Monday, 3 March 2025

Geza revolution "is a people's project!" Not when it's after swapping dictators leaving dictatorship untouched. W Mukori

 In January 2025, Comrade Blessed Geza and four of his fellow war veterans, the 5 Amigos, publicly denounce President Mnangagwa and called on him to resign. They called his Vision 2030, to justify his stay in power beyond the two term limit in 2028, “Bulls***t. 

They have promise then nation they will send the signal when the people should comet on the streets on mass to demand Mnangagwa to resign. The nation has been waiting for the promised signal.


"Let me assure you that the liberating signal from Cde Geza is coming very soon," Comrade Knox Chivero, one of the 5 Amigos announced. "This is a people's project, not an individual's project. Organization and managerial competence are essential. The planning, execution, and aftermath management must be meticulous to achieve the best results with minimal cost."

“This is a people’s project, not an individual’s project!” Yeah right! If I had demanded a penny from these Zimbabwean leaders every time they said this, I would have a mountain of pennies!

When the nation was fighting the white colonial oppressors it was the people’s project. The nation was fighting for freedom, human rights, justice and and a share in the nation’s wealth. Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies made it clear that if the party did not win the 1980 elections the bush war would continue. Of course, the people voted to end the war and with that vote kissed goodbye their right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country. 

In 1983, hardly three year after the nation voted to end the war, the nation was once again on a war footing. Zanu PF used the state machinery to launch the Gukurahundi Massacre whose primary purpose was to force PF Zapu, the only other political party to be a serious threat to Zanu PF’s hold on power, to give up its independence. The massacre stopped with the signing of the 1987 Zanu PF and PF Zapu Unity Accord which cleared the way for Zanu PF to impose the de facto one-party dictatorship which has ruled the country to this day.

Zanu PF conned povo to participate in the former white own farm seizures under the pretext the farms will be distributed to the “landless peasants”. Povo were deployed to harass the white farmers and their workers and even allowed to use gratuitous violence to drive the message home - Jambanja, as the violent activities were called. 

But once again as soon as the white farmer was forced off, the chefs moved in and povo were booted off the farms. Some of the chefs own as many as 16 farms each and Mnangagwa has just moved to grant them title deeds to these farms. The chefs paid nothing for the farms, indeed most of the white farmers were forced to leave all the assets crops, cattle, machinery, etc.; and now they are selling the farms making fortunes. 

Meanwhile the regime has stubbornly refused to let the landless peasants have title deeds to even the 20 to 30 square metres of land on which their mud huts stand. 

Ian Smith was advised of the economic benefits of giving title deeds to the peasants in the Tribal Trust Lands - it would give the holders the confidence to build better houses and improve the land by planting fruit trees, etc. Smith refused to give the title deeds for fear if he economically empower the blacks they would demand political empowerment too. 

Mugabe was given the same advice on giving title deeds to peasants and he too rejected it for the same political reason Smith did! So much for the Zanu PF rhetoric that the liberation war was to recover land stolen away from the blacks to give it to the landless peasants.

It turns out that Blessed Geza was one of the chefs who was allocated a farm and the farm has since been taken away from him - a very common occurrence. 

As much as Geza would want people to believe his Geza revolution will put an end to the corruption and 45 years of bad governance. It will do no such thing because Geza and company are seeking to replace Mnangagwa with VP Chiwenga just as the 2017 military coup replace Mugabe with Mnangagwa. 

If Geza &Co. were serious about this revolution being a people’s project then it must dismantle the dictatorship and not just swap one dictator for another. The Jambanja call will be precedent by solid commitments to restore the individual freedoms and rights including the right to a meaningful vote and title deeds for the rural peasants. If is an outrage that 45 years after independence in this day and age, anyone should still be fighting for these things! 

Blessed Geza & Co. are Zanu PF through and through; they have all played they part in creating and retaining the Zanu PF dictatorship. They have all enjoyed the veto political power granted to war veterans although many have not enjoyed any of the looted wealth. The idea that they will now president over the dismantling of the dictatorship is naive, to say the least. 

