Monday 19 August 2024

Moyo chena ndeweyi tsvumborume (George Motormouth Charamba) kubvisa mwana webvana (Nelson #Godisinit Chamisa) madzihwa! W Mukori

 George Charamba, the Deputy Chief Secretary for Presidential Communications in the Office of the President of Zimbabwe, recently stirred controversy by defending former opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

Charamba's unexpected support for Chamisa came after a section of Zimbabweans on X (formerly Twitter) accused the ex-Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader of undermining opposition politics.

The criticism intensified when academic and political analyst Ibbo Mandaza accused Chamisa of misleading the public with his #Godisinit mantra, arguing that it gave people false hope. Mandaza even threatened to expose Chamisa if he didn't step away from opposition politics for good.

"Go with your #Godisinit and leave opposition politics now to allow for new leadership. As I've said before, you've served the state well by systematically demobilizing the masses - a disgrace for which you will pay dearly. Declare your departure or we expose you," Mandaza wrote in response to one of Chamisa's posts criticizing the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for lacking values.

Many Zimbabweans echoed Mandaza's sentiments, criticizing Chamisa's nonviolent, no-protest approach. Among them was journalist Hopewell Chin'ono, who expressed his frustration:

"This nonsense is now nauseating! You can't keep repeating the same thing for 7 years while people are languishing in prison. Either you're meant to lead, or you're not leadership material!"

Australia-based socialite Susan Mutami went a step further, sensationally claiming that Chamisa had received money from Zanu-PF.

In a surprising turn, Charamba stepped in to defend Chamisa. Responding to one of Chamisa's critics, Charamba challenged them to form their own political party if they were dissatisfied with Chamisa's leadership.

"This is crazy; why do you hold him responsible for voluntary incapacitation? Start your own opposition party!!!" Charamba retorted.

Charamba's defense of Chamisa quickly sparked speculation and concern among observers.”

Of course, Dr Mandaza is right, Chamisa is deceiving the people and giving them false hope. He conned them to believe that CCC would win big because he had plugged all the vote rigging loop holes and got the people to participate in flawed elections in their millions to give Zanu PF legitimacy. 

Still, it was the people’s fault for being so ignorant, naive and gullible to believe one idiotic lie after another. Chamisa is only taking advantage of the people’s stupidity, if he he stop another con man will step forward and do the same. 

Susan Mutami was not saying anything new about MDC/CCC leaders being corrupt and incompetent. We all know they were bribed by Mugabe with the trappings of high office to stop them implementing reforms during the GNU.

Charamba is defending Chamisa out of selfish interest. Chamisa & Co have done Zanu PF a great service of keeping Zanu PF in power these last 24 years, even the most stupid Zanu PF dunderheads can see that. If the people of Zimbabwe were to finally open their eyes and see how MDC/CCC leaders have been running with the povo hare and hunting with the Zanu PF hounds this could mean not only the end of MDC/CCC but that of Zanu PF too. 

The last thing Zanu PF want to see is a totally discredited opposition that will fail to con people in their millions to participate in the 2028 elections! The opposition will lose but so will Zanu PF. 

Moyo chena ndeweyi tsvimborume kubvisa mwana we bvana madzihwa!


Nomusa Garikai said...

The single most important thing right now is for people not to be conned ever again into participating in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy. Zanu PF does not care who replaces Chamisa asw main opposition leader as long as he/she can con Zimbabweans to participate in the flawed 2028 elections and give the regime legitimacy.

The trouble in Zimbabwe is that people have been brainwashed to think they cannot do anything without a political party and leader. Of course, this was nonsense meant to make the leaders indispensable and hence the personality cult mentality as seen with the Chamisa Chete Chete brigade.

People do not need a political party or leader to do the right thing which is not to participate in flawed elections! Political parties and leaders will come later after the democratic reforms are implemented.

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu-PF has praised Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema's "endorsement" of the recent elections at the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit. Hichilema, the outgoing chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence, and Security, described the elections in the region, including Zimbabwe's, as relatively peaceful and resulting in commendable leadership.

Zanu-PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa used Hichilema's comments to counter opposition claims. He dismissed the CCC's attempt to align itself with Zambia on issues of democracy, free speech, and elections as false and pretentious. Mutsvangwa emphasized Zanu-PF's historic relationship with Zambia, tracing back to the liberation struggle, and rejected the CCC's claims of shared interests with Zambia.

This praise comes after Zanu-PF leaders had previously criticized Hichilema for his critical report on last year's elections, accusing him of interfering in Zimbabwe's affairs and siding with imperialists, which led to diplomatic tensions. Mutsvangwa reaffirmed the strong bonds between Zanu-PF and Zambia, appreciating Zambia's role in supporting the liberation movement and emphasizing the deep historical connection between the two parties.

Zanu PF propaganda machine is renowned for reading between the lines instead of what is there.

The SADC Election Observer Mission (SEOM) was very loud and clear in its condemnation of Zimbabwe’s August 2023 elections.

“Conclusion 13.3

The SEOM noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021),” stated the SEOM report.

SADC, as the regional body accepted and adopted the report as a historic record. President Hichilema has not withdrawn the damning report nor has he the authority to do so. Mutsvangwa is reading what is not there!

Nomusa Garikai said...

It is refreshing that Zimbabwe are finally waking up to the political reality that MDC/CCC leaders were elected to bring democratic changes but have failed to deliver even one change in 24 years including 5 years in the GNU. The worst thing that can happen now is for Zimbabweans to be conned by Chamisa and company into participating in flawed 2028 elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy.

Nomusa Garikai said...

Chamisa did not have the V11 forms to back the 2.6 million votes he said he got. He had failed to deploy election agents in over 500 Polling Stations, he said, he had election agents at all PS. These are two of the many lies he said in 2018. The mother of the lies then was that “MDC A has stringent measures to stop Zanu PF rigging elections.”

Zimbabweans believed the lies in 2018 only to be conned yet again in 2023. Why some people never learn is a mystery!