Wednesday 17 October 2018

EU pressure parliament to implement reform - change tact, pressure illegitimate junta to step down P Guramatunhu

It is gratifying to see that the EU is taking the matter of free, fair and credible elections in Zimbabwe with the sense of urgency and seriousness the matter demands. The EU Election Observer Mission submitted its final report on the 30 July 2018 elections last week and made it crystal clear the elections were rigged.

“The electoral commission (Zimbabwe Election Commission) lacked full independence and appeared to not always act in an impartial manner,” stated the report.

“The final results as announced by the Electoral Commission contained numerous errors and lacked adequate traceability, transparency and verifiability. Finally, the restrictions on political freedoms, the excessive use of force by security forces and abuses of human rights in the post-election period undermined the corresponding positive aspects during the pre-election campaign. As such, many aspects of the 2018 elections in Zimbabwe failed to meet international standards.”

The failure by President Mnangagwa to keep his promise to hold free, fair and credible elections, the blatant and callous disregard of international norms like releasing a verified voters roll, was the coup grace exposing his regime claim that Zimbabwe had change as a lie.

Ever since the November 2017 coup Mnangagwa went on a charm offensive selling Zimbabwe as a “new and democratic dispensation” and “open for business”. By blatantly rigging the July 2018 elections he confirmed that Zimbabwe was still a pariah state, putting the country back in the sin-bin, and effectively scarred away all would-be investors and lenders. Who, in his or her mind, would ever want to do business in a country whose next regime change will be yet another military coup, countrywide protests or worse!

 Right now, Zimbabwe is in the middle of economic chaos triggered by the shortage of foreign currency to buy basic essentials such as food, fuel and life-saving drugs. President Mnangagwa’s reckless spending; buying new cars for Chiefs and his Zanu PF party leaders, $1.4 million on a charted plane for Grace Mugabe, etc.; contributed to the foreign currency shortage. The situation was made worse by the country’s failure to attract investors and lenders because of its pariah state status.

The EU’s initiative in pressuring the Zanu PF regime to take its report on the recent elections and call for meaning political reforms serious it greatly appreciated by every thinking Zimbabwean out there keen to see Zimbabwe get out of the economic and political hell-hole the country has been into by Zanu PF.

"It has been clear to us that going forward, Parliament is a key institution in ensuring legislative reforms, and the Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda mentioned the possibility of forming an ad hoc committee to ensure they look at the electoral reforms that can be implemented," said Mark Stevens, the deputy chief observer of EU Election Observer Mission, according to a News Day report.

"It would be very interesting for us to hear from your perspectives if there is political will for political reforms, and putting in place effective mechanisms for discussions and dialogue on the potential changes."

Much as I would want to support the EU initiative one must also be realistic and brutally honest with the truth. The EU must admit most of the blatant vote rigging we all witnessed were not mistakes but deliberated and calculated acts. Worse still, with the 2/3 Zanu PF majority in parliament there is no chance of any meaningful democratic reforms being implemented.

“Zanu PF will never reform itself out of office!” said Professor Jonathan Moyo, for years the party’s chief spin-doctor and strategist. The party will only be too glad to string everyone along, especially if doing so will result in the EU and other nation helping to ease Zimbabwe’s economic hardships.

If Zanu PF is in power come 2023 elections, the party will rig the elections and we will be back where we are today, negotiating with the regime to implement reforms. After 38 years, and counting, of Zanu PF rigging elections and getting away with it there is a crying need to change tact.

Zanu PF rigged the recent elections and thus bring upon the nation the pariah state curse and the consequence of the economic meltdown. The regime is illegitimate and it is about time it was told in no uncertain terms that it must step down! After holding the nation to ransom all these last 38 years, causing all the economic hardship and murdering over 30 000, it is simply unacceptable that this should be allowed to continue! 


Patrick said...

Mnangagwa posted a picture on his official Twitter account, saying ‘there is no bad time to get your cholera vaccine, even during a cabinet meeting!’

“We have embarked on a vaccination drive to help protect our communities from this disease, and we encourage those in high density areas to get vaccinated,” read part of the tweet.

Fifty people have died and more than 10,000 have been infected in the biggest outbreak of cholera, a water-borne disease, since 2008.

Knowing Zanu PF as we all do, the regime will now do nothing to supply clean running water and repair the blocked sewage system. Who needs clean running water if you have been vaccinated against cholera, the goon was saying to his cabinet! We are in serious trouble, is all I can say!

Patrick said...

The poor are suffering not because of the sanctions. You are right Zanu PF members are not suffering regardless of many of them being on the sanctions list because they are corrupt. The poor are poor because of corruption, the rich are creaming off all the nation's riches and resources leaving the poor with nothing!

