Friday, 14 February 2014

Mugabe can deny rigging the elections all he likes but the people know better and they are not being fooled!

The sanctions were imposed after Mugabe rigged the 2002 elections and the rigging has got progressively worse ever since. In 2008 the tyrant used some of the worst politically motivated violence Zimbabwe has even seen to overturn the defeat in the earlier vote. He turned Zimbabwe into a “war zone”, said Tsvangirai after he was forced to withdraw to stop the barbaric carnage!

In the 2013 elections Mugabe did not use the wanton violence, not with the whole world watching, he was a lot more subtle. With the help of the Israel company, Nikuv, he corrupted the voters roll so that nearly a million voter although they had registered failed to do so on the day. Their names had been deliberately posted in a voting ward other than the one they expected.

The voters roll was also inflated to show an impossible 6 million registered voter out of a population of 12 million. The inflated numbers allowed paid Zanu PF loyalists to cast multiple votes on election-day. The whole world saw the bussed in voters!

In the rural area even School teachers were coerced into claiming they could not read or write so that Zanu PF operative went into the voting-booth with them to ensure they voted for Mugabe.

Mugabe can deny that he did not rig the elections but he knows the people of Zimbabwe know better. They are the ones his thugs have been beating up and terrorizing, whose names suddenly disappeared from the voters roll, they saw the buses faring Zanu PF youths from one polling station to the next, etc.

The whole nation knows Mugabe has stubbornly refused to release the voters roll and allow public scrutiny, seven months after the election although there calls for it to be released have been relentless. The people know he is not going to release it because it is the “smoking gun” to the vote rigging.

The people of Zimbabwe have always known that country’s economy has suffered because of the gross mismanagement, rampant corruption and all-out looting by Mugabe and his cronies. Whose does not know of the late Solomon Mujuru “owned” Bindura, that Obert Mpofu and Ignatius Chombo are multi-millionaires, that the Mugabes own 13 commercial farms, etc.

The nation is in a state of shock at the extend of looting in government owned institutions like ZESA, PSMAS, etc. by top managers who were paid as much as $ 500 000 a month whilst the ordinary workers of $300 per month were not being paid because there was nothing left!

Mugabe can blame the country’s economic melt-down of sanctions all he likes but Zimbabweans know it is the mismanagement and corruption by his regime that is the real root causes of the economic mess. What is more, the people also know that there will be no end to the country’s political and economic nightmare until Mugabe and the Zanu PF dictatorship is dismantled and destroyed.

Mugabe is continuing with his denial about rigging elections and lie about the sanctions being the cause of the economic problems because he really has nothing else to say! He is nothing but lion caught in the open plains with all his last cover blown and his strength ebbing away like water poured in the sand.

Zimbabwe has reached the point of no return; we will have regime change! Mugabe and Zanu PF are finished, this is the final curtain call for the tyrant.

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