Monday, 16 June 2014

Who will guard the Zanu PF tyrants? that is the question of our time!

“If we had a responsible Government, and ruling party we wouldn’t need more prison officers.” Dube was commenting to my article “Gearing up for brutal repression”.


In the article was decrying the Mugabe regime’s failure to come up with measures to address the country’s worsening economic situation which, in turn, is causing real suffering and hardship on the populous. Of course there is a limit to how much suffering the people can be expected to endure in silence before they demand to be heard raising the spectre of serious social unrest such as rioting or worse.


Sadly it is the social unrest and not the economic meltdown that is causing it that the regime is keen as mustard to deal with. It is already beefing up the state’s brutal repression machinery – 650 new Police graduates, 11 000 Prison Guard recruits and a $200 million state of the art Spy University for the CIO – to ruthless silence and punish all criticism and protests!


What Dube raises here in the age old question “Who will guard the guardians?”


The Roman author, Juvenal, posed the same question but in a more social setting of the home. Since wives cannot be trusted, he argued, keeping them under guard was no solution because the guards cannot be trusted either.


In the interest of gender balance; Juvenal would have said the same about husbands. Add the fact that sexual attraction is no longer confined to the opposite sex and the social problem assumes yet another dimension of complexity!


What we are talking about here is not wives or husbands we cannot trust but rulers, national guardians. The Greek Philosopher, Plato, did put a lot of thinking into who should be considered suitable to be guardian, ruler, and having carefully selected the ruler then his view was the ruled should be able to trust the rulers to behave properly and it was absurd to suppose that the rulers should require oversight.


Mugabe and his Zanu PF thugs have never behaved properly and therefore they are certainly not what Plato would have ever considered to be suitable rulers.


Socrates, another Greek Philosopher and thinker said, “From intoxication we said that they (guardians) must abstain. For a guardian is surely the last person in the world to who it is allowed to get drunk and not know where on earth he is.”

Socrates was talking of alcoholic intoxication in Zimbabwe Mugabe and his Zanu PF dictatorship cabal have been drunk on something even more potent and highly addictive – political power. And for the last 34 years Mugabe has absolute power - power in its most potent and undiluted form.


The Police, Prison, CIO, etc.; these are all important State institution necessary to keep law and order, enforce the law and to punish those found guilty of breaking the law but all these are only valid in a society where the rulers, untrusted with the powers to direct and control these State institutions behave properly and for the common good. In a dictatorship such as we have in Zimbabwe the rulers do not behave properly and the only law that matters is that the rulers are above the law and do as they please.

Mugabe has politicised State institution like the Police, Prison, Judiciary, public media, etc. so that instead of them serving the common good they now serve keep him and his cronies in power at all cost! Mugabe has used the Police to silence his critics and the public at large. Since his regime has failed to address the underlying causes of the economic meltdown he knows the populous will become more restless. His response is not to do something to end the economic meltdown but rather to silence public protest against the worsen sufferings.


So the simple reply to Dube is that in this Mugabe regime, Zimbabwe does not a responsible government. It is up to the people, the electorate, to ensure that the Mugabe regime is remove from power and replaced with a democratically elected government the nation can trust to behave properly.


As for the answer to the age old question “Who will guard the guardians?” The answer has to be the people, the electorate. So Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess today because the Zimbabwe electorate have been naïve and gullible, at best; what good is having a guard if he or she does not have a clue of the task before them. 


Zimbabwe Light said...

Moyo knows too many Mugabe secrets for the tyrant to bully him. Moyo knows the smallest details of how the 2013 elections were rigged, for example. Sure as hell Moyo has all the information safely stored away but ready to be made public at a drop of a hat.

Mugabe knows better than mess around with someone like Moyo. If he was ever crazy enough to fire Moyo then he will be wise enough to taken fast acting poison first because the shit would be flying at him so thick and fast he would not have time or strength to take the poison.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mandy
The nation has had the advantage of leaders like Tsvangirai and Biti to say nothing of the tyrant Mu-gabe whom you would not say are "armchair critics" but to what end? The later has created the mon-ster Zanu PF dictatorships that, like a swarm of locusts, has destroyed everything. The MDC leaders were so easily corrupted Mugabe laid a honey trap and caught the lot! They are without doubt some of the most incompetent leaders in history.

I notice that neither Mugabe's murderous bend nor Tsvangirai's breath-taking incompetence stopped people like you, who want action, action even if the wrong thing as long as it is action, given them you 100% support.

What this country needs is well thought out plan supported by an electorate that has its thinking cap on and not one willing to follow like sheep.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mugabe has been away to Bolivia attending the G77 meeting.

Let us get real here, the only reason anyone would object to Mugabe attending the G77 meeting is on the basis that the tyrant would bring nothing home to benefit the country and therefore the money spend by him and his entourage is all wasted. As for his being away affecting the governance of the country; the country is in deep trouble because of his misrule. His presence or absence has never made an difference in the past, why should it do so now!

Zimbabwe Light said...

“Even I cannot afford to harbour presidential ambitions while Mugabe lives, since his leadership qualities are second to none,” Mutasa said.

Minister Mutasa should learn to distinguish being leader of Zanu PF from being the president of Zimbabwe; the two are totally different. Mugabe should not even be in state house since he rigged the last elections!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Africanson

What has destroyed the nation's economy over the 34 years is the mismanagement and corruption. In the 1980s these were a baby elephant for the ox, the private sector, to carry; now the baby has grown into a monster bull elephant. Any financial help the private sector gets will sooner or later end up be-ing wasted as long as there is mismanagement and corruption, there will be little left to create new jobs.

