Saturday 12 January 2019

VIDEO: Angry motorists force Petrol Station selling fuel in US$ only to close

 Starts 12 January 2019 at 19:08 (GMT)


Zimbabwe Light said...

@ Grace Kwinjeh

“A worse leader than Mugabe was in the minds of many, an inconceivable thought. Once a thriving economy, the Zimbabwean economy had been systematically consigned to the doldrums thereby causing untold suffering and penury. It is against this background that the military coup of November 2017 was celebrated with so much pomp. Zimbabweans believed again! Surely it could not get any worse, they had seen the 'worst' as personified in Mugabe. However in just over a year, the long suffering people of Zimbabwe have been proven wrong. The sad reality has struck: Mugabe was a better devil after all. In fact Emmerson Mnangagwa, Mugabe's long time understudy and confidante who wrested power from his godfather has redefined failure and has inadvertently canonized his maligned predecessor a saint,” you said. 

Well you nailed it there my sister when you said “a worse leader than Mugabe was, in the minds of many, an inconceivable thought”. Why was it inconceivable after ? The answer is obvious; these people had never conceived it possible that Robert Mugabe could be as corrupt, incompetent and a murderous tyrant as he turned out to be. Even with a mountain of evidence of economic meltdown and his hands red with the blood of the ten of thousands innocent Zimbabweans murdered to establish and retain the de facto one party dictatorship still they would not believe their own eyes.

They did not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what Mugabe had done and so would not believe the evidence until 20 years or so into the dictatorship.

Emmerson Mnangagwa was Mugabe’s right-hand man who has carried out Mugabe’s dirtiest of jobs; the looting, the blatant vote rigging and played a major role in the shedding of the blood of over 30 000 political murders. Intellectual, Mnangagwa is brain-dead and such people make the worst tyrant because they have to hide their inferiority complex in being ruthlessly oppressive. In short the only reason anyone with half a brain assumed Mnangagwa would not be as bad or worse than Mugabe is because they were just too lazy to ask themselves the right questions.

The ability to think is a human characteristic but alas not all humans are able to think. Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because we have more than our fair share of citizen who are incapable of one logical thought! It pains me to say it, the more so because it is true!

Mnangagwa rigged last year’s elections the only reason why many people have already accept Zanu PF as the government of the day is because they lack the courage to tell the thug to his face that he is illegitimate and must step down.

The country does not need Nelson Chamisa and his MDC Alliance, they have already proven beyond doubt that they are corrupt, incompetent and sells-out.

All attempts by both Zanu PF and MDC leaders to hang-on to power should be seen for what it is - holding the nation to ransom.

The best solution for Zimbabwe right now is for Zanu PF to just step down and allow the nation the political space and time to implemented the democratic reforms designed to dismantle the autocracy Zanu PF imposed on the nation.

Zimbabwe Light said...

The President said the move has be done to  prevent generalised price hikes which are hurting the ordinary commuting citizens.

We publish an excerpt of the statement below:

Starting midnight today, fuel prices have been increased. Diesel pegged at $3.11 per litre, Petrol pegged at $3.31

These prices are predicated by on the ruling official exchange rate of 1:1 between the Bond note and  Government is aware of attempts by certain elements seeking to cause unrest in the country by capitalising on fuel shortage. 

Where criminal traces are apparent, the law will take its course. 

Government to enhance the export incentive scheme by an additional 2.5%.Government is also putting in place a package of measures to cushion its workers, until a full review of cost of living adjustment package due in April 2019 is effected in the context of current budget. 

Government guests by way of foreign missions and other registered foreign bodies and tourists will fuel and refuel at designated points at price US$1.24 and US$1.32 for diesel and petrol respectively.

So the price of fuel has gone up from $1.32 to $3.32 an increase of a wapping 150%. There is no doubt that the prices of goods and services will go up 50% at the very least. And yet government gave a teacher earning $400 per month a $40 or 10% wage increase.

The problem here is that we have a regime that has no clue how to end the economic meltdown but will never admit it. We are stuck with this corrupt and vote rigging regime. The solution is for us to demand that Zanu PF steps downed stop deluding ourselves that we can ever get the regime to do anything of substance.

After 38 years of Zanu PF misrule we must stop expecting miracles from the regime!

Zanu PF does not have the divine right to govern the country and that is the message we must now send to Mnangagwa and his junta. They are in power illegally and they must now stop holding this nation to ransom!

Zimbabwe Light said...

The price of petrol has gone up from $1.32 to $3.32 "based on the exchange rate of 1:1" said Mnangagwa. Does this mean that RBZ will be selling the US$ to the companies source the fuel at official exchange rate and so fuel must be sold to the consumers at the same exchange rate of 1:1. Unless this is made clear and is properly policed this is going to result is the ordinary Zimbabweans being short changed by those in positions of power and authority.

This Zanu PF regime is supposed to end corruption and instead is creating so many opportunities for the corrupt ones to set shop!

Zanu PF has failed and must be forced to step down.