Thursday, 27 March 2014

AU threaten to boycott EU-AU summit because Grace Mugabe is refused a visa - EU must call AU's bluff!

African Union is threatening to boycott the EU-AU summit because the EU has refused to issue Grace Mugabe a visa to travel to Brussels.

“The African Union Peace and Security Council took a decision that the European Union was in violation of an AU resolution that they do not have the right to determine the composition of Africa’s delegation,” Zimbabwe’s Foreign Minister, Simbarashe Mumbengwengwi said.

The EU made the mistake of allowing itself to be dictated to by the likes of Mugabe. Give him an inch and he will be back demanding a mile! The EU should must put its foot down once and once for all. Africa needs the EU more than the EU needs Africa just as much as the ordinary Africans need good governance more than they need EU aid; indeed if they had good governance the continent will NOT be so dependent on foreign aid!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Darlington

Yes the country is a mess in my house and the houses of millions other Zimbabweans too! If all you wanted was to be able to talk back to whites then good for you. You are a simpleton and Mugabe his built his dictatorship on the backs of simpletons like you.

In order for the rest of us to end this mess I realize it is necessary to kick simpletons like you in the backside to get you to snap out of your habit of navel gazing. I do not like to do it but know no other way to force you to open your eyes. And so I will be kicking a***e!

I also know that some of the idiots like you have shed innocent blood hence the reason why you want the tyrant to remain in power. Well tough luck, you will face justice and may even be hanged!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Spirit of Nehanda

The DRC has the potential to meet all Africa's electricity requirements from hydro generation and it is all renewable. The demand for electricity is there as most African countries have power cuts! As for the people of the DRC, they certainly could use the money; the country remains one of the poorest country in the world.

In contrast, Switzerland is one of the poorest nation in terms of having natural resources like minerals and big rivers, and yet it is one of the richest.

The important difference is there is peace, order, rule of law and the Swiss people are resourceful whereas in the DRC there is chaos.

Europe has been milking Africa for centuries because Africans have this great and fundamental weakness - they are the only humans who would sell their own kith and kin for a piece of calico cloth and a handful of beads. Slavery was abolished a century ago - thank God - and yet Africans still continue to sell their own for a song. Tyrants like Mugabe are selling the nations' diamonds, for example, for a song to the Chinese and Israeli so his dollar can have a $5 million wedding whilst 100 children are dying everyday from preventable disease across the land!

When I said Africa needed Europe, I meant it. The ruling elite need Europe to do their shopping - which is why Grace Mugabe is fuming that she has been refused a visa. The impoverished masses need Europe because without aid millions will die!

Europe does not need Africa because it can ditch its human rights demands and just concentrate on shipping out as much wealth out of Africa as they can, which is exactly what the Chinese and Israelis are doing. Belgium is pushing the EU to do just that.

You are just one of those idiots like Mugabe who only cares about themselves and would sell their own mothers for a price and be proud they had a mother to sell! Thank God Zimbabwe has a few people who are not idiots!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Spirit of Nehanda

"The EU don't care about victims of any crime committed by any regime on Earth other than their own," you say. That is not true is it?

The EU imposed the targeted sanctions against Mugabe and his wife precisely because the tyrant had commit treason against the good people of Zimbabwe by rigging the July 2013 elections. The EU could have done what the Chinese and Israelis have done; they did not turn a blind eye to the vote rigging as India and a few others have done but went one step further and actively assist the tyrant in rigging the vote!

You have said nothing about the Indians or the Israelis who have all benefited from the looting before the vote rigging and continued to do so after the rigged vote, but have plenty to say against the EU. That shows just what a confused idiot you are!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Smart talk

I do not know whether you are suggesting that Dr Makoni was smart enough "to read between the lines," to know Mugabe would not listen to advice "especially when it is sensible" and that was why he left Zanu PF. If Makoni is as smart as you say he is then why did it take him years to figure out that Mugabe was no listening particularly when in those years he had in fact helped Mugabe build the Zanu PF dictatorship.

