Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Leaders of MDC-N, Mavambo, Zapu and Zanu Ndonga team up with Tsvangirai in demanding reforms: too little too late!

Leaders of the MDC-T, MDC-N, Mavambo Kusile Dawn, ZAPU and ZANU Ndonga came up with what they called their ‘commitment and readiness to participate in a credible free and fair election’ only after the necessary reforms.

This is the usual blast of political rhetoric full of sound and fury but signifying nothing! Prime Minister Tsvangirai has lost all political credibility and therefore relevance. The leaders of all the other five parties are just glad for some limelight!

It is all very well to say they are committed to “credible free and fair elections” ; the whole nation would want nothing better; what is at issue here is how are they going to ensure there are free and fair elections?

Prime Minister Tsvangirai and his friend GNU friend, Professor Welshman Ncube has lost all political credibility on this matter since they are the ones who have failed to get even one of the reforms , they are now demanding, implemented all these last five years! It is naïve to believe the reforms can be meaningfully agreed and implemented in five weeks when they failed to have that done in five years!

Many of us said rejecting the rubbish Copac constitution in the referendum was Zimbabwe’s last chance to force Mugabe to accept implement reforms. PM Tsvangirai led the vote yes campaign from the front promising the Copac constitution alone would deliver free and fair elections. Copac is now the supreme law in the land, the nation is expecting free and fair elections and not excuses!

Even if SADC was to pressure Mugabe to accept delaying elections beyond July 31; this will not change the reality on the ground. Getting Chihuri to sign a piece of paper saying the Police will not be partisan, which is what PM Tsvangirai is proposing is not going to stop the Police in their pro-Zanu PF way. Only reforms founded in the constitution would produce the desired results.  Amending the constitution at this point is out of the question.
There will be no meaningful reforms and there will be no free and fair elections. The leaders of MDC-T, MDC-N, etc. etc., can grand stand and issue all the political rhetoric they want, that will not change that political reality – not now!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido

Mugabe has dreaded facing the electorate all these last five years. He is shrewd enough to know he could not delay the elections for much longer and smart enough to put a brave face. He knows the people of Zimbabwe hate him with a burning passion and that they will happily overlook Tsvangirai's incompetence just to see him humiliated at the poll! Even his on Zanu PF members de-campaigned him in 2008; remember "operation bora musango"!

Mugabe could do with all the help he can get but the last thing he wants is have blundering thugs like you Chimbwido. He is not going to call you, you are too stupid! And there lays Mugabe's biggest problem - he has no one to trust. He has always been a loner but at times like this he must be feeling like a wounded cow surrounded by ten hyenas. He is being eaten alive

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mzvinanhu
We are in this political mess because for five years some people had their heads in the cloud. Will you ever stop daydreaming and address the burning issues here?

Mugabe and Zanu PF are set to win these elections because Tsvangirai failed to implement the necessary reforms for free and fair elections. The idiot is trying to have these done now although it is not clear how he will do that. Instead of recognizing this political mountain you are already talking of MDC election victory as if MDC has already got over the mountain.

How about less of this egotistic self-indulgency, idiotic prate and wishful thinking and more commonsense talk! At this rate Zimbabwe will never get out of this political mess otherwise!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Ras

You got it! By Jove, you have got it! "With Mugabe's willingness"!

If Tsvangirai had not wasted the last five years glob trotting and chasing women of ill repute - that is all he ever did - then he, with the help of SADC, would have pressure Mugabe to implement meaningful re-forms. Then it was not a matter of whether or not Mugabe was willing; Mugabe had no choice!

Now Mugabe can say the reforms were implemented and we have a brand new constitution that is asking for no such reforms and, AND, it has just been approved by the people by a whopping 95%. And he will be right!

For there to be any reforms now, Mugabe has to willingly give up the advantageous position the failure to get the reforms implemented and the weak and feeble Copac constitution give him.

Will he do that?

Of course not! He is a tyrant desperately trying to hang on to power, to his looted wealth and to keep a lid on his murderous past. There is simply too much at stake for him to even con-sider such a stupid move!

CNN’s Becky Anderson was right, all PM Tsvangirai has done these last five years, that is beside glob trotting and chasing women of ill repute, was spruce Mugabe’s image and making the tyrant “legitimate”. Mugabe is cashing on that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Felicia

Thought as much. Well let me tell you I am one of those who will stand up on top of the anthill and say my say at the top of my voice. Freedom of expression, some people would call it. It is a Mukori tradition, it is in my blood, and I will not brook some myopic upstart Mugabe or Tsvangirai supporter telling me to shut up! I WILL NOT HAVE IT!