Indeed, Geza & Co.’s insistence that Chiwenga will be the president of the proposed transition government underline the political reality here - they are not going to give up their veto power on who rules Zimbabwe. In a people’s project - the mandate to rule is derived from winning majority votes in a free, fair and credible election. No one is above the law and no one has veto power to overrule the people’s democratic mandate. No one!


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Farayi Sithole

“We rather have ED continue 😭 than these Mad men led by Geza,.We had people killed by soldiers in the streets of Harare these so called war veterans never said a word,now they want to call upon people to support them ,.vano penga."

Who killed the people in the street? Was it not the same Zanu PF thugs who are now fighting over who should be the dictator?

The biggest mistake the people should not make is to think one dictator is better than the other. We made that false choice in 2017 when we supported the swap of Mugabe for Mnangagwa.

We already know that Chiwenga is a seasoned Zanu PF thug who has played his part in the creation of the Zanu PF dictatorship and is not fighting Mnangagwa to dismantle the dictatorship but because he believes it is his turn to be the top dog. Having waited all these years to be top dog only a village idiot will trust him to reform himself out of office!

The real question here are Zimbabweans foolish enough to fall for the false choice yet again. We have the choice of focusing on dismantling the dictatorship, escape, and have nothing to do with the internal fighting in the party. Taking sides will only give Chiwenga legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship.

Zimbabweans are notorious for participating in flawed elections to give the regime legitimacy and then they want to go on the street to remove the regime. Why participate in the flawed election process in the first place? And now they one are choosing one dictator over the other to give the dictator legitimacy and then they want to negotiate with him to give up his dictatorial powers!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mafandaedza

"Nhai George ungarwadziwa namukori here, he is just like a madman chasing the wind. He doesn't know which way he is going, don't ever keep his rubbish and outdated infor let him run it alone."

Chamisa did con millions to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the dictatorship. If I am the mad one for saying the truth and you are the sane one for denying it happened; then I am have happy to remain the village idiot!

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have more than our fair share of village idiots masquerading as the wise-ones. And, worst of all, the idiots have the voice, vote and in the case of the war veterans the veto!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ George

“Yaaa hey, that is very true mwana wamai.
The problem with this guy is so annoying, always give us same information, it’s boring and wasting our time, I think he is mentally challenged.”

You are the one denying the obvious and defending the indefensible and thus making a complete arse of yourself. I am only telling you the truth including rubbing it in that who deny the obvious re village idiots.

Hearing the truth repeated in your face infuriates you and being told that you are a village idiot has made you blind with anger.

Zimbabwe is a failed state and we are not going to get out of this hell hole by denying the truth and repeating the same mistakes over and again. The village idiots who are denying the truth are holding the nation to ransom. The truth must be hammered into their empty heads a.s.a.p. I have the sludge hammer to do the job and will do it.

You, George, and your fellow village idiots fends out there will be mumbling “Yes, Chamisa lied about plugging vote rigging loop hole to con people to participating in flawed elections. I am the village idiot for denying it!” First in your sleep and then when you are wide awake! Until then, I will not stop the hammering! (That has just stun you; we both know that was a hammer blow and there will be many more to come!)

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ M K

Does Chamisa have something to account for? If the answer is yes then he must account for it. You question is both foolish and irrelevant and typical from those who believe Chamisa is a demigod who must never be questioned much less held to account. The fools are always coming up with one feeble excuse after another just to get Chamisa off the hook.

The very fact that there are still some people amongst us who believe a mere mortal like Chamisa is a demigod, in this day and age, speaks volumes of the intellectual ability of some of our people.

The ancient Greeks were right, democracy is impossible unless the people are educated, knowledgeable, objective and diligent in holding leaders to account. Democracy is IMPOSSIBLE in a nation were the people are so dumb they consider leaders to be demigods!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Mnangagwa's plan A was to stay in power beyond 2030 hiding behind the man who will delivering the vision 2030. By dismissing vision 2030 as "bulls**t!" Blessed Geza has exposed the lie in the "The Emperor has no clothes!" classical genre. ED2030 is dead and buried!

