Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Zimbabwe's political paralysis is as much due to Zanu PF tyrannical intransigence as to MDC/CCC being Zanu PF team B in all but name. W Mukori

  MDC/CCC failed to carry out the ABC of the transformative change even when they had the golden opportunity to do some during the 2008 to 2013 GNU out of greed. 

Mugabe bribed them with the trapping of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz for Prime Minister Tsvangirai and his two deputy PMs all the ministers and deputy ministers, the generous salaries and perks for all the leaders, the US$ 4 million mansion for Tsvangirai, Save, himself, etc., etc. With their snouts in the feeding trough, the MDC leaders forgot about implementing the requisite democratic reforms.

“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” boasted the Zanu PF cronies during the GNU when asked why MDC leaders were not implementing the reforms. 

Instead of acknowledging they sold out during the GNU and doing everything to implement the reforms a.s.a.p. and get the nation back of the democratic track; the MDC/CCC have been participating in the flawed elections for the few gravy train seats Zanu PF offered as bait. It is not as if MDC/CCC leaders did not know of the Zanu PF honey pot trap, they did.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Of course, the MDC/CCC leaders could not tell their supporters they (leaders) were participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They told the supporters MDC/CCC would win big because they had devised “Winning In Rigged Elections Strategies” (WIRES, for short). 

The opposition had all but abandoned the need to implement the democratic reforms.

The tragedy for the nation is the the ignorant, naive and gullible electorate believed these idiotic WIRES lies. The day after the voting, the MDC/CCC leaders will be complaining that Zanu PF rigged the elections and the gullible voters would swallow that idiotic nonsense too, no questions asked. 

Next elections the whole process will be repeated; the people will participate in flawed elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering because they were foolish enough to believe idiotic WIRES lies - even after 45 years of rigged elections. 

Fadzayi Mahere participated in the 2018 and 2023 elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give the regime legitimacy. She had her beady eyes on the few gravy train seats on offer as bait. She took up her seat in 2023 even after both SADC and AU election observers condemned the process as flawed and illegal. 

She resigned her seat because knew it was almost certain Sengezo Tshabangu was going to recall her! Too late as the damage of giving Zanu PF political legitimacy was done by participating and taking up the seats. 

Fadzayi Mahere, Nelson Chamisa and the rest of the MDC/CCC leaders are all gearing to participate in the next elections knowing fully well that the process is flawed and participating will give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They will tell the gullible voters yet more idiotic WIRES lies to con them to participate. 

Zimbabwe’s political paralysis is not so much that Zanu PF rigs the elections but rather that the opposition leaders who have been entrusted the task of implementing the democratic reforms to stop Zanu PF rigging elections are now Zanu PF team B in all but name. For the last 25 years, MDC/CCC leaders have not only failed to implement even one token reform but have been participating in flawed elections to make Zanu PF wins and has political legitimacy. 

It is tragic that none of Zimbabwe’s so-call independent media have ever taken any of the MDC/CCC leaders to task for being Zanu PF team B in all but name. If the truth be said, and it MUST, most of our independent media are either in Zanu PF’s deep pockets and/or are so incompetent they are utterly useless!


Zimbabwe Light said...


Many will participate in 31 March uprising just as they have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy beacuse they only see the dictator and not the dictatorship. They cannot comprehend the reality that from the individual dictator will not stop another dictator taking his place as long as the dictatorship, the political system, remains.

They do not understand that 2017 coup failed to deliver and meaningful change because it swapped one dictator for another. The 31 March uprising is seek to do exactly the same by swapping Mnangagwa with Chiwenga. Why would any one want to repeat the foolishness of 2017 coup again!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Senyatwe has been booted out of the army!

This is the idiot who has boasting that Zanu PF ichatonga kuzvika madonki amera nyanga. Zanu ichaita command vote!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The number one issue is will participating in the uprising change anything? Supporting the 2017 coup did not change anything because it swapped one dictator for another. This uprising is seeking to swap Mnangagwa for Chiwenga and only a fool will see that as change!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chari

"Don't try it!"

To participate knowing doing so will not bring about any meaningful change is stupid. But then Zimbabweans are known for participating in flawed election to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating their own suffering after being conned to do so by an idiotic winning RIGGED elections lie. We are a nation where millions are insane!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Job Sikhala

To participate knowing doing so will not bring about any meaningful change is stupid. But then Zimbabweans are known for participating in flawed election to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating their own suffering after being conned to do so by an idiotic winning RIGGED elections lie. We are a nation where millions are insane!

