@ Justice Alfred Mavedzenge
“A close confidant of opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, Justice Alfred Mavedzenge, has set Zimbabwe's political landscape abuzz with a damning and controversial article that raises serious questions about Chamisa's role in Zimbabwean politics.
In the article, Mavedzenge suggests that Chamisa is, in fact, a creation of ZANU-PF, positioning him as a strategic tool used by the ruling party to buy time for its renewal while simultaneously distracting the opposition's base with false promises of change. Mavedzenge likens Chamisa to a "tortoise on a lamppost," implying that the opposition leader was placed in the spotlight by ZANU-PF to keep the opposition divided and hopeful but ultimately ineffective.
The article has sent shockwaves through Chamisa's inner circle, with his loyalists, including spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere, political figures Ostallos Siziba and Skilled Rebhara, and party member Promise Mkwananzi, leading a swift and coordinated backlash. The strong reaction from Chamisa's camp signals an internal panic, with many seeing this revelation as a direct challenge to their leadership and credibility.
This article is the first in a series of planned revelations by Mavedzenge, and according to sources close to him, these upcoming pieces are expected to further dismantle Chamisa's political image. The implications of these claims, if proven to be true, could have devastating consequences for Chamisa's brand and his influence within Zimbabwe's opposition.
While Mavedzenge has refrained from providing full details at this stage, he has hinted at having substantial information to back his allegations. He expressed confidence that only politically astute supporters of the opposition would be able to see through the facade and understand the gravity of the situation.
The political storm brewing around Chamisa has the potential to reshape the Zimbabwean opposition landscape, leaving many wondering how the MDC Alliance leader will respond to these serious claims.
This explosive revelation raises more questions than answers, and it remains to be seen whether Mavedzenge's forthcoming articles will hold the weight to challenge the status quo in Zimbabwe's political scene.
As the situation develops, Zimbabweans will be watching closely, eager to see whether Chamisa's political journey is about to face a major turning point.”
Any one with half a brain who has followed Zimbabwe’s chaotic politics will not be surprised to hear “Chamisa is, in fact, a creation of ZANU-PF, positioning him as a strategic tool used by the ruling party to buy time for its renewal while simultaneously distracting the opposition's base with false promises of change”. There is a mountain of evidence that MDC/CCC was Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing for team A to win and to give it legitimacy.
MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform to cut back Zanu PF’s carte blanche powers to rig elections in five years of the 2008 to 2013 GNU, when they had the golden opportunity to do so. Chamisa and company have been participating in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would only give the regime legitimacy.
The very fact that MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform in 25 years, including 5 in the GNU, the number one task the opposition was elected to carry out, and yet millions of Zimbabweans are not even aware of it - speaks volumes of the Zimbabwe electorate. With such an ignorant, naive and gullible electorate, it is no surprise Zimbabwe is a failed state!
Geza and Co. have been fired from Zanu PF and they stubbornly refuse to accept. They know been booted out of the party is a death sentence; all those outside Zanu PF are per se enemies of the state. "Nyama yamagora," as one would say in Shona!
The defiant Geza, is the real Geza as contrast to the wolf-in-sheep's clothing wittering about the "Geza revolution is a people's project!" If Geza & Co. win the Zanu PF factional war, they will appoint the state president and they will have the veto on all the reforms. Who will dare defy them!
@ Mr E Manzini
“So who should we follow?”
Let me help you answer yourself. If - I know that is a big ask, but go along with me - you knew that Chamisa and company were Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing for team A to win and it legitimacy; would you still follow Chamisa?
Geza is displaying all his vicious aggression and arrogance in the fight to remain a Zanu PF member because he still wants all the power and privileges that goes with it. He knows as Zanu PF member he is a first class citizen with a voice and veto. He is prepared to face his Zanu PF colleagues head on on this and povo will never face up to him head on in demanding that he must give up these special powers and privileges!
The ED2030 mantra was launched soon after the rigged 2023 elections and it has remained on the nation’s agenda ever since. Meanwhile the nation is drifting deeper and deeper into this economic and political abyss because the real serious and urgent national economic and political issues are being ignored.
Zanu PF sets the nation’s agenda and all the regime cares about is making sure Mnangagwa stays in power by hook or by crook.
The nation had the golden opportunity to end the Zanu PF dictatorship during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and we wasted it and now we are paying dearly for it.