Mnangagwa's plan B is to find an excuse to use violence to silence dissent and justify the imposition of a state of emergency and postpone the 2028 elections! He has used violence before and would not hesitate to shed even more blood just to hang on to power.

Mnangagwa should know that the nation is desperate for change and like it or not change is coming. He can use the violence to delay the day of the change but not to stop it.

The tragedy is by delaying the change he is closing the door to peaceful change and violent change is to be fear because God only knows where the nation will land.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ George

“Iwewe Mukori you are just a crazy bustard without brains, even if you can rub it in it doesn’t affect me at all, you must go and tell Chamisa and ED, rub it on them, it will save the purpose, the problem with you is that, you are very stupid and mentally challenged.”

You are, as I have said countless times, a village idiot. Both ED and Chamisa have their problems as you have your own problems. You are denying that Chamisa lied and conned millions of brain dead idiots like you to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

Of course, it is your problem that you are so easily conned again and again. And since you have the vote and thus are holding the nation to ransom because of your stupidity it is imperative that some knocks some sense into that empty cup-cake!

One of the biggest mistakes we did in 1980 was to have universal suffrage - there is no nation in human history that has ever had universal suffrage and a coterie of corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs as the political leaders at its critical formative stage has ever became a healthy and functioning democracy in the first generation if at all. 45 years after our independence and we still have no clue what constitutes free and fair elections.

Corrupt and incompetent leaders plus ignorant and gullible voters who are easily conned is a recipe for disaster. Knocking sense in a few thousand brain dead voters is a challenge but when they are millions of them it is mission impossible, especially when the village idiots believe they are wiser than King Solomon himself!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mr Manjoni

Not as old as The Ten Commandments and yet people will continue to read them because they are still relevant.

How any Zimbabwean with half a brain would consider Chamisa conning millions of people to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate the nation’s suffering “old and stale” beggars belief! This is why Zimbabwe is stuck in this hell-hole and will never get out as long as the village idiots continue believing these idiotic lies of opposition winning RIGGED elections!

Poor Zimbabwe! We really have more than our fair share of brain dead citizens and many of them the brain has ossified beyond recovery.

The truth is "monotonous to read!" Of course it would be to you oh wise one (with the IQ of a garden slug)!

Zimbabwe Light said...

To make America great again, President Trump has discarded the rule of law to impose a new world order where mighty is right. It has cause so much disruption those in the developed world are catching a cold and those in the developing countries, living on the margins already, are coughing blood! It is worrisome to know the worst is yet to come!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The “Dead Horse Theory” is a satirical metaphor that illustrates how some individuals, institutions, or nations handle obvious, unsolvable problems. Instead of accepting reality, they cling to justifying their actions.

The core idea is simple: if you realize you’re riding a dead horse, the most sensible thing to do is dismount and move on.

However, in practice, the opposite often happens. Instead of abandoning the dead horse, people take actions such as:

• Buying a new saddle for the horse.
• Improving the horse’s diet, despite it being dead.
• Changing the rider instead of addressing the real problem.
• Firing the horse caretaker and hiring someone new, hoping for a different outcome.
• Holding meetings to discuss ways to increase the dead horse’s speed.
• Creating committees or task forces to analyze the dead horse problem from every angle. These groups work for months, compile reports, and ultimately conclude the obvious: the horse is dead.

This sounds very familiar. We have changed the rider once and are gearing to change the current one for another. We will not accept the problem is the dictatorship and so we have settled for changing the dictators in a nauseating musical chairs pantomime!

People were warned against supporting the 2017 military coup since it was offering the swapping of one dictator with another, they ignored the warning because they were focused on Mugabe must go. This time, they are focused on stopping Mnangagwa amending the constitution to stay in power beyond 2028, they will give the swapping of Mnangagwa for Chiwenga legitimacy by supporting this so-called Geza revolution.

