Saturday 17 August 2024

If wishes were fishes, will be chanting "2030 Mnangagwa will still be president and SADC chairman!" W Mukori

 Mnangagwa has fcuked up (excuse my French) big and so many times, he is been shunned like the skunk. Even SADC and AU publicly dismissed Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections as a sham making him illegitimate. It is little wonder that he is milking his taking over as SADC chairman for all the publicity and propaganda he can get. 

Mnangagwa is chairman of SADC because it was Zimbabwe’s turn to be chairman but to Mnangagwa he is making it appear as if all SADC leaders ELECTED him to lead them because of his unequalled leadership qualities. Yes the same leaders had accepted SADC Election Observer Mission’s damning election report but it is all forgiven and forgotten now they have seen his leadership qualities.

There is very little that SADC as a regional body can do without the approval of the member states and therefore the position SADC chairmanship wields very little political power. But to listen to Mnangagwa’s propaganda machine one would think Mnangagwa is now the Paramount Chief dictating from on high to the lesser Chiefs who, on this day 17 August 2024, are paying homage to him.

If SADC chairmanship was elected, Mnangagwa would be out trying to get the clause that chairman can serve one term of one year and would rig the elections. His apologists and propagandists will be chanting “2030 Mnangagwa will still be president of Zimbabwe and chairman of SADC!”


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Reentech

“Progressive people always believe in official communications... Only dullards would want people believe otherwise and their worthless sponsored opinions!”

We are talking about a pariah state here and only a fool would trust the regime to keep its word!

Zimbabwe Light said...

All he got was the chairman’s hammer and gavel but you would think he has the king’s crown, throne and all!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Muchinamuhombe

Said a confused coachroach and a sellout hiding in a foreign land 🙌🤣

There are millions of Zimbabweans out of the country, are they all cockroaches and those who have all but destroyed the economy and murdered over 40 000 are the human beings? What an idiot!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Muchinamuhombe

"We have patriotic Zimbabweans who are out of the country. They are not confused coachroaches and sellouts like you, chipeneti and others."

And you are the smart one and yet cannot admit that Mnangagwa rigged the 2023 elections even thou everyone including SADC and AU observers have all dismissed the elections as farcical. You do not even have the common sense to admit the obvious!

White supremacists like Ian Smith were right that we are incapable of self government, any one who does not have the common sense to admit they have made a mistake, even when the mistakes are obvious and destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

It is now 44 years and counting and still he cannot hold free, fair and credible elections and thus are stuck with the corrupt, incompetent and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship complete with its equal corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless MDC/CCC side-kick.

Zimbabwe had the great misfortune to have buffoons like Mnangagwa and Mugabe as its founding fathers and they surrounded themselves with the brain dead nincompoops who have the vote and keeping them in power.

I am the cockroach for daring to say Mnangagwa rigged the 2023 elections. Well, he did rig the elections and, per se, he is illegitimate; I will say it from the rooftop!

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is a regime that has rigged elections, staged a military coup and has even murdered over 40 000 innocent Zimbabweans for selfish political gain; changing an economic policy will be nothing! The tragedy is we are powerless to do anything about it as long as the regime is able to rig elections and get away with it - thanks to MDC/CCC selling out on reforms and participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF is promising that it will NOT grab the forex send as remittence. An empty promise not even worth the piece of paper on which it is written. This is a regime that has repeatedly rigged elections, committed mass murder and even staged the electoral coup in 2008 and military coup in 2017. Changing the economic policy to suit its own selfish needs will be nothing!

Zanu PF will grab the forex and give the people the worthless ZiG. What is disappointing is we, the people will be helpless to do anything. As long as Zanu PF is able to rig elections and get away with it, with the tacit help of MDC/CCC selling outs.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“SADC has delivered a clear message to its SADC leaders - you can rig elections and disregard our report it’s of no consequence and that shall not affect our relationship nor your chances for promotion AND to the citizens of Zimbabwe - you are on your own - you can be tortured as much as zanu pleases - we shall not raise a finger.”

We shot ourselves in the foot and failure to acknowledge that only shows that we have learned nothing from the past and so are certain to continue blundering from pillar to post. Chamisa is gearing for participating in 2028 elections and the herd will follow believing yet another idiotic winning in RIGGED election strategy.

