Wednesday 28 August 2024

"We stand with Chamisa, he never betrayed the people" insisted VAAZ. Yet failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years!!! W Mukori

 “Hupenzi inyama yegakava!” as my late mother would say. The great Physicist Albert Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The two are more gentile, I am not. I have often said the village idiots as stubborn in their stupidity, paraphrasing my mother! 

“To set the record straight, we stand with Advocate Nelson Chamisa because he is the only consistent of all leaders. His service and sacrifice to the Poor People's Struggle is priceless, he never betrayed the Poor People's Struggle even when the Regime dangled a gold rich and poisoned carrot in front of him which others unfortunately salivated for.” Mandava Blessing Veterans Activists Association Zimbabwe (VAAZ) National Spokesperson.

Only a village idiot with no clue what the MDC/CCC was elected to do would say that! For the record, MDC leaders were elected to implement the necessary democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, as the party’s name implied - Movement For Democratic Change (MDC). 

Zanu PF not only blatantly rigged the 2023 elections but got away with it precisely because:

  1. 1) MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one democratic change in 24 years including 5 in the GNU when they had the best ever opportunity to implement the reforms. Mugabe dangled the trappings of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limos, the generous salaries and allowances, US$ 4 million mansion for Save himself, etc. In return, the MDC leaders forgot about the reforms. Not even the constant nagging by SADC would get them to lift a finger on implementing reforms.

  1. 2) Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. They have conned the brain dead party supporters to participate with idiotic claims like “I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” Freeman Chari of Team Pachedu released their report proving once again the sheer folly of CCC’s idiotic claim they could win RIGGED elections.

“For the record, fighting injustice and for the reclamation of our freedoms and liberties is  everyone's responsibility not Advocate Nelson Chamisa's burden to shoulder alone. LET'S CARRY THE CROSS TOGETHER AS ZIMBABWEANS!” continued VAAZ National Spokesperson.


“Cowards who hide behind a keyboard must come out of the closet and fight the dictator head on. President Chamisa is a real soldier unlike all these faggots.”

The truth is Blessing Mandava, like so many diehard MDC/CCC leaders and supporters alike, has no clue what the democratic changes/reforms are much less how they are implemented, the dire consequences of failing to implement them, etc., etc. The GNU was the golden opportunity for the nation to implement the reforms and MDC sold out big time but how can some one like Mandava see that when they don’t even know what the reforms are!

Mandava and company are no different from Boxer the horse in Animal Farm. Boxer had failed to learn the alphabet, something as basic as that, and could not string together even a few words to make a coherent idea. He gave up thinking for himself and accepted everything that Napoleon said. “Comrade Napoleon is always right!” was Boxer’s new motto. To Mandava and company, it is the Chamisa Chete Chete personality cult mentality. 

The democratic changes were supposed to be implemented in 18 months but the GNU lasted 60 months and still not even one token reform was implemented. After 24 year-end still not even one token reform implemented one would think even Boxer the horse would start to question his motto but not so the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade!

The fear is Chamisa will mobilise Mandava & co. to participate in flawed 2028 elections on the basis of yet another idiotic lie and they will participate in their millions to give Zanu PF legitimacy and thus perpetuating the dictatorship. There is nothing one can do because Mandava & co. are brain dead and otherwise impermeable to reason and logic.

MDC/CCC leaders were elected to implement the democratic reforms and thus dismantle the Zanu PF dictatorship. After 24 years including 5 in the GNU and still not even one token implemented and yet millions still believe Chamisa & Co. are still fighting in the ordinary people’s corner. How can anyone, much less a whole nation, be so shallow, thick and slow! 

Zimbabwe is a failed state because we have millions of Zimbabweans who are not only insane but stubbornly so. Makakava! And to crown it all they have the vote!

Monday 26 August 2024

Team Pachedu V11 data does not "vindicate" ZEC nor confer legitimacy on vote rigging Mnangagwa. W Mukori

 Nelson Chamisa and company were hell bent on participating in the flawed and illegal elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy for the sake of a few gravy train seats reward. The folly of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed is a well known and established historic fact. MDC/CCC leaders like Tendai Biti and David Coltart have acknowledged this.

“Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. 

“So it will be very foolish for the opposition to continue legitimising these sham elections which don't deliver. This country will go through a serious economic crisis in 2020 caused by Zanu PF. And yet, this is the only country where a government doesn't perform, it is encouraged by a super majority in parliament,” said Tendai Biti in an interview with Isaac Mugabi far back in 2015.

“So you can't continue subjecting Zimbabweans to processes where their hopes just get crushed.”

Biti was trying to talk his fellow opposition friends to stop participating in flawed elections but when he realised they were not listening he too joined in the scramble for the gravy train seats. David Coltart was more explicit as to why opposition leaders “continued to subject Zimbabweans to processes where their hopes just get crushed”. Greed!

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe. 

Freeman Chari and his Team Pachedu friends had done an excellent job to show that Zimbabwe’s voters roll was in shambles providing Zanu PF many golden opportunities to rig the elections. The Electoral Law stipulated that ZEC must produce a verified voters roll at least one calendar month before nomination day. The 2023 elections went ahead with no verified voters’ roll. None! 

Nelson Chamisa lied to the people of Zimbabwe that he had “plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” to con people to participate in the flawed and illegal elections. It was damn lie! There was no way Chamisa or anyone could plug all the opportunities to rig the elections presented by the failure to produce a verified voters’ roll alone.

"We reject this sham result and flawed process based on the disputed figures,” declared Nelson Chamisa when ZEC announced that Mnangagwa had won the 2023 presidential race. 

“We have our V11s. I have asked our teams to bring those V11s. I'm not so sure if they are here so that you can see them. We have brought V11s from across the whole country. And those V11s are going to be the basis of our assertion. We have won this election.”

This was nothing new, the whole world has heard Chamisa repeated this lie “We have won! And have the V11 forms, to prove it!” Only for him to fail to produce the evidence. 

It is honourable that Freeman Chari and his Team Pachedu friends have decide to come out in the open and announce that on the basis of the V11 they were able to collect, Emmerson Mnangagwa won the 2023 presidential rat race.  

"The data from Freeman Chari, while coming out inexplicably late and incomplete, is neither surprising nor new," Professor Jonathan Moyo stated on social media.

"Tellingly, it vindicates ZEC and explains why Nelson Chamisa did not make public the V11s he claimed he had, which allegedly proved he won the 2023 presidential election.”

This is just nonsense! All the election observers worth a spit including the AU and SADC condemned Zimbabwe’s whole electoral process as contrast to those focusing on the handling the V11 forms alone.

“Conclusion 13.3

The SEOM (SADC Election Observer Mission) noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report. 

ZEC failed to produce verified voters’ roll, failed to get ballot papers to many urban Polling Stations timeously (opposition strongholds) but hard no such problems in rural areas (Zanu PF strongholds), etc., etc. Nothing will vindicate ZEC for all these treasonous betrayals.

The 2023 election process was flawed and illegal, as SEOM report made abundantly clear and so Emmerson Mnangagwa is, per se illegitimate. 

Team Pachedu’s belated report does not confer legitimacy on Mnangagwa but rather confirms the folly of participating in flawed and illegal elections to give vote rigging Zanu PF some modicum of legitimacy. Chari and company should have warned the nation of the sheer folly of participating in flawed and illegal elections and stuck to their guns! One only hopes that this was a lesson learned.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Lovemore Moyo MDC Speaker of Parliament during GNU, did not know that the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement reforms. W Mukori

 Debate over the fate of the opposition took centre stage this week, for the first time since he resigned from the MDC-T as its chairman Lovemore Moyo talks about the inside details. Why he left, how @nelsonchamisa rose to power. He opens up on #FreeTalk with @bbmhlanga from Bulawayo.

The primary purpose of the GNU was to implement the democratic reforms to stop the blatant cheating and wanton violence of 2008. MDC leaders failed to submit even one reform proposal in 5 years because Mugabe bribed them and they were too busy enjoying the trappings of high office. 

“Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!” boasted Zanu PF cronies when asked why MDC leaders were not implementing reform. 

It is either the Honourable Speaker of GNU Parliament, Lovemore Moyo, did not know what the primary purpose of the GNU was. Or he knew but forgot about the reforms because, like all the other MDC leaders, he had his snout in the feeding trough. Either way, it confirms what we already know about MDC leaders - they are breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent!

It pays in the end to have quality leaders in the beginning. In MDC/CCC we did not have quality leaders and the nation has paid dearly for their blundering incompetence and corruption. One only hopes the nation has learned the lesson!

It is nonsense that Tsvangirai was a democrat when he up held the democratic values only when it suited him! There is no such thing as a democrat on Monday but a tribalist on Tuesday and, for convenience, we will him a democrat the rest of the week! What he did in appointing Chamisa and Mudzuri VP sowed the seed of division in the MDC from which the party has never recovered and thus the more reason he must be labelled a tribalist!

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Chamisa's political incompetence has never been so closely scrutinised as it now - sign people are finally waking up! W Mukori

 A heated debate has erupted on X (formerly Twitter) over the political future of former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa and the implications for Zimbabwe's opposition movement. 

Chamisa's resignation as CCC president on January 24 has sparked significant criticism, with some analysts accusing him of abandoning the political scene amid internal conflicts.

Chamisa cited the hijacking of the movement by interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu and the betrayal by party leaders as reasons for his resignation. Since then, Chamisa has maintained a low profile, offering sporadic encouragement to his followers through social media but leaving his future plans unclear.

The debate intensified with the 44th Sadc summit, where the Zimbabwean political scene was marked by controversy and government crackdowns on activists. Critics argue that Chamisa's ambiguous stance has weakened the opposition's effectiveness and made it harder for citizens to fight for justice. Political analyst Ibbo Mandaza has harshly criticized Chamisa, urging him to exit opposition politics and allow new leadership to emerge.

Supporters and critics alike are questioning Chamisa's next steps and his commitment to the opposition cause. Social justice activist Tendai Ruben Mbofana echoed concerns about Chamisa's lack of transparency and described his resignation as an act of cowardice. Mbofana also criticized Chamisa's supporters for being intolerant of criticism, comparing their behaviour to dictatorial tendencies.

When MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU there was no doubt that they are breathtakingly corrupt and incompetent and should have been treated accordingly. Alas! Many Zimbabweans, including the intellectuals who should have known better, continued to treat Morgan Tsvangirai and his fellow MDC leaders as great statesmen and iconic leaders; cultivating and nurturing the personality cult mentality. 

Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC leaders have abandoned the drive to implement democratic reforms under the pretext they have strategies of winning RIGGED elections. It was just nonsense to cover for the real reason that they had given up getting any reforms implemented they were participating in flawed elections foe a share of the spoils of power. The big surprise is many Zimbabweans were fooled and accepted the nonsense. 

Chamisa blatantly lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con Zimbabweans tom participate in flawed elections and they did. 2 million voted for him with 3 to 4 million in the diaspora cheering and bankrolling the elections. How anyone can fall for such an idiotic lie beggars belief. The fact that millions of Zimbabweans did speaks volumes of their ignorance and naivety. 

One only hopes that the hive of political activity questioning Chamisa’s political competence is the sign Zimbabweans are waking up from the sloth-like political slumber and are beginning to see Chamisa and company for whom they really are - breathtakingly incompetent, corrupt and utterly useless!

Monday 19 August 2024

Moyo chena ndeweyi tsvumborume (George Motormouth Charamba) kubvisa mwana webvana (Nelson #Godisinit Chamisa) madzihwa! W Mukori

 George Charamba, the Deputy Chief Secretary for Presidential Communications in the Office of the President of Zimbabwe, recently stirred controversy by defending former opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

Charamba's unexpected support for Chamisa came after a section of Zimbabweans on X (formerly Twitter) accused the ex-Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader of undermining opposition politics.

