Monday 21 January 2019

VIDEO: After 38 years of appeasing Zanu PF, the only solution of for the regime to go

 Starts 21 January 2019 at 16:57 (GMT)


Patrick said...

The expectation that school can continue to function normally when the teachers are not paid enough to cover their transport cost much less food, accommodation, etc. is a fallacy. If we are serious about keeping our school open and our children taught then we must pay the teachers a living wage!

Zimbabwe Light said...

This is really, really tragic that President Ramaphosa is still blubbering about sanction as the root cause of Zimbabwe's economic misfortune when he, of all people, should know that corruption is the biggest problem. Mugabe has admitted to the nation losing $15 billion in "swindled diamond revenue" in 2016. Mugabe never arrested even one swindler or recover one dollar in his year in office before he was booted out in the November 2017 military coup.

Mnangagwa said there would be "zero tolerance to corruption" and yet he too has not arrested one swindler or recovered one dollar. The diamond mining is still taking place and so too is the swindling!

President Ramaphosa's refusing to accept that Zanu PF rigged last July's elections, "elections went well", he insisted.

Zimbabwe's economy has no chance of any meaningful recovery as long as the country remains a pariah state ruled by corrupt and vote rigging thugs. Investors do not do business with thugs!

To say I am disappointed with President Ramamposa is an understatement. I never imagined that he would be this naive and incompetent. Never!

President Ramaphosa has the whole world watching and, as leader of one Africa's most powerful nation he is speaking for the whole continent of Africa. Instead of speaking the words of wisdom he talks utter rubbish and the opportunity to uplift Africa is once again lost. No wonder Africa is the dark continent and such leaders as Ramaphosa Africa will remain the lost continent for a long time!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zanu PF turned back the clock when the party decided to use brute force to establish and retain the de facto one-party dictatorship. The process started in earnest with the Gukurahundi mass murders and has never stopped. Each time the regime felt its iron grip on power threatened it has responded with deadly force. Zanu PF rigged last July's elections and the party is not going to give up power regardless of the economic suffering and deaths brought about by its failed rule!

Zanu PF crossed the Rubicon River armed to the teeth 40 years ago the world has pretended all these years not notice to avoid a confrontation. The truth is we cannot close our eyes to the tragic consequences of four decades of Zanu PF misrule especially the ordinary Zimbabweans who are at the coal face of the economic meltdown.

Zanu PF blatantly rigged last July's elections, the regime has no democratic mandate to rule and all pressure should be brought to bear to force the regime to step down. Treating the regime as if it is legitimate will accomplish nothing, we have tried this for the last 38 years are look where it has landed us!

Zimbabwe Light said...

ProfessorNcube talks too much and does not even have the common sense to stop the hiring of the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner at a cost of US$74 000 per hour, continue to live in 5 star hotel at tax payer's expense, etc., etc. Instead of the "bold economic turnaround" Zimbabwe is sinking deeper and deeper into economic despair under this incompetent regime!

Zimbabwe Light said...

Zimbabwe's greatest economic problem is corruption, former President Mugabe admitted the country was being swindled out of US$15 billion in diamond revenue. Whatever the country is losing through sanctions is but a tiny fraction of what is being swindled. It beggars belief why someone like SA President Ramaphosa would ignore the facts and continue singing this stupid sanctions excuse! But that is Africa for you!