The 2023 SADC Election Observer team has made it clear we should not be participating in elections in flawed elections. But that is all ignored because Chamisa has devised strategies to win RIGGED elections.

The morning after the elections Chamisa will lead and the herd would join in, in complaining of Zanu PF rigging the elections and blaming SADC for doing nothing - again. We have been down this same path and know very turn and pothole!!

Zimbabwe Light said...

If one can be conned to believe an idiotic lie like I have plugged all the vote rigging loop holes #Godisinit! Then you deserve to suffer! Democracy demands that the people must be educated, knowledgeable and diligent in holding the leaders to account. Zimbabweans have shown that they are ignorant, naive and gullible and it is little wonder we are a failed state. Even if Chamisa was to step aside, another conman will fill his shoes and the herd will follow him blindly too.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"CCC will win big 2023 elections! #Godisinit! God's plan does not fail" said Chamisa. CCC did not win the elections, Chamisa lied that he had plugged the vote rigging loop holes and, most important of all, that this was God's plan. God has never been in any of Chamisa's idiotic hare-brain schemes. Never!

Zimbabweans believed it was all GOD's plan to participate, for umpteenth time, in flawed elections because vote rigging loop hole were plugged. The very fact that 2 million voted for Chamisa and 3 to 4 million others especially in the diaspora cheered and bankrolled the elections speaks volumes about how naive and gullible Zimbabweans are. And such a nation of ignorant voters it is not surprising we are a failed state.

The danger of Zimbabweans participating in flawed 2028 elections in their millions yet again to giving Zanu PF legitimacy is real!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Sebungwe

“Why don't you jump in to take over the vacant political opportunity to be to be the new Opposition rather than wasting time going against Chamisa. You are being given a chance to steal the limelight. He will come back. So make hay while the sun shines than waste it posting unhelpful tweets.

Nhyyymmm place has been vacant for sometime but no takers yet kkkkk. Chamisa Chibaba.

Chamisa ndizvo!! Chokuti pano!!”

You still do not get it, do you? For the 2018 elections there were no fewer than 130 political parties in Zimbabwe. That did not help ease the country’s problems, proof that having more political parties solved nothing. The problem is the ignorant, naive and gullible electorate, so ignorant they have been conned again and again into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating their own suffering.

How can anyone be conned to believe an idiotic lie like “I have plugged all vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” Millions did just that; 2 million voted for Chamisa and 3 to 4 million in the diaspora cheered and bankrolled the elections.

Having new political parties will change nothing as long as we have the braindead wildebeest herd who will believe even the most foolish lies!

Zimbabwe Light said...

All those in public office are democratically accountable to the public and not only those who voted for them. The idea that one must prove his manhood by impregnating a woman to hold Chamisa to account is absurd.

Chamisa is leader of a political party that failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years and has been participating in flawed election to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. He deliberately lied about plugging vote rigging loop holes with the tragic consequences of perpetuating the nation's suffering. Of course, he is account and that is negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chipo Dendere

“So all the elites are saying the current CCC leaders havasi chinhu here?

Imagine you’re leader of the opposition but munhu wese only cares about the guy who quit

Muri rough. Hamuna respect na prezzo wedu.”

The substantive issues are:

1) MDC/CCC leaders have failed to implement even one token reform to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections in the last 24 years including 5 years in the GNU.

2) Ever since the GNU debacle, MDC/CCC leaders have participated in flawed elections knowing fully well that Zanu PF was rigging and that participating would give Zanu PF legitimacy. They soldiered on regardless out of greed.

3) They have conned their braindead followers to participate in the flawed elections, lying that they have winning in rigged election strategies.

4) Like it or not Zimbabwe’s electorate are ignorant, naive and gullible, 2 million voted for Chamisa last year and 3 to 4 million in the diaspora cheered and bankrolled the flawed elections because they were stupid enough to believe the lie Chamisa had plugged the vote rigging loop holes.

5) There is a real danger that Chamisa or any of his MDC/CCC leaders will con these braindead voters to participate in flawed 2028 elections.

6) The only sure way to stop the herd participating in these flawed elections is by educating them that Chamisa and his former MDC/CCC leaders are the infallible demigods the people believe they are but are not just mortal but corrupt and incompetent ones too! And what better way to educate the masses about the who Chamisa and company really are than to hold them to democratic account for their past.