Worst of all, there are millions of Zimbabweans out there who have no clue what happened during the GNU, even now with the benefit of hindsight, and so they are easily conned by such leaders as to Chamisa to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship. One cannot reason with these Chamisa chete chete brigade, they are all but brain dead!
Ours is truly the stuff of nightmare!
When Blessed Geza dismissed Mnangagwa's ED2030 campaign as "bulls****t" he throw the spanners in the works. The juggernaut did grind to a halt and there was chaos and confusion in the party.
Yesterday Zanu PF politburo met and decided to fire Geza & Co. from the party. Rumour has it, the politburo also made the decision to go full steam ahead with ED2030! What should ordinary Zimbabweans do now:
1) The factional war in Zanu PF is hotting up, do not be involved. The victory of either faction will mean nothing to us as the dictatorship will remain as happened in 2017.
2) Zanu PF rigged 2023 elections and will rig the referendum (if Mnangagwa faction prevail) or 2028 elections (if Chiwenga prevail). We must NOT participate in the flawed and illegal process only to give Zanu PF legitimacy, more so now that both SADC and AU condemned 2023 elections. This will not be ease since there are millions of opposition supporters who will be easily conned to participate as the past history shows. We have our work cut out!
@ Mupandi
Chamisa conned millions who participated in flawed 2023 elections on the basis of an idiotic lie that he “plugged all the vote rigging loop holes.” What was there to like in an idiotic lie? The challenge here is to stop these millions being so easily conned!
How any one can be so naive to believe these idiotic lies of the opposition winning RIGGED elections, especially after 45 years of rigged elections, beggars belief.
As long as Zimbabwe has millions of ignorant and gullible voters, the country is going nowhere! Making sure Zimbabweans know that leaders like Chamisa are corrupt and incompetent is part of the important task of educating the electorate.
Participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy is a serious problem. So how is making sure people are NOT conned into participating in the flawed election not a solution? It seems you do not know what the problem is much less the solution!
@ Mimz
He conned 2 million people to participate in a flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy - that is very specific and he must account for it. Why are you hell bent on getting him off the hook?
“Tearing down another man to elevate yourself is a weak foundation for winning someone’s heart. It signals insecurity and a lack of genuine value. A strong strategy would be to showcase your own strengths, character, and what makes you a worthy partner—without needing to compare. If your appeal is based solely on his flaws, then your worth is only relative, not intrinsic.
In the same vein, it appears to me you guys have nothing to offer. It is your misguided belief that if NC is bad, then you must be good. If you had anything to offer, you would concentrate on selling that to the people. The superiority of your ideas would drown the inferior strategies and gain you support of the masses.
But chimbo hukurai zvenyu. We stand where we stood with Nero until better ideas emerge.”
Educating the 2 million that they were foolish to believe Chamisa’s idiotic lie of plugging all the vote rigging loop holes to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the nation’s suffering will tear down Chamisa, I agree. But that is of little matter.
What matters here is that the people themselves KNOW they are being taken for fools - participating is a flawed process to give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy, give CCC a few gravy train seats and all they, the people, get is perpetuating their own suffering. The primary purpose of this discourse is to educate the people so they can THINK for themselves.
Of course, you stand with Nero because you have failed to comprehend the mountain of evidence proving he is corrupt and incompetent. I am not surprise that you only see the trivial matters and make a mountain out of a molehill. If you have the IQ of a garden slug you can only see one inch and no further!
@ Mimz
So until we hold all the other opposition leaders to account we must not hold Chamisa to account for conning the people to participate in the flawed 2023 elections?
Chamisa garnered 44% of the votes and the other 9 opposition leaders got 4%; which of them contributed the most to giving Zanu PF legitimacy?
Some of the stupid arguments speaks volumes of the garden slug IQ of the speaker! No wonder even a brain dead up start like Chamisa or a buffoon like Mnangagwa is able to con these people again and again and again.
No wonder Zimbabwe is a failed state, we have more than our fair share of the mentally challenged citizens and, crown it all, they have a voice and a vote!
@ Garry Masamba
Ours is a double tragedy; we gave the vote to everyone including those who are easily conned and we had the misfortune of having a political system geared to exploit this weakness and did not care about educating the voters!
Zimbabwe is in serious economic and political trouble. We are in this mess because the nation has been stuck with a corrupt. incompetent, tyrannical and vote rigging Zanu PF dictatorship complete with its corrupt and utterly useless MDC/CCC side kick. The seriousness and urgency for the country to sort out its political problems and get out of this mess is more urgent now than ever.
