Thursday, 6 March 2014

Mugabe, stung by the corrupt stories, moves to muzzle parliament but at the risk of the almighty economic crash!

The Speaker of Parliament has moved a motion to stop the house discussing corruption. This is not a surprise because Mugabe has been stung by all these story of rampant corruption for four reasons:


  1. all these 34 years Mugabe has vehemently denied that corruption was a serious problem, serious enough to be the root cause of the country's economic melt-down. These stories prove beyond doubt that corruption was there and now it has grown into an all-consuming monster. The stories prove beyond all doubt that Mugabe had been lying.
  2. The stories show just how deep rooted corruption has been, the damaged it has done and the enormity of the task of putting things right again.
  3. The people named in all these stories of rampant corruption are all high ranking Zanu PF leaders including Mugabe himself. It is clear that Mugabe has not only known that corruption was rampant but more significantly has done nothing to stop it because it was the glue that has held the party together.
  4. Last but most important of all, Mugabe knows if the national economy is to be saved from the almighty crash corruption must be stopped and stopped now. Since the whole Zanu PF regime is corrupt, especial Mugabe and his inner circle, the only realist way of ending the corruption is therefore to have regime change!


Mention regime change and Mugabe and his cronies will start hyper ventilating straight away hence the regime's renewed attempt to muzzle parliament and the country from talking about corruption. That is not doing to stop corruption and hence prevent the almighty crash.

So hyper ventilating or not there will be regime change. The choice before us is to have regime change now and prevent the almighty economic crash or have it after the crash! By choosing to muzzle parliament it is clear what Mugabe want; the all-important question then is what do we, the people, want?


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mandlenkosi

Well by the same logic; there is nothing wrong with murder too because it too is happening all around the world!

As regards corruption, Mugabe has not only denied there was no corruption in Zimbabwe but has invested a lot of time and money to whitewash and hide it. This is what has allowed the problem to grow and thrive. The Zimbabwe economy is in total melt-down and will suffer a borne breaking almighty crash unless something is down to end the rampant corruption.

Muzzling the MPs and the nation is not going to rein in the corruption; that is Mugabe burying his head in the sand and hope against hope that the forest fire will mysterious stop! He should fight the fire or he will have his backside scotched!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Asijiki

Only those who have benefited fro the rampant corruption can afford to donate anything, they need to thank him for allowing them to loot- they are not stupid. Ordinary Zimbabweans are so impoverished many of them cannot afford one decent meal a day, pay hospital fees, etc. the bear necessities of life. How can they afford to donate money for a lavish birth day.

You are just one of those Zimbabweans who have spend these last 34 years with their heads buried in the sand, Your brain starved of oxygen and denied an meaningful mental exercise has now turned to fat tissue. You will never see Mugabe for the corrupt and murderous tyrant he is even now with the benefit of hindsight.

Please just crawl back under the log and leave the thinking to those with a functioning brain. There we are!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ penial gland

Bona is not a helpless baby, she was once but not anymore; she is 24 years old, well educated (or should be given how much the nation has spent on her education) and is now a married woman for Pete's sake. She did not choose to be Mugabe's child; none of us do but we all have a choice on doing right and wrong.

All these years she should have become aware of what a corrupt and murderous tyrant her father was and the abject poverty and suffering he brought upon the nation and the over 30 000 he has murdered. She is not blind.

She chose to ignore the reality of Mugabe being a tyrant and concen-trated on enjoying the trappings of the position her father held and the loot he brought.

Of course all that Bona has received from her thieving and murderous dad must be recovered and given back to the people. If she cannot do without the looted wealth although she has had the advantage of a good education and a pampered life what chance do all those who have had no education and whose physical and mental development suffered because of what Mugabe did?

Your slave mentality arise from you inability to see all human being as equals and equally entitle to all the basic human rights and freedoms. Your slave mentality see some humans as special so special that they are not just entitled to all the human rights and freedoms but have the right to deny others, the slaves, those same rights and freedoms.

You do not see the obscenity of the regime spending $10 million of public funds on Bona's wedding whilst 100 children die every day of preventable diseases because the country's health services have collapsed due to lack of funds.

Defending the excesses of the slave master comes naturally to the slave because it is the rational explanation he/she needs for doing nothing to end the injustice of slavery.

You are very articulate and so are millions others like you. It is a great pity that not even a university education has been able to penetrate that deep seated self-loathing slave mentality of yours. University teach all manner of subjects but the one thing these institutions cannot teach is common sense.

The only reason Bona wanted this lavish wedding is to hide her own deep seated self-loathing slave mentality. Indeed it is the same reason her father is a murderous tyrant. They are all suffering from their inferiority complex and are over compensating for it by spending recklessly to show just how rich they are or killing so many innocent people to show he has power over life and death.

I never said I am clever but this much I know; Zimbabwe has suffered greatly because of the slave mentality that has tyrants and incompetent leaders like Mugabe and Tsvangirai on the one extreme and brainwashed morons like you willing to follow them blindly on the other extreme. The two extremes must be addressed robustly if this nation is ever to get out of this hell-hole Mugabe has landed us! Someone has to undertake thinks thankless task, I will do it to the best of my ability!