Whatever is being asked of Nelson Chamisa about failing to implement reforms can be said about Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube, Douglas Mwonzora, David Coltart and everyone else who was in the MDC/CCC. Mwonzora cannot argue that he played no part in the failures because he was not in CCC, for example. The treasonous betrayals date back to the GNU days and he was a senior member. Likewise Chamisa cannot say he should left out because he has resigned from CCC. And more significantly, both Mwonzora and Chamisa, can emerge as the leader to con the herd to participate in 2028 elections.

So, you should address the substantive issues and not be arguing who of the MDC/CCC leaders should and should not the held to account. They are all accountable.

As for who is likely to mislead the herd into the 2028 elections many people think it is Chamisa and hence the reason they are concentrating their fire on him. But like I said, even if someone else should emerge as leader, it does not matter who, as long as the voters are educated and can now spot a conman/ conwoman for themselves.

Chamisa is democratically accountable for selling out on reforms, participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and for conning millions of Zimbabweans to participate in 2023 election on the basis of a blatant lie. Your president or not he is accountable and that is not negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

I will tell you again, Zimbabweans have elected Chamisa and his friends into public office on the promise they would bring about democratic changes to stop Zanu PF rigging the elections. After 24 years, including 5 in the GNU, they have not only failed to implement even one reform but have been participating in flawed elections to perpetuate the dictatorship. To say the people should not hold Chamisa to account for this betrayal in nonsense.

Chamisa &Co. sold out they will be held to account not only for the sake of history but to make sure society learns from the past to stop it happening again. The chance of Chamisa conning his brain dead followers to participate in the flawed 2028 elections is real and everything must be done to stop that happening!

You clearly have failed to comprehend that simple idea but that is your problem, you are a moron. People have listened to you in the past should know you are a moron and that they must stop listening to you particularly as regards participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy and perpetuating the dictatorship.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Mafa

You have put your finger on the real problem in Zimbabwe, ignorance. 2 million voted for Chamisa last year because they believed his idiotic lie that he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. Of course, that was idiotic and how 2 million could be so easily conned beggars belief.

As long as Zimbabwe continue to have such a large pool of braindead voters there will be no meaningful political change in the country.

In his book Animal Farm George Orwell paints a grime picture of how Napoleon, the dictator, used the brain dead sheep and dogs top consolidate his own iron grip on power at the expense of the common good. Both Zanu PF and MDC/CCC have done nothing to educate the ordinary people, indeed, have actively sort to brainwash povo at every turn for the purposes of selfish political control.

The white colonial regimes stifled press freedom and freedom of expression amongst then blacks for fear they would demand other basic freedoms and rights including the right to meaningful say in the governance of the country. The incoming Zanu PF regime has returned the same controls for the same selfish political reasons. Zimbabweans have never ever enjoyed free, fair and credible elections. Never ever!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Tsvangirai

Youths must act to free themselves and not wait for others to do it for them.

Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC friends had the golden opportunity to implement the democratic reforms during the GNU. They failed to implement even one token reform in 5 years because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office; the E-Class Mercedes Benz ministerial limos, the generous salaries and allowances, the US$4m mansion for Save himself, etc., etc.In return Tsvangirai and company kicked reforms into devil-thorn Cactus thicket.

The nation has been stuck with the Zanu PF dictatorship because MDC/CCC leaders sold out and not the idiotic hen’s teeth excuse Tsvangirai is offering here.

The real tragedy for Zimbabwe is that the primary purpose of GNU was to implement the reforms and few Zimbabweans know that and hence have failed to hold MDC/CCC leaders to account for this treasonous betrayal. Many Zimbabweans do even know what the reforms are much less that the GNU was the golden opportunity to have them implemented. Ignorance remains Zimbabwe’s worst curse.

The invention of the printing press is considered the turning point in human history in that knowledge became readily available to many. The age of enlightenment! With today’s technological advances information is now at our finger tips! So how is it possible that ignorance is still Zimbabwe’s greatest challenge!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Ignorance is Zimbabwe's worst curse!

