Thursday 14 March 2013

WOZA to vote yes in the referendum: out of ignorance!

WOZA announces that its members will be voting yes in the referendum! Kusaziva kufa! This is the one issue were quality leadership was called for and WOZA fell flat on their faces!

“Of the 92 demands, 60 were included in the Draft, 17 were partly acknowledged and
15 were not achieved,” said the WOZA statement. The statement did not say what the 92 original WOZA demands were, which had been included, etc. but the membership decided to give the Copac constitution a thumbs up.

“WOZA call on the government of national unity partners to walk the talk about zero tolerance for violence in all its forms and to ensure the police will act impartially to allow citizens to enjoy all their rights before during and after the referendum,” continued the statement.

WOZA members, of all people should know about Police brutality since they have been on the business end of the Police’s whips. But the statement clearly shows the group is not convinced the new constitution is robust enough to end the country’s culture of political violence and brutal oppression. Their appeal for an end to violence will fall on deaf ears.

The threat of political violence, a repeat of 2008, is real and for the nation to ignore this reality will be an act of folly for the nation will pay dearly for in broken limbs and human lives.

So “free and fair elections – free of violence” must surely be one of WOZA’s “not achieved” demands and now the membership think the nation can live without it. Well they are committing a serious and costly act of folly; because this is certainly one of must have demands!
WOZA’s appeal to Mugabe’s whim as a basis for ending the country’s culture of violence can only be born out of ignorance because no nation can build its hope for peace and justice on such a shaky foundation. The nation must be ruled by law and not the whim of a dictator.


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Hondo

Mike we are where we are; what we should be thinking about is this referendum. What is going to be in the long term interest of the nation; voting yes or voting no?

Tsvangirai and MDC think the real fight is to come during the elections. The reality is a yes vote on Saturday will mean Zanu PF will have the added advantage of using the dictatorship to use all manner of tricks including violence to win. Surely we do not want any player to have unfair advantage and secondly, more significantly, we do not want a repeat of 2008. No one should have to suffer a broken limb much less lose a live to have a vote. The real battle therefore should have been in getting a no vote in the referendum but Tsvangirai has given Mugabe a walkover instead!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations have decided to back the Copac constitution and is arguing their followers to vote yes in the referendum. (Daily news 13 March 2013)

The Christian leaders said they presented Copac with 24 issues and although happy that the majority of these were adopted, issues to do with homosexuality and abortion were not comprehensively dealt with in the draft.

What about the issues to do with Zimbabwe’s culture of political violence, was this dealt with comprehensively in the draft or did these Church leaders forget about the violence of 2008? Over 500 Zimbabweans lost their lives in 2008 to say nothing about the hundreds of thousands who were beaten and/or raped and all these idiots are concerned about is that two men should not share the same bed!

Well Mugabe is very please they forgot because this still remains the corner stone of his election strategy.

There real is nothing more disheartening than leaders leading their followers astray, in this case into a deadly Zanu PF death trap!

The first one should do at the earliest possible opportunity is end the dictatorship strangle hold on media and thus have a free and vibrant print and electronic media and freedom of expression. If the people were well informed them they would not be so dependent on all these half blind and incompetent leaders like Tsvangirai or the people would follow them so blindly!