The criticism intensified when academic and political analyst Ibbo Mandaza accused Chamisa of misleading the public with his #Godisinit mantra, arguing that it gave people false hope. Mandaza even threatened to expose Chamisa if he didn't step away from opposition politics for good.

"Go with your #Godisinit and leave opposition politics now to allow for new leadership. As I've said before, you've served the state well by systematically demobilizing the masses - a disgrace for which you will pay dearly. Declare your departure or we expose you," Mandaza wrote in response to one of Chamisa's posts criticizing the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for lacking values.

Many Zimbabweans echoed Mandaza's sentiments, criticizing Chamisa's nonviolent, no-protest approach. Among them was journalist Hopewell Chin'ono, who expressed his frustration:

"This nonsense is now nauseating! You can't keep repeating the same thing for 7 years while people are languishing in prison. Either you're meant to lead, or you're not leadership material!"

Australia-based socialite Susan Mutami went a step further, sensationally claiming that Chamisa had received money from Zanu-PF.

In a surprising turn, Charamba stepped in to defend Chamisa. Responding to one of Chamisa's critics, Charamba challenged them to form their own political party if they were dissatisfied with Chamisa's leadership.

"This is crazy; why do you hold him responsible for voluntary incapacitation? Start your own opposition party!!!" Charamba retorted.

Charamba's defense of Chamisa quickly sparked speculation and concern among observers.”

Of course, Dr Mandaza is right, Chamisa is deceiving the people and giving them false hope. He conned them to believe that CCC would win big because he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and got the people to participate in flawed elections in their millions to give Zanu PF legitimacy. 

Still, it was the people’s fault for being so ignorant, naive and gullible to believe one idiotic lie after another. Chamisa is only taking advantage of the people’s stupidity, if he he stop another con man will step forward and do the same. 

Susan Mutami was not saying anything new about MDC/CCC leaders being corrupt and incompetent. We all know they were bribed by Mugabe with the trappings of high office to stop them implementing reforms during the GNU.

Charamba is defending Chamisa out of selfish interest. Chamisa & Co have done Zanu PF a great service of keeping Zanu PF in power these last 24 years, even the most stupid Zanu PF dunderheads can see that. If the people of Zimbabwe were to finally open their eyes and see how MDC/CCC leaders have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds this could mean not only the end of MDC/CCC but that of Zanu PF too. 

The last thing Zanu PF want to see is a totally discredited opposition that will fail to con people in their millions to participate in the 2028 elections! The opposition will lose but so will Zanu PF. 

Moyo chena ndeweyi tsvimborume kubvisa mwana we bvana madzihwa!

Saturday 17 August 2024

If wishes were fishes, will be chanting "2030 Mnangagwa will still be president and SADC chairman!" W Mukori

 Mnangagwa has fcuked up (excuse my French) big and so many times, he is been shunned like the skunk. Even SADC and AU publicly dismissed Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections as a sham making him illegitimate. It is little wonder that he is milking his taking over as SADC chairman for all the publicity and propaganda he can get. 

Mnangagwa is chairman of SADC because it was Zimbabwe’s turn to be chairman but to Mnangagwa he is making it appear as if all SADC leaders ELECTED him to lead them because of his unequalled leadership qualities. Yes the same leaders had accepted SADC Election Observer Mission’s damning election report but it is all forgiven and forgotten now they have seen his leadership qualities.

There is very little that SADC as a regional body can do without the approval of the member states and therefore the position SADC chairmanship wields very little political power. But to listen to Mnangagwa’s propaganda machine one would think Mnangagwa is now the Paramount Chief dictating from on high to the lesser Chiefs who, on this day 17 August 2024, are paying homage to him.

If SADC chairmanship was elected, Mnangagwa would be out trying to get the clause that chairman can serve one term of one year and would rig the elections. His apologists and propagandists will be chanting “2030 Mnangagwa will still be president of Zimbabwe and chairman of SADC!”

Wednesday 14 August 2024

SEOM condemn 2023 elections and leaders should have denied ED legitimacy and now can't deny him chairmanship. W Mukori

 “Last year SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM), led by Dr Nevers Mumba of Zimbabwe, reported that Zimbabwe’s election process was flawed and illegal. The regional body should have denied the Zanu PF political legitimacy, at the very least. 