Millions of Zimbabweans have no clue the nation has risked all to elect MDC/CCC leaders to implement the democratic changes necessary to stop Zanu PF rigging elections. Zanu PF blatantly rigged 2023 elections precisely because MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years, including 5 in the GNU.

2 million voted for Chamisa and 3 to 4 million cheered and bankrolled 2023 elections because they believe the idiotic lie that Chamisa had plugged all vote rigging loop holes. With this level of ignorance the danger of millions participating in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy, of history repeating itself yet again, is real!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Padzarondora

Do not worry yourself, this discussion is way above your head. You do not know what the reforms are and therefore are one of the millions who are ignorant!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Prof Rupange

“Chamisa is our leader but never our saviour alone. The era of demanding that he sacrifices for all of us while we are sitting at home or making money in our enterprises is over.

It is so important that he has stepped aside, albeit for a while. His stepping aside has exposed how selfish and useless we are as a nation. It's clear for the world to see that Chamisa was walking alone and left to sacrifice himself with no tangible support from the masses.

This is not a joke. It is very serious. We have now been exposed for who we are – gullible and selfish cowards. All the blaming and shouting at Chamisa shows that we have many who have been contributing nothing but hiding behind the shadow of Chamisa. Come out now if you are better and do what you claim he was failing.”

Chamisa and company failed to implement even one reform during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office. They have participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. The trouble with some people is that they bury their heads in the backsides of leaders and refuse to accept historic facts. Here is what David Coltart said about participating in flawed elections.

“The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility,” confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

As I said, ignorance remains Zimbabwe’s worst curse! Some of the ignorant have university degrees - they have book knowledge but no common sense!

Zimbabwe Light said...

If millions of Zimbabweans are so ignorant, naive and gullible that they believe an idiotic lie like “I have plugged all the vote rigging loop holes. #Godisinit!” then it is not Chamisa’s fault by the people’s. Even if Chamisa was to leave the political stage there will be 101 others who will only be too happy to take advantage ofd the people.

What Prof Ibbo Mandaza is suggesting will solve nothing. What we need is to educate the people so that they are not conned.

Then ancient Greeks were right, democracy only works if the people are educated, knowledgeable and are diligent to hold leaders to democratic account. Holding the leaders to account does not mean beating them up!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Eve Viriri

The reasons why MDC failed to implement reforms during the GNU are the same reasons they have been participating in flawed elections. Nothing has changed except the year and other trivial details!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Baba Sama

I do accept that there are some people who cannot be reached by reason and logic, you are clearly one of them!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Faith must be tested

"Sad reality, everyone is ready to complain, compare and criticize hence we find ourselves sliding into political muddy succession debate where we keep going in circles. What are we doing to help improve the situation.

Like I have observed many years ago that, majority Zimbabweans like to act smart and prefer to be spectators and political analysts. Ta1tp"

I have given you the solution, stop participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Alfy

"Your personal hating of Nelson Chamisa is not normal. You need to visit a psychiatrist. 🙌🏽 Uswere bhoo."

Chamisa did lie about plugging vote rigging loop holes and if anyone is being foolish it is the one who is denying a historic fact!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Baba Sama

You believed Chamisa’s idiotic lies last year, in 2018 and many times in the past. You did not need me to insult you then why are you pretending I have a part to play in your stupidity!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF has benefited from having a corrupt, incompetent and utterly useless MDC/CCC these last 24 years. Charamba is defending Chamisa because the on-going onslaught on Chamisa is undermining all MDC/CCC opposition leaders' political credibility and not just Chamisa's credibility alone. A weak opposition that is still able to con Zimbabweans in the millions to participate in flawed elections is what Zanu PF wants and NOT one so discredited it cannot con anyone to participate.

Charamba is defending Chamisa out of selfish interest, the demise of MDC/CCC could well mean the demise of Zanu PF too!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Comrade Bond

“He didn't lie, he did exactly that and zanu was caught red handed rigging, thats why SADC wrote that report condemning the flawed election process…”

How naive! MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform during the 5 years of the GNU. Was that because they wanted Zanu PF to continue rigging the elections so SADC can catch them red-handed too.

All CCC leaders who did win any seats in 2023 elections went on to take up their gravy train seats EVEN AFTER SADC and AU had condemned the process as flawed and illegal. They took up their seats to make sure there will be another chance for SADC to catch Zanu PF red-handed yet again.

