Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Mugabe sets aside party election results because of vote rigging - July results too must be set aside because he too rigged!

“Zanu PF is the Government and the Government is not a province. Government is not driven by provincial elections but by a promise coming out of an election manifesto supported by the 61 percent mandate given to President Mugabe and two-thirds majority given to Zanu PF and we want this to define the dynamics of our national politics," Zimbabwe's answer to Josef Goebbels, Jonathan Moyo says.

Mugabe has set aside the Zanu PF elections results because the whole election process was marred by "allegations of rigging and a host of other irregularities". Rigging and irregularities even the chief propagandist did not try to deny.

Mugabe himself is not denying there was rigging and other irregularities. Of course the vote rigging was even more blatant in the July national elections and with far reaching consequences too.

Mugabe has accepted there was vote rigging in his own party elections and set aside the results because "no one could override what Mugabe says" Zanu PF deputy chief whip, Mandy Chimene said. But since it was Mugabe who organized and benefited from the rigging of the national elections he, naturally denied the elections were rigged, and the whole nation is expected to accept that.

Josef Goebbels is wittering about Mugabe winning 61% of the popular vote The whole world knows the tyrant cheated and fudged the victory, but who will dare say Mugabe rigged!

Well, for once Mugabe must be told the truth: "You rigged the elections and you are not going to get away with it!"


Zimbabwe Light said...

Mai Mujuru position herself to take over from Mugabe as the race hots up!

If she still believes that where Mugabe, herself and everyone in Zanu PF have taken Zimbabwe is what the nation dreamt of before independence - there is nothing to show that she does not - then she is total irrelevant to the nation. All she will ever do is maintain the Zanu PF dictatorship and the status quo!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Some Kimberly Process members are calling on the USA to lift ban on trading in Zimbabwe diamonds.

South Africa’s Welile Nhlapo, chairman of the Kimberly Process, is spot on about one thing - Zimbabwe's July 2013 elections are "disputed" alright. More and more damning evidence of how Mugabe rigged the elections is coming to light. Mugabe has stubbornly refused to release the voters roll, clearly fearful of even more damning evidence coming to light if he did.

Mugabe must give a satisfactory explanation of the bussed in voters, the nearly one million who were denied the right to vote, release the voters roll, etc. Only then can the matter be lied to rest.

Anyone who thinks Mugabe's vote rigging can be swept under the carpet and continue business as usual is being naïve! Very, very naïve indeed!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Guest

I never said anything else but that Nikuv was in for the money. What Nikuv must now know is that Zimbabweans lives matter and anyone who thinks they can sell the country's hopes and dreams of freedom and liberty for thirty pieces of silver they had better think again because they will be held to account!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kwv

MPs want to be included in Mugabe's foreign trips in future.

Last week the nation learnt that government was spending $16 million of new cars for politicians. A few days latter we here the Ministry of Higher Education got a misery $ 50 000 out of a budget of $380 million which is less than 0.002%. It is not only education which has suffered from the lack of funds; it is the same thing in health, water supply, you name! So instead of these MPs talking about how to stop the regime wasting money on luxuries they are dreaming of new way to get more loot for themselves!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mugabe is obsessed about his inferiority, the complete collapse of the Zimbabwe economy and brutal repression and murder of over 30 000 of his fellow Zimbabweans is a grim reminder of what a total failure he really is. His pathetic attempts to portray himself as an intellectual equal of the British in totally disregard of the reality on the ground only serves to underline how inferior he is and just how much it pains him!

"Goodness me! How can I think like them?" said Mugabe. "I would be a rotten thinker to think like them."

No, Mugabe; you are not a thinker. You can incapable of that. You know how to destroy everything you touch, rig elections and beat, rape and murder. You are rotten.