Sunday 11 August 2024

When Chamisa dies his epitaph will read: “Here lays a man who said a lot most of it lies and/or made no sense!” W Mukori

 "Former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has urged Zimbabweans to seek solutions beyond the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to address the country's ongoing political and economic crisis," reported Bulawayo 24.

"As Zimbabwe prepares to host the 44th SADC summit in Harare, where President Emmerson Mnangagwa will assume the ceremonial headship of the regional body, Chamisa expressed skepticism about SADC's role in resolving Zimbabwe's issues.

"Despite placing faith in SADC after last year's disputed elections, Chamisa noted that the bloc's observer mission, which found the polls did not meet regional standards, did not lead to significant intervention. He criticized SADC's inability to act decisively, stating that while SADC is a platform, it is not the ultimate solution to Zimbabwe's problems. Chamisa emphasized that the real answer lies in the hands of Zimbabweans themselves and in divine intervention.

"Chamisa, who left the CCC earlier this year, reiterated that free and fair elections are essential to resolving Zimbabwe's challenges. He highlighted the need for proper leadership that truly represents the people, arguing that the current government is inadequate.

"Chamisa vowed to continue fighting for proper processes and leadership in Zimbabwe, aiming to address the political dispute before the next scheduled elections in 2028."

When Chamisa dies his epitaph will read: “Here lays a man who said a lot most of it lies or made no sense!” 

He is the one who insisted in participating in flawed elections claiming he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes. His winning CCC members insisted on taking up their gravy train seats even after SADC and AU had dismissed the election process as flawed and illegal. All, out of greed. And yet, he has also complained incessantly that the elections were rig and SADC should have taken decisive action against Zanu PF. 

Chamisa is just a 40 plus year old man with the intellect of a 10 year old’s child. One idea he has yet to learn is that he cannot have his cake and eat it too. He has been warned of the folly of participating in flawed elections he has insisted on participating out of greed, have the few gravy train seats rewards, and complain he process is flawed so he can have the process nullified and get even more gravy train seats in the GNU. 

Zimbabweans should be focusing on ensuring reforms are implemented before 2028 elections or else no one should participate. Instead, we are wasting time in cat-and-mouse street protest vs a regime determined to stop all the protests. 


Zimbabwe Light said...

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activists across Zimbabwe have informed the police of their plans to stage protests on August 17, 2024, coinciding with the SADC summit being hosted in Harare.

The activists, under the banner "Zimbabwe let's unite and fix our country," intend to protest against the continued deterioration of human rights in the country.

Despite the government's warning that it is prepared to crush any protests during the regional event, the CCC activists have emphasized that their demonstrations will be peaceful.

This is protest for protest’s sake! CCC and its supporters are the ones who insisted in participating in the flawed elections because they believed Chamisa’s idiotic lie that he had plugged all vote rigging loop holes.

Chamisa has never admitted that he lied to con people to participate.

Today he is misleading them once again. He is telling his ignorant and gullible followers the street protests against rigged elections will “fixer country”. How, he will not say!

He encourage people to participate in a flawed elections knowing fully well that would give Zanu PF legitimacy. And now he wants the regime removed from power by street protest!

Of course, the street protest are a waste of time particularly when the opposition is doing nothing to implement any democratic reforms and to educate its supporters to ensure they do not participate ever again in flawed elections to give them legitimacy.

MDC leaders failed to implement even one token reform during the 2008 to 2013 GNU. They are at it again. The worst thing that can happen now is Zimbabweans participating in the 2028 elections in their millions and thus give Zanu PF legitimacy yet again!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Samarz07

So anyone who dares to criticise Chamisa must be because he/she considers Sengezo to be a saint? We are back to the blinked mentality of all those who dared to criticise Zanu PF must be puppets of the West!

Name one thing I have said to suggest Sengezo is a saint?

No wonder we are a failed state, we really have some mentally challenged people in Zimbabwe. And, worst of all, they are millions of them and they have the vote!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Godfrey

“NC has used his own strategy that made him win a substantial number of seats - which were taken away from him forcefully unfortunately

So any criticism of his leadership should suggest or produce a better tangible and workable alternative.”

Chamisa con millions of ignorant and naive Zimbabweans to participate, 2 million directly by voting or 3 to 4 million indirectly by cheering and applauding as those in the diaspora did, in the flawed and illegal elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy to perpetuate the nation’s suffering. We know he and his CCC friends were hell bent on participating in the flawed elections out of greed. How any one can consider this treasonous betrayal a wise move beggars belief.

The “better, tangible and bankable alternative” was NOT to participate! How many times must one say this before it sinks in!

Zimbabwe Light said...

I am glad to see this is an ANC leader/member saying this because for the last two decades ANC has propped up Zanu PF. In November 2022 ANC made a party resolution “Not to allow regime change in Zimbabwe!” thinking it will help the Ramaphosa and company’s agenda to stay in power.

Zimbabwe was but a modern day apartheid era bantustan of SA and ANC, not the people of Zimbabwe in a free, fair and credible elections, decided who governed the nation.

The people of SA denied ANC its absolute majority in the 29 May 2024 elections, for the first time after 30 years. The die was cast and ever since ANC leaders have abandoned their idiotic position of propping up the Zanu PF dictatorship.

Zimbabwe Light said...

"Zimbabwe's fastest man comes last!"

He tried his best and lets hope he has learned a great deal from the experience! There is no shame in coming last because the others were better than you. There is more than shame in coming first because you cheated - we live in a country in which rigging elections, for example, is considered normal!

Zimbabwe Light said...

SA journalist question the rational of Chamisa's position contradicting Julius Malema's call of Zimbabweans in SA to go back home and vote for change in Zimbabwe. It is "futile since elections are rigged" argued Chamisa. How then are you hoping to achieve change unless people are there, on the ground, to fight, he was asked!

Ever more pertinently, the journalist should have asked why Chamisa has lied again and again about stopping Zanu PF rigging elections to con people to participate in flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy out of greed. Of course, Chamisa & Co. are sell outs and they will never ever implement any reforms deliver free and fair elections. Never ever!

Zimbabwe Light said...

ANC leader tells Zanu PF thugs some home truths: stop sending your sick povo to SA whilst you travel overseas for your health care needs. This is refreshing particular coming from ANC who, not so many moons ago resolved "never to allow regime change in Zimbabwe" as if Zimbabwe was some bantustan in apartheid ruled SA.

ANC's failure to secure absolute majority in SA's 29 May 2024 elections was the political game changer for Zimbabwe and we must make the most of it!