Wednesday 6 April 2011

Mugabe calls President Zuma "erratic and disaster-prone": an eye-opener for Zuma!

Mugabe tries but fails to distance himself from spat of calling President Zuma “erratic and disaster-prone”. The same individual now writing to say the views expressed in the Sunday Mail were NOT those of Mugabe is the one who authorised the scathing Sunday Mail articles. Indeed it is quite possible he is the one who actually penned at least one of the articles. The Sunday Mail articles followed hot on the heels of Mugabe’s own statement to his party critical of SADC who had slapped him on the wrist over escalating political violence in Zimbabwe. "We are a sovereign country. Even our neighbours cannot dictate to us. We will resist that," said Mugabe. SADC leaders and President Zuma in particular have allowed Mugabe to rid rough shod over the people of Zimbabwe. They all completely ignored the cries of the people and the tragic the suffering the tyrant was causing. Now Mugabe is treating SADC leaders with his contemptuous arrogance. After all President Zuma has done to keep the Zimbabwe tyrant in power the last thing the SA leader expected was a insult for a thank you! As a Zimbabwean who has suffered all manner of abuse from the tyrant it is hard to sympathise with President Zuma! Indeed I really hope the insults will be the eye-opener to President Zuma and SADC so they now see Mugabe for the monster he is and to spur them to rein him in.

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