“President Mugabe, on Tuesday,
directed all Cabinet ministers to take full responsibility of the affairs of
their ministries and of the parastatals, State enterprises or local authorities
under their supervision to ensure that the rot is brought to an end by holding
those culpable to account and to protect public assets and funds,” Moyo told a
state-run weekly.
Mugabe can say what he likes; no one is listening because
it is not for him to say what happens next now any more. He has neither the
power nor authority because he is himself the chief defendant in all these
corruption scandals.
For 34 years Mugabe has treated
the people of Zimbabwe as if we are all half-wits at best and has, sadly, got
away with it. Well, thank God, we are not all half-wits and more significantly
he is NOT going to get away with anything this time.
Firing those named in these
corruption scandals and throwing in a few heads of the Ministers will not do
for two reasons:
- The corruption has been going on for the last three decades and sacrificing a few individuals will not end this scourge. For 33 years Mugabe has vehemently deny there was corruption in Zimbabwe and blamed the sanctions for the country’s economic melt-down; we now have the overwhelming evidence that there was rampant corruption and looting.
- Mugabe himself is involved in many of these corruption cases and has many cases of his own, for example the $5 million mansion he bought for Bona in Hong Kong. But the mother of all corruption cases Mugabe has to answer is the blatant vote rigging in the July 2013 elections. Mugabe is himself the dock and so he cannot be seating in judgement of the scandals nor can any of his cronies now constituting the judiciary.
The only way out of this mess is
for Mugabe and Zanu PF to resign so the nation can hold free, fair and credible
elections. It is then for the next government with the mandate of the people to
decide what to do about the looters and their loot! If this Zanu PF
dictatorship does not resign it will be forced out of office by the sheer
weight of the mess the regime has generated already.
The Zanu PF dictatorship is
finished. The smell of freedom and liberty denied us for 34 years is in the
air. There is no turning back the clock to the nightmare of corruption, looting
and brutal political repression!
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God we are free at last!
@ Mkhanyisi
Mugabe rigged the July 2013 elections confident that people will accept that and he will go back to state house. In a way, he was right the man who should have led from the front the rejection of this blatant act of cheating, Morgan Tsvangirai, was in fact the first one to accept this outrage. It is the "political reality", the idiot argued.
Mugabe's biggest mistake was to assume all Zimbabweans were idiots like Tsvangirai and his MDC friends.
It is now 7 months since the rigged elections and the issue is still on the national agenda. All these stories of corruption and looting which Mugabe has denied all these years are just another piece of evidence that we are dealing with a patho-logical liar; a corrupt and murderous tyrant who has lied and rigged elections to stay in power so he can carry on looting and brutally oppressing us.
Mugabe and Zanu PF are not going to get away with the corruption and cheating. Not this time!
@ Nash
You are right there is not going to be another GNU but you are wrong to think Mugabe will remain in power until 2018. The regime is collapsing all round him, the national economy is in terminal decline. There is no way out of this mess for Mugabe other than him stepping down!
@ Chimbwido
You are in denial of the truth about corruption and looting because you do not want to have to then admit that it was all this criminal waste of resources that caused the economic melt-down and not the sanctions. I understand.
The truth is no one has inflated the figures. Charamba himself has not denied he got US$ 100 000 last year because he knows the cat is out of the bag. Even you Chimbwido will soon accept there was rampant corruption and looting in Zimbabwe because more and more stories are going to come out.
What we see now is but the ears of the hippo, the rest of the beast is hidden by the muddy water.
People like Charamba know the details of the corruption and looting and they are not the sort of individual who would go quietly. He is a rat and it is in the DNA of rats to rat on the others so they do not suffer alone.
You, Chimbwido will eat your words about S W Radio Africa being a "pirate radio" given to spreading "malicious" news because it will be clear it is people like you, Charamba and Mugabe who are the liars! Charamba and others are going to lose their loot and you are going to lose your head for all the suffering you inflicted and innocent blood you shed!