No my friend, Dr Makoni would still be in Zanu PF right now if he had not made the mistake of believing he would enhance his chances of being president by leaving Zanu PF. He has never cared about justice or freedom; all he cared about is power and was willing to do anything to get it. No he is not smart at all, he is greedy that is all!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Fallez

There are three important aspects to this story that must be considered here:

1) Tsvangirai and MDC did not even try to get not even one reform implemented showing that they did not appreciate the critical importance of the reforms to free and fair elections.

2) To talk of MDC having no political power shows that they did not have a clue what they were supposed to do because with majority in parliament, a number of members in cabinet, SADC's GPA backing, etc.; they had more than enough to push through the reforms.

3) If is naïve to think than MDC would get any meaningful democratic reforms implemented now even if another coalition government was to be formed because MDC still does not appreciate the importance of the reforms and the party has even less political muscle this time round.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ 3poop

Mugabe did not "hold all the guns," in the GNU as you say. The failure to realise this is at the very heart of why MDC achieved nothing.

MDC did not have to accept the rubbish Copac constitution for example. It was too weak to deliver free and fair elections and many of us said so at the time. But having passed it in the referendum it is nonsense to then say MDC had no choice but to accept it.

The truth is MDC was just too incompetent to deliver any democratic changes; if anyone can not accept this, even with the benefit of hindsight, it only goes to show just how naïve and incompetent they are too!

Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess because the electorate is naïve and incompetent - first we elected a tyrant then a blundering idiot.

Mugabe is not as all-power as we say. He only see him that way because we spend so much time navel-gazing instead of paying attention on the matters at hand.

Zimbabwe had a real good chances to implement meaningful democratic reforms that would have dismantled the Zanu PF dictatorship. We wasted all these chances because we were navel-gazing!

There will be other chances in the future but these too will be wasted. As long as the majority of the Zimbabwean electorate continue with this idiotic navel-gazing the country will never get out of the mess!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Spirit of Nehanda

We are talking about a corrupt and tyrannical regime that has forced millions into a life of abject poverty and despair, rigged elections and thus deny the people a meaningful say in the governance of the country and have murdered over 30 000 innocent people denying them the right to life itself. Of course the regime has tried to draw the debate away from these issues by pretending this a racial issue, "European domination" issue as you put it. Well it is sad but nonetheless true that only an idiot would fall into that trap!

How can refusing Grace Mugabe a visa to travel to Brussels to do her shopping be more important than the 100 children who are dying everyday of preventable diseases? She wants to spend millions of dollars of money that should be used to buy medicines for these children; for Pete's sake!

Instead of discussing the life and death matter affecting millions of Zimbabweans you want to indulge Grace's insatiable greed for luxuries and indulge your own myopic black inferiority complex by sticking out your middle finger at the whites! Mugabe is counting on idiots like you to do that, that is the kind of stupidity that has kept him in power and dragged the country into the gutter!

If you want a serious discussion then you must first acknowledge the suffering and deaths of the millions in Zimbabwe and never ever treat these matters as if they are trivial matters. To treat Grace's need for another twenty pairs of new designer shoes as more important than 100 children's lives is an insult that will not be tolerated!

The trouble with people like you is you have lived a totally insulated and privileged life. You are like Bona; you have seen the suffering of millions of Zimbabweans - even from the rose tinted glass of the luxury cars the decay and poverty is there to see. But none of this register in you mind. You prefer to escape into the world of fashion and unparalleled luxuries and to fight you unending race wars!

Middle finger to you and your hypocritical and misguided neo-Pan Africanist fighting "European domination!" my a***e!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Spirit of Nehanda

It is Mugabe's corruption and tyrannical rule that has dragged Zimbabwe into this economic and political hell-hole. After 34 years one would think the penny has finally dropped but it has clearly not done so in your case. Just how much deep into this mess will the country have to sink before idiots like you finally open their eyes to that reality.

No Europeans have "their hands (on blacks') psychology and our basic way of thinking". You are imagining it all. Black idiots like you have your heads stuck in leaders like Mugabe or Tsvangirai's backsides and cannot think at all! And tyrants like Mugabe have been exploiting this weakness. He is destroying the whole country and instead of fighting to end this madness you are busy blaming the whites!
Even if Asia and Europe had their "hands" on Africa; do you think Mugabe is helping get these hands off Africa by selling the country's diamonds and other wealth for a song whilst the masses suffer in abject poverty?

You really are an idiot!