So, thanks to the indecision by SADC leaders, Mnangagwa became president of Zimbabwe for the next five years and, in a few days now, will become chairman of the regional body for a year. He is, per se, illegitimate for Pete’s sake. And now we must await the consequences of what tomorrow brings with having him at the helm.

“As Zimbabwe faces criticism for the arrest of political activists, South Africa has stated that it cannot influence the decision to move the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit from Harare,” reported Bulawayo 24.

“Despite calls from opposition groups within Zimbabwe and the region to relocate the summit due to concerns over human rights violations, South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) has emphasized that hosting the summit is a matter of tradition within SADC.”

True, it is normal practice that the incoming chair of SADC would host the summit; that makes perfect sense. However what SA and the rest of the SADC leaders cannot deny is that what is happening in Zimbabwe is anything but normal. Consider the following:

  1. 1) Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF regime blatantly rigged last year’s elections. SADC and AU election observers condemned the process as flawed and illegal. SADC accepted the observers’ report and, per se, endorsed that Mnangagwa and his regime are illegitimate. For whatever reasons the regional body did not take any punitive action against the region other than that many of the leaders did not attend Mnangagwa’s inauguration as it the norm.

  1. 2) Mnangagwa and his regime has stubbornly, publicly and repeatedly maintained that the elections was free, fair and credible and those saying otherwise “is their business.” The regime’s hunting dogs have publicly abused the SADC Election Observers particularly Dr Nevers Mumba from Zambia who was the chair. Mnangagwa himself is on record asking Russia’s President Putin for military assistance in the fight against Zambia. 

  1. 3) Zanu PF regime has turned Zimbabwe into a North Korea Police State with opposition leader and human rights activist be arrested tortured and imprisoned in a knee-jerk reaction because the regime does not want the world reminded that it rigged the 2023 elections and is, per se, illegitimate. Peaceful public protests are allowed in every healthy and functioning democratic nation foreign visitors or not.

SADC leaders have failed to rein in the Zanu PF regime’s repeated violation of the country’s own laws and constitution and the regional body’s own principles and guidelines by rigging elections and denying its citizens their basic freedoms and rights. 

SA’s ANC government has propped up the Zanu PF regime for the last 20 years and President Ramaphosa was one of only three heads of state who attended Mnangagwa’s inauguration last year. ANC propped up Zanu PF for Ramaphosa & Co.’s own selfish political reasons. By supporting a fellow liberation war party’s continued rule they hoped that would help ANC’s stay in power. It did not work. ANC lost its absolute majority in the 29 May 2024 elections. 

ANC leaders owe the people of Zimbabwe an apology for their role in keeping Zanu PF in power against the democratic wish of the people. And this would be a good time for ANC leaders to correct their past wrongs.

It is normal to cancel or move the SADC summit, especially at such short notice - 3 days before the event. Still it is within the power of each member country to refuse to attend in protest against the madness we are witnessing in Zimbabwe. 

Doing nothing is NOT an option, it is tantamount to backing the regime’s madness. The last thing Zimbabweans want to hear is a feeble excuse from Pretoria for doing nothing, after all ANC has done to drag them deeper and deeper into this hell!

The real question that SADC leaders must answer is: How long is Zanu PF going to be allowed to ride roughshod over the people of Zimbabwe with impunity? And Is lawlessness the new norm in SADC or is it just Zanu PF that is above the law?

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Chamisa & Co. have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years because they have no clue what they are doing. None! Wilbert Mukori

 NC: No! 2028 is not in the picture at all, because talking about 2028, presupposes that we had 2023.

But 2023 was a nullity, a void and, therefore, does not exist. There was nothing and nothing stands on nothing.

The fact that we have had challenges does not mean that it's impossible or it's not doable. We must continue fighting until we get it.

That's why it's a struggle. It is never a walk in the park. It's not instant coffee or picking pumpkins.