Little do they know that by focusing on dismantling the dictatorship they will get rid of not only the current dictator but, more significantly, ensure there will be no more dictators ever again.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe is a failed state; stuck with this corrupt, incompetent and murderous Zanu PF dictatorship that has rigged elections to stay in power. After 45 years of misrule the nation is in economic ruins and political paralysis.

Instead of accepting the reality of the de facto one-party dictatorship as the root cause of the failed state, the nation is being bullied and bamboozled into accepting idiotic solutions such as swapping dictators. Swapping the rider, in the Dead Horse Theory, will not bring the dead horse back to life!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Michelle Mystique

“The reason why we are willing to go along with Geza & Co's plan is because it is the most practical option at the moment.

It is easier to be able to take certain steps, or move things in a particular direction, if you also have a seat at the table.

If we can get competent people to head even just 2 ministries, that would be the shake-up we need. Take ActionSA and Patrotic Alliance in the South African GNU for example. They took the little they were given and they ran with it. I can assure you they are going to do really well in the next election. And that is because of what they can be seen doing with the little room they were given at the table.

If you want to restore people's trust in the political & governance system, to the extent that they meaningfully participate and start holding their leaders accountable, show them a different set of leaders to the current crop of ZANU-PF leaders. In the next election they will be willing to give you the whole table even.”

Let us agree on one thing: Zanu PF leaders will never ever reform themselves out of office. In the 2008 to 2013 GNU Zanu PF was one of the GNU partner and SADC was the guarantor, the referee. In the proposed GNU, Zanu PF will be dominant partner and the Army will have veto power over everything.

The 2008 GNU had a chance to implement all the democratic reforms. They failed to implement even one reform because MDC leaders turned out to be breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent. This new GNU has no chance of implementing any reforms even if one was to appoint the most competent and incorruptible individuals for the job. For one thing, such individuals will never make it past the Zanu PF and Army filters!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Michelle Mystique

“And by the way, have people thought about whether ZANU-PF leaders would be willing to walk away from power if they lost the 2028 elections? Because if we're keeping it 💯 with each other, ZANU-PF will never be electable under any free and fair election. Even if they hired the beat campaign managers in the world.

I personally was thinking of proposing another GNU to them, where you give them a small piece of the pie in exchange for them accepting defeat and walking away peacefully. Offer them a few ministries, and maybe the Vice President position and maybe they might stop rigging elections.”

The right of every Zimbabwean to a meaningful say in the governance of the country is more than just a right; it is the basis of good governance - our ticket out of this hell-on-earth of failed state we find ourselves in. The idea that we should forfeit yet another chance to get out for the purpose of appeasing Zanu PF thugs, after 45 years of appeasements and nothing accomplished is nuts!

For the record Morgan Tsvangirai and company have failed to implement even one token reform these last 25 years out of breathtaking incompetence and greed - appeasing Zanu PF came a distant third, if at all! No doubt, there will be many opposition leaders who will want to work with Zanu PF for the same reasons!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Michelle Mystique

“Should people wait until the 2028 election? Tell them what will be different about that election compared to previous ones. What steps will you take to make sure it is free and fair?”

Supporting the Geza revolution when you know all it is offering is a swap of Mnangagwa for Chiwenga, a repeat of 2017, is foolish. By the same token it is folly participating in the 2028 elections with no reforms implemented particularly now the nation has both SADC and the AU who both condemned the 2023 elections as flawed and illegal.

The ordinary Zimbabweans will not participate in these flawed elections if the understood that doing so would give vote rigging Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuate their own suffering. The people’s judgement is clouded over by the idiotic lies that CCC would win big “because I have plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!”

Like it or not many of our Zimbabwean voters are ignorant, naive and gullible. They are easily conned!