Sikhala and company have not said why they will not participate in the uprising so we will never know whether they doing the right thing for the right reasons or the wrong reasons. What matter for now is that they are doing the right thing in staying away from the uprising.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Geza

Nonsense! Did the people “free themselves from the yoke of poverty caused by Mugabe” when you, Comrade Geza and your friends booted him out of office in the 2017 military coup? The coup changed nothing just as this uprising will change nothing because you are swapping one dictator for another just as you did in 2017!

To end the curse of rigged elections and bad governance must dismantle the dictatorship and stop wasting time swapping one dictator for another!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mahiya

This is just nonsense! It was none other than Mahiya himself who demanded that Mugabe must go leading to the 2017 coup. And now he saying the leader is untouchable.

Mnangagwa rigged the 2023 elections and, per se, he is illegitimate and now the illegitimate wants to extend his mandate to stay in power by hook and by crook and idiots like you Mahiya are helping him. Shame on you!

The worst thing that ever happened with our armed struggle is that it throw up leaders who believed that because they spear-headed the liberation struggle they have the divine right to rule and the right to loot. Even now after 45 years since independence and the country in ruins, these thugs still believe they are God Almighty's gift to the nation!

The worst curse that can ever befall any nation is to find itself being ruled by mere mortals who think themselves divinely appointed and therefore are not accountable to mere mortals! Zimbabwe has been a cursed nation for 45 years and counting; and it shows!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Was 2017 coup fight to Mugabe a citizen fight too? There are people who refuse to see reality and insist instead in seeing what they want to see even if the evidence on the ground contradict them.

After 45 years of Zanu PF rigging elections are we really that stupid we will believe that replacing Mnangagwa with Chiwenga will end the curse of rigged elections and bad governance.

Are we that stupid we cannot see the folly of repeating the swapping of one dictator with another is just a waste of time and opportunity to dig ourselves out of this hell-on-earth Zanu PF has landed us in.

The challenge is to end the dictatorship and swapping the one dictator for another is stupid. The Geza revolution seeks to swap Mnangagwa for Chiwenga and that will not change anything hence the reason it is stupid! Only morons would think it worthwhile!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ George

"Why are you worried? Let those who want to participate to participate, stay there in the UK and just keep quite, you don’t know the pain people go through in Zim, you just talk nje, fortunately it’s not everyone who listens to you, I don’t even think people know who you are, let people do what is good for them."

People thought supporting the 2017 coup was good for the country. The facts on the ground today show that was NOT a good thing. Why? Simple, instead of dismantling the Zanu PF dictatorship the coup swapped Mugabe with Mnangagwa. This 31 March uprising is seeking to swap Mnangagwa for Chiwenga and only morons like you George would see that as progress!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sipho Banana

"I agree with your analysis but don’t you think focusing too much on Chamisa also keeps him relevant in the political arena?

Perhaps the best strategy is to focus on promoting something new and promising. I know that there’s nothing yet favored by our media and journalists but the only way for us to build the new is to pay less attention on the old and failed politics unless we are highlighting mistakes in order to create new strategies."

In a court of law one often hears past cases retold in great detail not because the cases are important in themselves but to help shed the light on the matter before the court.

Chamisa conned the people to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and to perpetuate the people's own suffering. The very fact that millions believed the idiotic lies of winning RIGGED elections again and again shows that we have a very serious problem of an ignorance, naive and gullible electorate. We must educate them.

What better way of educating the people than telling their own life-stories where they were conned by the leader they followed blindly like sheep to the slaughter. If saying Chamisa is a liar and proving it makes him "relevant" then so be it!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The escalating battle over President Emmerson Mnangagwa's succession has taken a violent turn, with homes of the Zanu-PF leader's perceived opponents coming under attack. Among the targets was war veteran Blessed Geza, whose farm in Sanyati was vandalized by unknown gunmen last Thursday night, forcing his employees to flee into the bush for safety.

On the same night, expelled Zanu-PF member Godwin Gomwe's house and vehicle in Zvimba, Mashonaland West, were also attacked, in what is believed to be a coordinated effort against individuals resisting Mnangagwa's rule extension.

The incidents come amid a growing factional war within Zanu-PF over a controversial push to extend Mnangagwa's presidency beyond his constitutionally mandated final term in 2028. The ruling party's 2024 annual conference resolved to seek an extension to 2030, despite Mnangagwa publicly denying any intention to cling to power.

Geza has been vocal in his opposition to Mnangagwa, recently calling for nationwide protests on March 31 to demand the president's resignation. He accused Mnangagwa of misgovernance and corruption, further stoking tensions within the ruling party.

