Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Pope ask "how much longer" the suffering in Zimbabwe is to go on - ask of the regime or the complacent Bishops!

“The Church in your country has stood fast with her people both before and after independence, now also in the years of overwhelming suffering as millions have left the country in frustration and desperation, as many lives have been lost, so many tears shed,” the Pope told Zimbabwe’s Roman Catholic Bishops on a five-yearly pilgrim visit to Rome.

The Holy Father is ill informed. Zimbabwe’s Roman Catholic Church stood firm with the oppressed before independence, yes; after that, except for one or two individuals, the Church Leaders have been in the Mugabe regime’s pockets!

“A tiny minority of the people have become very rich overnight, while the majority are languishing in poverty, creating a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Our Country is in deep crisis.” Zimbabwe’s Bishops wrote in Pastoral Letter way back in 2007 when the national economy was in an unbelievable mess with inflation a run freight train to hit the world record of 500 billion per cent in 2008, unemployment was 90%, there was no food in the shops, etc. The ruling elite were making a killing printing and selling the worthless Z$ on the black market to the rest of the population who were forced to use the Z$. Corruption and looting, especially of white owned farms, was rampant.

In the late 1970s when the war of independence was at its hottest still there was some semblance of order nothing compared to the economic and political chaos Zimbabwe has become since independence. When was the Church all these years?

“I think particularly of your 2007 Pastoral Letter God Hears the Cry of the Oppressed: “'the suffering people of Zimbabwe are groaning in agony: ‘Watchman, how much longer the night?’” the Pope said.

Other than the 2007 Pastoral Letter the Holy Father could not find anything else of note that the Roman Catholic Church of Zimbabwe has done before or after that letter.

The Roman Catholic Church leaders joined with other church leaders last year to meet Mugabe just before the July 2013 elections “to ask all to refrain from using violence in the coming elections,” the group said. It was a photo opportunity the church leaders could not resist and Mugabe gladly granted them.

Mugabe was not going to use wanton violence again as happened in 2008; not with the whole world watching. In any case MDC’s failure to implement not even one reform meant he was free to all the state machinery and resources to rig the vote, which is exactly what he did. The church groups and other civic organisations witnessed the blatant vote rigging but failed to condemn that because they had been expecting political violence.

“Watchman, how much longer the night?” the Bishop of Rome asked? Was he asking that of the tyrants in Harare or of the blank faces of his representatives in Zimbabwe who have grown closer to the regime than the suffering masses they are supposed to be leading!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF won the Chegutu council bye-elections held over the weekend and MDC, as expected, says Zanu PF cheated! Of course, Zanu PF cheated again as it has always done in the past; everybody expected the party to cheat. MDC expected to be cheated but, and there is the real surprise, they are always surprised everything it happens!

“There was no voters’ roll and people from outside the ward were allowed to cast votes using voters’ slips,” Mwonzora said, indicating his party structures in the area insisted that MDC-T participate in the poll.

This is like listening to old fashioned vinyl records with a bad scratch and so keeps repeating the same line over and over again. I had a cousin who was staying with us and his records were badly scratched. He played the music loud and the repeating did not bother him because, more often than not he would fast asleep. Try concentrate on the intricacy of Newton’s laws with that racket going on! Mwonzora’s wittering is worse because MDC’s stupidity is affecting not just a few people but the whole nation.

MDC had five years to implement the democratic reforms agreed in the GPA, reforms all the parties in the GPA said were necessary for free, fair and credible elections. The party failed to get even one reform implemented.

The party was warned not to take part in the 2013 elections without implementing the reforms, as MP Samuel Sipepa Nkomo has since admitted. MDC ignored the warning and went ahead to take part even though the Mugabe controlled ZEC had failed to produce something as basic as a voters roll! Of course Mugabe rigged the elections, what else did the MDC idiots expect!

So the Chegutu bye-election was held and, once again, there was no voters roll and, once again, Zanu PF cheated!

What MDC is doing in participating in elections where Zanu PF is allowed to cheat is give the electoral process “credibility”.