The challenge here is to focus on restoring the freedoms and rights of all Zimbabweans and get the nation out of the hell-hole. And resist the temptation to join Chamisa and company is conning the people for the sake of the few gravy train seats Zanu PF is offering as bait!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Blessed Geza and his four war veterans, the 5 Amigos, dismissed Mnangagwa's plans to remain in office till 2030 to deliver Vision 2030 as "bulls***t"! Mnangagwa has finally answered them with threats.

We all know Zanu PF is a party of violence and has never shied away from shedding blood even one of a fellow party member. This is a Zanu PF factional affair - we the people must stay out of it. We took sides in 2017 and Mnangagwa kicked us in the teeth soon there after.

When the hyenas are fighting it is for the goat to make good its escape and not to take sides, particularly when the victor would love to celebrate with goat curry and reggae reggae sauce!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Michelle Mystique

“The Danger of a Coup Led by Vice President Chiwenga

As frustrations within ZANU-PF grow, reports suggest that Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and his allies are considering removing Mnangagwa through a military coup. While this may seem like a quick fix to the current leadership crisis, it would be disastrous for Zimbabwe’s future.

Here’s why a coup is not the solution:
• It undermines democracy – Leadership should be determined by the people through elections, not by a group of military elites.
• No guarantee of change – A Chiwenga-led government would still be an extension of ZANU-PF, meaning the same policies and corruption would continue.
• Risk of political instability and violence – A coup could lead to factional conflicts within the military and ruling party, causing further instability and suffering for Zimbabweans.

A coup will not bring the change that Zimbabwe needs; instead, it will only replace one authoritarian leader with another. Zimbabweans must reject any unconstitutional means of power transition and instead push for democratic solutions.

I totally agree that neither the Mnangagwa option of extending his rule beyond 2028 by hook or by crook nor the Chiwenga route of forcing Mnangagwa to resign by hook or by crook is palatable to the people of Zimbabwe.

We must drive for the full restoration of the people’s right to a meaningful say in the governance of the country and we must play no part in the Zanu PF factional war since neither Mnangagwa nor Chiwenga will deliver any meaningful democratic changes.

We should not be fooled by the Chiwenga camp promises of a transition government and that this is a people’s project. How many times have these Zanu PF thugs said that when they wanted the people’s support only to forget the people and impose themselves on the nation. After 45 years of being conned, we should be smart enough not to be so easily conned.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Part 1 of 2

@ Mavedzenge


Justice Alfred Mavedzenge has done a very informative analysis on the behavior of Nelson Chamisa, and the radical change in his political personality since his ZINASU days of a firebrand student political activist, to the formation of the MDC in 1999, his rise to succeed the legendary Judah Learnmore Jongwe as the MDC spokesperson in 2023, and then rising to be the MDC Organising Secretary in 2009, the time he was also appointed the ICT Minister in the GPA Government, commonly known as the Government of National Unity. It is in 2009 that many shifts started happening in Nelson Chamisa’s personal life and also his political life.

At the level of his private life, Nelson Chamisa started reporting for work at both his ICT Ministerial Office and at the MDC Organising Secretary Office armed with a Bible every morning, like he was coming to church, and would have moments he would lock himself in his office and go on rampaging tongue-speaking prayer sessions.

At the political level he was one of the first targeted people for neutralisation by the Robert Mugabe side of the Unity Government. They knew his ambition weaknesses and his ego driven approach to politics, so Robert Mugabe cleverly took away key elements of ICT like control of Potraz, but showered Chamisa with praises as the most outstanding Minister he had ever worked with. While Robert Mugabe was showering Chamisa with “supersonic Minister praises,” Chamisa was privately praising the ZANU-PF leader as the best leader ever to come out of Zimbabwe.

We know of the leaked note that Chamisa wrote to Saviour Kasukuwere during a Cabinet Meeting, saying he could not imagine what Zimbabwe would be like without the brilliant leadership of Robert Mugabe.