Blessed Geza and his Zanu PF faction opposed to Mnangagwa's stay in power are proposing a National Transitional Authority (NTA) presided over by VP Chiwenga and in which the Army have veto over who will be appointed into the NTA and what reforms will be implemented. The 2008 to 2013 GNU failed to implement even one token reform although SADC was its guarantor; this NTA will accomplish very little, if anything at all.
What wee need is a NTA of technocrats, proposed by Professor Ibbo Mandaza and his friends, who will implement the democratic reforms to ensure free, fair and credible elections.
@ Chief Elias
“The Mandaza version is beautiful but mere vanity. There will never ever be such a thing. Technocrats have no modus operandi to take power especially from ED. It's just an experiment and gathering of drum majorettes.”
You are wrong for the following reasons:
Mnangagwa and Zanu PF are illegitimate, they rigged the 2023 elections and both SADC and AU know that. It is therefore nonsense to be talking of any one needing “modus operandi to take power from ED” since he has no legitimacy.
the only stakeholders, according to you, who have the power (legal or otherwise) to seize power from Mnangagwa are a faction of Zanu PF. This is just a catch 22 because we all know that this will be a repeat of 2017 and the coup swapped one dictators for another. Geza & Co. have already made it clear they will replace Mnangagwa with Chiwenga.
You are just sold on the Geza revolution because it is offering opposition some gravy train seats in the National Transition Authority, just as the 2017 coup offered Tsvangirai and company similar inducements.
Zimbabwe’s de facto one party dictatorship has failed the nation and it must be dismantled and swapping one dictator for another is a waste of time and energy. After 45 years of rigged elections and the nation up to her eyes in this mess, this is obvious to all except the Zanu PF ruling elite and the opposition leaders who cannot think straight because of greed!
@ Ish
Burying the head in the sand to deny glaring facts is not an alternative to pessimism. Quite the contrary, truthfully acknowledging the facts of the problem, no matter how daunting they may appear, presents an opportunity for crafting a pragmatic solution. A problem correctly identified is half solved.
Totally agree.
@ Chief Elias Sitting Bull
“Mr Mukori you need to be sober in your analysis. There is an internationally recognised government in Zimbabwe sending and receiving ambassadors from the world. So what legitimacy are you talking about. Whose legitimacy are you talking about. You seem to be living in a fairy world without any practical application to reality. I repeat there will be no NTA in Zimbabwe from today till 2028. If there shall be any I will be an idiot. If there shall not be any then ….”
SADC and AU condemned the 2023 Zimbabwe election as flawed and illegal just because they did not deny Zanu PF legitimacy as they did in 2008 does not mean the regime is legitimate.
Zanu PF has never had any problem bribing Zimbabweans at various levels from judiciary, Police, Army and the opposition to do the regime’s dirty bidding. Of course, Zanu PF knows that the opposition leaders are in its deep pockets, they are waiting for Geza’s signal and they will be out in support and will participate in the flawed elections as usual.
Zimbabwe is a failed state because the nation has blundered from pillar to post and who will bet against the nation making yet another blunder by repeating the option of swapping one dictator for another. It was a foolish decision in 2017 and it would still be a foolish decision now but, of course, not all of us have the common sense to see that!
@ Chief Elias Sitting Bull
"Whether you like it or not elections remain the passover rule. Anything you might think of must pass through the process."
You do not know what constitution free, fair and credible elections so there is no point in talking about Zanu PF rigged elections, etc.
@ Chief Elias Sitting Bull
“So you see. The so called NTA was practical after elections not now. 2023 elections can not be revisited now. Zimbabwe is not in a crisis enough to call for international intervention. Therefore we must understand we only have 2028 on the cards. Then must we prepare to apply any measure to deal with the situation. You think Ibbo Mandaza can effect any NTA. That's bullshit.”
If there was yet another military coup and Zimbabweans refuse to support it, as they did in 2017, that will create a political crisis.
Zanu PF will never reform itself out of office and why anyone would think otherwise beggars belief! But this all makes sense when one realises that Zimbabwe has the misfortune of having an opposition that is Zanu PF team B in all but name, playing for team A to win and have a share of the spoils of power. Opposition are happy with Zanu PF remaining in power as long as they get the few gravy train seats!
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