@ Tengenenge
You are still in denial that Mugabe and the Zanu PF dictatorship is finished! I told you on this site in July 2013 that Mugabe was not going to get away with the blatant vote rigging and now seven months later the issue is still on the agenda. The tsunami corruption and looting stories are further proof that the regime is rotten to the core.
But worse still the corruption and looting are undermining the national economy making a bad situation even worse. Not even the greedy Belgians would want to invest in Zimbabwe now. The Chinese will happily continue the looting but always with one leg out of the country, they are not going to invest a Yuan!
Mugabe can continue with his "look East" policy but to no avail.
Mugabe and Zanu PF have just broken the smoke and mirrors behind which they have been hiding! With their cover blown they are now exposed in their full ugliness!
@ Guvhu
Well in case Mugabe fails to understand Charamba's indirect message; I would like the tyrant to hear this. Mugabe it is time for you to go the nation has suffered enough under your corrupt and tyrannical rule Go and good riddance!
@ Zvaita
Did I ever say Mugabe and Zanu PF are competent? Just because I said Tsvangirai is incompetent; you immediately assume I must think Mugabe is competent and I am going to give him a trophy. What an idiot!
Mugabe is a corrupt and ruthless tyrant and murderer; I have said this a thousand times.
I reject both Tsvangirai and Mugabe because I refuse to accept that my choice is limited to these two. I see all the colours of the rainbow unlike you who only see monochrome!
@ Nofool
You are a fool and know it. It is out of your desperate attempt to convince yourself that you are not a fool that you named yourself "no fool"! You are still a fool.
There three different people who have continued to support Mugabe in the face of all the evi-dence that e is a corrupt and murderous tyrant:
a) Those who are part and parcel of the dictators and therefore are benefiting from the corruption directly or indirectly in that they are paid to lie.
Those who having the regime in the past have no choice but to continue doing so now be-cause they have loot a dodgy past to protect.
c) Those whose intellect is so low not to see the reality before them.
You, Nofool, I accept that you are not a CIO; you are too stupid to be a paid agent, You are one of those simpleton who done the regime's dirty work the beating, raping and even murder of innocent people - for little or no pay. And now are struggling to justify your folly and are coming up with all sorts f feeble excuses.
"The white stole our land!" What have the blacks whom the regime have denied their basic rights and humanity to do with it. They were victims of the racist oppression and exploitation as every other black and now they are once again the victims of the corruption and political repression on the spurious grounds that a democratic and just system would allow the white to recolonize the country.
You simply refuse to accept that as a black person I am capable of doing anything on my own and hence your tedious reference to "Roy Bennett and white rhodie" directing everything I say and do. You are reflecting your black inferiority complex into everyone else!
Tyrants like Mugabe have built their dictatorship confident they will find idiots like you who are so stupid they will do as they are told even when it blatantly wrong and harmful their own interest. You shed innocent blood to establish the Zanu PF dictatorship and you got none of the looted wealth and have suffered the consequences of the political and economic mess. But worse still for you; you will have t account for the innocent blood you have on your hands.
Let me tell you now Mugabe and Zanu PF will disown you! And rightly so too; fools like you are there to be used and then discarded with the contempt you rightly deserve. Anyone who glorify the suffering and murder of others much less his own kith and kin deserves to be treated with contempt!
@ King
Anyone who goes into politics in the current situation as prevailing in Zimbabwe in which the electorate are unbelievably naïve and gullible will have no choice but to exploit their weakness. If you want to win the elections you tell the people what they want to hear!
If they are naïve and gullible you tell them I will bring democratic change. Indeed you even name your party Movement For Democratic Change. Once you are in power you enjoy your time on the gravy train and for five years do absolutely nothing. At the end of the five years produce a rubbish constitution and tell the people this is the democratic constitution that will deliver free and fair election. The electorate sheepishly believe you and vote to approve the rubbish.
A few weeks later the elections are rigged and the electorate never asked what happened? Any attempt to explain was a waste of time because they did not have the foggiest idea what GPA democratic reforms one was talking about. So they had voted MDC to bring about democratic changes and they did not have the foggiest idea what these changes should be. As it turned out Tsvangirai too did not have a clue what these reforms are all about. This is what it means to have a naïve and gullible electorate means – you can promise them heaven on earth but deliver hell they will not know the difference!