I also was on the phone for an hour plus with Nelson Chamisa when he was on a ministerial business trip to Trinadad and Tobago in 2011, and he was just reminding me of that conversation last week. In that recorded conversation Chamisa had choice praise words for the exceptional leadership skills of Robert Mugabe, and he in no uncertain terms expressed his appreciation of this lifetime privilege of having had the chance to work as a Cabinet Minister under the leadership of the “legendary” Robert Mugabe.

Let us look at what has been happening behind the political curtains in our country in a bit of detail here, and I will be serialising more of this in the next few days.

Under traditional dictatorships the idea of capturing popular opposition politicians, dates back to the 19th century, and usually the captured opposition in this case will evolve into agreement and praises for the dictator, often as a result of either bribery and blackmail, or blackmail and bribery, depending on the circumstances of what comes first and why?

Under a competitive authoritarian regime like the one led by Mnangagwa today the captured popular opposition leader will just do enough to keep the hopes of his followers alive, while not doing anything materially destabilising for the ruling regime.

According to Alfred Mavedzenge, the following are some of the behavioural signs which show that the opposition leader has been captured and is now a client of the regime:
(a) the opposition leader creatively sabotages the opposition’s organisational capacity;
(b) the opposition leader avoids peaceful confrontation with the regime and resorts to subtle ways of pacifying the suffering masses; and
(c) the opposition leader promotes a culture of intolerance for knowledge and ideas-what Professor Achille Mbembe recently described as “intellectual decline”.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Part 2 of 2

(c) the opposition leader promotes a culture of intolerance for knowledge and ideas-what Professor Achille Mbembe recently described as “intellectual decline”.

One of the takes homes from this article has to be how Zimbabwe’s political leaders, from both side of the divide, have “promoted a culture of intolerance for knowledge and ideas - what Professor Achille Mbembe described as ‘intellectual decline’.” Zanu PF has brain washed its leaders and supporters with bribes and empty slogans and the copy-cat opposition have replicated every Zanu PF has done.

The Ancients Greeks went the extra mile to ensure their citizens were educated, knowledgeable and objective as the only sure way the citizen were equipped to play their role in a healthy and function democracy - they are diligent in holding those in power to democratic account. In Zimbabwe the politicians thrive in conning the voters to do their dirty bidding.

Zanu PF leaders have promised Zimbabweans freedom, land and in 2017 reforms and free election to conned them to whatever Zanu PF wanted. Chamisa lied to the people that the opposition will win RIGGED elections to con them to participate in flawed elections again and again. Only an ignorant, naive and brain dead electorate would do this again and again!

It is not often that Zanu PF leaders and supporter and opposition leaders and supporters are united and one of those rare occasions is in attacking their culture of intolerance to knowledge or anything to force the individual to think for him/her self. Man is supposed to be a creature of reason but not when the brain has all but ossified!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe's Catholic Bishops join in the condemnation of Zanu PF's failure to address the nation's worsening economic and political crisis. The Bishops were particularly concerned that Mnangagwa should be preoccupied with trying to extend his stay in power beyond the maximum two term limits under the falsehood the nation's economy is booming and he should be allowed to stay to deliver vision 2030.

George Chamisa assured the Bishops the ED2030 is "dead and buried". Nonsense, ED2030 is only dead and buried if Mnangagwa himself is dead and buried - such is the regime's greed for power and resolve to stay in power no matter what!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Dr Mpofu

“While I agree that during the GNU, the democratic parties forgot why they were in that GNU, and the five-year period ended without them achieving anything, we need African Unity. He may have failed, but unity of purpose, even as villagers, regions, provinces, and countries, can make a huge difference. Zanu's big tool against opposition has been to create and fan disunity.”

I have never said we do not need unity what I am saying is if you cannot unite those in your own village how are you going to unite two villages or more! Worst of all, it is laughable that those who have failed to rule the village not only refuse to accept their failures but have the cheeky to increase their sphere of influence from village to country, to region and even continent.

Of course, if these leaders have caused chaos, confusion and suffering in the one village it is no surprise they will do the same to all they touch and the is exactly what have happened! Just because United States of America is a success does not mean the same will happen in Africa.