Patrick said...

MORE than a week ago the former head of Zimbabwe’s feared spying agency, the Central Intelligence Organisation, made the ground-breaking admission that the organisation held a 50% stake in a diamond company. Article dated 18 April 2018.

This was closely followed on Tuesday by the announcement that the parliamentary committee to which this revelation was made also plans to call former president Robert Mugabe for questioning. This raises a glimmer of hope that the search for answers about missing diamond money may go right to the top.

President Mnangagwa promised to end corruption when he took power nearly a year ago and yet has done nothing. Former President Mugabe admitted the nation was being swindled out of $15 billion every three years or so. Is it possible that the country has just lost $5 billion since Mnangagwa took office?

We have heard of the country needing a bridging loan to help pay the cost of kick-starting the comatose economy. I bet the $5 billion would have paid for all our needs without leaving the nation in debt. We need to remove this Zanu PF junta from office, there is no other way out!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The death trap that many Zimbabweans, notably the corrupt and incompetent opposition and the feeble minded civic society like ZCC, have fallen into is the belief that Zanu PF is the only party fit to rule Zimbabwe. Zanu PF for its part has corrupted all state institutions; the courts, Police, Army, ZEC, civil service, everyone; to serve the party's de facto one-party dictatorship ethos and no regime change mantra above all else.

A year ago the Con-Court had no problem declaring that a military coup is legal because that is what Zanu PF wanted. The same Court had no qualms endorsing Mnangagwa's even though there were glaring irregularities and fragrant illegalities tin the electoral process.

The Judges disregarded all the evidence before them because it was not supported by the primary evidence in the sealed ballot boxes, they argued in their infantile wisdom. They knew that the plaintiff was denied the opportunity to have the sealed ballot boxes opened.

The Judges themselves could have ordered the sealed boxes to be opened; they did no such thing. They knew the primary evidence would only confirm what they already knew - the whole electoral process was a sham. How would they serve Zanu PF interest of endorse Mnangagwa's victory in the face of such overwhelming evidence that the elections were blatantly rigged?

ZCC leaders know Zanu PF rigged the elections but instead of demanding that the party step down, the feeble minded clergy have been burning the midnight oil trying to come up with a formula to gloss over the illegitimacy and allow Zanu PF to remain in power.

It is important that the EU does not fall into the same trap of finding an excuse why Zanu PF should remain is power regardless of the EU's own ruling that the party rigged the elections.

"It is not the survival Zanu PF that is at issue here but the survival of Zimbabwe. Zanu PF is not Zimbabwe, and Zimbabwe is not Zanu PF!" to paraphrase Oliver Cromwell before the Parliamentary Court sentenced King Charles 1 of England to death for assuming tyrannical powers unto himself, waging the civil war and committing multiple acts of treason against the nation.

Zanu PF is party of incompetent, corrupt, vote rigging and murderous thugs; it has brought suffering and death to Zimbabwe.
The party is imploded because the centre is rotten to the core. The party is sinking into the abyss. Our task is de-couple the nation Zimbabwe from the party Zanu PF and not allow the latter to drag the nation any deeper into this hell-on-earth it has landed us into!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Master last last
"Always in election development.

Can you please stop focusing on these useless news," you say.

Master I will agree with you 100% if you can answer me these two questions:
1) How is discussing the election, the fact that Zanu PF rigged the 2018 elections and what should be done to make sure that this does not happen ever again; interfering or stopping development?

2) We both agree that Zimbabwe's economy is in a real mess and there has not been any meaningful economic development especially in the last 20 years. Why?

I too believe that Zimbabwe's economic misfortunes are linked to the political reality that Zimbabwe is a de facto one-party dictatorship ruled by incompetent, corrupt and murderous thugs. Although the people have tried to remove Zanu PF from power they have failed because the party blatantly rigs the elections.

After 38 years of rigged elections, it is as clear as day light that Zimbabwe must do something to end this curse of rigged elections if the nation is to ever have a competent and accountable government, the pre-requisite to sustainable development.

But even if rigged elections is a trivial matter with no bearing on economic development; why are you and many other Zanu PF apologists obsessed about silencing the EU,
Patrick and anyone else discussing the elections? They have done nothing to stop you getting on with discussing development; get on with and stop being a control freak!

Zanu PF has stifled all meaningful debate and democratic competition this is one of the pressing democratic reforms the reformers are calling for. I for one am 200% behind the reformers! Yes 200%! In other words will never fall for your control freak idiotic argument!