How any one can be so shallow, thick and slow to keep denying what they can see with their own eyes beggars belief. No wonder we are a failed state, we really have some ignorant and braindead people in Zimbabwe!

Zimbabwe Light said...

In Zimbabwe Zanu PF has deliberately denied rural people title deed to even one acre of land because the regime was the rural people to remain poor and powerless for the party’s selfish gain. Ownership of the land is the one thing most rural people can ever own and will set them free to economical empower themselves.

Why we have all remained silent in the face of this modern day slavery beggars belief! The demand for rural folk to be given title deeds to the land on which their mud hut is built must be made every day, every week and every month and year until this human injustice end.

Zimbabwe Light said...


Zimbabwe Light said...


"What about ED the president of Zimbabwe did u hold him to acc for his lies he said free education by 2024 ,hr said the economy is resurrecting like Jesus ,hr I will fix the economy in 100days."




Zimbabwe Light said...

@ HD

How naive! So you think Chamisa did nothing to help Zanu PF rig the elections by failing to implement the reforms and by participating in flawed elections to give the regime legitimacy?

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Baba Sama

Don’t be stupid! You believed Chamisa’s lie that he had plugged vote rigging loop holes and participated in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy with tragic consequences to the whole nation. What can I possibly say or do that will match that!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF’s indifference to the suffering and even death of others underlines just how evil this regime has become!

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is just nauseating foolishness and sexism! Chamisa is a public office holder and, per se, is accountable to everyone regardless of gender, party loyalty, etc. Are you suggesting Chamisa is accountable to only those men who have proven their manhood by impregnating a women?

Address the substantive issues raised: did Chamisa implement the reforms, lie about plugging loop holes, etc., etc.

Zimbabwe Light said...

So when MDC leaders failed to implement even one reform during the GNU because Mugabe bribed them with trappings of high office you do not call that corruption? What do you call it?

When Chamisa lied about plugging all vote rigging loop holes to con people to participate in flawed elections, insisting God was in his hare-brain schemes.. Was that God fearing?

The trouble in Zimbabwe is we have some really stupid people they are so dumb they will contradict themselves in their stupidity and see nothing wrong! They are so focused on defending "the leader", the party, the tribe, the truth, reality, reason and logic all count for nothing.

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Chris Mutsvangwa

This is Zanu PF behaving like the school bully who terrorise others, crushing their toes, and thinks it is a laughing matter. We had the golden opportunity to end the Zanu PF dictatorship during the GNU and we wasted it and now the whole nation is paying dearly for it! Boy! Are we in trouble!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ BaChipeneti

What wrong had Dr Mumba done? As for Chamisa he lied that the election would be free and fair and you do not want him to be held to account for it because you think he is special. He is not special and will be held to account - you can fume and froth all you want, that is not negotiable!

Zimbabwe Light said...

To Chris Mutsvangwa and his follow Zanu PF thugs Zimbabweans fighting for free, fair and credible elections are deviants who were rightly arrested, with some tortured and imprisoned to stop them protesting the rigged 2023 elections during the just ended SADC Summit. It was all a laughing matter to the Zanu PF spokesperson.

How tragic that 44 years after independence we are yet to hold free, fair and credible elections!

We are not going to stop Zanu PF rigging 2028 elections. What we can do is stop the millions conned by Chamisa & Co. to participate in flawed elections in the past doing so again in 2028. A tough call given how ignorant and naive the Chamisa Chete Chete brigades are but not an impossible one!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Va Elephant

“Where do you belong.. Opposition or ruling party???”

I belong to Zimbabwe, I am interested in what is good for Zimbabwe and not a political party or leader. Since both Zanu PF and CCC have betrayed the people of Zimbabwe, I totally reject what the two stand for.

What Zimbabwe needs is to have the democratic reforms implemented dismantling the present dysfunctional political system that has given rise to the corrupt and incompetent Zanu PF and opposition parties. A reformed and democratic system will see the rise of democratic parties led by competent men and women.

The common mistake of some people today is to think they must choose between Zanu PF and CCC not knowing that these are the two sides of the same coin. The present political system will never produce quality leaders and hence the need for implementing reforms design to produce a healthy democratic system first!

We need to think outside the box!