Thursday, 6 March 2025

"ED2030 is dead and buried" said Charamba. Nonsense! Not until Mnangagwa is himself dead and buried. W Mukori.

 Zimbabwe’s Catholic bishops have joined in the condemnation of the Zanu PF regime’s address the litany of political and economic problems affecting the lives of the ordinary people. They were particularly disappointed that the nation should be wasting time, energy and sweat on such matters as Mnangagwa’s ED2030 bandwagon for him to stay in power by hook and by crook beyond the stipulated 2028 two term limit.

“The bishops raised the issue of the debate around the presidential term of office. Whilst this is really within their remit to proffer views and ideas on the matter, what the government found a bit disturbing is the fact that the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference is pronouncing itself on a matter which is in fact dead and buried,” George Charamba, the presidential spokesman, told The Herald.

We live in a country where there is no rule of law and political leaders are notorious for indicating left and turn right. 

Zimbabwe is a failed state precisely because the country has failed to hold free, fair and credible elections and so has been stuck with this corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 45 years and counting. One of the other consequences of the failure to hold free and fair elections is that closing the door to peaceful and democratic change left the country with only one other option for change - violence. 

Until the small hours of 15th November 2017 no Zanu PF leader would have agreed Zimbabwe would ever face a military coup. When Mugabe woke up that fateful morning looking up the business end of an AK47 Rifle; the unthinkable had just happened. 

The country is facing the same economic and political meltdown and, more significantly Mnangagwa has continued the practice of rigging elections and thus blocking any hope of peace political change. Zimbabwe is candidate for yet another violent change be it another military coup and/or violent street protests or worse. 

The possibility of the factional Zanu PF fighting escalating into a blood civil war cannot be ruled out. This is why the nation should have sort a lasting solution to our failed political system a long time ago and should be treating this matter with the urgency the matter demands. Countries like Sudan, Libya, etc. never believed the country would backslid into a civil war. We do not want this to happen here too. 

If something as serious as another military coup is on the cards, of course, Mnangagwa’s hope of extending his stay in office beyond 2028 will certainly be still on the cards too. ED2030 not dead and buried not until Mnangagwa himself is dead and buried for such is the Mnangagwa’s resolve to hang on to political power at any and all costs! 

Whilst the nation is demanding for due attention to be paid on the economic meltdown, political paralysis and the serious consequence that will result from the continued failures to deal with these problems. Those in positions of power and authority continued to focus on their insatiable power and loot. This is the nightmare we are facing and must deal with!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Blessed Geza should make up his own mind what he and his war veterans are fighting for:
Is it power - one of the freedom fighters to be in State House.
Or is it good governance - a people's project.

The people of Zimbabwe must know the factional war tearing Zanu PF apart is about which dictator should rule and never ever about ending the dictatorship. This is why they must have stay out. In 2017 they were conned to take sides and all they did was give the Lacoste faction and the coup legitimacy. We must not repeat that mistake!

Zimbabwe Light said...

"The criticism against Chamisa should be focused on his policies and leadership abilities, not on baseless accusations and personal attacks. Zimbabwe deserves a political conversation that addresses real issues and offers solutions," one political analyst stated.

In response to the article, many have pointed out that such attacks on political figures - especially those with presidential aspirations - are not uncommon. However, they emphasize that debates should be grounded in facts and not become platforms for character assassination.

The debate has also extended to Wafawarova's comments about prominent filmmaker and journalist Hopewell Chin'ono, who was also targeted in the article. Many contributors to the debate have called Wafawarova's remarks on Chin'ono unnecessary and unfair, urging for more respectful discourse in political analysis.

As the debate continues to unfold, the need for a more civil and issue-focused political conversation in Zimbabwe remains a central point of contention. Many political observers hope that this controversy will lead to more substantive discussions about the country's future and the direction of its political leadership.

It is all very well to say leaders must be accountable, when has any Zimbabwean leader ever bothered to answer anything. Nelson Chamisa is renowned for his Biblical verses and qualifying his policies with #Godisinit!And when the hare-brain schemes fail he still staunchly maintains that all he has ever done is divinely inspired - in short he should not be held to account for what is divinely inspired.

The real tragedy here is that there are millions of his Chamisa chete chete brigade who not only believe him but have been defending the foolish notion that he should not be held to democratic account.

One of the central tenet for a healthy and functioning democracy is that the people must be diligent in their duty of holding leaders to account. What we have here is an electorate that has been so throughly brain-washed they regard leaders as demigods.

How any one can consider a mere mortal a demigod in this day and age beggars belief! But then it explains why we are a failed state. We are a failed state and, as long as we continue to have a brain dead electorate, will remain a failed state!