In the Holly Wood movie Lincoln; President Lincoln tells a joke of a lawyer whose parrot would wake him up every morning screeching “This is last day as Scriptures have foretold!” And it would repeat that over and over again as parrots love to do or scratchy vinyl records. “One day the lawyer shot the bird and thus fulfilling the prophecy for the bird at least!” continued Lincoln, “and for the sake of peace!”

It was the breath-taking incompetence of MDC that has allowed Mugabe and Zanu PF to rig the election and retain to office. The nation needs the peace to think through what to do next and can ill afford the monotonous “There was no voters roll. This was not a free and fair election. Zanu PF cheated!” from that MDC parrot, Douglas Togaraseyi Mwonzora. Zimbabwe will never ever have free and fair elections as long as MDC is allowed to give the fraudulent process credibility by participating! Someone should just shot that parrot for the sake of peace if for nothing else!

Zimbabwe Light said...

It has been long in coming but it is finally happening the MDC herd of wil-debeest is stirring out of its internal slumber!
“Few people realise that Tsvangirai is no different from Mugabe. Tsvangi-rai should have refused the US$4million government house and stayed at his Strathaven property and that money used in more pressing issues,” admitted one MDC supporter now backing the MDC renewal side.
Tsvangirai got the house years ago and it is only now the herd is becom-ing aware of this? Besides all the other MDC leaders too were on the gravy train.

“Tsvangirai is no longer the same Tsvangirai we knew. What can he do with a Zanu PF wife, a Zanu PF father in law, a Zanu PF farm, Zanu PF riches? He even tried to impose Giles Mutsekwa and block the people’s choice Arnold Tsunga in Manicaland.” That too is small fry!

“We do not hate Tsvangirai but love him and think he has to step aside and put in his place a person who is hungry for freedom,” said another MDC supporter. That is more like it. The question then is who is that per-son “hungry for freedom”?

It has taken these MDC supporters a long time to finally come to the conclusion that Tsvangirai would never deliver any meaningful change. Sadly for them and the country they are now thorough exhausted mentally to make the quantum leap to ensure the country will indeed have meaningful change. They has finally accepted that Tsvangirai is breathtakingly incompetent but have yet to accept that so were Tendai Biti and Elton Mangoma – the very people they now want to be the new leaders.

The biggest blunder MDC made was to fail to implement any of the re-forms. It is nonsense to suggest that Tsvangirai alone was responsible for this. There is no evidence that any of the MDC leaders even tried to get the reforms implemented because they were all too busy enjoying the trappings of power Mugabe laid before them and they all forgot why they were in the GNU.

Tsvangirai, Biti, Mangoma, Ncube, Coltart and all the other MDC leaders wasted the five GNU years sampling every trapping of power Mugabe, the Lord of GNU Inferno, laid for their delectation and pleasure and forgot all about the democratic changes until it was too late, the gates were slammed shut. It is naïve for anyone of these MDC leaders to think they can blame Tsvangirai for all that happened and walk out of the whole sodded affair untouched!

By wasting the five years doing nothing and going ahead with the elec-tions MDC leaders, all of them and not just Tsvangirai, had gone beyond peril, the point of no return.

[“Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate!”] “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!” reads the famous sign at the gates of Hell, according to the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321.

It has taken 15 years for the MDC herd to realise and accept that Tsvangirai is incompetent, God forbid if it is going to take them another 15 years to realise and accept that Biti and Mangoma are just as breathtakingly incompetent!

Zimbabwe is in this hell-hole precisely because the electorate have been slow to accept the leaders were no good and has no hope of ever getting out as long as the electorate continues to take forever to make simple decision.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Chimbwido Warvet! I thought you had vowed never to comment again now that it is clear that Mugabe has failed to rig the economic recovery and the regime will have no choice but to accept it has failed.

I do not need to be in Zimbabwe to KNOW Mugabe has failed to raise a single dollar for his ZimAsset project and to KNOW that the Zimbabwe economy is in a danger-ous nose dive. The regime's time in power is numbered in months not years; Muga-be and his Zanu PF regime are not going to last till the 2018 elections. Take that as read!

As for you, enjoy every posting and cursing because they could well be your last! You will be going into hiding soon but I will find you. I made you a promise for you to face justice and the hangman - I have not forgotten and, unlike Mugabe who promised the nation freedom but never delivered, do keep my promises and will deliver the hangman's rope!