Zanu-PF youth leader John Paradza, in response, vowed to crush the protest, pledging loyalty to Mnangagwa during the launch of a presidential youth empowerment fund in Harare last week. Youths at the event sang songs endorsing the 2030 agenda.

Meanwhile, survivors of the attack on Geza's Sanyati farm described their ordeal, saying armed assailants stormed the property and demanded information on his whereabouts. One victim recounted being held at gunpoint before being taken to the house, where attackers shattered windows and threatened to return for more violence.

"As Sanyati people, we are now living in fear," a witness said. "They tied up our neighbors and demanded to know where Geza was hiding. When we got wind of what was happening, we ran for our lives and are still sheltering in the bush.”

The ordinary Zimbabweans must stay out of this Zanu PF factional war because they will gain nothing from supporting one faction or the other. Last time the Mnangagwa faction promised free and fair elections but once Mugabe resigned the vote rigging and tyranny continued. The people would be very foolish to believe Geza & Co. would risk losing power by implementing democratic reforms.

Whenever these Zanu PF thugs wanted public support they have always become attentive to the suffering of the masses. The people themselves have been slow to realise they are being taken for fools. The Zanu PF hyena finds itself entrapped and is entreating the goat to help, promising from hence forth it is a vegetarian! It is not surprising there are some goats who have been conned!

Zimbabwe is a failed state, for one thing we have some of the most gullible citizens in the world. They are easily conned and both Zanu PF and the MDC/CCC have conned them into doing one foolish thing after another.

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is a factional Zanu PF war the ordinary Zimbabwean have nothing to gain. Indeed, it was the same Sanyatwe who played a leading role in the 1 st August 2018 shoot to kill.

He was the one boasted that "Zanu PF ichatonga kuzvika madhokwi amera nyanga. Muchida. Musingadi!"

Why any one would want to be fighting along side such a ruthless thug beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...


Yes Lt. General Anselem Nhamo "Muchida Musingadi" Sanyatwe has been fired from the army and appointed minister is a move designed to remove VP Chiwenga allies from the Army. Who is "Muchida Musingadi" Sanyatwe?

He is one of the senior Army Officers who carried out the shoot to kill order in the 1st August 2018 of rigged election protestors.

He boasted to a large audience that Zanu PF "ichatonga kuzvika madhongi anera nyanga. Muchida! Musingadi! Zanu PF ichasandisa command vote."

There are many ordinary Zimbabwe who wanted to join the 31 March uprising. How do you feel fighting along side "Muchida Musingadi" Sanyatwe knowing fully well that he is committed to Zanu PF ruling "until donkeys have horns" and will not hesitate shooting to kill any who dared to protest?

Chiwenga & Co. are fighting to be the next dictator; they will never dismantle the dictatorship. Never! How any one can ever consider these thugs allies beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ J J Enterprise

“That’s the reality on the ground. The system has been created for a long time and it will not end soon. The same in opposition . Check what is happening in DRC and other African countries. Even if we are ruled by an opposition leader what you are seeing today is what you will see tomorrow. That's African politics for you.”

I can also see other African countries like Botswana and SA which are doing well and so it is not a given that we must remain a failed state!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mrs V Mupedzi

“So what are we supposed to do? Can you give suggestions on what we can do kuti mbavha idzi dziende. All I hear from yr posts is negativity, attacking or blaming MDC/CCC of their failures!!!!!”

What is there that is positive that the opposition have done? I will not falsify historic facts to please you or any one!

I have just told you do not participate in Zanu PF’s factional war because all you will do is give the regime legitimacy as happened in the 2017 coup.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Saviour Wilfat

“Zimbabwe need to be careful not to be plunged into turmoil.It is not Geza who says ED must go, no no ,it is 3/4% of the nation who says ED should go, from the look of things.Now this issue is not going to die down.Zimbabweans are suffering ,no doubt about it.We have seen Mbeki, Zuma have heeded and resigned why would one stay on when ppl have spoken.I can foresee things not ending mushe in future. No matter what some remain in support of the current gvt no gun will stop this ,yes pple may be killed but a very big will come eventually, watch the space.”

How did you arrive at your “3/4%” of the nation want ED to go? Less than two years ago Mnangagwa and Zanu PF “won” the 2023 with a clear majority. If the elections were free and fair Zanu PF would have been history as far back as 2013 at the very latest!

