you!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Jack Shava

I see you point but Tsvangirai did not fail to implement even one reform because he not educated and did not understand what he was supposed to do. He was reminded about the reforms and told not to take part in the elections without the reforms but refused to pay any heed.

Ever since Mugabe gave him the keys to the $4 million Highlands mansion Tsvangirai kicked all reforms into the tall grass and for five years made sure not even one reform was implemented. In short Tsvangirai and his MDC friend including very well educated individuals like lawyers Tendai Biti, Chamisa and David Coltart, Professors Ncube and Mutanbara sold out to Mugabe.

It is either that you do not understand what happened or you are politically naive to understand that holding failed leaders is absolutely necessary for a healthy and functioning democracy. You want democracy but you have no clue how democracy works.

In this case we have corrupt and breathtakingly incompetent leaders it is a must that they are never again entrusted with power.

Zimbabwe has wasted a golden opportunity to end the Zanu PF dictatorship during the GNU we cannot afford to waste another chance especially by electing the same corrupt and incompetent leaders.

If you do not understand that then it must be because you are thick. We do have more than our fair share of nincompoops and that is exactly why we are in this mess. You are just one of them!

You will get the usual treatment all nincompoops get - a kick in the backside to force you to get your head out of your backside and take a breath of fresh air! The brain starved of oxygen does not work so well!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Former VP Mujuru’s life time salary and allowance guaranteed in the constitution have been stopped. Since January 2015, she has reportedly received nothing.

Zimbabwe is broke. Three and half decades of gross mismanagement and rampant corruption have taken their toll. The national cake has shrunk and shrunk whilst the appetites of the Zanu PF ruling elite have grown in leaps and bounds all clamouring for the lion’s share of the cake. For years Mugabe has had to dig deep, taking the last crumb away from the poor and starving so that the elite can have cake. He would have wanted to continue to giving his Zanu PF thugs and party loyalists all their hearts desires regardless of all their wastefulness but he cannot. How can he give away loot when there is no loot to give away!

Last week parliament was adjourned earlier than it should have been and will reportedly reopen 5 May 2015 (although many doubt that) because there is no money to pay the MPs’ gravy train allowances and expenses. The MPs are part of the inner most ruling elite and if their share of the loot is being cut back then Joice Mujuru, who has been thrown out of the inner circle, must have known it was just a matter of time before her generous VP salary and allowances are cut.

Well Christmas is early this year; all her salary and allowances have been cut just a month since she was fired from her post! No doubt all her other looting privileges have gone too! And the regime is not done with he; they will be after all the loot she and her late husband have amassed over the years next. Mugabe will take her and all her supporters to the cleaners.

Mai Mujuru and her supporters’ privileged lives of luxuries and leisure are over and will soon be forgotten. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the real world of abject poverty and despair you help created but until now refused to acknowledge existed. After years of worrying about not eating too much (but eating it anywhere and piling on the weight) in Easy Street; here in Shit Alley, you worry about having nothing to eat all day!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"In a letter dated April 9 and signed by acting provincial chairman Kizito Chivamba, the provincial executive accused Matambanadzo of being violent, divisive and disrespectful"

Is this not the same Kizito Chivamba who was found guilty of attempted murder of the late Patrick Kom-bayi? So he does not like violence when he is likely to be the victim but will carry it out when one else is at the business end of his gun!

The self-destruct gene in Zanu PF has kicked in and there is no stopping the in-fighting until there is no one left standing in tyrannical party. Of course Matambanadzo is violent but so too is Chivamba this is just two cobra fighting in which each knows the other intents to bite and each is determined to strike first. Not that it matters which strikes first since the other will always time to strike back before the poison take effect. What is certain here is mutual annihilation!

Zanu PF must be completely destroyed so the nation can have a fresh start!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Government is broke; if Kiya Kiya Minister Chinamasa cannot find money to pay seating MPs’ gravy train allowances and expenses, last week parliament was adjourned earlier than normal because there is no money, it was just a matter of time before Mai Mujuru's generous allowanc-es and expenses were stopped.

She was paid VP salary and allowances for a whole decade and yet no one can point out to a single thing she accomplished in that time. It is nonsense that the nation should continue paying her a fortune to her last day on this earth too for having done nothing, regardless of what the constitution says.

Indeed does the constitution not also say the people have a right to free, fair and credible elec-tions? Can Mai Mujuru swear that the 2013 elections, for example, were free, fair and credible? So she and her Zanu PF unconstitutional imposed themselves on the nation. She never raised a finger to defend the people’s constitutional rights then but now she expect the people to up hold her constitutional rights regardless of the fact she secured those rights fraudulently in the first place.

Not stopping the payments of Mai Mujuru and her supporters’ generous allowances is a financial reality, the regime is broke; but it is also a moral necessity, neither of them deserve a lifetime of luxury and leisure when they are the ones who landed the nation is in this hell-hole!