That is where the problem is with those who choose to look at 2028 as a yardstick. It's not. We must fix what is broken now.”

This is the reason why MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 year, including the 5 in the GNU; here is some one who have no clue what they want and what is going on and yet would rattle on and on pretending they know what the want  and where they are going. Ask them later if they have accomplished what they said they will do and they will tell you another tale with no beginning or end!

Chamisa was warned of the sheer folly of participating in flawed elections countless times but refused to listen. Last year he lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con the 2 million of his supporters to participate in the flawed elections giving Zanu PF legitimacy. And now he is the one saying “But 2023 was a nullity, a void and, therefore, does not exist. There was nothing and nothing stands on nothing.” Whatever that is supposed to mean!

He should be focusing on what he is going to do to make sure he does not con his brain dead followers into participating in yet another flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. He is just marking time talking about 2023 being a nothing whilst he yet to participate in the flawed 2028 just as he did whilst he waited to participate in 2023. 

The nation’s hope of ending this madness of participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy is in reaching out to the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade and talk them out of participating. That is easier said than done because they are impermeable to reason and logic because of their personality cult mentality.

Monday 12 August 2024

Zimbabwe had the misfortune of having founding fathers who ahd no vision and we are paying dearly for it. W Mukori

 Herbert Ushewokunze In The  Early 1980s, In His blBook, An Agenda for Zimbabwe, Ushewokunze (1984: 3–4) writes:

Today, we must guard against a trend where the few take over power from the white minority and exercise it for the black minority. And they cover our eyes so that we do not realise that they are buying land, houses and business premises for themselves and for their families. To do all this, they use tribalism and regionalism. These people will tell you that the struggle over our national resources is between the Shona and the Ndebele, between Zezuru and Karanga, or between white and black. That is a big lie. You will find the rich Ndebeles, Shonas, Karangas, Zezurus and whites drinking and eating together, and living in the same suburbs. And quite happily you will also find the poor living together without recourse to tribe, race, region or such other divisive tactics used by the rich to oppress the poor. Neo-colonialism is when the few rich blacks and whites team up to run the old colonial economic structure for their own benefit and for international capital, forgetting that our political independence was brought about through sacrifices of the peasants and workers who still remain poor under neo-colonialism.

Edison Zvobgo in 1979 in an interview with BBC-

“We do not want to create a socio-legal order in the country, in which people are petrified, in which people go to bed having barricaded their doors and their windows, because someone belonging to the special branch of the police will break into their houses. This is what we’ve been fighting against. Every one of us has been in jail 10 years, 14 years, I myself 9 years without trial.

Every one of us has lived, has had to live scared of the police. How on earth do we create a society which is exactly like that? We don’t want it, we’re fed up of it, and this is why we’re in this revolution for as long as is necessary, to abolish the system.”

Who can prove these men wrong today⁉️

The tragedy for Zimbabwe is these leaders saw the neo-colonialism of the “black minority” lording of the black majority coming and yet were powerless to stop it. Both Herbert Ushewokunze and Edson Zvobgo accepted the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limos and all the other trappings of high office and they quickly learned to enjoy the trappings of high office and keep their mouths shut. 

Robert Mugabe had one of the most useless cabinet in human history, they were so obliging they said nothing even during the Gukurahundi massacre of 1983 to 1987. 

“Mose muni vakadzi vaMugabe!” said Margaret Dongo in sheer frustration at how Zanu PF leaders, MPs and even ministers all grovelled and acquiesced to all Mugabe’s wishes regardless how capricious and treasonous. 

Mugabe and his cronies imposed this de facto one party state on the nation and after 44 years the system is well established and its roots run deep. There are many Zimbabweans today who are fighting to retain the Zanu PF dictatorship, some out of ignorance and others because they have benefited from it and/or are fearful of losing their loot or the dark past being uncovered if there is change.

It pays in the end to get the best in the beginning; in Zimbabwe we had the great misfortune of having corrupt, incompetent and murderous thugs as the nation’s founding fathers and mothers. They created this failed state and unpicking the rot is a challenge!