Mnangagwa would not be under any pressure right now if he had not fallen out with his fellow Zanu PF cronies over his insistence on staying in power beyond 2028. The factional war has divided Zanu PF and the anti-Mnangagwa faction is calling him a corrupt and murderous dictator - charges they know would resonate with the masses. Ask yourself why Geza and company are only saying these things now?

Did they not know Mnangagwa was a tyrant all these years? Of course, they did. They planned and carried out the vote rigging, murders, looting, etc. together; they are comrades in arms in very respect. They are fighting over which one should be top dog.

It is shocking that each time Zanu PF thugs fight each other some people feel they must pick and side with one faction. The thugs in that faction become squeaky clean. How naive!

The masses supported the 2017 military coup cocksure the country would be back on the democratic footing as soon as Mugabe is booted out. Eight months after the coup the same soldiers the people had been kissing and praising as the nation’s liberators were shooting to kill those who dare to protest that Zanu PF rigged the 2018 elections.

The Geza revolution is just another Zanu PF factional war seeking to replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga, swapping one dictator for another. How anyone can not see this is just a repeat of the 2017 coup beggars belief!

Zimbabwe would not be in this mess if the people were not so naive and gullible that they are conned to do one stupid thing after another. Of course, supporting the 2017 coup was stupid and now they are going to repeat the same mistake yet again!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Developer

What is to happen when Mnangagwa goes?

Exactly! Indeed, Geza and Co., who will claim to be the leaders and brains behind this move to force Mnangagwa out, have said Chiwenga will take over. There is no doubt that no one will stop him. And once in power he is not going to give it up. All the talks of democratic reforms is just hot air because Chiwenga and company will never ever reform themselves out of office!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Jose Ferenando

Chamisa is a leading opposition leader and when talking of the opposition’s failures it obvious he must be included. You just do not want him to be held to account because to you he is a demigod.

How any one can be so foolish to consider a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless upstart like Chamisa a demigod beggars belief. But then we have millions who are brain dead in Zimbabwe hence the reason why we are a failed state.

Chamisa betrayed the nation by selling out on reforms and he lied about winning RIGGED elections to con the brain dead to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu Pf legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship. He must account for it - that is not negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Antonio Bandaras

Discuss the issues raised and stop this idiotic Zanu PF nonsense of calling all those who dare to hold a different point of view enemies to stifle debate and escape accountability!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Lest people forget. He is the man who carried out the shoot to kill order on 1st August 2018. He in on video boasting that Zanu PF will rule forever and use command vote; he should have been thrown in jail for that and not decorated!

The trouble with some people is that they have a very selective memory these Zanu PF thugs are squeaky clean today because they have fallen out with Mnangagwa and want him out! The idiots made the same foolish mistake after the 2017 coup and now they are repeating the same mistake again.

If Chiwenga was to get into power he will not hold free and fair elections and Sanyatwe will once again happily shoot to kill protestors. How any one can view this as progress beggars belief!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Risktaker

“I’m not, never have been, and never will be a ZANU PF member. Their internal power struggles are of no concern to me. However, on March 31st, I'll be joining forces with Cde Bombshell Geza, and I'll be marching alongside them in the streets of Harare, no matter the cost. It's time for a change, and I'm ready to take a stand. ED's leadership has been a catastrophic failure, and it's time for him to go. The writing is on the wall, and the people will not be silenced. We demand change, and we demand it now!!”

What makes you believe joining the 31 March uprising will bring change? Did the 2017 coup bring any change? If Zimbabweans come out in their thousands in support of the Geza revolution they will sanitise the Chiwenga Zanu PF faction and give it legitimacy just as the people did with the Mnangagwa faction in 2017. History is repeating itself.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. We in Zimbabwe have not learned that we should never sell short our rights and freedoms to appease dictators or for short term gains.

The same soldiers Zimbabweans were kissing and hugging in November 2017 were shooting to kill Zimbabweans eight months later for protesting rigged elections. One Anselem Nhamo “Muchida Musingadi” Sanyatwe was commanding the trigger happy shooters. He is a Chiwenga ally and will be holding a very senior post if Chiwenga prevail.

Only an idiot would believe even for one second that Chiwenga & Co. would ever agree to reform themselves out of office! The village idiots are consoling themselves with the foolish notion that THIS time there will be change to justify they folly of repeating the same mistake!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Zviko

Mugabe did go in 2017 but at the cost of giving the Mnangagwa faction of Zanu PF legitimacy and a lease of life. We want to end the dictatorship and not to keep forfeiting that because we accepted the swapping of one dictator for another!

Zimbabwe Light said...
