Friday 7 September 2018

ED rigged the elections, first came cash shortage next is exodus - no lights to turn out N Garikai

"If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights." Screamed the headlines in The Sun April 1992, Britain’s leading tabloid newspaper. Neil Kinnock, Labour, did not win the election. The headline has become the catch phrase to underline what people might do underline their displeasure with an election result.
Zimbabwe has just had its harmonised elections which Zanu PF blatantly rigged, again, to claim a landslide victory. The results triggered street protests which the regime ruthlessly crash with soldiers ordered to shoot to kill. Seven civilians were short dead and hundreds were injured. 
In the past Zanu PF rigged elections have resulted in Zimbabweans leaving the country in droves, this set to happen as more and more people wake up to the reality that the much hoped economic recovery will never happen. By rigging the elections President Mnangagwa and his junta have just confirmed that Zimbabwe is still a pariah state ruled by vote rigging thugs. Investors and lenders, the country has been banking on to help kick start the comatose economy, are not coming. They do not do business with thugs. 
The most notable thing to happen since the 30 July 2018 voting is the shortage of cash, it bad before but has got significantly worse since, especially the US dollar. The second thing is the shortage of basic goods and/or prices going up. There two main reasons for the cash shortage and price increase/shortage of good: 
1)     President Mnangagwa and the junta have haemorrhaged the cash out of the economy to squander it on new cars and bankroll the regime’s many vote rigging schemes. They have been spending money as if there is no tomorrow. The regime ‘won’ the elections at the price of the shortages, tomorrow did come and the chicken have come home to roast! The country is running out of medicine, wheat, fuel, cash, etc., etc. and President Mnangagwa must now explain why buying all Zanu PF election candidates was more important than buying life-saving drugs for babies!  
2)     President Mnangagwa needed to hold free, fair and credible election to confirm the message the Zimbabwe was no longer a pariah state. As noted above lenders and investors do not do business in pariah states. The country’s economic prospects are clearly gloomy and the cash and good shortages is the market’s response.
President Mnangagwa has had no shortage of advisors as to what he must do to get out of the mess he now finds himself in. 
"I hope wisdom can prevail, this country needs a dialogue, and Emmerson has to talk to Chamisa because Nelson holds the keys and that is fact," came the unsolicited advice from Tendai Biti, MDC Alliance MP for Harare South.

"We are not talking about the government of national unity its nothing close to that, they must be discussions around the issues on legitimacy, there has to be discussions about state departure on militarization issue, issues on national healing reconciliation and inclusivity because we hold the keys we simply hold the keys. Emmerson must find it in his wisdom to talk to Chamisa because Nelson holds the key."
MDC leaders are just fishing for lucrative post on the gravy train; their presence will not change the direction of the regime. I do not see Minister of Finance, Tendai Biti, pushing through the savage cuts in the bloated civil service and army demanded by IMF and WB, for example. 
As for MDC making to the junta “legitimacy” that is just nonsense. The Zanu PF junta is illegitimate because it rigged the elections it is only by holding free and fair election that legitimacy can be restored. The lenders and investors will not flood back into the country just because Nelson Chamisa has been appointed Prime Minister or some such position. 
President Mnangagwa is just another corrupt, incompetent and vote rigging dictator, Robert Mugabe in all but name; he confirmed this by rigging the elections. As long as Zimbabwe remains a pariah state ruled by thugs the country will never know economic prosperity and political stability. Many more people will leave Zimbabwe in the coming months and years; if it was practical for everyone to leave, they would. The last man to leave Zimbabwe would not have to bother switching off the lights, ZESA power cuts took care of that years ago!


Zimbabwe Light said...

Nelson Chamisa promised to have the country's cash problems sorted with in weeks. "We have a proven track record. We have done it during the (2008 to 2013) GNU. We will do it again!" he boasted. It is all nonsense, of course; but ED is gullible enough to believe that. After his monumental gaffs of spending as if there is no tomorrow on absolutely foolish things like the $1.4 million to charter a plane for Grace Mugabe the idiot is under enormous pressure to appoint MDC member into his government, just to shut them up, if for no other reason.

As for Chamisa holding the key to make the Zanu PF junta legitimate, these MDC idiots are way out of their depth. MDC Alliance's continued participation in these flawed and illegal elections have given the process the modicum of being a credible process, yes. If they believe that MDC's participation has somehow turned a flawed and illegal process into a credible and legal one then they even more foolish than they look!

Not even one of the international election observers from the democratic nations have released their reports on Zimbabwe's elections. For many of them it is a matter of saying nothing than lie! They know the elections were rigged and they will hang their heads in shame if they said otherwise.

The greatest favour the international election observers can do to the long suffering people of Zimbabwe is release their reports and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the plain truth - Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections. They can help pressure the junta accept this fundamental truth and that it MUST step aside to allow the nation to organise fresh free, fair and credible elections.

This Zanu PF junta, even with a few MDC faces added, is not going to get the country out of the economic and political mess the country is in. Zanu PF landed us into this mess and it is nonsensical to expect them to get us out. Even if they can, the people of Zimbabwe must be the one to make that decision and not the junta thugs!

Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Bheveni Sibanda

"Vamwe vanhu vanongotaura kwavasina kuswera chokwadi. People voted for ZANU pf zvine mutsindo and they won 2 thirds majority but u now want kuti Chamisa ave panyanga hazvifambe izvozvo. Let's just support our president and things will be alright," you say.

Zanu PF blatantly rigged the elections, just as the regime has done many times in the past, that is the truth. You can deny the elections were rigged but that will not change the facts and the truth. Even you cannot deny that ZEC failed to produce a verified voters' roll and election results showed 16 polling stations with the same total ballots cast and exactly the same for a given candidate - proof of bussed voters.

Vote rigging is the curse that has left the nation stuck with the same corrupt and tyrannical Zanu PF dictatorship for 38 years and counting with tragic economic and political consequence. The country will never get out of this hell-hole until we cure ourselves of this scourge.

The cure to the curse of vote rigging is a simple one, do not let those who rig elections get away with it!

Zanu PF rigged this year's election, it is per se illegitimate and therefore must go. And go it will! Zanu PF must not be allowed to get away with the rigged 2018 elections!