Mugabe has resisted dealing with the mismanagement and corruption all these years because there are an important part of his patronage system that has kept him and Zanu PF in power. He will certain continue to resist ending the system that has served him so well and an offer subsidise the system will only encourage him to resist ending the system.

There is a limit to how much the EIB will pay the private sector, when the loans stop the private sector will be back to where we are today and having to carry the bull elephant alone!

We need to have a more realistic and holistic approach the nation’s problems. We have been kicking the can down the road for 34 years just to avoid telling Mugabe that he has failed and have paid dearly for that folly. How much longer are we doing to do this?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chaka

After spending millions subsidising the Mugabe regime's mismanagement and corruption one hopes that the EIB will have the common sense to write off the loans and not expect a penny to be paid back!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Kunyarara

Indeed if Zimbabwe had used the generous windfall from the sale of Marange and Chiadzwa diamonds wisely the country will have finance many, many projects from its own resources without having to borrow from anyone. Whatever the EIB gives to Zimbabwe, it will be a fraction of what the nation is losing in corrupt diamonds deals in one month alone. In other words it would make better financial sense to forgo the EIB loans and stop corruption then accept EIB loans and allow corruption to continue!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Andy

The Belgians, who are the ones pushing hard to re-engage with Zimbabwe, have their eyes on Zimbabwe's diamonds and they know they will recoup whatever EIB dishes out ten fold in the first year alone! They know the private sector is fighting for dear life and as long as the criminal waste by Zanu PF continues more and more companies will be forced out of business and so EIB will never recover a penny from the loans. Of course the EU will see to it that the people of Zimbabwe never forget the EIB's generosity but will never mention who much the EU earned in return!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Zimbabwe lost about $770 million in potential revenue between 2008 and 2012 through under-valuation and transfer pricing of its gems from the Marange diamond fields," said a Bulawayo 24 report..

"A report by Partnership Africa Canada on illicit financial flows in the diamonds industry said the gems were being exported to the United Arab Emirates mostly Dubai."

If the country used the windfall from sale of Marange diamonds wisely this nation economy will have recovered and booming by now.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Zimbabwe lost about $770 million in potential revenue between 2008 and 2012 through under-valuation and transfer pricing of its gems from the Marange diamond fields," said a Bulawayo 24 report..

"A report by Partnership Africa Canada on illicit financial flows in the diamonds industry said the gems were being exported to the United Arab Emirates mostly Dubai."

If the country used the windfall from sale of Marange diamonds wisely this nation economy will have recovered and booming by now.

Zimbabwe Light said...

“Speaking in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, the Zanu PF leader told Iranian Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri, that he had managed to "ward off pressures" brought by the sanctions,” said New Zimbabwe report.
"The sanctions are getting defeated domestically and to the extent that our allies are supporting us internationally," Mugabe said,
The $27 billion ZimAsset begging bowl has remained mockingly empty for nearly a year now when the five-year recovery plan should be in full swing of its implementation stage. Not even Mugabe’s strong and filth rich close ally, the Chinese, have contributed a single Yuan into the begging bowl. So what is Mugabe wittering about; “allies are supporting us internationally”?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Whichfool

What has Zanu PF achieved with its 2 million plus vote cast according to the rigged 2013 elections - except vote rigging and destroying the economy that is!
We have deliberately refused to say who is in the ZSD precisely because we did not want narrow minded people like you to divert attention from the message to the messenger(s).
ZSD is not interested in your usual numbers games, at this stage at least; what MDC had millions of supporters but have achieved fcuk off! We are completely focused on ideas.
It is a new ball game and you CIO agents are thugs train to terrorise, harass, rape, beat and even murder Zanu PF opponents and their supporters. But you are confounded and confused when faced with an idea. I will let you into a little secret; these ideas are coming thick and fast, hail storms with some ideas the size of football! Chimvura mabwe!
The Zanu PF dictatorship is finished; ZSD will not be as easily bamboozled as MDC; that much should be clear to you by now. If it is not, do not worry; the messages will be driven home soon enough! Mark my word!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ George

If Meikles Hotel is being weighed down by bloated ZESA bills, bloated Council bills, bloated co-operate tax bill, etc. which all private companies are then of course by EIB helping Meikles pay those bills it is indirectly subsidising the waste at ZESA etc.

Yes of course if I am the owner of Meikles and I am offered the loans from EIB I will accept the money. But is you where to say to me which would I rather have the loan from EIB or an offer to end the mismanagement and corruption that has destroyed the nation and landing us in this hell-hole and thus remove the bloated bills, all of them; I know what I and most honest business peo-ple would choose.

We have been kicking the can of mismanagement and corruption down the road for 34 years and that is why we are in this mess. Only Mugabe and his cronies would want us to keep kicking the can down the road another day longer!

The EU has its own reason for offering to indirectly pay Zanu PF waste; Belgium wants a piece of the action in Marange! It is sickening that anyone should want kick Zimbabwe around like a football.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chimbwido

"Illegal economic sanctions"? That is rich coming from a regime that signed bilateral agreement with some of the EU countries only for the regime to violate those agreements. And now the regime has the audacity to accuse those nations of acting illegally because they would not allow the tyrant and his cronies into their countries.

What the EU is guilty of is using double standards; whilst it has put its foot down in asking Greece to implement reforms to end the mismanagement the EU is encouraging to continue with the mismanagement and corruption!

Even if the EIB has to bankroll Mugabe now this will not last unless the EIB has a bottomless mine of money. The problem of mismanagement and corruption are not going to go away just because the EU has thrown a few million Euros at the problem. Instead they will grow and become even bigger.

Mugabe is never going to escape this one, Zimbabwe's economic meltdown is going to haunt Mugabe to his grave!