Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Hungwe praise the simpleton late Muzenda - Zim is a mess because of these simpletons!

In an interview with The Sunday Mail Minister Josiah Hungwe was in fine voice as he sung praise of the late VP Simon Muzenda. The late VP was a simpleton as Minister Hungwe readily admits and so too is the Minister and many others in Zanu PF. It was this forte - the mind numbing simple mindedness – that has landed the nation into this political and economic hell. The nation’s match into this hell has been relentless and yet people like Muzenda never saw it coming!
Former VP Simon Vengesai Muzenda led “a simple life, admired by many,” Josiah Hungwe, the Minister of State for Liaising on Psychomotor Activities In Education told The Sunday Mail.
As for Mzee (moniker given to Muzenda by Mugabe, Hungwe said) living a simple life no one can ever dispute that; what else, the man was a simpleton for Pete’s sake. There is nothing wrong with living a simple life and being a simpleton; after all it was not his fault that he did not have the intellect to see beyond the tip of his nose; some would argue.
The problem arises when this half blind simpleton is thrust into a position of power and authority and the individual start wield their power with the confidence of one who can see to the horizon and they are no democratic accountable to anyone, as has happened in Zimbabwe! 
Zimbabwe is in this political and economic hell because it has had the great misfortune of being led by a corrupt and murderous tyrant, Robert Mugabe, backed by an army of utterly useless simpletons! Mugabe would have never established and retained this de facto one-party, Zanu PF, (cum one-man as he has dominated the party totally so he is effective the embodiment of the party) dictatorship if he had not insulated himself with this thick blabber of simpletons like Muzenda.
Simon Muzenda occupied the second most senior position in Zanu PF and in government, second to Mugabe, from 1980 to his death in 2003. From the word go the nation turned left when we should have turned right and has since plunged head long from one disaster to the next. Mismanagement and corruption took root and have become rampant.
On the political front this Zanu PF regime has denied the people their basic freedoms and human rights as soon as it took office in 1980. Within a few years the regime dragged the nation into the hell of Gukurahundi.
As VP, Muzenda should have put his foot down and stopped the economic slip into the abyss and the political madness; he did not even lift a finger.
“He was a man of the people and loved them too,” the simpleton Hungwe said.
This is what is really shocking about these simpletons whom Mugabe promoted, far beyond their level of competency, and surrounded himself with all these last 35 years; they have completely failed to realize that the Zanu PF system was not working, even with the benefit of years of hindsight. How can Muzenda be a man of the people when he was part and parcel of the regime that has ridden over them rough shod denying them their basic freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country and even the right to life?
Description: http://img.bulawayo24.com/articles/Mzeeee.jpg
By the time Simon Muzenda died in September 2003 the Zimbabwe economy was already in total ruins. The following year Zimbabwe issued four commemorative postage stamps of Muzenda valued from Z$2 300 to Z$ 22 000. You needed one Z$2 300 stamp to post a letter but within a few months one had to plaster the whole A4 size envelope with the Z$ 22 000 stamp! 
The country’s world record hyperinflation was to soar to 500 billion per cent dragging the national economy into new depths of despair from which it has never recovered.
Today 90% plus of our people are unemployed, 16% now live in abject poverty, the nation is failing to supply something as basic as clean running water, 18 hours power cuts a day in the norm, etc. The situation is getting worse and worse but, of course, this is all water of a duck’s back to Zanu PF simpletons like Minister Hungwe.
“I'm sure if he were around, he would be one with the President, trying to find solutions to present-day challenges,” said Minister Hungwe. He has failed to appreciate that these challenges are man-made and thus to end the problems you must remove the corrupt and tyrants causing the problems. 
“The VP post requires one of a sober mind,” continued Hungwe, just to underline how he has failed to correlation between the nation’s teething problems and the corrupt and tyrannical Mugabe regime.

“Haufanire kuva nemweya wekuda kumukira mutungamiri. (You must never challenge the leader.) If you do, then there is a problem.

“He (Muzenda) loved his leader. Boss Mugabe. When I briefed him (Hungwe was once Minster of Foreign Affairs and then Governor of the Midlands) about anything he would respond, "Let me go and tell the President."

“To report to the President, not to advice him - that's the difference,” said Hungwe with emphasis as if to think of anyone, even a VP, advising Mugabe was absurd!
“He stood by Mugabe, who is God-given. He was right because if you don't respect the elders you see, how do you then expect to worship the Lord you don't?”
Here is a tyrant who has murdered so many of his own people and destroyed the nation’s economy and yet one of the nation’s senior leaders still insists in treating him as a “God-given” and therefore infallible, even now with a mountain of data proving he fallible!
Minister Hungwe even thought the simpleton Muzenda was special he could not be replaced when he died.
“I told the President at a conference in Masvingo: "Masvingo has lost a gallant son, but my opinion is that it is you, Mr President, that will greatly feel the loss. It will be difficult to find a man of Muzenda's calibre," said Hungwe.
Mugabe replaced Muzenda with Joice Mujuru; a “simple woman”, as Mugabe himself admitted who has turned out to be just as useless and blindly faithful to the tyrant as Muzenda. Zanu PF is full of such simpletons, all been totally useless and blindly loyal to Mugabe as Mzee.
It is a greatest misfortune for any nation to have a cabinet of incompetent and useless simpletons led by a ruthless tyrant! It is bad enough to have such a regime for a year but to have such a regime for 35 years as is now the case in Zimbabwe is the worst curse to befall this nation!
The late Simon Muzenda was declared a national hero when he died in 2003 and so have many other Zanu PF simpletons before him, since and, no doubt many more in the future. As a nation we have had more national heroes in 35 years of our independence than other nations have had in 350 years! The irony is the nation has sunk deeper and deeper into new depths of political despair and economic misery in those 35 years and most of these heroes have played a part in creating hopelessness.
Are we a nation of such simpletons we not only fail to see we are being dragged into the Dark Ages but we even honour and praise those who dragging us into this hell!

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