Let me tell you now there is not one man or woman of substance in any of Zimbabwe's 28 politi-cal parties or are they likely to be any until the quality of the electorate improves significantly. Understanding the need for a Police force that will enforce the law regardless of one's political loyalties is not rocket science but common sense. And yet the number of Zimbabweans who still do not understand why Police reforms and all the democratic reforms are essential for the country is disheartening.
Forming just another political party each time the old parties fail is the standard answer in Zimbabwe but, of course, the country's problems have gone from bad to worse because it was the answer but necessarily the solution!
@ King
Your are complaining that you are having to read all those sad stories of civil servants who faithfully paid their monthly PSMAS subscriptions only to be denied the medical help when they needed it because the money had disappeared down a black hole. You should spare a thought for all those Zimbabweans to whom this happened and many have since died as a result!
Some people had viewed Mai Mujuru as presidential material her stupid and flippant comments on this very serious problems of rampant corruption that has destroyed the nation's economy and forcing millions of Zimbabweans into a life of abject poverty proves beyond all doubt she is just another stupid and corrupt Zanu PF leader.
Mismanagement, corruption and looting have been rampant in Zimbabwe ever since the country attained its independence but of course the regime has kept it under wraps because it had total control of the country's media, judiciary, Police, etc. and, most critical of all, systematically denied the people their right to vote the regime out of power. The regime itself has vehemently denied there was corruption and blamed the economic melt-down on sanctions, drought - it used to be a one in ten or twenty years but has since become a yearly phenomena - etc.
Mai Mujuru has herself amassed a fortune of $ 3 billion and her late husband's loot was $ 9 billion. Are these figures another fictitious creation by the media? Just "another tactic being used by those keen to destroy the country"! She must think all Zimbabweans are morons!
It is no wonder the country is in a real mess given it was ruled for 34 years by the likes of Mai Mujuru and Mugabe! Well the time is up. They have lied, looted, and rigged elections for far too long, they must now go!
@ Nhamodzenyika
That is what absolute power does my friend; she now believes she is special and not a mere fallible mortal like you and me. She is a God and if she say there is no corruption then there is no corruption!
The stupid woman is simply refusing to accept that she is just as corrupt as all those named so far and that the game is up. The truth of all their year of abuse of power and corruption is coming out like winged termites for the whole world to see. And about time too!
@ Udai
She is just as corrupt as the rest. Where do you think she got her $ 3 billions from? Ballet dancing! Mai Mujuru balancing on her toes and gliding gracefully across the floor; that would be some sight to see!
@ Jukwa
No one objects to anyone having a huge salary what people are objecting here is to people having huge salaries they did not earn but stole from the most needy!
You are defending the status quo because you have benefited from it. Well you now have to explain where you got your fortune or you will lose it. If you are one of those with the blood of innocent Zimbabweans on your hands; then you will have to explain that too!
@ Afroboy
This is the last plea of innocence accompanied by the usual rhetorical cursing and swearing of a tyrant who will never ever admit to any wrong doing! After 34 years of exercising absolute power, these tyrants have began to believe that they can do anything they pleased and get away with it!
It has not yet dawned on her that the game is up, poor woman. She has always been a slow one, her mind works at the speed of that of sloth. Well she will catch up when she is in the dock and asked to explain where she got her $3 billion fortune from!
@ nny
Mai Mjuru has stayed in power too long for a person of her little intellect and absolute power had made her punch way about her feather mental weight! Remove the media monopoly that had shielded her all these years and she is exposed for the idiot she is!
The writing is on the wall, THE ZANU PF DICTATORSHIP IS FINISHED. She can see it but does not understand what it means - she can not read! Not that it matters now; all she has to do now is tell us where she got her $ 3 billion loot before she goes to Chikurubi!
She will have plenty of time to learn some useful skill like knitting as for her political career that is finished!
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